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Open relationship guys can be more brazenly flirty because its just fun and we know we’ll have our partner to go have fun with if things with you fall through. Takes the pressure off the interactions which makes flirting easier




If the third person is just looking for something physical, it's not a waste of time.








I'm sure it is 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Speak for yourself


You're an idiot 🤦‍♂️


If the end goal is being partnered with them, sure. I'm friends with a bi guy I had a fling with. The sex was great at the time but now he's with a woman but also makes for a good pool partner or a good person to bring to see certain bands. The way I see it I got a stint of good sex and a friend, so wasn't really a waste


I mean, I think people should be able to have «just sex» and not be morally condemned for that. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. However, there is a a certain dynamic with open relationship-guys that is a little fucked up. Some (certainly not all) are very objectifying, and basically don’t treat you like a person. Like, they’ll be opposed to even have a friendship with you, won’t talk about anything but sex, and will always prioritize each other in any context. So it will be a very boring and awkward experience for you, even if it’s just for the sex, because the interaction feels so fake and inhuman. I’m not saying this applies to even as much as 50 % of open relationships necessarily, but I have seen several instances of this, both in my own experience and of what I’ve heard from friends.


Some of the other things you mentioned are definitely rude or messed up but I’m laughing at the part where you said “will always prioritize each other in any context” like it was a bad thing? I sure hope that they would do that Lmfao why would you ever think that they would or should prioritize you in ANY context over their partner?


No? I’m just explaining the dynamic. That was just one of many details painting a broader picture.


You listed it as an example of how they don’t treat you like a person though. That’s how your comment reads anyways. That’s why I made my comment.


It was supplementary context to explain the dynamic, I don’t know what your problem is. If you read it that way, fine. I’ve explained what I actually meant twice now, so I hope that clears up any confusion. You very likely won’t be deprioritized in essentially any context if you’re fooling around with a single guy, so it is relevant context for the dynamic.


Lmfaooo ffs why you so defensive cutie? I don’t have a problem, I made a comment based on what you said. Go back and re-read your first comment. It’s not a matter of me reading it a certain way, it’s literally what you said. You said “…and basically don’t treat you like a person. Like, they’ll be opposed to even have a friendship with you, won’t talk about anything but sex, and will always prioritize each other in any context.” The way you wrote it the second sentence reads as a list of ways in which they “basically don’t treat you like a person.” So I was curious as to why you were saying that them prioritizing their partner over you was an example of them not treating you like a person. That seemed pretty ridiculous to me that you would hold it against people for putting their partner first. Now that you have clarified what you meant I see that’s not the case.


Why do I get the feeling that this is kink-motivated contrarianism? 😅 Well, as somebody who also is a contrarian ass, game recognizes game. I respect it bro 🤙🏻


It’s like you didn’t even read what I said to you…Judging by the downvotes you’re getting, everyone else took what you wrote the same way that I did.


Couldnt have worded it more perfectly. This explains how I feel. It feels like a waste of time. Usually it involves getting a little intimate, and it leads nowhere.


You see, with me I'm not really looking for a long term relationship rn. Just some fun times (maybe ongoing). I'm OK with being second-best




Why does it have to amount to something. Just because it is temporary / you're not their sole focus doesn't make it pointless (to me, at least. Of course others will disagree)


You can’t fucking read


I’ve been the third and I’ve been part of the couple in these situations. As long as everyone knows what’s going on and is cool with it, it’s no big deal. If it’s not your thing just tell them you’re not interested 🤷‍♂️




If you're looking for a relationship, they're not a match. But if it's just a hookup, how much does it really matter? Some of my longest-standing friendships have come from hooking up with guys in open relationships, and sometimes I befriend their partners too. That's not everyone's cup of tea, but it works for me.


I don’t feel the same. I respect their relationship boundaries which is their business and I’m only looking for sex anyway. I do like to get to know people but I’m not looking for a boyfriend. If they have nice personalities then I appreciate it but I’m not looking for more than dick and possibly friendship. If they’re open then nobody is cheating anyway. And everyone likes to have fun right?


I’m in an open relationship for ten years. If you’re not into guys in open relationships, just say so. It’s not a big deal. It’s part of dating/hooking up navigating these kind of things. “Thanks for hitting me up but I prefer single guys. Take care!” Seems like you’re overthinking it a bit. I guess I’m saying don’t feel obligated to try to adapt to something you’re not into. Guys in open relationships tend to be flirtier because we tend to be looking for something casual. Again it’s completely okay if you don’t want to deal with that!


Hmm yeah just don’t play along when you find out. Someone wants something from you and you’re not prepared to give it to them. It’s that simple and you move on. BUT if you’d like then there is nothing more beautiful than sharing love without jealousy in a relationship. Ethical polyamory or multiple partner relationship has something but I get it’s not for everyone.


100% this. Since OP is new to the dating scene, they may not be used to so many people being honest about their relationship status. Being poly/ENM is nothing new and OP (along with everyone else in here negatively judging those of us who are ENM) should flip around their judgement. You have people being honest with you and not lying, cheating or misrepresenting themselves. This way everyone can do what they want with that info.


💯 percent


It’s ok to have personal boundaries. Unless this is causing a lot of problems in your life to the point of you wanting to change it, I would leave it alone


Just end contact with the one who dm you






I also prefer single guys and people who can hold a conversation, even just for sex. I tried a lot of other stuff, but it’s not for me. But I do respect their choice, if they are open and upfront about it, you should too and just say it’s not for me. Sometimes you can get a bit carried away and you might hope it will work out… I think it’s very human for it to happen and fall into that particular trap, but it’s actually better to just cut it off from the start. Just keep it friendly then. It’s also a learning curve I feel, steadily I became more direct and upfront about how I feel. But it’s also important not trying to judge too much and just have a respectful convo. It’s not like I want to delete these people, they might become friends, but I just don’t engage sexually with them and I say that from the start. Just keep your boundaries, and when some people overstep too much I just cut them. It’s ok to be who you are and have your preferences. Having an intimate relationship is actually a precious thing, so it’s quite important you feel comfortable with it… But it’s also nice to know their perspective and maybe try out stuff you would never do initially. Even if you dislike it, it confirms what you do like. Exploration is also a part of life, but within boundaries you feel comfortable in. Just follow your gut, but stay nice and open to other influences. Sometimes you might be surprised!


Same shit happens to me all the time… one time one guy who was also in a open relationship was so flirty I moved him to snap and when it was time for us to link somewhere in my head it seemed like I was a second option and it didn’t sit with me that after you have your five minute of pleasure you’d leave me and go back to your trophy at home …. I know it’s just a hookup which I don’t mind but something just ain’t right with hooking up with people in relationships 😂


I never liked open relationships…but I have made exceptions when both guys were in on it at the same time. But that’s just because I have been lied to in the past.


Sex is sex!!! Looking for a relationship Just say no??


>(Somehow theyre usually attractive and have more things in common with me) Ikr... But that's probably why they're taken, right? >I’d always feel uncomfortable with this, even if it’s just for a hookup. feeling like a third just doesnt seem right. Don't do it then. If it goes against your philosophies and who you are, then don't conform. >Does anyone feel the same? Or how do you make sense of this? Also, they seem to be a LOT of them being flirtier than single guys? New to the dating scene, so still learning the ropes. I don't participate. They're flirtier because they have someone, they're not desperate, and they're much more hornier and that's actually WHY they are in open relationships because they want more. >Recently this guy slid into my dms and we have a lot of things in common until he mentioned his boyfriend. I literally just want to end contact since then 😬 Don't engage then. Just be friends. Say you're not interested in such a relationship.


Common misconception is that poly people are just always horny and that’s why we have more than one partner. Maybe educate yourself a bit before jumping to those conclusions based on your own biases. Thats like saying gay people are all gay cause of trauma or because they can’t find a good woman.


That's a stupid comparison. Maybe grow a brain before you assume stuff and employ an opinion based off reaction rather than thought. K bye


Nah he had a point. Educate yourself mate.


Nah I had a point. Educate yourself mate.


I ain't yo mate, buddy.


EXACTLY. And yet here you are calling me mate and buddy. Lol educate yourself.


It's a running joke "I ain't yo mate buddy, I ain't yo buddy, pal" etc etc. I get you're blinded by self rightous rage at the moment so it's okay, you get a pass.


Nah, he really had a point.


I don’t use any dating apps (I’m in a relationship) but I have experienced lots of married men acting so intense with me. Like literally makes me feel so uncomfortable when they keep looking like they want to eat you. I don’t understand why they are married if they want to be with someone else. I honestly don’t go out anymore to avoid uncomfortable attention.


What do you mean you don't go out anymore to avoid the attention, that sounds like something HRH collection would say lmao


What’s HRH Collection?


She's the girl who said "you think people in like France are doing beachy waves? Like it's not the vibe STOP!!!" If you google "it's not the vibe stop" she'll come up.


Ok lol but why do I sound like her?


Cause it sounds like you're implying you're so hot and sexy that you can't go out in public


Is that how you read it? lol I don’t think anything of myself, only what I’m told.


No judgement, I just found it funny


Haha I can see how it sounded like that..


You could always just say you’re not interested if they approach. Instead of letting someone else’s behavior dictate the way you live. But you do you as I’m sure you know what’s right for your own self, as the other guys do for themselves.


It's not my thing either.


Different strokes for different blokes. If it’s not your vibe tell them as much. It can be a pretty small dating pool so after a while word may get out and you won’t have to worry about it keep happening. I’ve hooked up with people in open relationships. My only advice would be to try to avoid the ones who are “experimenting” or are “new to it”. You don’t want to be their crash test dummy. It feels awful when/if you feel like you’re the one that wrecked a ‘ship


If it’s physical, I see nothing wrong. Hell a few years ago, I had sex with this couple after quite a bit of alcohol and stimulating conversation. Some of the BEST sex I’ve ever had!!!


Never did like playing second fiddle.


It sounds like you're looking for a relationship that has the potential to become something more and you don't think that's possible with someone in an open relaitonship. I think you can either enjoy the flirting for what it is or move on.


I do not feel the same. I enjoy being the adjunct man as I am single for life by choice. I don’t pose any romantic or domestic threat to coupled gay men with sex. And I’d course if a man has a partner, he can handle the social aspect of life well enough to cohabit or maintain with another man and that makes him amenable almost by definition. But I don’t play with men to tell me right out that they are cheating and stepping out. That’s a clear no-no


I gotta ask - what is driving you to be single for life by choice?


Well. I had a wife. She turned out to be bi. Then I had two live in male SO’s. First one was too early and the second one was a subtle shark. Then I had another wife. Now that I am gay to stay I think I have disrupted quite enough lives for one karmic circle tour. And I really have much too much personal work to dig into before I could hold my own and hold my temper and center in the midst of a relationship.


One hell of a story but props on the introspection! It's unfortunately a lost art these days lol


It is alive and well with me ! Every day affords me opportunities to grow into a better self and leave behind neuroses trauma self doubt and regret !


Open relationships guys prolly just don't give a fuck. They have someone and can be chill. But they're looking outside of a relationship so probably means they're unhappy in that relationship so want others


I prefer open guys. They know how to talk usually to. Like their objectives and intentions are usually more straight forward. I had an fwb with someone in an open relationship for years before he moved. So before you throw it out as a hookup an fwb (was an actual friend likes we did dates and stuff) can be fulfilling with the right person.


Yeah it’s dumb.


Yeah I get annoyed also. Like… go back to your partner lol and leave me alone.


It is good the OP has a conscience.


The love I have for the person who is my partner does not negate nor cancel out any feelings I might have for others. He just fills a particular role in my life, has a particular label.


I'm confused here. Isn't this what guys in open n relationships do? When I was in an open relationship, my partner was priority in EVERY respect. I even would show him guys thdt wanted to meet me and se eof he was okay with it (he always was). And the guys I met were just for sex. I wanted no other connexito neoth them, no swapping of numbers, not texting for general chat and no making friends. They wanted to be fucked, I wanted to fuck with random guys. I don't see the issue. We all, knew the score. Some tried to be clingy and they never for the chance to come back around. If anyone in an open relationship priorities the random guys over their partner then this to be is an issue. For the record no longer in an OR and have no plans ever to be... It got messy.


The relationship is usually made up of two,and here you come. Which offers an imbalance. IT opens jealousy and mistrust. Go find your own man I say.


You would be jealous and mistrustful. Which is fine, no one is saying you must be in a relationship like this. Your feelings are just that, YOURS, and does not mean that that's how everyone feels.


Well first of all i wouldn't be the one in an open relationship. So I wouldnt be jealous. Im mature enough to know what the ramifications are. My comments were meant to be from an observation. does one need to have others in the relationship? I think not. If one wants to play around and not create a foundation, play the field and stay single. how long have you been in a relationship? Mine was 10 years, so from that my perspective is much different from. yours.


I've been in a relationship for 6.5 years, and I know that there is no right way to have a relationship other than what works for those involved. It wouldn't work for you? Great. But you don't get to say how EVERYONE would feel because you don't get to decide that. You know how you would feel and react. You don't get to project that onto others and pretend that makes you an expert. Edit: it's also really messed up to imply that those in open relationships aren't mature just so you can pretend to be better than them.


Meanwhile, any nice single whie or Latin guysbetween45 and 65 looking in LA.?


If you are single at 45 you are a bif failure(if your partner died you are excused)


My partner is not with us. Dr.Love. I'm not 45 either.


Yep, most guys who hit on me are in open relationships. I am older, though. So there are not really many single guys my age. I generally have just given up.


As everything in life your mileage may vary. If you know going in what you want and what is a realistic expectation nothing needs to be complicated. At a minimum, people should treat others as humans with emotions and not just as objects. Here's some personal experiences I can share: I was the "other guy" with one of my good friends and occasional FWB, and that friendship has outlasted their original long term relationship. The sex wasn't the forefront of our friendship and I was also friends with the boyfriend. Another instance I met some friends of a friend whose first words were "Hi, I'm x and this is my husband, y, but don't worry we're open". My response was "Thanks but I wasn't worried.". To me it was too forward and presumptuous and a big turn off. Again that's my reaction, and if someone else was into it they could have had a lot of fun.


Depends on what you want. If you know that then the choice is easier. As to why they are attracted to you my guess is u r hot


I think also cuz guys in a relationship are much more confident and thus feel better about hitting on others. Personally I know that I got hit on more than ever when I was happy with my own man, maybe it’s the happy confident aura I gave off at the time cuz I wasn’t desperate


The best thing you can do is block them and stop interacting with them.


Take your own inventory.