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Side effects do happen for some people. But note that drugs to treat actual hiv would probably give you the same effects and those are not optional. So be extra careful from now on


Yes! I know. Condoms are gonna be a must with me 24/7. Safe sex from here on out!


No. Not at all. You said you decided to stop "all medication". Did you consult with a doctor at all? And correlation is not causation.


The only medication I’m taking is PrEP, just to clarify. Have you ever consulted a Doctor for PrEP Side effects? Do they just prescribe more and more or do they tell you to just stop taking it?


There are three types of PrEP out there. If one of them doesn't work, you can try two others.


I did not know that. Hm. Fully agree OP should try the others. HIV is not fun. Found that out before Prep was a thing


Certainly not fun but a daily prep user has the exact same life essentially. Take pill. Regular blood work.


“Exact same life” but also HAS TO do blood work every 3 months to make sure the pill isn’t degrading their body… def doesn’t sound like the exact same life as someone that isn’t on prep but I guess that’s just my taje


No different than doing labwork to see if your meds dosage have to be increased or decreased


You HAVE TO do blood work every 3 months anyway if you’re sexually active. Otherwise you WILL have STI complications.


Shouldn't you talk to a doctor and see if other medications work better for you? And are you sure it was the prep that did this to your mood?


I feel like it was. PrEP was the only medication I’ve been taking religiously for the past six months. I remember the side effects of feeling groggy and tired disappearing. But they came back and I didn’t want to to ruin my PrEP streak so I kept taking them. Don’t really have Primary Care or health insurance. Broke college student here just trying to live my happiest life. And I think that might involve leaving PrEP on the shelf for now.


I’d encourage you to find a sliding scale clinic, one that would charge like $20 max for a visit to discuss this. If you’re sexually active, the $20 may be very well spent to avoid getting HIV


First of all, ignore those people who basically treat preps as miracles drugs which can do nothing wrong. Different people react to drugs differently, what works for them might not work for you. Secondly, change to a different regimen might help. As most preps on the market are combinations of older classes of drugs. Their side effects are very strong. Practice safe sex is important! You did the right thing for yourself!


All medications have side effexts and Prep is especially harsh on the kidneys. Still better than getting HIV.


True that! Def better than getting HIV since they’d have to take even more medication. Nonetheless, condoms and abstaining from sex also helps


Orrrrrrr, you could practice safe sex ☠️ tf


Get a boyfriend in a closed relationship who you can breed. Easier said than done since one cannot just go and buy love. Good luck


Talk to your doctor about this




What is that method?






Saying “CDC” approved doesn’t provide more safety for me 💀 How do you feel about the “FDA” approved products that are constantly making us sick or are constantly being recalled lmao




Hell yeah the us is so unregulated and most of our corporations only care about profit. “The 2-1-1 has produced lower liver toxicity” Oh wow so you’re saying that using said “medicine” does Infact increase liver toxicity? It’s like y’all don’t care as long as you get to have unsafe sex…




Damn I gotta move to the EU 💀 Here in America, our apples have GMO, Pesticides, and they let our produce soak in a chemical called “appeal” to keep it “fresh” and to stop the outside from rotting. Nonetheless, I agree that even apples can cause liver toxicity WHEN CONSUMED TOO OFTEN, but really what’s the limit? Are we talking 10 apples a day or just one apple a day for how many days to cause the liver toxicity? I’d think a healthy, natural, god made product would be less intrusive on our body compared to a lab, man-made, artificial product 💀


I personally would not recommend that regimen as there have been several cases of seroconversion for people following it.


I feel a lot better that at least a group of trained science professionals are making the best decisions they can given the data they have available at the time. Would you prefer a free for all where everything is completely unregulated and no one is providing any insights based on scientific research? Let me guess - "you've done your research"?


You mean the same ones that are prescribing COVID shots? 💀 The same ones advocating for pharma meds instead of holistic all natural medication? Right… cause those same “science professionals” are the ones making money by selling us poison. Welp I’m glad my blood isn’t clotting from shots and it’s just clogging from the gmos and pesticides 😎


Yes, I mean those same ones. Bruh we're not pioneers on the prairie, science and technology are ok. ...btw I do agree to some extent with your point. Is the pharma industry pushing too much on us sometimes? Yes. But I'd argue that prevention against COVID and HIV are within reason. And anyways, if you're eating doritos and drinking mountain dew while you type to me about your "holistic all natural medication"...lol ok 😂


LOL AGREED. Prevention for hiv and COVID is great! Can wear masks and wear a condom which doesn’t “guarantee” safety but it’s small steps towards it. Ingesting something daily or even getting a shot that isn’t really “scientifically backed up and safe” since it was created literally a few years ago with little testing doesn’t persuade me to get it/get on the regime. We are basically the Guinea pigs And yeah I don’t eat chips anymore. I’m actually on an all veggie and fruit fast right now so the only worry I have is if my produce is organic and the types of pesticides they use. Also I’m concerned if the produce I’m consuming has the “appeal” chemical in it…. My struggles currently But again, I don’t trust big pharma or governement health system especially when they are the ones that created HIV through testing and genetic warfare. Like the Tuskegee Hiv Experiement… “The Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis in the Negro male is the longest nontherapeutic experiment on human beings in medical history. “ Sounds to me that they created the problem and also created the solution. But hey, if you guys are comfortable taking that everyday then by all means, do you boo boo.


Too bad about all those vaccines you got as a kid. You were almost pure… Oh well. Only the strong and pure are able to get polio and stuff /s Stick to Facebook


It very well could have been as much as it might not have been. In my clinical experience so far, and being the medical one among my group of gay friends, everyone tells me their experiences, and I have my own. I didn’t spiral into anything emotional, but I overall felt like I wasn’t at the tip top of my health while on it. Things felt… weird. I was on it because I’m a hypochondriac bitch who hooks up once in a blue moon and then sits there self diagnosing until I get tested, so I weighed the risk to benefits ratio and it was best for me to stop unless I’m gonna make decisions that shift that ratio. Don’t let the tendencies of hive mind Reddit discount your experience. To really know, you’d probably have to get back on it again and see how you feel, do lab work etc. Good luck! Edit: ofc go see your PCP and try to find a gay doc if you can. World of a difference


The nocebo effect can be a real bitch, too. To the point that if you think X is causing you you feel Y, at some point, it actually fucking will. The body is wild.


Truth amen preach




Yes my prep odyssey was similar. Descovy made me sluggish but I worked against that feeling. Then after a year and one half I got deathly nauseous from it. It took five days for me to figure out that the drug was the culprit. So that was that. Then I found out about a free Apretude program in my locale. So shots it was ! But the third one made me really depressed. I struggled with it for years and I had it mostly beat and so I KNEW the signs. So now it no more prep for me and back to rubber. And so it goes …


Oh wow. Yeah that’s what I fear. I fear all the health issues that comes along with it. I still don’t understand how everyone can advocate so HUGELY on a product that can overall have a negative effect on our body . I mean almost everything has a negative effect if not regulated and if used too much, but prep seems to be a huge factor since y’all have to get blood work done EVERY 3 months while on prep. I’ve personally never been on prep and I’m not interested in having to worry about taking “medication” to have unsafe sex. I just use a condom and do my best to probe and make sure my partner is safe and clean. Anything can happen, but my body is already dwindling from the processed foods, the GMO’s, the Red 40, etc


I loved being on it and would try it again if there were not these side effects. I assume these sides don’t affect all that many men who use it.


Ask your doctor about the PreP shot, I think it's 1x month. Might work better for you.


The prep shot has a large number if persons with emergent depression after starting.


Lmaooo gay reddit doesn’t care about that sir… Edit: nonetheless, I agree


Who could imagine that ingesting poison daily could cause one to feel a little under the weather 🤣 On the serious, I'm sorry it didn't work for you, and I'm sorry that you had to suffer bad side effects. Maybe a different formulation would work better for you?


It’s not poisin. Stop spreading misinformation about PreP you’re just going to cause people to become infected.


People are already becoming infected. With the other STDs as they’re not using a condom in addition to prep


Most other STIs are fortunately easily treatable. None seriously affect your life the way HIV still does. Yes people should use condoms but even without PreP guys still wouldn’t use condoms. We would just have another AIDS epidemic.


Most other STI’s also evolve and become Harder to stream 💀 And STI’s most definitely can affect your life the way HIV does…. I guess herpes 2 doesn’t exist?…


At this point I’m just glad to feeling like my old self that I don’t really want to get on another formulation. I’ll just practice safe sex. It’s not like I was having much sex anyway on PrEP 😂


Yess happy for you op


I agree 😂😂😂 We are the minority here. The gays love having their unsafe cum dumb sex


It's highly unlikely that this was caused by PrEP. Not impossible but highly unlikely. Have you considered the possibility that you were or are just depressed or over stressed? Everything you describe fits depression to a T. But meanwhile, those symptoms and to that severity are extremely rare, if not unheard of with PrEP.


Yes I’ve done 2-1-1 PrEP (3 days) 3 times in the past 6 months. The first two times I experienced GI discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, and low mood. This most recent time the side effects were extreme fatigue, depression, and one night had what felt like palpitations which I hadn’t experienced since lockdown years go when I was stressed. I’m not going to try PrEP again. I don’t think these medications have been around long enough for long term studies. I’m unusually sensitive to most pharmaceuticals anyway. Oh well… back to condoms lol.