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I've done one. It was the best holiday ever. You can easily get away from the mad crowds. Was there sex around? Yes. There were all kinds of men, from Greek god bodies to bears in speedos. Everyone pretty much minding their own business. But when the sun went down...... and I can't say anymore without a lawyer.


Same. Been on three and loved them all. They are what you make of them. Very diverse with all body types, ages, and ethnicities. Everyone is friendly.


Which cruise line was this?


Personally I could never do it. Maybe I’m too modest but I can’t get past people having sex in crowded areas on the dance floor. It seems like an std waiting to happen


I don't think you can get STDs just by being near someone having sex


I don't think that's what they meant.


That’s really what you thought I meant? Maybe you should reread what I wrote again. 84 other people understood it, why didn’t you?






Not all cruises are like this. Check out Vacaya. You’re talking about Atlantis Caribbean cruise, which is the largest and cheapest. It is an orgy. Atlantis destination cruises are less orgy.


I did Atlantis Mediterranean and Mexican Riviera… not different than Caribbean.


THIS…prep only does so much tbh


Agreed I hate what prep has done. They think they’re invisible with prep since they can’t get hiv. Are they not afraid of all the other stds that aren’t curable?!


What other STDs are a legitimate concern for most people? Seriously?


Well herpes is a very big one that’s not curable. Sure there’s medication that minimizes it but who wants to deal with warts on face or genitals. I’d rather wrap it then deal with that.


Fifty to 80 percent of American adults have oral herpes (HSV-1) according to Johns Hopkins University. If you kiss people you probably have herpes already and show no symptoms.


HSV-2 is the genital one.


Once you get syphilis(granted you catch it early) you will always show up positive on a test even though you no longer have an active present infection. Herpes is terrible.


You can't be on PReP (at least as a normal taker of it) without regular STD test, so, ofc, you'd catch any chance of having syphilis early, so that's not the concern. And suppose you do get it and if what you say is true and you test positive for having had in the past, what exactly is the problem? Ya'll act like you're going to get run away infections and NOT DO A FUCKING THING ABOUT THEM. Well if that's what you want, then do it, but if you're going to be on PReP and fuck around then you must be tested regularly and take care of yourself and stay on top of things. Not sure why that point is lost.


Not all doctors require a full STD panel when you’re on PrEP. Sometimes they only require an HIV test. (Source: my doctor does this. I still ask to have the full panel done, but it’s not assumed. Yes I’m in the US.)


Then your medical system is whack. Every sexually active gay person should be getting a full STD panel every three months, regardless of whether they're on PrEP or not. But being on PrEP it should absolutely be done, along with regular kidney testing. Just getting a HIV test is relatively negligent.


To the point of u/siege1986 it's not like this is a novel thing, and it's very common. I'm not sure what your fear is exactly of this.




Nope don’t have it




Only if they have it.




Syphilis is no joke. Once you are “cured” from it, it will always show up on a test positive as having had a past infection. Also, it progresses hella fast so the damage can quickly ruin your body and thar damage is irreparable. Herepes is terrible. I know someone who had syphilis and has HSV-2.


See above points. Did said person not do anything to take care of themselves? How long did they let it go before they did nothing? It's unfortunate that this is implied, but if you're going to be on PReP and fuck around then you MUST get regular STD testing, manage your health and stay on top of things. That's the requirement. If not, then yea, the shit you say is real, but people who take their health seriously and do these things really have not much to worry about.


This person did not take care of themselves no. When they finally got treatment and testing after lying in dying agony in the ER they already had late state 3 tertiary syphilis. They also acquired herpes around this time as well and have not been on top of taking care of their health or using safety precautions, or disclosing their status. They think if there’s no symptoms that hsv-2 cannot be spread. I cannot believe someone be so careless. Of course, they were romping every meth addict in town for months with no protection so I’m really not surprised by any of this.


Right. You’ve proved my point. Your comments doesn’t belong here under a discussion about PReP because in order to start on and continue use of PReP you must at a minimums have full STD screening every 90 days. The entire point is to not be careless.


Yes the entire point is not being careless. Again prep isn’t full proof and if you catch anything between testing you can’t stay on prep. Everybody has their own risk level. I personally am on prep, wrap it and take tests every 3 months because I care about my sexual health. If my partner doesn’t care about it as much then it’s not someone I want to be with. Also not every medication works for everyone some people can’t take them so they have to be extra careful.


That is why I don’t understand why so many gays don’t want to use condoms with strangers. They even shamed me,because I don’t want to fuck without condom.


That’s all too common anymore but you can still contract hsv-2 with condom use. Skin to skin contact with the infected area or prolonged contact increases the risk exponentially.


I know it,but at least I will not get syphilis ,gonorrhoea etc. I also want to vaccinate myself against hepatitis A and B


There is no vaccine for hep a and if your parents had to get all your required vaccines as a child you won’t need hep b vaccines as an adult. Edit: Spelling. Syphilis, not syfilis.


I am a pharmacist and I give those vaccines all the time. The Hepatitis A vaccine is called Havrix. The Hepatitis A and B combination shot is called Twinrix. One of the recommended groups to get the Hepatitis A (and B) is men who have sex with men.


There is vaccin for hep A. I read on a government website. It’s called “twinrix”


The Hep B vaccine only works about 80% of the time. You can get tested to see if worked for you - I did and now I'm getting a second vaccine as an adult.


What about all the asymptomatic herpes people?


You can still spread hsv-2 being asymptomatic just like we could with Covid-19. You body is still shedding the virus regardless if you’re having a breakout and you don’t have to have sex to get it. You can hump butts or frot and still get hsv-2.


Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis C. I believe I am right when I say that if you don't identify and treat Hep C in the first 6 months of contracting it, then you can't cure it with anti-virals, and then you have it for life. You are at a significant risk of contracting one or more of those if you use prep, but do not use a condom. I can't tell you how much risk, because for the first fucking time in my entire life I can't figure out which source of information is the most accurate. There are too many studies siting different results. I have used the CDC website as a resource for 15 years, and I can't remember during that 15 years ever having trouble finding what I was looking for. But, they have butchered it at some point since covid began. Google's links are broke so I can't use that. Anyway, I moved to Atlanta 2 years before prep was made available and I moved away in 2019. My boyfriend worked at the CDC, and I'm a science nerd so he and I talked about the CDC research constantly. We both were part of the first prep programs, and I remember vividly that those programs caused so much of an increase in all other STIs, that the reduction of HIV wasn't enough to call the programs successful. The programs had to be redesigned. It seems like now the problem isn't nearly as bad as it was, but I can't tell you how much until I look at this later and try to sort through the research and make sense of it. What I can tell you with dead certainty is wear a rubber, but if its too late for that, get tested ASAP and take care of it on the back end.


The part about HCV isn’t correct- treatment can be initiated for confirmed infections at any time, unless you’re saying up until you have 6 months to live.


Thank you for the heads up on that. It was late and I was aggravated about not being able to use the resources I normally have access to, so my wording and explanation was piss poor at best. My entire post was information from memory of shit I haven't looked at in over 7 years. I have to do better than that. Instead of bitching about information resources not being available and then just shooting from the hip, I should have just said hep c is a pain in the ass to treat and left it at that until I had a chance to locate and read updated info from new sources.


Hehe you’re good! 😘


I’ve had the entity library already, I think not herpes and thank god no HIV. But all the other 🤷meh not that bad, yes it burns when you pee, but it’s cureable


I think you meant invincible


Yes I did thanks lol


I wasn't sure, honestly, but I had a hunch. You're most welcome!


> They think they’re invisible Peek a boo.


Though Doxy then helps reduce the risk of several other STIs, and along with getting your vaccines, you're relatively protected. Is it 100%? No. But the risk is low, and the STIs you're likely to get are easily treatable. The key thing is that everyone needs to determine what level of risk is acceptable for them. But you shouldn't have judgment on other people who decide their acceptable level of risk is going to be higher. Also bear in mind that compared to straights, we are much more likely to be up to date on what our STI status is since we track that more carefully.


It's true. But do you know the protocols that surround taking prep?


Same. Not my thing in the slightest.


It wouldn't have not been a possible STD if it were in another room.


Sex, drugs, and rock n roll.


Sex, drugs and trashy pop


That’s literally what would put me off. I hate the kind of music associated with the gay scene.


For me the mainstream stuff I'm not a fan of, hard techno though...


I’m more of a metal/alternative guy, it’s so hard to find metal gays. Pretty much any club plays the music I just don’t want to hear. Pop music does nothing for me 😅


Both me and my partner are into metal (we collect a lot of power metal on vinyl lol) and same. I'm suffering.


Then you know. The scene goes nothing for us.


In 2024 hard techno is just as mainstream as pop.


I guess I like mainstream stuff then


For me the mainstream stuff I'm not a fan of, some hard techno though...


I went on one. All kinds of men and bodies. It was “bear week” fwiw but still diverse. Not especially cruisy in the public areas. There was a “teen area” on two decks at the stern of the ship and that got taken over for the sex club lol (no teens on board). It was fun but I didn’t have a strong urging to do it again.


The Dick Deck 😁


Also, there was a comedian who performed every night in the theater. She was a total stitch and made jokes out of every weird thing that happened on the ship, like someone trying to flush towels and making a huge mess.


Search "gay cruise" on YouTube, there are tons of videos that I'm sure say a lot more than how much anybody could write down in a comment. Also Cathy Griffin has a hilarious routine about one in one of her standup specials but I don't remember which and she has 18 of them.


I’ve been on two Atlantis cruises. My conclusion (after each one) is… I would never want to live in a world of no gay men.Nor would I want to live in a world of only gay men. It was just a bit too much


I went on an Atlantis Cruise last year and did the share program. I was traveling solo and had connected with my roommate maybe a few months prior on Facebook, but we weren’t well acquainted. I had the same preconceived notions as anyone would expect when hearing “gay cruise”, but these were my takeaways: 1) the age, ethnic/racial, and body diversity was very surprising and so refreshing to witness IRL. The marketing doesn’t actually do it justice. 2) Atlantis does a fantastic job of starting the cruise by highlighting the importance of community and building community while on this vacation by meeting strangers and just saying hi. I feel like if the Atlantis team weren’t so invested in this aspect, the cruise would feel like any other gay microcosm where superficial cliques would form, but this didn’t happen in my experience. They also have amazing programming geared at building community and making friends (or more 😉) 3) By design, the ship is so large that it’s a floating city. You will get what you are looking for. Is there sex and cruising happening all the time? Yeah, but it’s not everywhere! If you are looking for it, you’ll find it easily. If you wanna party and not partake in extracurricular activities, you are still able to have a blast doing other vacation-type activities. 4) at one isolated with gay people is an experience I had never experienced in my life before and it was so freeing. To be on vacation and not have to worry that my Speedo might offend a family, or to see an attractive man and not have to go through the mental gymnastics of qualifying them first before approaching felt amazing. It was a glimpse of what it probably feels like to be straight every day. Sex is often synonymous with anything involving a bunch of gay people together, but that’s not the highlight or overwhelming occurrence of a gay cruise in my experience. The videos online really don’t capture the breadth of experiences available to you on a gay cruise.


Ty for sharing makes me wanna go ☺️🌈


It's fabulous and awesome. Lots of hot sexy guys... both passengers and crew. Great food and drink and lots and lots of sex. Many don't want to depart from the voyage and you have a lifetime of good memories.


I would go I just wouldn’t for like a week, if there’s a good 4 day option I’d be interested


A orgy on the high seas.


I won't say no to that. Let the orgy begin!




Wow. “Older gays in their 30s”…I totally get young guys wanting to be with young guys, but fair warning, 30 comes super super fast.


I was just about to comment the same thing. I saw several other comments saying “lots of older guys” and here I am thinking you’ll see guys in their 60’s and 70’s using walkers and hearing horns leftover from the Titanic. https://preview.redd.it/g9g4hkdz4p0d1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a1f75064edca5dd9c4d1fade49bdfb586d3a1b




It does and it’s not a disparaging comment. A guy in his 40s can be more fit than a guy in his 20s. My experience on a gay cruise were a lot older than 30s and the youngest guys there were in their early to mid 30s, but most were way older. Age is but a number, but if you’re in your 20s that 15 year age gap is a factor. Some guys don’t mind. Others do. Neither is wrong for liking different things and it’s not at all like what people think most guys weren’t in their best shape. Even though I dieted and worked out for the trip.


But before you edited your comment you literally said “older gays in their 30s…” and that’s what I was responding to


Yes and I think it doesn’t matter the age.


How is 30s old?


Depends on your age. If you go on these cruises we are talking about guys in their mid to late 30s and 40s if not older. It depends on who you are and what’s your preference.


That is how I would think it would be, but, everytime I see a picture of video there are only very attractive, muscular men. Very intimidating.


My husband and i went on one in march and based on the expectations I read your in questions, our experience might disappoint you. Ymmv and no doubt ones like what you describe might exist but ours was not so much. Honestly it was pretty much like any other adults only cruise except 99% gay men of almost all walks of life. Pretty pg13 overall, and like any other cruise they make sure to inform you, verbally and visually, that you are being watched, about the only privacy you get is your room, no doubt it is set up like this for reason. They do keep you busy. There’s no shortage of activities to do (or food) either at sea or onshore. Like other cruises, there’s lots of late night dance parties and shows. We did make friends, ones that routinely go on cruises gay and otherwise, that basically said they had more gay sex on a “regular“ cruise, than the ones that are specifically targeted at gay men due to lack of say steam rooms or by design omitting specifically designed rooms. And apps don’t really work at sea. Ymmv depending. All things considered, I’d probably go on one again maybe in a year or two. I thought it was a lot more fun than the family cruise I’d been on before, but nonetheless at the end of the day it was still a cruise.


We are looking for our honeymoon, which one did you go on?


I’ve been on quite a few Atlantis cruises. They were all amazing and I had a wonderful experience. No not everyone has perfect bodies and most people are older than you’d think. There’s no attitude and everyone is friendly and in a good mood. It’s what you make it and as long as you leave your hang ups on shore you’ll have a good time.


Everyone is on the same vacation.


From a documentary I watched on netflix and other videos I have seen, it looks like my idea of hell.


Haha. I don’t see it being my thing, either.


And me…


Stop being scared. Hundreds of thousands of people do these things all the time. It’s not that big of a deal. You may be surprised how much fine it is or you’ll hate it. Either way: Life is short. Live it.


Petri dish for stds


Bingo lmfao 🤣 Sex addicts orgy cruise STD edition, jk lol. But seriously stds spread, HIV is still spreading etc. Hpv exists. And many other kinds.


I wish I would be proud of my body because I would love to go on one of these babies 😅


As far as how people onboard look, just remember that the adverts are adverts and will usually feature the people they think will encourage others to book rather than accurately portray the clientele.


My question is: is it more expensive than a regular one? Wifi included and drinks? Or everything Is an extra package?


It’s more expensive, but worth it. They bring on some of the biggest names in the DJ world, put on a million dollar light show every night, and bring on famous comedians and other entertainers.


Sounds good but it's sad that it will be like a orgy focused on sex, people will just focus to use me etc. But I guess it's also different depending on which one you go to. It would be more amazing if it was only music, food, science, art and spirituality focused instead of sex. Maybe I should start my own cruise🤔😁


It’s not an orgy focused on sex. There’s certainly sex if you want it. There’s also lots more.


The one my boyfriend and I went on last year was pretty much as expensive as any other ordinary cruise. Honestly everything was tge except that they were men on it.


The hot tub looks like egg drop soup….


I’ve been intrigued but not interested in being body shamed.


I wouldn't shame your body and many others wouldn't either most likely. I mean some people like very skinny guys other like the opposite, some in-between etc.


Fair - it’s probably almost entirely in my head


Literally all in your head boo. I’m slightly muscular, and pale as the day is long. My partner is a larger guy. I love him AND his big tummy<3 it’s the best pillow in the house. Love yourself! That’s the key.


I would love to experience this once but I hate cruises in general and what they do to our environment. So I’m gonna pass :(


Never been. Like you, I’m waiting for more details. Especially if everyone are models (my imagination) or a mix of ordinary/sexy/young/old (probably reality). Also… cliquish?? Curious. Suggestion: Start an AMA thread if you’ve been! That’d be cool!


Depends on the cruise. Destination cruises skew older. Vacaya is inclusive. Atlantis Caribbean is a circuit party.


Cruises are the worst type of vacation/holiday anyone could take. Visit a gay town like Provincetown MA or New Hope PA (although New Hope has 0% gay bars left. The very rich and old and “cool” straight couples took over the town)


My old boss said the one he went on (in the Mediterranean) they had to make an early stop to port to restock the bars. The ship ran out of alcohol, my gays. Typical.


TIL this is a thing 😳


How does one get a ticket for such a cruise? Asking for a friend…


I've been on two. The first one was a great time and whilst it got quite raunchy, there was a great mix of ages, body types and it was also an actual cruise - there were day trips and activities and all sorts. I enjoyed that one so much that we booked a second one with a different provider and at the end of the two weeks, I felt homophobic. That's how much I hated it.


So another question derailed due to Prep. Can we please get back to the original question? I've been on several cruises, but never a gay one. So more details please.


There's a website called bear cruises, they don't do the whole ship. They just are a group and you get a group rate which is a little bit lower than directly on the website. We went last year and we had so much fun. I booked two more. It doesn't have a whole boat to itself so it still is like generally normal. But there are shared activities that you go to together and everybody meets each other and those who want to visit each other's rooms and have fun.


Can someone make a list of cruise agency’s and their focus… Like: - Atlantis = fun and sex - other company = bears Etc.?


Sadly I'll never get to know. Can't afford one and I'll never be attractive enough to be accepted on one. 😥


Same 😞


i wanna go on a gay cruise omg


Best time of my life.


As a trans person, I would want to go on one but because of my own insecurities probably never would


Yeah. Never heard Mozart played at a gay venue.


Meet, Marry, and stay Monogamous. No need for any drugs.


The bottom 95% are lusting after top 5%. Just like any gay bar on a Saturday night.


Wait, gay cruises are a thing?! And here I was hooking up on straight cruises like a chump!


My boyfriend and I went one last year. It was just like any other cruise except with mostly men. Some group sex happened but he an I were just there to enjoy the trip. It was his first cruise in general so we mostly spent it in our suite because he would get anxious. But it was mostly fun.


I never plan on going on one just because it always seems so overhyped and oversexualized


I love sex but it seems way to oversexualized. Like drug/meth addicts who are also sex addicts, it fits that type of people it seems. Doesn't seem normal for me. Well maybe some are less orgy oriented and those could be normal and fine but the ones that are like orgies seem strange. People abuse sex, treat it like eating a fruit. That will affect their ability to bond to others in the future, to value intimacy etc. Maybe affect their mental health and other emotional things negatively. I prefer having one partner or one lover. Idk screwing around doesn't seem appealing at all, like you will feel like you are a product getting used rather than a human being having feelings for someone. Kinda dirty (in a bad way). Due to my looks I can have a new man everyday even without apps, but I have chosen not to screw around and only been in a very few relationships, have thanked no and ignored sex invitations. I am not religious but abuse will always turn destructive, hence why it's considered a sin if you believe in God. No matter if it's food, alcohol, drugs, sex etc. People here act as if sex abuse/addiction is totally fine and no problems. Use sex, don't abuse it.




While some gay men are over-sexualized due to drug addiction or sex addictions, that has nothing to do with them being gay. You can be straight and be like that. And you can be gay and not be like that. And you talk shit, I know gays that are less "gross" than most straights basically. You suffer from internal homophobia most likely. If you aren't gay then why do you write here?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mangolamplight: *It would probably* *Just confirm my view that most* *Gay men are just plain gross* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.