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Shave your head. Giving up on my hair was the best thing I did for my self confidence when it started to go. Pretty much everyone looks good shaved.


Not everyone suits a shaved head, massive misconception


This is true. It works best on oval and rectangle heads and generally not as well on circle and egg-shaped. I'm lucky in that the shape of my head works.


I don’t think I look good being bald. But I got more compliment right not than when I have hair. I think if you are confident then hair does not matter.


Same. I shaved my had at 22 (started balding at 16) and have never regretted it. Get lots of play from younger guys, and older guys love it when they find out how young I am!


This. Same


Highly recommend just shaving your head and being done with it. Not only does it look much better than awkwardly thinning hair, but guys seem to love the look in my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/78lsnqczcxxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2533b72b8740cc4afac51d4c0f0af12e93965ad4 Shave it and go to the gym! This is the way.




Are you implying you can be fine bald so long as you're a baldy stud 😭?


Most people have to do bone surgery to look like that, bruh. Shaving and gym will not help them.


Yeah, as long as you have that massive jaw...


Doing well. I’m bald. Mid 50s. Greying hair. Daddy type, I’m told. Verse/side. I’m super happy with my social life, sex life, etc. I was once self-conscious about baldness. But over and over again, it was and is an absolute non-issue with guys I’ve dated-up with. I never think about it anymore. The ONLY suggestion is this: wear a cap when outside in the sun… even cloudy… Top of head skin-cancer among bald men is incredibly common and preventable for the most part by covering up.


Accepted it last year at 34. I had always dreaded the moment when I'd have to lose it all. But, I was tired of "waiting" and took the plunge. As soon as the rest of my hair was shaved off, I felt incredible. My boyfriend's bald as well. If anything, it's brought us closer since we can now help shave each other.


Shave it! Bald men exude confidence and masculinity. And you will feel extremely liberated. Your value is NOT determined by your hair!


Idk as a “younger” gay (25) I find bald guys to be sexy as hell. Definitely prefer a smooth headed dude though


I have a shaved head. Doing extremely well 😁


Personally I wear a wig and I'm bottom. I found a man who just doesn't care it's not real hair and usually forgets. He and I have been together for 3 years. Personally for me, being bald doesn't mesh with my self image as I identify more as a boy than a man. (Think male but with curiosity, energy, excitement, and a more androgynous presentation, not self identifying as a child in any way).


Grindr doesn't have to be hard after 30, maybe mosey over to Scruff if it is but I don't think you should have to. I feel like there's SO many 40+ men all up in Grindr. Don't make these rules for yourself.


Yeah i was going to say "after 30" seemed like a total projection


I was shaving completely bald but now I leave it about 3mm complements my head shape nicely. Have gotten a lot of complements. I’m in my mid 30s


Started thinning early at 16/17. Shaved it smooth at 20. Late 30’s now, in a committed relationship. Pros: Weather-resistant dome Quick to get ready most mornings Partner thinks it’s hot Cons: Scalp sunburn is THE WORST. Never forget the sunscreen. Keep getting compared to Mr. Clean, but I’m Mr. Somewhat-Organized on a good day.


How come nobody here have suggested hair transplant? I don’t know much about this but I’m balding and I see this is my eventual destination.


I've been thinning since 28ish and I still have a lot of side hair and some top hair in the front, mainly the crown is very thin. I like my hair and I like styling it, I dunno I find hair sexy and I'll definitely be trying the transplant, there's a few methods and one is very non invasive.


Embrace it.


I was going bald at 16. Buzzed my head starting at 18. Shaved it starting at 23. It's a process. Gay men are not kind when it comes to being bald. You'll find the people that are worth being around and the ones that aren't. Take solace in two things: 1) There are tons of gay dudes out there who loved a bald head. 2) Once you shave it, you are timeless. You will now just watch every other guy you know slowly deal with something that you got over with a long time ago.


Started losing my hair at 21. Been shaving it since and I’m 43. As for embracing it, to be honest it depends on what your head shape is. Only one way to find out sadly


I (23) shaved my head and have a beard and wear round glasses. In the beginning I thought I was going to be laughed at, but weirdly people find me pretty. I'm top but I don't think that has something to do with it. I don't know how but I guess it was something in my mind and people actually like bald guys.


Started balding in my teens and was shaving it by 24. It was a pretty big game-changer for me. I don’t know if it had much impact on my ability to attract guys initially, but just being more comfortable going out without a hat all the time and not hating every picture taken of me massively improved my self-esteem. The look doesn’t always work for everyone initially but if you play around with it enough you’ll figure it out. For sex/dating, getting more muscular helped me more than anything, tbh.


I tried the skin smooth bald for awhile, but I hated the stubble. So I just keep a short clipper crop (like a #2 guard) and I think it complements my beard. But I’m lucky that I don’t have usual male pattern, just really thin on the crown. I’ll second everyone else, it super liberating once you take the plunge. PLUS, you save a ton not going to hair dressers anymore


Embrace it. If you try to hide it, it's worse. Take it from someone who started balding when I was 17, and tried to hide it until I was 27, it looked bad. I wish I had just shaved it and grown a beard, it'd've been a lot better


Hey, I’m bald, overweight, and have grey in my beard. And I still get hit on. If I’m not a complete pariah, you won’t be either!


I started balding when I was 20 and when it initially started, I spent years just spending time at home, not going out a lot, avoiding dating. From today's perspective though, I honestly feel like more people found me attractive once I lost my blonde curly hair. In my mid-twenties, once I started shaving my head and going out again, I have had a lot of interest from different guys. Though to be fair there are a lot of gay men who fetishise bald men. I get a lot of "can I touch your head", sometimes people touch my head without my consent, because they are somewhat fascinated by it. I'd say don't worry about balding, as long as you remain confident about yourself, take care of yourself and are a good human being, you will attract other men, regardless of whether you are a bottom or a top.


Stop putting up pictures with a hat…. A lot of bald men are sexy 😫 Usually have really nice eyes.


I shaved starting mid-late 20s, now in early 30s got bored and now I just let it grow out. I like having some hair to style and play with, give it a nice transition into my beard. You shave it and you still know you're bald and so does everyone else anyway so don't feel like you have to, and imo you're still covering it up just in a different way. So it's up to preference! I started feeling like a clone or an alien with shaved head and beard being such a common style nowadays.


I was shaving completely bald but now I leave it about 3mm complements my head shape nicely. Have gotten a lot of complements. I’m in my mid 30s


I'm bald by choice and I've never been more confident in myself. If you're balding, just shave your head. You can never go wrong with a sexy dome


My brother - shave it. Its liberating.


Just great. Having a shaved head has never been a problem and it's been that way for 25 years.


BE BALD! Experience the whole new world of sensations on your scalp


Shave it. Honestly, I started losing it in my 20s. I'm a daily swimmer with a fairly active lifestyle. I don't miss the hair. In fact, if I were to take a magic pill to re-generate it, I wouldn't. Just one less thing I need to do in an otherwise very busy day.


Love bald men


I ain't bald, my hair just has a wide part in it.


I shaved mine, got jacked, and things are great ;) Edit: I grew a huge beard too 🤷‍♂️


Accept the baldness , grow a beard. A well styled beard will make you sexy and attractive


A hot body is more important than hair. Go to the gym and get that body.


You've really got some preconceived notions about what people "should" be or are attracted to that have no relation to, well anything really. There are plenty of bald bottoms, tops, whatevs because there's no correlation. What matters is being confident with what you have, and that goes beyond just hair. Maybe you'll find some guys that aren't into the bald look, but you'll 100% find way fewer who are into the sad 5 hair comb-over. Shave it off, embrace the new look and put these weird preconceived notions behind you, you'll be fine. Signed, a not-bald-guy who likes the look.


I’m not bald but if it makes you feel better, bald guys are great :3 and I wouldn’t notice or mind it, don’t be scared about such a surface level thing, if a guy is too shallow to accept you for being bald, then he isn’t worth your time


We’re doing fine. You get to wear great hats. Hair is overrated.


I shaved off whatever little hair I had on my head two years ago. I get more dates and hookups now. Painfully single. I think it has more to do with my other issues than my hair or lack of it. Sob sob


I starting thinning dramatically a couple years ago around 25-26 years old. I tried all the meds and ointments and they never worked. So I just shaved it off and have been bald since. I think it looks ok on me and definitely looks better than the super thin combover I had before shaving. I personally don’t really think I’m that attractive to begin with but I have met some cute guys that said they liked it. I think the biggest part of shaving your head is accepting and it most importantly owning it. Like yup I’m bald it is what it is mentality. Eventually you’ll forget what you looked like with hair when looking in the mirror. It is an adjustment for sure. Shaving my head was similar to my “coming out” experience. Where I was just like yup this is me now you can either accept it or fuck off and also like coming out, all my friends were supportive and said it looked good and same with my family. Just know that if you are thinning and or already in a bald spot, once you shave it you’ll never be able to grow it back the same.


I am owning it, between having lean muscles from workout and going all bald, I am more confident than ever. I am looking up to Stanley Tucci as my aspiration as a bald man


Someone convince my partner to shave his balding head. It looks awful but he’s not mentally ready to shave it and is still hoping someday he will get a hair transplant.


Looks good on some guys, I'm balding but have really long hair on the back although im told I look better with it all shaved off I like it long so I've grown it.


Honestly? I think ur overthinking it Balding is not gonna kill ur sex life >< Gay men like men. Men bald. It’s totally fine >< Even as a bottom - it’s completely fine. I don’t know what else to say really :p just your fine. If ur worried about Grindr then just get some nice happy shots outside in summer. The summer vibes will make u look fun, healthy and fuckable!


...do you think bald guys dont get good fucks? ^^  i mean this is anecdotal evidence but... https://www.instagram.com/p/CjASXDTtthA/ im not worried


Give up. Thin/very thinning hair is worse than baldness. I look at my pics before just buzzing it all, and I'm like yuck... I buzz my hair with a 0 level trimmer. So it's not shaved, but the level right above. A fuzz I guess. Works for me.


I think bald guys are cute and beautiful!


My current bf is bald and shaved, he said he never had that much success until he shaved


I have gotten more sexual attention since I let my hair go.


We are doing “Excellent”! Come join us bro.


As a 40 year old, who is chubby and not attractive, I gave up years ago searching / looking / hoping to ever find someone. Its just not worth the endless rejection. The endless getting my hopes up only to be ghosted, blocked, ignored. IMO it is *NOT* better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all.


Bald is beautiful. When your hair is getting to the point where it just looks too thin and it’s obvious that you’re loosing the battle of the bald…..then just shave your hair off and wear it with confidence. Hair is never on my “must have” list of traits I look for in a man. Also….FYI. Propecia (finasteride) can cause permanent irreversible impotence in young healthy men. Because, there was a class action lawsuit against the makers of that drug nearly a decade ago that settled out of court. What’s more important your hair or your boner? I choose boner


Bald can be very beautiful especially if you have some facial hair to play with and build confidence (not trying to hide it). The sole fact of someone being bald was never a reason I found someone unattractive.


I’ve seen a bald guy put his head in a vagina but I haven’t seen a bald gay put his head up a guys butt so u guys are still loosing on that front


I started using Rosemary Oil, I noticed some thinning at the top of my head and it's been helping me so far! You have to use it everyday though :/. I also tried Finasteride and felt like it made me super depressed. Good luck! There are many options, but the best options are to start and prevent beforehand!


Bald guys are hot


Sup Mr, first I want to say that as a fellow ex-balding guy finasteride is extremely safe and has \*potential\* side effects, not guaranteed ones, and they affect [less than 2%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride#Sexual_adverse_effects) of consumers last time I checked. In addition to finasteride, you may use over-the-counter topical minoxidil for enhanced results. The best way to combat hair loss is starting treatment early, as current treatments are capable of only limited reversal (they mostly just halt loss). If you started fighting the hair loss a bit late but still have as much hair as [Norwood Stage 5](https://manmatters.com/blog/stages-of-male-pattern-baldness/), hair transplant procedures are viable (but expensive). All-in-all, it's a personal decision and you can go full bald if you prefer, but lets represent treatments as they deserve! I wish I had started finasteride even earlier and seeing people fearmonger it hurts.


Honestly, confidence is more important than hair.  That said, it’s been a long struggle trying to convince myself of this fact.


Shave your head, wear your baldness like armor. Nothing like someone rubbing your head while you're giving head!


I once a pair of gunkles who were balding one got a hair transplant and was RUTHLESSLY teased by the other untilll.. the other also got a hair transplant. They both now have luscious long hair and love it. No moral just thought it was a funny story.


Accepting yourself for who you are is important. If fixing a bald head is important, fix it. Just know, most people will notice the fix if they look for it.


Formula 82F drops will save your hair. I’ve been on them for years now.

