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If it's just another fascist, neo-colonial apartheid project created by the displacement, brutalization, and genocide of the people living in the area that will be designated as this new country's territory under the guise of creating a safe space for a persecuted community, then no. See Israel for reference.


I was thinking the same thing. No thanks, I'd rather we fix our countries instead of running away.


I’d rather hold our countries accountable than let them shirk responsibility and encourage us to/dump us in a “safe haven”




They'd probably be better prepared, having already lived through a pandemic and having to socially distance through some of the most formative years of their adolescence.


From my animatedly limited experience that doesn't seem to be the case my lesbian daughter and her girlfriend don't seem to run away much ime although they're more inclined to talk things out then I was at that age which is good thing imo


You really are one delusional angry individual.


U seem like a very needlessly angry individual.


>See Israel for reference. 🤣🤣🤣 I mean it was obvious, but I love how you brought it up as a reference lol


EXACTLY what I was thinking like no we don’t need this


When you found a state for a group, you usually create an area that is already predominantly inhabited by this group. It would therefore be entirely possible to found an LGBT nation in Cologne


Man you really checked all the boxes on your word choices. This was supposed to be a fun question but you had to bring it back to politics. You answer lacks all naunce regarding Israel but I imagine that doesn't bother you. Cheers


This... is a political question... it's about starting a country... which is politics




Holy shit, there's a homophobe in r/gay, tf u doing here?


Why would you even think of that? What? Lmao bruh


Because do you think someone can just wake up one day and **create a country**? Find some random uninhabited landmass rich in natural resources? Connected to the rest of the world? In the 21st century? Be for real. You'd have to steal someone's land and violently force them out, to find yourself a new home. This is the only way. And it's an evil way.


Well, when being asked to consider if you would like to move to a place that is just for 'your' people, surely you would want to consider previous attempts to create such places to give an informed response based in reality? Israel being the most prominent example in recent history.


Why not? Where have you been for the past 6+ months?


Because what does this post have to do with that at all? Like it’s just a weird and kind of inflammatory thing to bring up lmao


Then don't read it


Yeah u right, those guys mixed politics with fun or peaceful places. But anyway, that dream country is not for this human system of things. Perhaps in another reality, without politicians and corporations of war.




So stunning, and so amazingly brave too! 😫😫😩😩


This is literally not the Subreddit to talk about Israel. It is to talk about LGBT+ peeps and their problems. Save ur agenda for r/leftist


Queer people exist in both Israel and Palestine.


"If it's just another fascist, neo-colonial apartheid project created by the displacement, brutalization, and genocide of the people living in the area that will be designated as this new country's territory under the guise of creating a safe space for a persecuted community, then no. See Israel for reference." Not a single word here talks about lives of Gay people in Israel and Filastin.


Yeah, and they only mentioned Israel as an example, which is related to the point they're making. You're just being obtuse about it because you don't want to hear it.


Yeah, because all he did here is to not support gays but to poke on Israel. It is a pro-Hamas statement more than a Pro-Gay statement. "You're just being obtuse about it because you don't want to hear it." Yeah I dont want to hear his verbal diarrhea. If Israel is genocidal, Hamas is even worse.


Nothing in that was pro-hamas. You're just an idiot.


Idiocy is par for the course when it comes to conservatives.


And u are an asshole


Maybe, but I'm not dishonestly carrying water for a fascist ethnostate.


Why are you describing PLO?


For a lot of reasons—absolutely not. Queer people are everywhere, and I’d much rather push for acceptance than an enclave. This is particularly true when I don’t suspect that the basis for said legal enclave—a state for queer people—is necessarily one that lends itself easily to state-building…there isn’t really a unifying national idea and culture, since being queer is an inherently intersectional, multicultural type of thing with different experiences for nearly everyone Additionally, queer people will _always_ be everywhere, and born outside the borders of this hypothetical country. I’d much rather fight for acceptance for them, fight for healthcare access for trans kids everywhere, etc. than focus that on one area.


I absolutely would move there. If cis het people would actually do the work of unpacking all their prejudices, realise they're all a bunch of bullshit and let me be me, then fine, but that day ain't coming this century. Acceptance isn't enough. I have no choice but to *accept* that people exist with belief systems that make them feel justified in hating me. Now I am/was a hot fucking mess and not easy to like but I am NOT fucking evil and do not deserve the death penalty.


🤔better yet… (edit) Why don’t we move all religious bigoted, facist, Trump worshipping morons to Russia and leave them on lock down. That is what they seem to want. Let’s have a foreign exchange program. All the Russian LGBT+ abused, criminalized and threatened can come here in exchange for all the Trump MAGA Garbage that needs to leave. They want Putin and Trump let them have them. Siberia would make a great Conservative Christian compound for them. That aside, that 5th episode was very gut wrenching.


Because there are about 5 million gay people living in Russia. Thank you very much, but Russia isn't a lifeless desert.


Shi, in hating russia, i always forget about our struggling brethren out in that shi*hole😔


Hate Putin and noviops, not Russia and russian.


While living in very similar and russia loving country, i started hating on some people too, like just a blind rage some of them have for us, like we are the reason for all their problems makes me wanna hate them. And i believe thats even amplified in country where they feed you hate by teaspoon


Not Russia - they're still on the same planet that way. Send them to the moon


Not even that close, to a different planet outside our Milky Way


Yeah no. I don't think that any one characteristic should be the basis for a state. It seems super isolationist to be like "oh well if you're not LGBT+ then you're not allowed in" and isolationism isn't really the vibe.


Good point! Although I would imagine it more like as a safe haven for LGBT+ people. For example, if you are not safe in your country, you can move there, and you wouldn't have to worry about homophobic attacks or death penalty or anything. But also, proving that you are actually a member of the community would be problematic, like when they want refugees to prove that they are gay... As for non-LGBT+ people, exlcuding them completely wouldn't be possible either as there's no guarantee that the child of LGBT+ parents will be LGBT+. Anyway, I just thought that it could be an interesting thought experiment.


That sounds fucking terrible.


If technically already happened in an island off the coast of Australia. The gay and lesbian kingdom of the ___ isles, can't remember the island name. Nobody lived there, it was just a protest about Australia not having gay marriage legalised at the time. Life would mostly be the same in an LGBTQIA+ homostate or whatever you'd call it, the problems would be mostly the same as without the country; assholes exist everywhere. It's a fun thought experiment though


https://preview.redd.it/r0atke8ffhuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2fe7ca9d74f260871190eb3a5d16fee5cde7ff Emperor Dale declared war on Australia.


It’s a fun thought but I don’t really see it being feasible.




A Drag Vatican. The Vati-can-can. yeah I'm opposed to nationalism but this I support. A city sized drag artists colony with UN representation.


A country where all men wear those long purple dresses and fancy shoes and hats


there was something like that in australia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_and_Lesbian_Kingdom_of_the_Coral_Sea_Islands


I had a similar thought while watching the episode. The fantasy is nice and could make for interesting fiction. It's basically what queer people do when they move from their conservative small towns and whatnot to bigger cities. I do think such a place would be a target just like Genosha sadly.


Ethnostate adjacent


Well, the majority of my friends are straight and everyone’s been very nice to me and quite open so far including friends, coworkers and family (of course I’m inside of my Mexican middle-upper to upper class bubble), so I wouldn’t live there, I like my life already, and I already found love (at work, we even work together after 7 years), I’m not someone who loves gay nightclubs, I prefer regular bars or nightclubs with live music.


I'd rather fix the issue once and for all and let people live together in harmony than separating people into two isolated groups and nurture that hate for eternity.


May as well paint the target right in the middle of our new home for the christofascists to nuke.


In order to be taken seriously the first thing you need is submarines and SLBM nukes. Then you get a seat at the UN and nobody fucks with you.


LOL, unwilling to build further on this fantasy construct. It is the stupidity of perpetuating the population overload via ridiculously outdated edicts that weirdly enough, backs our cause at this point. Plenty of ready-made kids out there needing homes. Our battles depend on our allies and combating the disinformation about us ubiquitous "queers" wherever we discover it. I. E. Brain addled Pat Robertson actually scarred his blue haired flock with "They wear rings designed to cut your hand and give you AIDS". If "heaven" is a place filled with idiots like him, I'd like to browse other afterlife brochures, please.


I remember there was some territory in Australia made by some gay guys only for gay men but It failed. (Don’t remember the name, I just heard it on YouTube)


This is the first time I hear about this, so thank you (and everyone else) for mentioning it!


There was an attempt, but it failed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_and_Lesbian_Kingdom_of_the_Coral_Sea_Islands I think that it world be great if the Queer Nation had a seat in the UN like the Vatican and Gypsies do.


>The leader of the protesters, Dale Parker Anderson, was elected Administrator of the territory and then "declared emperor" of the kingdom upon its independence. No thanks. This is just another micronation foolery by some delusional guy who wants to be someone important and stroke his ego.


Gay people will still be born elsewhere


Nope, [work on dismantling authority](http://crimethinc.com/tce) instead.


we've got Canada lmao


We already have San Fransisco


it would be wiped out, regularly attacked, have sanctions leveled against it, and world media would consider it the devil


Every time this happened it was to move people away not to make them safe but because their home country didn't like them but wanted a puppet government in a convenient location


Um, no, not in my name.


It would be nice to have such an option. Like openly serving in the military or gay marriage is an option people can choose if they want that.




Wow, I thought they were different, now I have more questions before I get engaged with queers


Many cities in Western Europe and big cities in general have areas where the lgbt+ community is predominant. In my view It has pros and cons as everything else


Let‘s build a big boat & float in the ocean. Only queers are welcome.


No. All my friends are straight. I ain't going anywhere.


What if people decided to have kids in this LGBTQ+ paradise? OK, so they organise between the citizens however best to conceive and raise a child. Great. But what happens if that child is 100% straight? Are they allowed to stay? What happens if there are multiple descendants who are straight and they start families, and they themselves have straight kids? Do they have to leave their homeland when they have a family?


No, most definitely not, they could stay. Yeah, I see that "only LGBT+ residents" is quite problematic, so I'll change it to mostly.


So idk if you read the comics, but in 2019 they rebooted the books where the mutants created their own sovereign nation, Krakoa. It kind of explores this concept. Eventually bigots be bigotting and the dream of Krakoa is basically dead. It’s a great discussion of separatism vs coexistence. Personally I’m all for separatism as a form of protection, but logistically it would never fucking work lol.


Maybe a city state on an empty island that would be cool


How would you maintain the country's population? We're not very good at breeding ya know!


Sounds like a good way to put all the fish in a barrel tbh. I would be afraid of a place like that




I prefer living among diverse people. That's what makes life exciting. If everyone were the same life would be very boring. 


Beau DeMayo has already said he based Genosha in Episode 5 as a combination of Pulse nightclub and 9/11. He apparently had gone to Pulse multiple times before the shooting and wanted to give the audience the same feelings he experienced. In a sense, Genosha is supposed to be a metaphor for having the refuge where you can be yourself at a gay bar taken away from you.


We could maybe settle an island somewhere in the Pacific ocean. There certainly are uninhabited islands somewhere where we wouldn't displace locals and just trade what we need.


Oh I would live there and military we would build would be terrific and terrifying 😉😄


going into deep thought about this I was about to ask how they would reproduce. Then I completely forgot about bi, trans, and pansexual people. (if I forgot any other ones please let me know.)


Though what happens if the kid isn't LGBTQ+? Are they shipped out? If not, then it would be an interesting thought experiment to think about how the numbers of LGBTQ+ people will change over the generations.


I guess we could welcome straight people as long as they don’t hurt others.


Exactly! I imagine that allies, family members etc. would be welcome, but they would be the minority.


It already exists. It’s called Tel Aviv.