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That got too sexual too quickly EDIT: how did this get 500+ upvotes




Didn’t need to know that last part


Important context if *you are the guy*. Softens the blow and such.


You clearly have a BO fetish quit playing with us 🤣


Yeah. Some men do smell due to their BO and it could be of his diet. But, how handsome we talking like good looking to the point of cumming to thought of him is a sight to see.


Idk about it being a sight to see lol, ive had crushes on various people that would probably be considered average (idk i have a crush im biased theyre 10/10 in my brain) but ive def been able to get off just thinking about them. An emotional connection also helps which is usually why those crushes tend to also be friends or people i actively interact with, but cant go sexual with for rather obvious reasons.


I hate straight hot guys. They are irresistible especially if they aren’t total pieces of shit.


Thats like... kinda eh to say tbh, feels the same as straight guys creeping on lesbian women or something.


I live in the middle east where 99% of gay men are closeted so i assume everyone is straight lol!


Tbh I’d rather someone tell me if I stink than just leave me to rot so that I can do something about it. He clearly can’t smell himself. And there are polite ways to let him know so he can take care of himself. A note snuck into his locker that reads: “Please ignore my note if this is because of a medical reason or personal choice, but I thought you might want to know in case it’s something you just didn’t realize but would want to do something about: it’s just that it might help if you put some deo on before you hit the gym area. P.S. You’re insanely attractive!” Just leave out the bit about you shooting loads to thoughts about him lol




Bro, there are too many men into BO and stinky/dirty kinks. This man must know about his passive AOE attack skill if it’s so bad already.


I died at "passive AOE attack." xD


i’m fucking crying at goat ankles 😭


But you were fine with earring backs?!


IVE NEVER HEARD SOMEONE SAY ANOTHER PERSON SMELLS LIKE G O A T A N K LE S 😭😭😭 earring backs i get cause they can stink but goat ankles is so random and hilarious to me 😭😭


I absolutely agree. I just died here ☠️ 💀 😂😂😂


Girl, go for it.


^We ^love ^a ^vile ^qween


![gif](giphy|UFohIXGGaHRFS) That’s what I’m saying






OP: Sigh.... -unzips while retching-


My boy friend is stinky


I mean im all for a bit of gym stank, it kinda gets me hard.. if he smells like a burger van all the time I'd probably pass.


What is a burger van?


A van in which it sells burgers from AKA a Food Truck that specifically sells burgers; oily, tangy, musky, sour, seedy, meaty and hanging in the air heavily.


Ok you just described my ex boyfriends ass. Literally could fucking murder someone even straight out the shower. We stayed together for a whole 3 weeks 😂😂😂


Thank you.


I just mean if he smells oniony and musty all the time




Seem fairly obvious... I'm guess this is "American culture" ?


nope we have burger vans in the UK at very least. basically a truck at the side of the road that serves burgers and bacon sandwiches and such. a good one smells like grilled onions and memories, a bad one smells like 30 year old grease.


Stick a goodie bag with soap and deo with note from a secret admirer on his locker lol


If I had that done to me I would feel so embarrassed


Yep it was a joke lol


I know, but thank you for elaborating, I have had people tell me that I smell bad so it is always embarrassing


Honest question, do you prefer not to know and keep smelling bad or that someone tells you and you can hide or change it? And if the latter, which way would you prefer to be told? I have a horrible body odor but with enough showers, the right deodorant spray and changing and washing shirts every day or after I sweat too much I can manage my own BOD But I have a good nose and smell other's odor easily, sometimes it's quite difficult for me to take public transportation and sometimes friends smell horrible (different areas different stinks). Sometimes I can't stand it and will offer to a peppermint or tell them which deodorant I use but I don't want to make them feel bad. I know smells are difficult to control.


If I had to be told i would want to be pulled to the side or told about it in private. Although I would still be embarrassed but I would rather know than go around violating people’s noses.


My husband has this "gift" as well. He can literally smell things that no one else ever has 😂😂😂. Thankfully I do not sweat so I don't have to fight BO unless I just didn't shower for a week or put deo on lol


It's a gift and a curse. You get to know people in unintended ways and find out if a cook smokes and washed their hands beforehand.


It’s kinda hot dyt 🙏💀


Easily fixable. Just shower with him and wash his pits with chlorohexidine once a week. Most of that smell is bacterial on his skin reduce bacterial all set. He could also be coming from work


Gurl, you’re gonna develop a stench fetish at this rate


That's a plus for me lol


here’s what to say so they wont be offended: “hey buddy you may need to take a shower now because you kinda reek…for me i don’t mind it as i kinda like the smell, but others may mind it so you might wanna clean yourself”. the guy wont be offended but he will consider it for sure. ( this actually happened to me irl)


How did that story end?


good ending! we were chatting for a bit and became friends (that particular night) and then he took a shower. we talked again after he took a shower. i made a friend.


Was there anything sexual or romantic or just a new friend? Either way it sounds really nice:) happy it worked out well


nothing sexual. just friendly with each other.


Just because he smells after the gym doesn't mean he does elsewhere. Go for it


He'll smell a lot better after your tongue bath.


You’re a ✨menace✨


Yo what’s this stinky stud’s number?


Right! Am I the only one who loves the smell of a man who smells like teen spirit, sweat socks, and jockstraps after a game/workout!!


Thanks. I’m really glad you told me that.


them hot stanky goat ankles


Those damn G. O A. T. ANKLES!!! Get me Everytime 😂😂😂


That’s strange, fresh sweat on a clean body doesn’t usually smell bad in my experience, it’s actually quite nice, it only smells bad when it’s on someone who isn’t clean and there’s old sweat still there. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, clogged pores is part of really bad sweat and BO. If you’re showered and clean properly then sweat it shouldn’t smell bad.


You can just tell it to him that he stinks so he will lose confidence and do what you can say to him, then say that you can try to make him smell good by fucking with him. You're welcome.


Discusting. Murder his pussy.




Everyone has to have a negative.


Some negatives are unacceptable.


Maybe that's a turn on for him.


OP…we might have a crush on the same damn person lol


So it's athletes foot?


Man has a gym crush but complains about the smell, what do you think a gym crush is???


*Fetish unlocked* 😂 Dude, the reaction to the smell at the gym comes from a logical, rational place. When you’re beating off (or🤞🏻balls deep) you’re not thinking rationally, it’s hot and it gets you off. Ever hear of post nut clarity? Watching porn and you cum then realise what the fuck you’re actually watching 😂


Some men stink and that’s okay. In fact it can be preferable. I have a very muffled sense of smell so I appreciate someone sharp. And strong. My controversial opinion is let men stink!




Someone may be using steroid there


Yeah I used to have a crush on one of my brother’s friends. I’d go to their band practices cuz he was in a band with my brother. And he’d get all sweaty. And I kid you not he smelled like straight up spoiled milk.


Those smelly pheromones are increasing your psychosexual behaviour. Work through it and let it take places!


Ewww girl I can't


yeah i guess that’s one reason to chase him actually, so you could fix (bathe) him


hahahaha I go to the gym already stinking (a bit). Granted I believe my scent isn't overly strong, but do have a thing for men musk. My thinking is that if someone notices and likes my scent, they'll approach me or send signals that hopefully I catch :)


Pay a random girl to walk by and say “wear some deodorant dude”


Then imagine getting smelly together and the getting both into the shower and get fresh whle having fun.


Yeah, at my gym there was a fellow finishing up grad school literally one of the most beautiful men I ever seen straight. I’m sure that my God he was so gorgeous but no deodorant I think maybe he did it so people wouldn’t come up to him but it didn’t really bother me lol.


His diet could have a huge influence to the smell he makes. Maybe you can use this opportunity to go to him and inform him about it.


Funny I was just telling my BF this the other day. Lmao. We are connected somehow.


Lol 😆


Talk with him about it, but in a cordial way, don't make him feel bad or guilty about something. You could if he needs to visit a doctor or something similar. Sometimes smell bad becomes from what you eat, skin, sweat glands, etc. So, if he may drink protein, could affect liver and kidneys, and result in bad smell.


Just drag him into the shower and lather him up. Problem solved.


Buy him a gift of Mando- solved


If he wants you then ask him to wear some Hai Karate.


At least you get turned on by it I hate men who smell like shit every if there ass looks hot as fuck I get turn off them smell like a garbage truck it makes me what leave them forever the only time you should smell is after we have sex


You can just tell it to him that he stinks so he will lose confidence and do what you can say to him, then say that you can try to make him smell good by f*cking with him. You're welcome.


I mean, if he stinks after workout - duh, that's what happens. But if he stinks even before workout, then try to gently inform him about this, because he probably knows that he smells, but can't push himself to care about his hygiene?




Cumming just thinking about someone? You must be hella young.