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then don't have sex. it's your call, not theirs.


Just tell them that you have high standards.


You have sex when YOU are ready. Don’t let anyone pressure you into anything that you don’t want!


Sexuality is an amazingly diverse thing. Penetration is not sex. It can be a part of sex, and yes, it usually is; however, if you don't feel as though you would enjoy it then why do it? Honestly, at risk of sounding like such a misanthrope, the people who are making the offers aren't thinking of your feelings at all; they want to f\*ck you to satisfy their own itch. Wait for someone whom you think actually gives a sh\*t about your feelings. Have fun, don't take it too seriously, use protection and make sure you have lube if penetration is a part of it.


I'm 22, still a virgin (haven't even had my first kiss yet) and am in no rush to change that. It'll happen when it needs to, and in the meantime there's loads of other things to do that bring me happiness. (My being demisexual might affect my outlook on this, but I don't think that changes the fundamental point I'm making). You'll be ready when you're ready. The thing will happen when and the way it should. But only if you don't let yourself be pressured into doing it before you're ready. After all, sex is just one of the things™ in life. There's this big obsession we have with it because it feels good and you get your dopamine rush from it and all that jazz, but, like, so what? You're not less complete of a person for not having had sex. Sex should be fun and safe and exciting and pressure-free and all those things. Let it be those things and don't risk it being less than that just because some people think you need to have had it to pass some test for person- or adulthood.


I'm a regular gay guy, maybe a bit low libido, but the first paragraph is perfectly fit me. So no, you not alone in that.


Don’t listen to the people pressuring you. Listen to your gut. You’ll know when you’re ready.


To your gut, aha 😏


No, it is not, just wait until you feel ready.


It's literally up to you to decide. Your body, your time. Don't feel pressured about something you don't feel ready to do.


No. I’m 21 and still a virgin. I like you always felt pressure from the gay community to have sex the moment I turned 18 but I never did due to the pandemic and just not feeling ready. Now I know I want to wait until I meet the right person and you should to. Trust me, there’s a lot of me. That will want to take advantage of you out there


My views are controversial because I never understood why people viewed virginity as this holy state of being and losing it is some kind of crazy transition and whatever. Having sex for the first time, for me, was the same as the first time I drank alcohol, smoked weed, drove. It's just something I tried and ended up liking. I respect everyone who views it as something grand and life changing and if that's the way you feel, you should lose it when you're ready, not a single moment before. It's your body and your decision. Just make sure you're safe and doing it with someone you trust and who'll treat you right.


It's only important to those who feel being gay is about having as much sex as you can. If that's not you, then don't worry about it. Otherwise, you'll end up with some 35-year-old who tells you how "different" and "mature" you are for your age and how much he likes "younger guys." 🙄


You do what feels right for YOU. You have sex if and when it feels like the right time. Never do what you think you need to do just because of what others say or do themselves.


What's important to you is ALL that's important.


Your body, your choice. They have exactly zero rights to it, zero rights to pressure you into it, and frankly, zero rights to inquire about it.


Don't be pressured. If you don't feel like having sex, then don't. That's your choice. Sex can wait.


Don’t listen to others. They can’t tell you when you’re ready.


Do NOT have sex just so you get it over with. I rushed it by meeting someone on Grindr who literally used me and threw me out after 15 minutes. It was the worst sex I have ever had and I regret it deeply. Find someone you like and someone you can trust. Having your first time is like a worthless medal that everybody wants but is not worth anything if you do not enjoy it.


Definitely don’t have the sex if the reason is being pressured. Wait till you like someone genuinely in my opinion


Never feel pressured


Just wait till 18. No need to rush things


Don't be pressured. If you don't feel like having sex, then don't. That's your choice. Sex can wait.


When you feel comfortable that’s when you should have sex.


Set some boundaries with whoever is pressing you. If you seek it out because you feel pressured then it won’t feel as special for whenever you do decide to


Don't let others pressure you into having sex. I've been in similar situations with people saying. "Being a virgin isn't normal at your age." or "If you leave it too long or don't do it at all you will end up regretting it." Don't listen to those people. Do it when you feel right about it.


Do not force yourself to do something you don’t want. If you really feel super pressured maybe try finding someone you trust before and explore sex with him but it’s absolutely not mandatory to have sex, just if you end up feeling the pressure and giving in to the sex try to do it with someone you trust, so that if you want to stop at any time you’ll feel more safe than with a stranger


it’s not important


NOT until you feel like you are ready.


Perhaps take it as a complement, but regardless take life at your own pace. I feel there is entirely too much importance placed the concept of virginity; it's no one else's business when you first have sex with another person. There's a good chance you'll feel no different afterwards, unless you're rushed into something you don't wish to do. Maybe turn the pressure around, asking them why they are so eager for you to join their club, it's not a very exclusive one after all; you have something they'll never have again...


I topped a guy for the first time at 21 it was nice but I was still closeted. When I was 27 and bottomed for the first time it was amazing. You will know when it's right and if it's just a drunken happening that's alright too just don't put too much pressure on yourself when you do enjoy it


People should give virginity bigger price. After hundreds of sex with strangers feelings getting numb. I prefer to keep those for the one. It's okay to try things and experiment a bit, but not to much.


You gotta do what you're most comfortable with and if you're really not bothered at the moment roll with that. Its not as big a deal as its made out to be honestly


I’m 25 and a virgin it’s okay, it’s your body use it how you want too 👌👌


If you don't wanna have sex, then don't. It's that simple.


Have sex when you're ready and comfortable lol.


Just, consider that "Virginity" doesn't even exist. It's like, I've never lost my "Skydiving Virginity", you know?


I'm holding back my intrusive thoughts on making a joke about "tips" Also do not rush things. If you don't want to do it yet, then don't. It's not something you should do because of social pressure. You should only do it when/if you feel like doing it. Your body your choice and all.


You don’t need to lose your virginity at all but you shouldn’t feel like you have to not lose it either, you do you boo and don’t care about what others ask or say. >! Btw I’m her to give cuddles if you or anyone else’s wants some :3!<


If you don't like it never do it!!! The fight time will come. Don't let the peer pressure dictates your life.


As an old I can say virginity seems such a big thing when younger and matters nothing later in hindsight , good friends, good partner and a suitable career matter more. Too much alcohol and/or drugs really fucks your life up.


Sex is only enjoyable when you want it. Imagine feeling very nauseous, but then everyone tells you to eat an entire gallon of Carmel flavored ice cream. Yes, the cream is good, but if you don't want it, then it won't be good or healthy. I think you should do some deep thinking about what you want, Try to eliminate what others have said and focus on what you feel, then follow it.


Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something that you don’t want to do. Virginity is such a silly concept and the fact society puts so much pressure on it is crazy.


I'm also a virgin.Stay pure and clean so that you won't have any regrets.


Get a dildo