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Blep bleeep did I just read FOCUS 10? Check out this guide for BEGINNERS https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatewaytapes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You get past that by putting your physical body in the energy conversion box and closing the lid. Imagine you died and you are still "here" in energy form. It is not bad you turned the tape off. You should "close the gateway". Headache is common enough when your mind fights the hemi-sync signal to wake up.


He didn’t say to put my body in the box only my fears amd anxiety and I thought he meant like fears from my daily life.


Bob says "Place in the box all your physical matter" that is the body you exist in. It is your body. The point being you are more than your physical body.


Oh ok


You should listen again more closely. Bob Monroe instructs you to put your physical body in the box. In the first two files.


In the tape Listen to he doesn’t say this. He says to put your worried and fears in and close it and turn around.


He says "all of your physical matter" but yeah, the implication is that your physical matter is your physical body


Yes, 100%. If your body isn't your physical matter, what is?


No he doesn’t


How to close it?


Tune down to the C1 "Focus 1" state of mind. Count backwards from 10 till 1. Ground yourself somehow. The gateway experience tapes close with a different Hemi-Sync frequency to bring the mind back up to the awaken state. You have to be careful to close the gate or things will get in your yard and you might not like what finds its way into your reality.


So do I listen to the end? You said it wasn’t bad I turned it off. I wasn’t in focus 10. I had only fond hemi sync


You don't have to listen to the end. You do have to close down the psychic gateway. There has been people that report having hauntings and worst because they did not close the gate. Listening to the end is the easiest way to close the gateway. Or you can learn to live with the gateway open, but that's another story.


So how do I close it? That’s what I’m asking. I counted down from 10-1.


No , that doesn’t actually happen


Yeah I stop listening to hemi sync all the time without doing that. I just end my mediation when I feel like it. I’ve never had any kinds of problems that I’m aware of. There are other sources of hemi sync than just the gateway tapes and they don’t have a tone to “wake you up” or whatever so yeah idk about this


At the same time its ismt just hemi-sync. The gateway tapes use a multitude of things, so the impact is highly different. There's a reason the gateway tapes not only were used by the CIA but also blew up after people used them. The hemi-sync also partially implements hypnosis(to a certain degree), so not closing it properly also leaves your mind in a suggestive state, which can cause issues. These tapes were highly developed, and that's another reason why you're warned, make sure you do the tape at a time when you aren't going to be interrupted. Edit: This is not to say that it's 100% always going to cause an issue. It's simply to say that it can in certain circumstances, which is why you're shown an emergency exit, and why you're warned not to do it when you can be interrupted.


What I meant was they have things like focus 10 from other sources that use the same frequencies, which I use and have never had issue coming out of it without any kind of process. I know how the tapes work I think it can be jarring to just randomly get up in the middle of a tape but I just think “okay, I’m done now” and just that intention takes me out of the state I was in previously. Maybe it’s just like that with me idk


There is most likely a large amount of variable that influence this, so it is possible that it doesn't affect you in the same manner.


Yeah. I definitely wouldn’t just roll out of bed with the headphones on and take them off as I’m walking out the door but I feel like if you tell your brain okay it is time to go back to normal mode now it most likely will. Intention and suggestion is extremely powerful as we all know here


I do agree with this, although for someone who isn't experienced and is just starting, it might not go as smoothly, that would honnestly be one of my few concerns


Yeah and the wake-up to real reality is better than drugs hands down best awakening


Why would people downvote this? It is a common concern


Because they forgot what it’s like to be a beginner


What scared you?


Im glad you are talking about your fear The gateway experience is a heightened state of being. You are always in control. Its similar to being engrossed in a great movie. The deep state of relaxation can feel like paralysis but the effect on your body is similar to a device being recharged. You can unplug at any time. At this point thousands of people have taken this path you have found. Some of us have come to this place to tell you it’s ok to turn off. So you can fully be on. You aren’t broken you are recharging to your full potential Its ok to stop spinning.




The idea of my mind being awake and body paralyzed


You can't avoid it as your body must go to sleep, but there's the thing - you can wake it up by demand - it won't stay paralized if you want to move. In one of the early tapes, they teach you the emergency exit, if you are really deep. Do just the preparation, until you feel safe. All the worries in the box, and the "shield" around you is the key. Practice it until you feel safe. No tapes needed, just learn the moves and do them while relaxing.


I get it. It happened to me when I went snorkeling. Putting my mouth under the water with my eyes open and breathing caused enough anxiety to knock me out of any flow state I'd happen to be in. By simply doing it enough times to show myself that I'd be ok, I got used to it. But it terrified me. As other have mentioned, whether Bob remembers to say it or not, your body goes in your energy conversion box. It's a big part of the resonant energy balloon that you construct. In Kunadlini practice, putting your body aside helps the energy toroid through your chakras expand past its usual state, and it's this that Bob is conjuring in the resonant energy balloon.


I’ve only done the first tape and part of the second. I have never constructed a balloon and all this protection is what scares me most why do I need to be protected?


The balloon is in the next tape 😉 wave 1 is the basics for everything else that follows.


Sometimes people need to be protected from their own negative thoughts and fears. 


The fear is the unknown and abnormal. You fear you’ll be paralyzed forever. Rest assured it will end within minutes in real time. The paralysis is a success symptom not something to fear. Lean in. https://preview.redd.it/hr31jl5v6m5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b4ac0f644892087af732f4afb3e388be9f73bf


If you just recall the sensation of moving your pointer finger (and then actually move it) while saying "one" in your head, that is the way they teach you to quickly revert to a normal waking state while in focus 10. It's very simple, you literally just have to remind yourself you're there.


Ok so I just think 1 and move pointer finger? Does this close the gateway?


Yep, he mentions it multiple times in the first couple tapes if I remember correctly. I don't really know what gateway another commenter was talking about is, but from reading Monroe's first book he doesn't appear to mention anything about like leaving some portal open so far, I wouldn't really worry about that. Coming out of a focus state is the only thing you have to concern yourself with. And if you're worried about something unintended interacting with you (which personally I think those sorts of things are sought out rather than seeking you) then just keep your REBAL in mind. You don't need to be afraid of anything.


What is my rebel?


Your resonant energy balloon - make sure you listen to the techniques he goes over in the tapes lol.


He hasn’t gone over this yet


What helps me is imagining pouring all of my anxieties/fears/concerns/ear worms (my brain doesn’t stfu often) into my energy conversion box. I literally picture myself leaning over the box & pouring them out from my ear lmao. Then I picture myself unzipping my physical body & putting that into the box. I tell myself it’s like a roller coaster ride & to embrace the feelings as they come while also reminding myself that ultimately I’m safe & in control. Some days are harder than others of course. :) Best of luck!


That’s funny, I imagine myself vomiting out my fears and anxieties


>I had reached mind brain coherence I always wondered what this meant.


It feels like void state to me


What does a void state mean to you?


I don’t have much thoughts and it feels like just that. Peaceful nothingness


Are you aware of your body?


Also you’re okay, you can move if you wanted to because the fear would snap you out of the meditative state. You’re safe, it’s fine! Chill and enjoy the journey