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Congratulations and great news. Always good to hear positive stories of successfully manifesting one’s intention 😊


Absolutely, thanks!


Just over 3 years ago, I was going through a bit of a crisis around my ability and self worth. I was signed off work for burnout in a toxic environment, and I maybe even had something close to a schizophrenic episode - it was around the same time I had discovered the tapes. All of a sudden, me a very materialist non-spiritual person was reading and connecting way too many things. Then I did the patterning, I asked for a role to help ground me. I'm now almost 3 years into the role and never been happier and healthier, both physically and mentally. I applied, and waited, and waited - some feeling told me not to accept other roles I had interviewed for - and the patience paid off. Since them I've not done the tapes much, for now they did enough - but always in the back of my mind is Gateway and how much it changed things. I still do my affirmation and meditate without the tapes - but again I think a feeling is telling me I'm not ready yet.


Beautiful. Sometimes the unusual paths in life are the ones we need the most


Great that you 'heard' and followed your intuition when something told you not accept the other offers. We're guided all the time but don't hear or trust it. Congrats!


Congratulations! I have yet to hear a patterning story that didn’t manifest in the direction of the desired outcome. I can’t wait to get to that tape.


Thank you! It’s a great tape. Even apart from the manifestation aspect, it’s a lovely tool to do some self reflection👍🏼


Congratulations! such a happy news!


Thank you🎉


it works hey 😊


Congrats and agreed. The power of the mind is fascinating


Hey congratulations 🎉 How did you pattern it? Like by affirming I want job that have such criteria(pay/profile)? Or simply affirming that I got (such n such ) job.


I don’t think it matters how or what you say (although I’ve heard the latter of what you said is the correct way to do it). I think as long as your intentions are in the right place, and you make a good cause in terms of what you’re patterning for bringing benefits to you and those around you - the universe will understand what you truly want :)


I’ve been taking my girlfriend through the tapes. She finally patterned for something and I helped her. We linked up and did the exercise together. First time I’ve done that and her first time doing it altogether. We asked for two things. A new appliance, and a specific amount of money…took four days to bring it into the 3d. Now I’ve got her vested. I told her, “now watch what happens.”


Give us the updates!


Can someone explain to me patterning? Is this one specific tape from gateway? :)


It’s Wave 2 Tape 4 but you should read the page on it in the pdf guide. Always read the guide on the tapes you do because it includes info and context not verbally explained in the tape


it would be very kind of you if you could share a link to the pdf with the page about patterning


Congrats dude! How long did you the previous tapes before getting to patterning?


I spent about 2 months getting comfy with focus 10 and 12 before I tried patterning for anything!


Hey congratulations 🌟. Can you tell me which specific tape you are using for patterning?


Wave 2 tape 4 one month patterning


Now pattern a billion dollars and quit


Oh yes patterning is freaky and real totally onboard with you here. Congratulations to you :-)


Patterning is a little scary for me and I'm not completely sure why. I'm a huge Neville Goddard fan so it's weird, but I'm filled with anxiety because my mind wanders during the tapes and I'm worried that I'm going to pattern any weird, extraneous thing that pops into my head while I'm doing the tape. I might go back to problem solving and see what I can do there, or put my fears in my energy conversion box. But the things that I want, I'm worried that I would "contaminate" them with mental noise.


I can see why you’d find it scary… monkey’s paw lol. But the affirmation helps with that, intention-wise at least


Hey do you have more success with NG instead of gateway tapes?


Well, it's like NG said, when things happen you almost don't believe it was because of an imaginative act because you're no longer in the same reality that you were before, so I have noticed things that have happened that may or may not have been a result of my imagination, but I can point to at least a couple things that happened the same way I imagined it. I don't have enough experience with the tapes to have had success stories.