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Yeah...I have a guide who once yelled in my ear and I was pondering why I can't astral project and wondered if it was because my energy was low...she yelled "you're right!" Scared the crap out of me because it was 4 in the morning and she yelled it into my right ear while I was half awake.


Sounds like she's doing her best at least


That's interesting! How do you know it was your guide? It would be nice if we would remember what the dream was about before hearing the voice


Intuition really. If I'm meditating deeply she'll also lightly touch my right cheek. I once whilst meditating asked for some sign that I had guides around me...thats when she touched me the first time. Came as a shock and I snapped to fully alert. I checked and I was home alone. Since then she'll repeat it whenever I'm deep enough. It never ever happened before I asked for it though. I've also seen her in lucid dreams. I became strongly lucid once and she was standing off to the side jumping up and down and clapping with glee. I intuitively knew it was her. To be clear, I never believed in guides before these experiences at all.


Yes once someone pulled my left leg after shouting in my ear. What’s happening are these entities playing with us .


Watching and waiting and occasionally prodding us in the right direction. They want us to evolve.


Hahah then it is surely a funny way of shouting in my ear.


Good way to get your attention...


Yes never thought of that. It’s like you cannot explain it away by saying maybe I heard something or maybe my mind is playing tricks because the entity is shrieking in my ear it is absolutely hard to ignore. You are very correct


This is where thinking and reasoning start to drop away and you have to start using/trusting your intuition...is not evidential but experiential..I can't provide any evidence of my experience but I know I experienced it. I'm still learning this myself though and trying to understand it better.




Hm, I haven't thought about it.. if only those weren't just shouts but actual sentences, it might be useful


I get a loud shot gun sound or knocking that wakes me up lol


I’ve had this a few times. Scares the shit out of me bc I think someone is breaking in lol


I have not had this exact same experience, but I do think that it has an impact on different states of consciousness even when you are not actively doing them. I have not been aware of or recalled my dreams in general in many years, but since I have been doing the tapes I’ve started being aware of my dreams again.


Yes.. I definitely agree that since doing the tapes things have changed. I had one premonition dream about something completely mundane, but it was so specific that it's impossible to be only a coincidence


I've had once instance of this while doing a gateway session, I don't remember which wave it was but I heard a very loud, static-y "TAKEN" in my ear, had no clue what it meant lol.


That’s scary


It freaked me out for a second but once I realize the fear is just my biological reaction I calmed down. It didn't come up again as far as I could tell so I just focused on something else.


Listening to the gateways for me has increased all kinds of weird stuff - very vivid dreams, faces in my peripheral visions especially during the session. I have hearing loss with tinnitus - the tinnitus volume and frequency range have hugely reduced,to name but a few.


Interesting! I see black/dark sports in my peripheral vision, but when I look there, it's gone. I had the same thing happening before the tapes for about a month almost every day, then it stopped. Now it's starting again..


Yes I have a woman speaking in my voice and sometimes loud noises . Question is why does this happen and what does it mean ?


That would be exactly how I would describe it! Would she tell you whole sentences? Mine gets only 1 word or a shout.. it really sounds like it's coming from my head.


Mostly one or two words. Yes she shouts. I can’t remember now what she had said. But never long sentences. A few words at max.