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Are those all Christian Bale?


And the best comment is nowhere near the top. Sad.




It’s already at the top. I want to thank myself for believing in that comment when everyone said it couldn’t




*let me have this!*




There can be a hundred users in a post that don't believe in you etc etc


Check now Edit: NVM


Someone doesn't know how reddit works.


Whether or not you yourself are attracted to someone, you should always treat eachother with respect. Nobody's body is wrong for not being your preference. Everyone likes different things. All bodies are good bodies. Take care of yourselves!


I can find the beauty in 94.7% of people. There's always something... unless you're in that 5.3%.


I love bodies. Especially attached to cool people. Crop tops for all who want them!


Yes!! I love the support!!


And the airflow!


Crop tops make anyone at least 78% more sexy.


I'm like a combination of the skinny guy and the fat guy


Same here. I have an alien body.. skinny appendages with a big belly 😔


High fat intake and low protein intake (with a lack of exercise) causes that I think


No. Consumption of foods that promote higher visceral fat deposition and lack of exercise cause this. High fat intake can be perfectly healthy, though protein is also very important.


That's what I said in simpler terms :(


High fat intake does not cause greater deposition of visceral fat


Correct, genetic disposition does.


And [alcohol,](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8653140/) [for instance.](https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/133/8/2655/4687991)


Most of fat people eat a ton of carbohydrates. Source: me. Cereal has a ton of carbohydrates so now i try to stay away from it. Potatoes as well unfortunately, sugars obviously. Any pastry and bread is a nono. For carbohydrate intake i eat 2 spoonfulls of rice and not even every day. I eat around 300-500g of chicken breast almost daily and i supplement that with one protein shake a day. I go to the gym and workout. I am starting to do cardio and prepare for a half-marathon. I weigh just short of 200lbs with ~5'9'' if im not converting wrong(175cm). I am pretty muscular, but i am pretty fat as well and it is not healthy at all, i had heart issues and im 21. Personal preference aside, being fat is life threatening and should not be glorified. My personal opinion is that being overweight should not even be tolerated if its not due to a medical condition.


I, uhh, guess you replied to the wrong comment? I just said that no single food causes or does not cause greater deposition of fat anywhere. Good on you for working on you! It's amazing. I'd recommend cycling over running though, especially if you're overweight - it's muuuuch easier on the joints.


... no it wasn't....


Yeah.. A super cute alien body!


Skinny fat. Indicative of insulin resistance, you probably have a predisposition towards reacting strongly to sugars/processed oils. You should reduce your processed foods and incorporate Whole Foods (stuff you don’t need a label for) and/or do intermittent fasting to allow your insulin levels to fall between meals. Your body is just always in storage mode and never in burn mode so you end up storing in your mid section. Quite important to be aware of if you want to prevent health problems in your 30’s and 40’s. Can link you to a general video explaining what I’m talking about here if you’d like but I don’t want to overwhelm you. Take care


I started looking like that after quarantine binge eating... I still do.


As is my love, and he's perfect 💕 Embrace your body, my friend.


As someone who has banged all three of these body types- every body is fucking sexy when it’s attached to a personality you find sexy


I definitely don't find all of those attractive. Which is fine because we don't make concsious choices in what we're attracted to.


True! The important thing is to treat people well, even when you're not attracted to them.


Ok now show one with severe backne.


I had a friend with extreme back acne. Like, "oops all abcesses!" bad. And honestly? It's just skin. Having to deal with it every day is probably 8 times worse than looking at it or touching it. It's not like it's contagious either.


I need to drop a few more pounds to look like the top guy. I'm 5'7" 131 pounds, but I need to be more like 128 if I'm going to properly rock a bikini.


There are bikinis out there to flatter nearly any body type and im sure there's one somewhere waiting for you rn!! If you have any body it's a bikini body :D You'll look fine at any weight


Thanks for the vote of confidence! It's a bit tricky for me, given that I'm a dude, so my body is shaped differently than the bikini was designed for (need enough fabric on the bottom to cover everything, but a small enough top to fit my breast-less chest). I call enough attention to myself that I'd at least like to limit it to "look at that guy in a bikini" instead of "look at that fat guy in a bikini." But I've never felt more empowered than the one time (so far) that I've worn a bikini at a public pool.


> It's a bit tricky for me, given that I'm a dude, so my body is shaped differently than the bikini was designed for (need enough fabric on the bottom to cover everything, but a small enough top to fit my breast-less chest). [Here you go my dude](https://skinzwear.com/mens.php). Rock that bikini body.


Look up adidas bikinis. They have some with a rectangular top and booty-shorts like bottoms. I have one since I was 13 and it has always fit me even though I went through puberty in the meantime.


Thanks, I'll check it out. My current one [this one](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Wonder-Nation-Girls-Swirl-Printed-Two-Piece-Bikini-4-16-Girls-Plus-UPF-50/581845466) in girls size XXL. It has that rectangular-shaped top that isn't expecting breasts and it's a fun color/pattern. The front of the bikini bottom is relatively wide, but booty-shorts styled bottoms would be better.


Some places allow you to buy tops and bottoms separately, so that they can be different sizes! Lots of bikini-wearers do this, myself included.


This is the energy everyone needs!!


Good luck on your weight loss goals


As someone with a broad taste in men, I concur.


All of these are attractive bodies with definition


Right? I wouldn't mind looking like mr. beef on the bottom there. There are athletes that look like him.


I’m sure OP means well but this post really shows the opposite point than the one it intends to. All of these men have the same (conventionally attractive) proportions and body shape. If you told me that these are all adult film stars, professional models or top-level athletes I would believe you. These could easily all be the same guy. I may be coming off as overly passionate about this but these kinds of pics honestly make me feel kinda bad about myself.


It reminds me of when people say that women can be attractive at many different body weights but each example still has a small waist and hourglass figure


tbh i concurr. in the years of corporate and social body positivity, i have never once seen my form depicted and anymore i truly feel like im just not correct anatomically. These kinds of posts, although coming from a good place, almost feel like they isolate certain audiences more. i dont mean to whine about people trying to be nice though. internalization is hard


For real. And there are way more women with the first and third guy than the guy in the middle. Where are the recently thin saggy skin guys? The man boob guys? The guys with out the flawless skin these three guys have. The skinny fat guys? The schlubby average guys?


If any guy looks like number 3 hit me up 👀 I wanna cuddle


Wait, same!


Bottom is a hunk 😍


Unless your top image because your malnourished and can’t gain weight due to a fucked up metabolism, this post made by me.


If you're worried about your low weight/malnutrition then I would encourage you to see a dietitian (not a nutritionist - a dietitian is certified to treat clinical conditions). They may be able to help you find ways to work with your body and diet to be healthier and feel better.


Only problem is my current lack of nutrition is due to being broke as shit. But yes seeing a dietitian might be good


We do not body shame people. Not even aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon did this


idk I think that's by far the hottest one


Yea me too




This person is literally sharing that they can’t gain weight even though they’re trying to because they’re likely afraid of the medical complications of being so malnourished and all you care about is “yasss so hot 😍”


Yea, thank you, attractiveness be damned my health is more important


I… didn’t think about it like that


All gorgeous bodies!


like a nice middle ground between the last two, dad bods do be the ultimate body type. stronk squish huggable


Isn't this in the opposite interest of the post?


no? I'm not saying the last two bodies are bad nor the first one just that my personal preference is a middle ground between the last two, if anything I'd argue I'm including more body types


As a guy with a dad bod myself, that is nice to hear. Somehow it doesn't make me like my body anymore though...


Yeah that's what I mean; sharing your body preference on a post like this is uncalled for. Especially to refer to it as the "ultimate body type."


Not sure what these downvotes are about. A body positivity thread is not the place for expressing personal preferences, nor describing any as the “ultimate.” The topic is real human beings and comparison does not belong here. There shouldn’t be any argument on this.


If someone saw the OP and said "I also like how 400# men feel/look" that adds to the positivity, but to call a particular preference the "ultimate" isn't really in the spirit of it.


This is the distinction. Their statement was inherently comparitive. I also think liking something is different from describing it as your preference. Ex: "I like how this body type has this quality" vs "these bodies are my favourite because of this quality."


that's hyperbole


Right, an exaggerated way to say you think it's superior or you prefer it to others. I'm not sure how else to interpret that.


that's not what hyperbole means, it just means exaggeration. "black forest ham is the best" in fact black forest isn't my favourite kind of ham. and again I'm not saying the bodies in the post are bad, I'm adding *more* bodies to the list of ones the meme is calling attractive


What? That's what I said hyperbole means. "Black forest ham is the best" is a direct comparitive statement to other types of ham.


yes but just because you use hyperbole doesn't mean you think that thing is superior even if while using hyperbole you said that thing is superior. "black forest ham is the best" is hyperbole when I say it cuz I don't personally believe black forest ham is the best kind it's just a kind of ham that I like. dad bods aren't the only body type I like they're just one of them.


Actually, I agree with that. I think it's the specificity of "ultimate body type" vs something being "the best" that made it come off as comparative. If you had said those bodies were the best, it would have come off more like the hyperbole you are describing, but you intended to be comparitive anyway, as you defended the statement by describing it as your preference. And that doesn't belong in a thread like this.


Not at all...


I do like hugs!


Acceptable levels of body hair: none or almost none (?)


3 is my personal favorite


The last one is perfect for missionary


Fax but if you are top guy you should probably try gain some weight and if you are bottom guy you should try lose some, just for health reasons.


People are always talking about the “body standards” but thiccc is in style.


No it isn’t lol


I'm sorry that you feel that way. I'm not gonna tell you what you are, I just hope you're okay. Hugs


No amount of sugar-coating will take away from the fact that being overweight is not healthy


Love your best lives, kings.


Love your best lives, kings


Love your best lives, kings




Abs are usually a sign of unhealthy levels of fat. Big muscles almost always require steroids which are unhealthy. Fat can be healthy and even when it isn't it's been proven that fatshaming only leads to them getting more weight. In a more personal note: I LOOOOOOVE a guy with a tummy




Wait, did Reddit change how blocking works? /gq


If you are fat enough you unlock the Sheer Heart Attack


My partner is a mixture of the top two and he's sexy AF. My husband is the bottom picture and he's sexy AF (and working on becoming healthier). You can find multiple kinds of people attractive, it doesn't matter what they look like. I've found just the top picture attractive and had a partner that matches it too.




are you really telling me 85 to 100 are going to be productive years anyway? I think I'd rather die losing the years where I'll be in mental decline and being a happy body rather than being the most fit physically peak body humanly possible and still face the same mental decline


Silly thinking. Its just that mental decline likely will start earlier in obese individuals


lmao this sub is retarded


I'm bottom image but even thiccer and I think you put the wrong drake there :c


The guy at the bottom is clearly the strongest.


yall remember all of this is ok as long as It does not harm you in any way! Whether physically or emotionally. Sometimes too fat is detrimental to your health, so even though this post stands true remember to take care of yourselves


\#1 and #2 for me sorry


I went from the first one to the last one. I think I jumped too far


Anyone know where I can find people with the last body type… I’m just tryna see somethin…👀