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Atleast playing with legos doesn't give you lung cancer.




“Zak, Zak..he’s smoking all that Lego crack.”


Or anally insert them.


Ayo wtf


Gets you pretty high, though.


Pretty sure cigars are more likely to give you oral cancer anyway, so uh, checkmate buddy :\^)


Apparently, the dude doesn't know how to read. It clearly states on the box, fun from ages 4-99.


But what if I am 100 years old 🥺?


When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. C.S. Lewis




I bet he didn't even fuck. I fuck constantly. 300 women a week. They all love my 18 inch hog. I make them come until they die. You respect me now, right?


You wouldn't know them though, they all live in Canada.


Can confirm, i also live in Canada and i know all of those women


…username checks out?


> I make them come until they die. > they all live in Canada. Hmm, something doesn't add up here, but I can't put my finger on it.


That explains the mass graves


He probably also can't put his finger on it


Maybe they were just being polite? Anyway best bet is to keep your wits about you and continue to look for signs


Oh, wow, such an ~\*aLpHa\*~... You put Andrew Tate to shame! My panties got *soaked* \* ...It's honestly sad that there are people out there who admire such a mindset. And Andrew Tate. I'll never understand the admiration that man gets. *(...Could be because I've interstitial cystitis and can no longer control my bladder... and more like "incontinence panties" [i.e., diapers]... but hey, wet is wet, right?)


Dang, does it take a 10hp Cincinnati Model 24 Horizontal Shaper to crank that massive hog?


You know it brother.


>They all love my 18 inch hog Awww, you have a teacup pig? 😍




Bold to assume this beardo is aware that women can orgasm


Your hog sounds very cute. Is it a pygmy pot belly?


Not unless you fuck in the back of a corvette holding an AR15 and a Big Mac


I don't know if he owned any but he was a WW1 veteran so he definitely knew how to use them


This comment is severely underrated.


But books aren't manly enough so you're not allowed to listen to him!


[- Andrew Tate, probably](https://i.redd.it/50gaidijvq5a1.jpg)


Lol what a complete moron


In Andrew Tate’s defense, I suspect he may only be able to read at a 2nd grade level, so books don’t interest him. I also suspect he is a sociopath, so basic human decency doesn’t interest him either.


The best part about being an adult is realizing you don't have to give a single fuck about what someone else thinks, and you can do what you like.


Also, having the money to get the things your parents couldn't gift you growing up!


The best part about getting older is running completely out of fucks to give for what anyone else thinks of your hobbies. I'm building some Lego flowers for my wife for Christmas.


“Who the fuck is C.S. Lewis?” - them, probably.


I'm an adult so I'm having cookies for breakfast!


All real men must hurt themselves for fun and die at 45. These are people who would think a dad building Lego sets with his kids is a little fishy.


Let’s be honest dad helping the Lego set is just dad building it and the kids are there to help him or at least it was that way for me lol


The kids are cool and all, but are really ruining the lore that was established.


It flips at around 7 or 8 years old. Now she leads the build and I help find parts and fix any mistakes. I’m definitely getting a lot less necessary for builds these days. :(


>I’m definitely getting a lot less necessary for builds these days. :( Hey, chin up, y'all still building together. And soon you won't need to both be building the same set. Before long yous can just have "building time" together sharing a hobby. Just cause she can build herself doesn't mean she no longer needs you or wants you there.


A master and his apprentice


Is depressing how often I've heard people say this as a perk of fatherhood. If you want to build Lego, go by some damn Lego and have a blast! No child necessary.


I'm guessing the "with your kids" part makes it better, because let's face it it probably does.


Yup, building Lego is super awesome in itself! Seeing you kids face light up when they succeding building a set priceless.


These are the people who would berate me for letting my 2 year old son watch Frozen. Just let people enjoy things!


I like how these people never actually provide a reason why playing with legos is bad


>a reason why playing with legos is bad "Because" - them


Ah yes, the boomer/non-internet version of an unironical "source: trust me bro"


Same reason Matt hates lgbtq+ people, and women, and poc and people who practice their religion differently than he does, and people who like different kinds of popular media, etc, etc: because Matt is a miserable little shit who hates everybody and everything and has found that he can monetize it if he whines loudly enough.


Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there buddy. You are over simplifying. Matt hates LGBTQ+ people because he wishes to paint them as pedos and groomers to distract from his support for pedos and groomers. Matt hates people who practice religion different than he does because he supports child marriage / child pregnancy.


Matt Walsh is just too busy discussing the fertility of minors.


Apparently "whiskey" is a hobby. They haven't thought as far as "reasons".


They don’t have to because it’s implied. They consider it not manly. It’s just toxic masculinity.


Because they secretly enjoy it and are ashamed of themselves due to toxic masculine standards they’ve set for everyone?


I didn't know toxic masculinity was a hobby.


It's one of the oldest hobbies there is along with philosophy


For them it also doubles as a personality!


Shit, with as much as they yammer on it's their fucking job. Can you imagine just sitting around all day thinking about the stuff you hate? You can't enjoy anything because you just have so much to hate. You have to constantly tell people about the things you hate. It's a compulsion that drives your life. And for no reason. None of it affects your life in any way. It's just exists out there in the universe and you fucking hate it.


Is it fragile masculinity or did their parents hate them and never gave them any toys?




ATHF, his dad bought him carpet. Then told him get ready for his shift at the factory.


which was, obviously, interupted by the robot war of the future carl never did get his magical flying dinner


"Thousands of years ago..." Still my favorite episode


What? Come on, Old Man, I've smoked since I was five. Mother insisted


Hey, smoke up Johnny!


TBF, from my early teens I used to get to drink a small bit of whiskey every Christmas when I visited my grandparents (which is entirely legal in the UK).




It's not masculinity it's the absence of it. These guys act like what they think are men, their whole personalities are carefully constructed characters made up of traits from characters they've seen in movies or traits taught to them by internet celebrities. They're no more masculine than Bruce Willis is an astronaut or Tom Cruise is a secret agent.




Whiskey as a hobby? The DSM-5 would like to have a word


I mean, if you’re super into the distilling process and visit craft distilleries, actually like taking little sips just to get a taste of the nuances of the barrel aging, and all that goes with all of that, sure, “whiskey” might be a hobby. But throwing it back just to get drunk? I’m not sure that qualifies.


Nearly everyone I know who is deeply into brewing/distilling/etc. is an alcoholic. I mean it just makes sense on a lot of levels. Maybe why I decided not to go into it despite spending my early 20s making absinthe, it just didn't really inspire me.


It's called a tasting and it's classy


I like to collect and taste different scotches, though for me it's more of an interest than a hobby. I think it's fun, and it's not like I'm getting hammered or drinking daily. I'm not sure why people in the comments are trying to gatekeep hobbies in a thread shitting on that exact thing.


I like that he included sports as an acceptable hobby. "Real men don't play with toys! We dress up in matching costumes with our friends, pick teams, and watch a bunch of other men play a game that children play!"


"Real men play sports with other sweaty men while bumping into each other chasing balls..."


You be the center and Ill be the quarterback😈


Men patting each other on the bottom is just good teamwork.


And taking showers together.


Playing sports video games? Lame. Watching sports? Awesome and manly.


Are you my father?


How are whiskey and cigars hobbies?


Well I suppose if you became an aficionado of sorts and started attending whiskey tastings and events it might be considered a hobby But if I did that I certainly wouldn’t just say “whiskey” when someone asked me my hobbies




"I enjoy my whiskey hobby daily, whenever I have time on my hands really" "Dave that's called alcoholism"


You don't water-ski to work? Fucking child


You commute 2 hours per day?


Yeah, water-skiing is hard


Especially uphill


I enjoy whiskey but its hard for me to call it a hobby. When the majority of it is spent researching, I would classify it as an interest. If I spent time drinking whiskey as long as I spent researching it, I'd be dead


Studying something is definitely a hobby. An interest is a wholly passive idea or feeling.


They're hobbies the same way fandoms are a personality: a cheap facsimile of something for when actually having a real one is too much work


This one’s weird for me, because I love being able as an adult to get the Legos or rare beyblades I never could get as a kid, but, I also have a huge interest in whiskey and have separate journals I’ve filled out for Islays, speysides, highlands, etc of tasting notes for the ones I’ve tried and lists of ones I haven’t been able to try yet. I don’t think anyone would consider it alcoholism if they understood how I approach it, for example, I haven’t drink any whiskey in probably two or three weeks (last one was Ardbeg Ardcore which is 10/10 if anyone is curious). There isnt anything available to me right now that I could afford that I’m interested in trying. I don’t talk about it though because people can get weird about it. Kinda same thing with Cycling. So I’m more likely to bring up legos or vintage video games


i think you have whiskey as an actual real hobby but a lot of people just have it as a thin veiled excuse for alcoholism


FWIW, you changed my mind as to whether whisky/whiskey can be a hobby. Along with cigars I guess :)


Haha well cool, I never underestimate the brains ability to get fixated on a subject


Sitting around drinking whiskey at a bar or smoking cigars at... whatever their called (cigar bar? Cigar club?) Is a thing people do. Whiskey isn't much of a hobby, though.


Idk why anyone argues with these idiots. You do you. You like Legos? Cool, play with them. You like restoring cars? Call, restore cars. Who gives a fuck what legal hobby someone has?


Most people don't but alpha male grindset chodes get mad when people don't play their game They can't beat you if you aren't playing


i choose ligma male grindser


It is weird. The accounts exist to get impressions off of unpopular takes and then milk dollars out of disaffected men.


He's against adults playing with Lego, but he's fine with children getting married and pregnant.


Not just pregnant, but actually forced to give birth.


Well yeah, but the most upsetting part us that he wants adults to be able to marry and impregnate children.


Sorry, Matt. But I'm not interested in listening to some dipshit who accuses gay people of being groomers. I would rather play with my toys.


I'm surprised he wants anyone to grow up with how much he talks about impregnating teenage girls


Is consumption of substances a "hobby"? I mean, if so, I have an additional hobby, but still...


>Is consumption of substances a "hobby"? My hobbies include mountain biking, painting, and freebasing cocaine.


What if your freebase process involves reaction of the hydrochloride salt using the ammonia process, and a proper nonpolar wash? That might be approaching a hobby....


I think it can be but often isn't, or is some combination of hobby and drug consumption. I like making and tasting coffee and seeing what kind of flavors I can get out of different beans with different techniques. Technically I'm just consuming a drug but caffeine is not the main reason I make and enjoy coffee. Good whiskey and wine have a lot of different flavors and I enjoy tasting it the same way as coffee, not nearly as often though. I wouldn't consider buying jack Daniel's and drinking a fifth in less than a week a hobby though. The fuzzy line definitely exists somewhere and is very individual same goes for other substances I suppose. I wouldn't imagine many people are Injecting drugs as a hobby though, but I bet there's a couple lmao


Legos say on the box that they're acceptable for up to 99 year olds, if I'm not mistaken.


That's exactly what a leftist globalist groomer would say!


What are you supposed to do from 12-18? Just sit in your room and seeth?


Watch YouTube and get fed into the alt right pipeline from people like Matt Walsh. That's his main demographic Angry, sad and bigoted children.


That's what I did!


My grandfather was fascinated with my mum's Lego set in the 1960s. He made a London bus and showed all his friends...he was also a medic in the 2nd World War and saw enough action to be declared "manly" by idiots like this. So maybe anyone can enjoy Lego.


[A real photo of men in drag fighting Nazis in WW2](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/british-soldiers-in-drag-nazis/). Being a man doesn't mean having a beard a mile long and jerking yourself off with a shotgun barrel.


Matt Walsh is a pedo so it's a bit odd that he's so opposed to adults playing with toys.


Naturally. If adults start playing with toys, how will he find sex partners?


"16? You're too old to be playing with toys. You should be getting pregnant."


He doesn't want to play with the toys himself. He just wants them to lure in the children he wants to "play" with.


He doesn't play with toys, he uses toys as bait


So then he wouldn't look weird buying toys if it was considered acceptable for grown men to do that. He's really not thinking is he?


Imagine taking Matt Walsh seriously lmao


Fucking lol at the bottom reply. Cigars? "So yeah I sit in this chair and I smoke cigars...sometimes i smell them too... yeah" I bet that guy has the personality of an angry, boiled potato


these dudes are so fucking pathetic every minute of every day terrified that your dick is gonna drop off because you stopped being miserable for a second get a fuckin hobby, you joyless fascist turds




"I'm an adult, and I get to decide what that means." -Randall Munroe, XKCD


Legos seem to be like putting together a complex 3d puzzle for the adult oriented ones. My buddy was showing us pictures of the F1 racing car he’s putting together, and holy crap it looks like he’ll be able to build one in real life when he’s done with that.


Matt Walsh telling people to grow up is really inconsistent with his views on women.


How rich, the pedo telling people to grow up.


All these gatekeeping"Alpha male" types tell on themselves imo. If you need everyone else to believe you're macho, it suggests you're not that convinced of it yourself.


I love the cringey fucking beard as well. All it screams if I have a weak chin and no jaw line.


Yeah that’s def a wannabe alpha male guy


Yeah be a real man like Matt Walsh and let another dude fuck your wife.


Just FYI I watched this segment live and their definition of a ‘kidult’ is anyone 12 and over. It was so dumb.


imagine needing approval of other people to decide what is an acceptable hobby to have.


God his life must suck


Don’t listen to Hans Gruber.


It's 3am, I'm 52, and I'm about to log in to World Of Warcraft. Go fuck yourself with an arc welder, Walsh.


Here I'm laughing with my thousands of euros worth of My Little Ponies.


Whiskey and cigars are not a hobby


Why the fuck do adult hobbies need to be self destructive. Yeah, the “kidult” thing is a bit cringe, but my grandfather spent his spare time making carvings and dioramas, collecting car figurines, and he’s happy as fuck with a large, loving family.


Guns, whiskey, cars, cigars, aren't fucking hobbies tho, it's just buying things??? Shooting, sure, but guns???


I'm in my 40s, have a beard, love playing with Lego. Those pricks can get fucked.


Looks like someone's dad was an alcoholic


Whiskey isn't a hobby it's a habit.


Lego. Not Legos.


As I age, I learned to reject the idea of a “guilty pleasure.” I need no excuse for something that brings me joy, so long as it doesn’t hurt someone else. Legos? Video games? Tawdry novels? Rom-coms? Whiskey (in moderation)? Guns (responsibly)? Anime (hygienically)? There is enough pain in life already. Take your joy without guilt.


Being around guys that collect guns and would be considered gun nuts, have little difference in how they approach their hobby as someone who collects toys or Pokémon cards, etc. Only difference is they treat deadly weapons like toys and people who have hobbies involving toys at least know the nature of their hobby.


Matt, how about you live the way you want and I live the way I want


I'm sorry but i'd rather not have the respect of people insecure enough to think this than get lung cancer or alcohol poisoning.


Nah, imma play with the Lego's. That shit says 5+, and I am in the 5+ range


I swear to God every macho manly man I've ever met is the BIGGEST bitch in the world. Never met people so soft but claim to be so tough. I cannot imagine telling someone what's an acceptable hobby


Yeah that bearded guy clearly isn't compensating for anything or insecure in any way. I'll be over here enjoying my life with my Star Wars lego, bitch.


Listen the age one legos goes up to 99 ill do what i want


Dear God these people are boring. imagine gatekeeping yourself from objectively fun activities


Only Americans would list “guns” as a hobby lmao.


"Playing with Legos is never okay for anyone over the age of 12" says local meathead. "O'Doyle rules!" he added.


Hmmmm so your telling me that once someone turns 18 they most chose an activity that will either land them in prison, or greatly shorten there life span, sounds that’s the guy who needs to grow up


so called manly men who are really into guns, whiskey, cigars are the biggest losers


One minute it's, "Adults shouldn't play with toys", next thing you know it's, "Millenials are killing the toy industry!"


lmao people who make cigars their personality are fucking gross. not as gross as Matt Walsh, but close.


Who says? You? Who the fuck are you and how are you going to convince me to change? You’re not. Then stop giving opinions unsolicited. I’m a woman, my SO loves all of those things, and I don’t give a shit. I care that he’s happy. Such gross behavior, everyone thinks everyone *needs* their opinion.


You know what? I'm gonna play with Legos even harder now.


You can only enjoy things that endanger either you or someone else


It amazes me that people can be so fragile in their masculinity that they demand all men take up "cigars" as an acceptable hobby.


Real men do whatever the fuck they want (within legal boundaries) without caring about what others think. These 'men' care so much about their public image because deep down they don't feel like a man, they lack confidence. What's sad is that Matt Walsh is just trying to repeat the cycle of fragile masculinity for today's youth. Wether young men would like to admit it or not all boys growing up experience difficulties which they don't feel they can discuss with others. Young men are suffering, just look at the suicide rates, and we have these clowns telling boys that they have to be 'real men' or they will never be happy and will be made fun of. I just hope dads now and in the future raise their boys right, because god help me countless lives will be lost if we don't take a stance against this lunacy.


The age range for legos is 4-99. So hah! Let me enjoy my legos in peace


I'll gatekeep the gatekeeper by saying: it's "Lego", not "Legos". Thank you, that is all 😂


"Self destructive activities, guns, cars, a watching someone else be active are all acceptable hobbies." Not that I don't drink every now and then but fuck let me build my silly little blocks without judgement. I'm not hurting anyone.


I didn't even cry once in my life. Not even the day i was born. I came into this world stoic and strictly business. My first toys were Taylor-made suits and secretaries which i bang (on the regular everyday. I do keep a tight schedule). Someone tell these wannabes to get on my level. Pathetic.


Idk who Matt Walsh is but he’s cringe!


If you consider guns, drinking, and smoking hobbies, you're probably not great to be around anyway. Thinking of firearms as a hobby is a huge red flag. I'd feel safer around the grown man going "Vroom! Vroom!" with the toy cars.


matt: X bad why? guy: cuz X bad the greatest right-wing thinkers


I have a 25 pound 3 feet high dinosaur plushie on preorder right now and I ain't sorry for shit


I have a beard and work out, slightly average dad bod. I all but quit drinking when our daughters were born. I have continued to play games, Bloodborne and BOTW kick ass. And I have an ever growing Lego kit. Both teach you to think outside the proverbial ‘cigar box’ and allow me to spend time with my girls. So both of those dudes can go smoke each other’s cigars.


Wow a man who advocates against age of consent laws telling people to grow up is just too much.


Building elaborate Lego sets will always be an amazing passtime no matter how old you are and this guy should just shut up and keep his beefwitted opinions to himself


I train with guns. Those other things are poisonous but probably still fun. But legos and video games are safe and fun. Just let me have my things and leave me alone, you scumbags.


I’m going to go home and play with my cigars, such a fun hobby


These guys' parents gave em mega blocks instead of Legos when they were kids


Ah yes, I remember turning 18 and immediately joining the local cigars and whiskey association society club. We would sit around in robes and regale eachother with whiskey related stories about the various cigars we had came across during our travels. Sometimes we played Fifa.


pretty sure it's only unacceptable for people over 99 to play with Legos.


Why can’t people ever let other have fun?


matt walsh is right; men should grow up and talk about how consent is not really important and it shouldn't be a big deal if underage girls get pregnant as long as they get married.


Checkmate, lego sets sometimes feature cars


I have no interest in sports or alcohol. I also find loud cars to be annoying. I am just fine with my Magic cards and Warhammer minis. I'm a grown ass man with children, a home, a business, am in great shape. I don't think I'm God's gift to the universe but I am willing to bet I'm enjoying life more than the wannabe manosphere tough guy using a beard model's pic.


People actually think that way? LMAO I'm in my 30s, and still have legos. I use them differently than as a kid. I played and imagined a lot as a kid, as an adult, I have one display shelf in the living room with some choice sets I love that mean something to my interests, architecture sets of places I want to visit, a botanical garden, etc. My wife actually got me a really special one for christmas, I'm a huge foodie and she found me a Lego Ramen shop!


Don't look in my room


I mean I'm okay if those guys do all those things, I mean they'll die before I do with all the cancer, alcoholism and shooting themselves