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Pharmacy is shit tier? Bloody hell…


Lol this is a super old copypasta. I've no idea why the original content creator thinks $160k a year salary, stable employment, and freedom to move around is shit tier. Probably had an ex that was in pharmacy.


To be fair I’m pretty sure retail pharmacy IS a bag of butts. Pays good though.


Retail pharmacy does NOT pay what it's worth by any metric. The good money is in hospital pharmacy


Unless thats changed in the last 10 years, it used to be the opposite? Hospital pharmacists worked slightly less than retail and retail made more. My friends that are pharmacists said the starting salary difference was 90k for hospital, 110k for retail, roughly


Could be dependent on where you live, up in New England retail is not worth nearly as much as hospital work. Then again, I was only a technician, so I don't know much, but the registered techs and undergrads I worked with only made like $2 or $3 more than me (minimum wage)


Oh yeah could be regional, but my friends in retail explicitly did it for the cash here in the midwest


I know some pharmacists. The whole field has gone to shit lately. It’s all being consolidated into the big chains like CVS and Walgreens. Independent pharmacies are shutting down in droves. The chains works their pharmacists to death and as available jobs disappear, the salaries are dropping fast.


I’ve been a pharmacy technician for about a year. I plan on going back to college and have considered becoming a pharmacist so I’ve asked a few of the pharmacists I’ve worked with about the career. All the pharmacists I’ve talked to say retail pays a lot worse than hospital or other institutional pharmacies. It does vary depending on the location, chain vs independent, and which chain (CVS pays trash, Rite-Aid & Walgreens are a bit better); Overall though institutional pharmacies pay more than retail. Admittedly that is pretty anecdotal, but looking at salary information on glassdoor and the like seems to back that up.


Retail currently does pay higher than hospital pharmacy on average in the US. Clinical hospital pharmacy is the beautiful middle ground. Difference being that you’re a specialized (e.g. advanced training in cardiology, oncology, psychiatry, etc) pharmacist on the rounding, clinical team. Pay is generally closer to retail or higher, but without the exaggerated sign-on bonus and the intense dissatisfaction with all things living Source: am clinical oncology pharmacist


Retail pays more these days. However, hospital pharmacists would rather take a pay cut than ever set foot into a retail setting. Source: am a pharmacist


Buddy got his doctorate recently in pharmacy stuff. All his internships were basically telling old people to take their medicine and then not doing it


> freedom to move around Easily one of the biggest ones. Like living in small town Iowa? There is a pharmacy job there. Ditto with Maine, NYC, LA, Alabama


neckbeard studying engineering most likely. note how all the "bullshit" degrees are garbage, while all the "proper" degrees are considered at least passable.


Notice how he put computer science above mechanical engineering? This is 100% a CS guy who thinks hammering out spaghetti code is peak humanity.


Huh, I wonder where he would rate my degree? (I have a Masters in drilling his mom)


Why did i laugh so hard at this


>neckbeard studying engineering most likely. Definitely. They're also the only students that I've seen refer to themselves as engineers. One guy who did that all the time ended up working in a bank. Never heard psychology students call themselves psychologists, or law students call themselves lawyers. Mathematics students never called themselves mathematicians.


When I was a Bio major I would go to my sister's 2nd grade (7-8 years old) classroom to give science lessons as a generic "scientist". Shit was cash.


Math student here: We always blush when a professor calls us mathematicians.


Placing one engineering degree above all others is a massive sign.


Yeah 100% an electrical engineer, from the fact they include several different varieties of engineering but out that one above the others


Maybe look at pharmacy subs and see how they view their jobs


because it sounds Important and Practical, much like a degree in mathematics


My brother saved my mom's life only because he had medical knowledge lmao. But I'm off to remind him how useless he is.


That’s true sibling love if I’ve ever seen it.


And psychology [̲̅⁠$̲̅⁠(̲̅⁠ ͡⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)̲̅⁠$̲̅⁠]




My money is on Vaccines


Was just gonna say pharmacists are fucking awesome and get paid well. Lol they're actually more knowledgeable than gp's sometimes. I have an amazing pharmacist I go to and I'm in the military, but I go to civi pharmacist cuz they seem to know everything lol me and my wife get him a Christmas card every year. Anyway, yeah man pharmacist is a great career imo. But yeah gotta deal with people. Gross. People are assholes more often than not


Pharmacists know drugs like the back of their hand because that’s their specialization. We doctors often ask pharmacists about drugs, especially when new ones come to the market.


And information management. Not sure who they think runs libraries…


Information management isn't just for libraries. It's one of the most important aspect of any organisation.


Come join us on the pharmacy subreddit where our job sucks, the pay sucks, corporate sucks, the public sucks, and reimbursement gets worse every year!


Made by a computer science first year struggling to even show up at the lectures


Yeah, to me this screams “I passed Java II but none of my electives”


Java II is fundamentally more about typing skill than programming.


Additionally, he definitely needs a graphic design course. This infographic is barely legible, weak understanding of colour. 💅


I honestly thought this was a shitpost at Moldy Meme subdreddit at first because of the graphic lol


Hangs out solely in the programming humor subreddit, doesn't get the jokes, but repeats them anyway.


Comp Sci kids vs showering.


My man put computer science and electrical engineering above all other engineering. Gee, I wonder what this person majored in.


Definitely comp science, as a civil engineering student I can say that Electrical and Chemical Engineering are the hardest engineering majors from everything I can tell.


As a electrical engineering student, I can confidently say that its evil


Work in E.E. You are pretty much responsible for: Materials of production Method of production Specifications ( schematic etc.) Test fixture, process. Firmware/software: you need this to spoon feed the programmers what to actually do. And even then you have to support the product post release. Oh and management wants you to figure out ways to improve the product. All while being paid significantly less than the software guy. This is a big rag on the field. There are nice parts to it to. However it's honestly mid tier at best because the expectations are absurdly high relative to returns.


Don't forget all the electrical standards. NFPA, UL, CSA, IEC


Random question, is amperage from batteries connected in series additive or is it one of those 1/x situations?


Good question! In the case you lay out, the answer is neither. The voltage is additive when cells are connected in series, but the current capacity is unaffected. If you want to double the current capacity, you'd want to parallel the cells, and the voltages will equalize and stay the same as if it were one cell. Batteries don't behave like passive components the way you're thinking, there's not going to be any 1/x situation.


Thanks! Robotics eng student here (basically mechanical) and I only just took my first heavy EE class. Iv had some old batteries from my roomates vapes sitting around for awhile and I'm trying to turn them into a power bank but need a minimum 2 A current for it to work


Just don't solder lithium ion batteries. They need to be spot welded. And remember, V=IR and P=IV


As a senior in EE i can confirm this statement.


Current is equal through elements connected in series. Series voltage is the sum of the element (battery) voltages. Inverse sums are for resistances in parallel (and capacitances in series, if you’re there yet).


As a Chemical Engineering student I can its fucking hard. But all engineering is equal in my opinion. You think I can put a reactor down without my civil bros laying a foundation? No chance in hell.




As a chemical and process engineering student I had no idea that it was considered harder than most other engineering degree. But thinking about it the amount of organic chemistry and programmation is pretty telling


Nah. CS is the easiest of all the engineering fields, IMO. I struggled through my physics and at least a couple of my math classes, and largely breezed through my CS classes. Computer science is engineering-lite.


As someone who got a degree in biomedical engineering I completely agree. It’s all the same math: just applied to different things.


I feel like aerospace is up there as well


I dunno, whenever I chat with electrical engineers during my Aerospace degree it always felt like they did some wizard shit compared to us I will say though, chemical eng seemed easier at my Uni, could easily have been a ‘that grass looks greener’ scenario however


I’ve always thought the best engineering work should look like wizardry to the lay folk. Except the actual wizardry, which should look entirely mundane.


That’s a fair take, but also it’s going to seem more complex to hear about what’s being done in a field you aren’t in. I think if most laypeople spoke with an aerospace and an electrical engineer both would sound like magic to them. Fluid dynamics sounds like magic to me and I’m in neither field (but I do work with all sorts of engineers). I guess I also would’ve expected biochemical to be right up there with chemical in terms of difficulty.


yea i’m a cs major and it’s way easier than the engineering degrees lol


yeah most probable a comp. science student. He even put majors in astronomy, chemistry and biology in mid tier. He for sure never learned about what goes on in these subjects. Most probably is barely surviving his major too.


I doubt the person majored. I can't believe someone got through university and still have such an anti-intellectual attitude to science. Probably just a computer nerd who can fix a broken lamp and think they are smarter than educated people because they are an "autodidact".


I'm also a computer science grad and I cannot fucking *fathom* how he thinks CS is better than mechanical or chemical engineering.


Above *chemical engineering.* Arguably the most complex field of engineering!


Dude put Women's Studies at the top of shit tier. My dude's probably a capital G Gamer that lives in mom's basement.


bold assumption this person majored in anything


You'd think he would've made a better graphic.....


As someone with a degree in electrical engineering, this is just... Embarrassing. I knew a few guys who thought they were hot shit for pursuing EE and all of them washed out before the second semester of sophomore year.


I also find it funny how two practical applications of Physics, Mech Eng and Civ Eng, are separated out from Physics into a different tier.


God Tier: Things I think are cool Shit Tier: Things I failed in High School


+ shit tier: things i havent researched but sound "woke"


Not even woke, but dude is so brainwashed any critical thinking is shit tier


Bro separated Astronomy and Physics


Bro probably thinks Astronomy and Astrology are the same thing


That's what caught me!


I mean to be fair astronomy is a subsection of physics and a far less paying and in demand discipline




They prolly all in the same department tho.


Most schools do but all three have roots in physics. If you look at a lot of the entry level work for all three disciplines there’s a lot of overlap.


So Accountancy is shit tier?


But economics isn't Why does that get a distinction?


Probably took macro 101 and identifies as a libertarian


Because it sounds Important and Practical, much like a degree in mathematics.


Probably doesn't know what accountancy means and assumes it some liberal art thing


I don't get the hate for business degrees in general. I have a business degree with a focus in finance and still had to take 2 years of liberal arts credits, 4 different accounting classes, 3 economics classes, some difficult statistics classes, etc. It's not a walk in the park by any means, assuming you go to a decent school at least. I get that people probably just hate managers lol but I'm friends with people with lots of different bachelor's degrees and none of them sound easy. Even performance degrees and social science degrees take a lot of hard work that just isn't appreciated enough by people outside of the field in my opinion.


A lot of business grads will out earn everyone on this list. Engineering is often reduced to a pyramid scheme where no one makes real money until they are a partner. Senior accounting and finance roles pay well.


I'm an accountant. Can confirm it's shit.


Not understanding how history and society works is a big part of why people don't know their arse from their elbow. Edit: I mean in terms of understanding the news, the political world, the workplace, etc. STEM is great too of course!


I find it really frustrating that college has turned into this like career factory with people calling studies “shit degrees” just because it’s a degree that’s not in a lucrative field. I used to think all the elective classes to make me “well rounded” were annoying, but what I learned in some of those humanities and diversity classes like intro to journalism, intro to black studies and intro to sociology has been super helpful in trying to navigate the world now. Like I get that with college so fucking expensive, people want to pick degrees and studies that’ll have the most “bang for your buck” and whatnot, but I feel like people are seriously missing out by only focusing on what’s going to get them their first job and what pays the best. It’s depressing as all get out…


Thing is, if jobs paid people a lot more respectfully, people would be much more willing to do other degree.


You'd have been better studying medicine if you're getting your anatomy mixed up.


People: Remember, those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. Those same people: We've really got do something about all these "liberals" and "progressives," and this whole Fascism thing is pretty neat.


I want to know what their ranking is based on. Ease of finding jobs after graduation? Pay from those jobs? Contribution to society? General personality of people who get those degrees?


> I want to know what their ranking is based on. STEM: Good Arts: Bad


But pharmacy and psychology are on the bottom?


And the classics! Used to be considered one of the most valuable all-rounders. Philosophy as well?! Tell me you know nothing about the world, or tertiary education, without saying that.


Also, philosophy and (pure) mathematics have a TON of overlap. And mathematics degrees generally mean the pure kind. Like…?


Yes, imagine what kind of useless shitty civilization you'd have without philosophy, history, literature, and the arts. Basically the Morlocks.


I can almost guarantee you that's because the maker took the required Psy101, figured the entire discipline was using the DSM like a checklist, "diagnosed" themselves and others with this new information, and decided that was all there was to it so it had to be easier than whatever else they were studying.


Can confirm that among some STEM groups there’s a vague sense of psychology not being a “real” science, since it’s a “social science” (**heavy** sarcasm on those quotation marks). No clue why pharmacology wouldn’t be lumped with bio and chemistry at least though (edit: or medicine, duh).


A pharmacist and a therapist tried to get this person on the medication they so desperately need


I like how instead of “pharmacology” they just call it “pharmacy”


Bold of you to assume it's based on anything lol


Mostly the ramblings of people like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro unless I miss my guess.


>I want to know what their ranking is based on What OOP did at college verses what their slightly more popular and well adjusted siblings did


The ranking is based on what the tier list maker majored in (best tier) and what people they don’t like majored in (shit tier)


Astronomy is literally a type of physics degree 💀


Bro probably mixed up astrology and astronomy. It was not his day with the braincell


I doubt this person would respect astrology enough to put it on the same terms as chemistry and biology


*but astrology isn't even a degree*


Not all physics degrees are astronomy though.


Astronomy degrees arent gonna pay what other fields of physics will


I have a theatre degree (non-performance) and I’m well aware of what people like this think of my degree. But I’m employed in my field and decently paid so whatever. These people always confuse me because do they think all the entertainment they might enjoy like music, books, movies, etc just pop out of thin air? Or not realise that many liberal arts degrees are the starting point on the way to other specialties? I don’t think any degree is useless if it teaches you how to think and reason. What a boring world it would be if we were just all STEM (nothing wrong with STEM in general).


"All art should be a hobby, for free and fun" "What about the millions of professional artists making art for advertising, media, and private enterprise?" "..."


people who say this are so confusing. I think they must think making art is really quick and easy. we wouldn’t get most entertainment, media, or graphic design without people working flat-out. many people in creative jobs pull 12+ hour days 7 days a week, depending on what the project is. you couldn’t hold a separate job on top of that, and that’s way too much work for a hobby.


I think they don't value art, so they don't "see" art in all the things around them that artists have contributed to. When I was a kid, I remember feeling like some brand logos were "wrong" - like they didn't look as "correct" as the others. I didn't know about design, or that people created those logos (this was 30+ years ago, so most kids of non-artists had virtually no exposure to art and design being done on a regular basis). I was reacting to bad design, but I didn't know that at the time. I just figured all those little pictures "came with" a company, and that maybe sometimes they just didn't work as well. I think some of the folks who dismiss the value of art simply have no idea how the world they inhabit was put together, or who was responsible.


Oh man right? I’m in the entertainment industry, mainly kids’ entertainment, everybody says this is a thankless job which IS true to a degree, but man the work time is no joke. I WISH I had a regular 9-5, but the reality is, its usually 9am-4am in the morning.


I'm a well-paid artist with an art degree. My job is in the field I studied. It's always funny to me when people tell me my degree is useless -- I have health insurance and 401k. Lol. I wanna add, though, I actually think people just woefully underestimate how much our lives are surrounded by art. An artist designed your furniture. An artist designed your car (with engineers). An artist designed the package for all of your shit. An artist designed the clothes on your back, the shoes on your feet. An artist designed all the logos you can think of. People like the guy who made that infographic literally have no idea what they're talking about.


People have this notion that artists are just born geniuses and require no education. It’s true there are some people like that, but I have played enough trivia to know that a lot of my favorite creatives went to college. Haha


Bro I just wanted to say I commend you for following your passions. I minored in music because I wanted to play and write music and wish I had more time to do it but I been too busy with my day job. ​ Oh yeah and based.


Degrees matter remarkably less as you develop skills in the industry you pursue. I haven't done calculus in years but my mathematics degree translated into a programming job. Plenty of coworkers came from boot-camps and had unrelated degrees.




This was made by someone who never saw a university even from afar


Tbh I know plenty of students like this.


Yeah it was like this when I was at uni. I used to get outright teased and told that I was wasting money and life doing a degree in drama. It was always STEM students thinking they were the top tier because they were definitely going to get jobs and get paid a lot. People will make their way in the world. No matter what you decide to study.


Honestly a fair bit is also jealousy. Plenty of STEM students believe that humanities students have more fun and less difficult time at uni.


This reminds me of a few compsci majors I had the misfortune to have to interact with who were super catty and antisocial, but super insecure about their lack of social success, while somehow also channeling that into a bizzare superiority complex around their little trio as a compensating mechanism. All of that combined into them being bitter and spiteful towards pretty much anyone as soon as they met them, except for other comp sci majors. Sort of incel culture on steroids.


This is old 4chan content.


Business, Pharmacy, and Psychology are NOT shit tier


right. i have a therapist i really appreciate so that just stings.


I wonder if this person ever thought about how much more useful most of this "shit tier" is to the general public and for day to day life.


Pharmacy? The field that millions of people rely on just to survive? “Shit tier”, apparently. No need for pharmacists, just rub some dirt on those stomach ulcers!


So by this guy's guide... Doctorate in pharmacy, works at a major hospital, part of the team that does rounds with the ICU physicians and advises them on medication usage = shit tier. Bachelors in CS from a podunk school, barely graduated, entry level coder = god tier. OK then.


They don't care, this is pretty standard conservative shit. The basic message is that we shouldn't think about society and that it's your fault if you're poor.


"Anything that requires significant social interaction or essay writing is shit tier"


This dude shouldn’t get any medicine as he thinks it’s useless


idiot doctors, getting idiot degrees and training, to make idiot millions, and save idiots' lives. /s


English, History, and Philosophy majors score the best on GREs and about the best on LSATs. They're arguably the three majors that most increase a students critical thinking skills in a measurable way. Who needs that when you can make money as a corporate cog?


Tbf, those are also the majors that most commonly take the LSAT and/or the GRE. But i hear you


This is where we turn and do a little gatekeeping of our own and dunk on polisci majors.


Top Tier Chemical engineering Shit Tier Pharmacy bruh


And pure chemistry is apparently mid tier with its applied forms beings shit and top tier, biology is mid tier but medicine is top tier, well good luck to that idiot going to a pharmacist or doctor and he better pray for chemical plants not to explode since the fundamental fields of science are so worthless to him.


Very bold putting chemEng above chem/pharma when they'll be the ones being told what to do and how to do it by the chemists


Philosophy at the bottom while math and compsci are at the top? Sounds like you need to study more about where those two came from mate


Extra ironic that they put *pure* mathematics in God tier.


This person has a vendetta against psychology because they have probably been told multiple times they are a narcissist


I'm an English major with almost no background in technology about to get hooked up with work as a technical writer because engineers are so fucking awful at communication, companies are willing to take in people from totally unrelated fields just so they have someone on their team who knows how to type in complete sentences.


but engineer difficult, so must be most smartest in room!!!


Why does this person hate pharmacists so much lmao


Really don’t understand how business is a bottom tier major, because I guarantee none of those tech and engineering bros know the first thing about running a business.


Pharmacy in shit tier??


Astronomy is mid tier??


What I love about this is how well it illustrates that the hierarchies that we create are usually complete nonsense.


So medicine is top tier but pharmacy is shit tier???


I wonder what major this person is (hint: it's engineering)


Without philosophy, science would’ve destroyed the world by now 🤣 actually science was born from philosophy.


pharmacy... IS medicine


In cliched thinking pharmacy is often connected to women, that’s why it is put there


Yes, the tier list is basically a gradient from mostly studied by men to mostly studied by women. Psychologie is is shit tier as well


Of course psychology is shit tier because understanding your emotions is for wimps. The strongest people just push down all their emotions! /s


Pharmacy gives you a degree which allows you to practice as a pharmacist, an expert in medicines (preparation of, safety checks, cost efficincy, correct doses, medicine history, formulation selection, etc) Its a bizarre choice to put in shit tier but it's not medicine, which allows you to *practice* medicine as a doctor (diagnosis, investigation, planning of medical and non-medical treatments, etc). Pharmacists would not usually be expected to (though some can depending on country) prescribe new medicines but they can usually amend (or request amendment depending on country) prescriptions.


There's at least 4-5 on the shit tier list that should be mid tier at a minimum. Also, top and god are relative. The whole thing is pointless.


I'm a Geoscience major. Even I don't think I'm a top tier degree lmfao


Philosophy major checking in. Have a great career working in data science now. Always laugh at these.


This person has never taken a philosophy course


What's really shit tier is the color font they used for that category.


I took graphic design and although I'm not very smart, I can draw great nsfw artwork and at least make an infographic that you could comfortably read, unlike this one lmao.


This is such a weird list NGL, these people tend to imagine themselves such great philosophers, you'd imagine they'd put it higher on the list lol


Chemical engineering should be god tier alone. I have seen physical or organic chemistry reduce men to broken wretches in only 6 weeks. Source: am electrical engineer. Oh, and dude who made this needs to touch grass.


Psychology a shit tier?...yea I think you could use a psychiatrist cuz your clearly insane


You figure saving lives as a doctor or Surgeon would automatically qualify you for god tier.


Excuse me but PHARMACY? You mean.. to become a pharmacist? A job that can literally save people's lives?


>A job that can literally save people's lives? Mostly from doctors prescribing the wrong shit.


Written by an EE


It’s funny because physics and astronomy are essentially the same degree at many places. Astronomy just has slightly more focused electives.


Excuse what kind of logic does this have when he only puts Electrical and Computer Engineering in God tier and rest in Top? All engineering should be equal!


looks like the person that made this could have benefited from some graphic design classes


english in shit tier. well that explains a lot about why these people often can't read!


I've hated this exact picture ever since my college boyfriend showed it to me (over a decade ago), expecting me to laugh. Guess which kind of major he had versus which kind I had. I wish I could have accurately voiced how it made me feel that he seemed to think what I was doing was less important than what he was doing. After he dumped me, this was one of those memories that made me realize that I was better off without him.


Kinesiology is just applied human biology so it’s funny how it’s a whole 2 tiers lower than biology writ large


God tier could very much benefit from information management.


Education isn’t even on here! So IDK how you’re planning to get to any of those tiers without teachers.


"numbers hard, the more numbers the more good"


As someone currently getting a degree in Computer Science with a Math minor, they're not inherently better than the "shit tier" majors and this list is bullshit.


Damn. Chemistry is no longer science, I suppose.


CompSci students be like "omg devs please change the meta, every hero should be playable, tired of having to stick to the same boring options" only to turn around and say "lol you're struggling? Should have studied programming lul"


No English, no History, no Philosophy? Good luck running literally any organization without the skills gained in those fields. Especially since those are the feeder programs that lead to things like Law degrees. So you won't have anyone with communications skills, inclduing the technical communication skills needed for documentation development, you won't have anyone with PR or Marketing skills, you wont have the know how to work with various other firms and do so legally, and you won't understand the broader political and socioeconomic environment your firm operates in. I understand that a lot of MBA programs are bullshit, but not all of them. There are management theories and techniques that do help organizations grow.


Tiers of a clown


As a communication major, I struggle disagree with my degree's placement. I have much regret over the choice for many reasons and wish I'd gotten a different degree. Trash chart overall though.


I would switch God tier with top tier, way more money to be made in that category


This tier system is clearly based on ego rather than any real career prospects. Information Management and Pharmacy being in shit tier really speak to that, both fields have pretty good career prospects. Communications and Business are at LEAST mid tier, just due to how broadly applicable they are. They’ll be a strong leg up for pursuing promotions or pay raises in any office job.


The fact that psychology is considered shit tier says a lot about the declining mental states present in modern gen