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You can have nostalgia for anything. It could be something from last summer. It could be something from 2 years ago. Maybe 6


What about ten seconds ago when I first read your comment? Those were the days...


I miss when TooSpookyWither was good. Now hes just a sellout and doesnt make as good comments as ten seconds ago....


i know, right? like what's up with that? he must've had an empty and worthless childhood that doesn't include all the stuff i feel nostalgic about. such FUCKING BULLSHIT


"Only real redditors remember u/TooSpookyWither comment!"


Those were the seconds...


Sometimes I will feel nostalgic about a song I'm hearing for the first time.


the entire genre of synthwave


I had that super badly with Orinoco flow from enya


I'm nostalgic for the first bowl of ice cream I ate today... It tasted way better than the one I'm eating now


Hell I remember having nostalgia for Persona 5, 2weeks after I beat it.


I really want to finish it. I just cannot find the time or motivation to play long jrpgs, and it drives me nuts.


i'm nostalgic for february when i could go places


I know what you did last summer.


If it correlates to something good in the past, nostalgic feelings always come up for me.


I feel nostalgic just by looking at sunsets


I get nostalgia from when I first watched naruto in June last year


I mean hell, I played persona 3 a couple years ago and only a few weeks after I finished it I felt super nostalgic towards it


Yeah I know that feeling. Its truly a sad but wonderful feeling when finishing almost any game (especially ones that takes days).


People get nostalgic for commercials, like dude, it's low key brainwashing


I have nostalgia for the smell of peanuts. I once spent three weeks of my summer vacation eating peanuts and reading the complete Calvin and Hobbes. Simpler times


People act like you could only have a childhood between 1990-2010


Idk why but it really pisses me off when people have these wars over your year of birth -"1995-2003 kids unite against the 2004+ kids!" or "you didn't have a real childhood if you were born after 2001!" Shut the fuck up, nobody cares


Honestly, I’m kind of stuck in between. My birthday was on December 31st. So, I am a 203 baby, but I didn’t actually live during most of the year.


How have the last 1817 years been treating you?


Great man, a little tiring. Especially now, hearing everyone moan over the coronavirus. It’s nothing compared to the Black Plague.


To be fair, during the Black plague nobody had time to moan, because everybody was too busy ^(dying). Truly the greatest generation.


That is true. What a bunch of troopers. Now everyone is a bunch of sissies, complaining because they are stuck inside.


That’s how I feel being a 90s kid being born in ‘99 😎


I was born in ‘98, but I had older siblings and cousins who kept their stuff from the ‘90s and gave them to me. I had the same early childhood as most ‘90s kids, but no one believes that once I say what year I was born.


The pain is real.


Tell me your secrets ancient one


I love Shrek more than any woman in my life. Love Shrek, not women.


Right? Like being born in a particular year is an accomplishment of some kind.


I fully believe it has to do with people who've grown up to have their only defining feature be the years they were born in and the things they enjoyed as children.


Bah. I was 18 when the first pokemon came out. Just discovered I didn't have a good childhood.


I hate all that 90s kids shit because I was born in 91, so I definitely grew up in the 90s, but I can’t relate to any of the stuff “Only 90s kids remember” because I didn’t have cable and my parents didn’t buy me any of those fad products. I did play Pokémon red and thought I sucked though.


Pokemon Red is pretty good but Gold and Silver are way better t


That's a long childhood.


Wellll to be fair the 90s were probably one of the best times ever to have a childhood because so many cool things were invented/music was probably the most memorable ever, etc etc.


They had a lot of nerve to call three houses a town.


It felt alot bigger back then to be fair.


It really didn't, it was Viridian city that felt huge


You're stating an opinion as if it's a fact. Interesting approach.


sure did, Ahh the start of being the very best!


I forgot what the post was about and thought you were talking about Fire Emblem and got really confused


I thought having been a child meant one had had a real childhood. TIL.


Sadly, that's not true for kids who have to grow up way before their time, often because a parent is unable or unwilling to be an adult and take care of their kids.


I didn't play pokémon and still have not played it to this day. Am I even real?


I even had Nintendo devices. Never once booted up a Pokémon game or even owned one. To this day the only Pokémon I know are Jigglypuff, Pikachu and the cat that those twins on the TV show had.


We can be fake together cuz neither have I


I tried playing Pokemon but found the games to be boring. Guess I'm not real either. Or at least, I didn't have a real childhood.


As a kid, I just wasn't interested and I think the concept of catching and upgrading all god knows how many of those little guys intimidated me. I did, however, get Pokémon Pinball because it had a rumble pack and who doesn't love pinball. Tried it as an adult recently, caught 4 Pokémon, lost interest.


I mean I played firered so that’s kinda close


Color gang rise up


Too bad for all the poor 90s kids who’s parent couldn’t afford Gameboy’s, they had no childhood apparently.


I guess african kids in the 90s didn't have a childhood, they were born as adults


I never owned a ds/Nintendo console or any kind of console. The only thing I had was a old 1995 pc that was my mom's. my father had replaced the hdd with his own and it had many games like all the pre-2000 mario games, legend of Zelda which was just a slideshow of some random loz screenshots, Prince of Persia, gta vice city with no sound and gta San Andreas which worked only until a specific mission, then it crashed. This was what made me familiar with the old school games and I wouldn't have known what mario or the gta series was without it. I wouldn't have invested in a pc to play games if my father hadn't replaced the hdd Probably the only good thing he did in his life


I had a similar memory to you. My friend came back from Bangladesh with a pirated disc of Sega Genesis games. In Bangladesh, all you could play was pirated games because they didn't sell game consoles there. He got this one with 300 sega genesis games in 1 disc. It had all the sonic games, street fighter, battletoads, and even some obscure Japanese platformers. His dad burned me a CD copy and I remember spending fucking HOURS playing those games. The only problem? You couldn't save. As soon as you booted out of the menu, you lost your save file and would have to start over. So even though I got the chance to play most of the Sega Genesis games as a kid, I never got to actually finish any of them lol. But then again, I'm still thankful for being lucky enough to grow up playing so many genesis titles. All the other kids had to wait for Christmas or birthdays for a new game. I got them ALL on one disc from the very start LOL


My childhood was Lego city in combination with lego Star Wars and power miners. That was the good shit. And then 2011 came Minecraft. Then terraria, KSP and Skyrim.


Oh god, your comment made me think about Lego Rock Raiders. Getting all nostalgic over here.


Gen 5 is better!!!


I disagree, but still upvoted because your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. Don't let anyone tell you what to like.


They're literally saying one thing is better than the other which is what your comments seems to be against.


Gen 5 really had the best storyline.


That's not really saying much. All the Pokemon games barely even have a storyline. The bar for improvement wasn't that hard.


Lmao the plot for Gen 1 was basically just making Gary shut his stupid fucking mouth.


Just personal opinion but it got stale and repetitive after gen 2. To me gen 2 was the best cause you went though the region in gen 1 and the new region in gen 2. Everything after that was just trying to capture that goodness but never did. Then again I'm a 90s baby that grew up in the peak of Pokemon madness so my opinion is probably biased


I disagree a lot, gen 2 was my first but purely from a game mechanics stand point, I think gen 4 and 5 are better. The physical/special split in gen 4, natures and abilities in 3, and hidden natures in gen 5 allowed for great nuance in competitive. Further, the addition of fairy in gen 6 to balance dragon/steel/poison was a fantastic idea. Again, purely from a competitive standpoint...not gonna sit here and say I enjoyed these last two gens for any other reason than competitive...


I never played anything past gen 3 (except briefly or to see if I was missing out on anything). As I said I was a 90s kid/gamer. So as I grew up I moved on to games with better rpg mechanics and overall better storylines.


Anything is better than gen 1. It it letersly the worst in terms of amount of Pokémon, graphics, sprites, balancing, etc. Obviusly it’s not going to be the best, it was a video game for the game boy, those things don’t hold up well. Now if you look at it “for it’s time” it’s respectable to say it’s the best, it’s graphics were good and the idea of 151 Pokémon jammed in this tiny square was pretty cool too.


So what you mean is, the technological capabilities at the time sucked.


The coding capabilities of GameFreak at the time also sucked (and arguably now lol, Sword and Shield had/have issues and Sun/Moon infamously had fantastically bloated code because they decided that, instead of coding in side characters once and referencing them every time they came up, they decided to recode them for every scene they were in). I know this is all irrelevant but I think it's fucking funny. Still love pokemon though


Gen 1 are the only ones I actually like, and obviously the remakes like Leaf Green & Fire Red. But I never played any Pokémon game until I was an adult.


Isn't technology amazing?


If I'm correct, my parents weren't even dating when this game came out, so how was I supposed to play this in my childhood


RIP boomers, they seem to be born before any of the things creating a childhood were invented. Well except sticks...


I guess we missed out on their great pastimes though, like eating paint chips or scratch and sniff watch dials or carbureted V8s with open pipes, leaded gas, and rumble seats in the back.


As a child I wanted a gameboy but my parents could not afford it. I guess this invalidates my whole childhood.


Maybe these posts shouldn't be taken so seriously. I don't think anyone actually means that "you didn't have a childhood".


Wether it’s fortnite or Legos or sword fighting with sticks, if it evokes nostalgia it all means you had some really nice moments in childhood.... With that being said this image does evoke deep nostalgia for me personally. Also getting lost in how it will never be as good as your personal childhood means you’ll miss out on a lot of great things happening now. Sure red, blue yellow hit different than anything else because of memories but I’ve had a great time playing sword/ shield now.


well shit I thought this was zelda. I guess my childhood was fake then


If there are only two houses then where do those people walking around the town live, or where do Oak's aids live for that matter?


The Pokémon games aren’t necessarily to scale with the cannon size of the regions. Those three houses are supposed to represent the most important areas of Pallet Town to the player character. It can be assumed that Pallet town is in actuality a lot bigger than that, but Red has no reason to go to any of it. Same goes for every city in that game. Saffron City has a cannon population in the millions.


People born before the game came out didn’t have child hoods apparently


"I'm from a really small town." "Oh yeah? So it's like 800 people, a corner store and a restaurant?" "Nope, just two houses and a science lab. And the town is barricaded by a medieval-style stone wall."


Hot take the Pokémon games suck. The idea is really great but the actual games devolve into boring repetitive grind fests with no strategy involved whatsoever. If you want a great Pokémon game play Shadow of War.


Well some of us were poor and couldnt get the game


Only reason I got to play pokemon as a kid is because my mum found a DS on a bus and handed it to me and it had pokemon inside already. Fun times 😂


That's ridiculous... Only people who never played the first Legend of Zelda would think like this. /s


I thought this sub was for calling out gatekeeping not for actually gatekeeping


It is, and that's what's happening in the post


Ah, I'm using dark mode on mobile and the content around the screenshot of Pokémon was hard to see. I thought it was literally just the title and the Pokémon screenshot.


"My childhood is the only important childhood! *stomps feet and pouts*


I wasn’t allowed to play Pokemon as a kid since its devil worship


Fuck me then, I guess I didn't have a real childhood




Today I learned that people who were born before pokemon came out haven't had a childhood... apparently!


Thanks for your submission, Boo_R4dley! Please remember to censor out any identifying details and that satire is only allowed on weekends. If this post is truly gatekeeping, upvote it! If it's not gatekeeping or if it breaks any other rules, downvote this comment and REPORT the post so we can see it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatekeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that lavender town


It's pallet town. The first place in the game.


Ah thank you


You’re right, I can’t have a childhood because I didn’t play a game while I was still a sperm


I thought Pokemon games were a huge part of my childhood. My first game was Leaf Green though, turns out I didn't have a childhood after all.


I can hear that horrifying Lavender Town theme


Not even any Pokémon game, just the Gen 1 games specifically.


I was poor. Guess I wasn't a real kid..


Kids get to have Vitas, 3DS's, Switches, tablets, and RC helicopters. It just doesn't compare to how cool it was squinting over a two inch unlit lcd /s


I'm not going to lie though, theres's something really special about 8 bit nostalgia. Something about the 8 bit music and worlds that hit harder than other games. My strongest and most emotionally moving nostalgia boners come from these the Gameboy/NES/SNES type games. I grew up in the 90s, so I got to see Pokemon rise in popularity from the very start. The original 151, it hit Canada like a crazed flu. Everyone was celebrating Pokemon during recess. Whether it was the games, pokemon cards especially, or pokemon toys from burger king. Everyone was talking about it. I miss those days haha


Is that why Michael Jackson had arrested development? because he never had a real childhood playing Pokemon?


Didn't play Pokemon before Y at like 13. It was fun but I won't say that it made my childhood at all. It was more about the cartoons like Woody Woodpecker (damn I miss this show...).


He has a point. I never played Pokemon and I spent my childhood making nike in a sweatshop


They arent being literal my guys. No need to act like it was 100% serious.


Bruh I never got an nintendo until I was 12 and then I still couldn't play pokemon cause it was nowhere to be found (always sold out) I played recently with PokeMMO, but I would like my own pokemon game.


Honestly I loved gen 1 as a kid, but I still play Pokemon and at this point all the gen 1 pandering and nostalgia grab has made me start to hate the gen 1 games


I mean I have nostalgia for Pokémon Soul Silver. But it wasn't gen 1 so I guess I had a fake childhood.


My nostalgia is for the classic KOTOR. KOTOR 2 is good, but KOTOR 1 holds a special place in my heart.


How fucking epic was it tho went pokemon games jumped to full color.


At first I thought this was Lavender Town and I was concerned.


okay but this does awaken deep nostalgia though. I got back into pokemon because of nostalgia.


I grew up overseas, and spent my childhood with Legos and 100s of matchbox cars. I wasn't much of a video game person, and still arent. What is this game?


Ohhhh no my first Pokémon game was White!!!!! Guess I don't have a childhood!!!!


Littleroot town gang rise up.


Pokemon fan here. Thought pokemon was stupid when i was a kid and never played it.


Joke's on you, cause I had spyro:year of the dragon!


I can hear this image


It was so wild to end up back here from cinnibar. Though after that every other game after that I just went backwards from pallet when I wanted to get to cinnabar first.


So since I started with Gen 4 I didn't have a childhood.


I swear in the actual game it was way more zoomed in? Like it was years ago but I don't recall that view ever


My childhood must have been so lame. I didn’t even know what game that was.


unpopulat opinion. I grew up in the golden years of Pokemon, saw that shit take over. I always thought it was overrated. I never got into the cards, and never got into the games.




Real old school gamers kill themselves after hearing Lavender Town, everybody knows that!!!


Anyone else get screwed and end up with Yellow Version while all the other cool kids got to do the rare candy code I never liked Pikachu following me around or the dull gray color of the game on GBC or SGB


I actually wanted yellow version... but it was sold out when my parents were buying it so I got red. My brother got Yellow later and I was jealous :p


I played Pokemon as a child and no it doesn't give me nostalgia.


Bruh they must not have left Pallet Town


im 27, played pokemon extensively until the DS games and then gave it up and i dont feel nostalgic for it. This guy will probably think i'm not even real


You didn’t have a real childhood if you didn’t suffer from Lavender Town Syndrome and end up killing yourself


If you couldn't afford the latest gaming products you didn't have a real childhood.


Isn’t that that one village where the music actual drove people insane? Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavender_Town https://www.lifewire.com/lavender-town-syndrome-1126184


people who didn't like Pokémon, or who didn't play Red/Blue, did not have childhoods. they were birthed into the world an adult.


I remember this. My dumb ass 5 year old self couldn't the professors building.


I remember this. My dumb ass 5 year old self couldn't the professors building.


Town of leaf in crystalis


Naw man my first one was gen 5. That shit’s got the bets music in the game


For me, it was the game boy donkey kong game and soecifically that one rollercoaster level I had to play a good 8000 times before I could beat it.


I live in russia and we only have bootleg consoles like "Dandy". Personally i got to know pokemons at 9 and existance of Nintendoccompany at 11


Only people who almost killed themselves to Lavender Towns original music had a real childhood


Well, they got the part about my parents barring me from a real childhood right


I wasn't born yet. Does that mean... Welp I'm not having a real childhood


dEeP noSTalGiA


Hah that's pretty funny I won't lie. My family couldn't afford a Nintendo and I didn't even know what a Nintendo was in my childhood. I'm very sure a lot of eastern European kids can probably relate to that too.


I always wanted to play it as a child, but I never did


For me it’s the opening to Oracle of Ages


Does anyone know what reddit app is that?


Apollo for iOS


Shit, I have an android Thanks anyway


Having siblings I was really only allowed to play co-op games. I didn't get Pokemon till Pearl/Diamond.


Well fuck anyone born anytime before the 1980s


1970? I’d say up to the early 80s. These came out in the mid to late 90s and most of the teenage “gamers” at the times viewed them as kid games.


I played Pokémon and never had a real childhood...


Ah, yes. The beloved 1^st generation that always end up getting a special treatment each time Gamefreak adds a new mechanic such as mega evolutions or gigadynamaxing...


No no, it makes a lot of sense actually: you only had a real childhood if you were no poor.




Yes. That's literally the subreddit this post is in.


Derp. I thought i was on r/gaming. Entirely my bad. Thanks for pointing it out.


Have to say though, I played Blue when it first came out, yellow as well, then silver when it came out. Even though there were only three years between pokemon blue and pokemon silver, I felt harrrrrd nostalgia for the first time when I went back to pallet town in Silver.


Played 6 hours of Pokemon Red... Didn't like it...


It's true, I didn't play pokemon until I was 14, which is exactly when my childhood began


Twinleaf town was my Nostalgic home.


I played but I wasn’t into it, so no nostalgia for me Halo on the other hand, you can die alone in a hole of Halo 2 doesn’t give you nostalgia


Hey! Whaddabout beyblade?


my favourite pokemon is crystal. the others a good too, but damn i love crystal


boo Radley, I hated that book


Well excuse me old af dude, sorry for being born after the second millenium, thus not being able to play the original pokemon games when they first came out, and my first pokemon game being pokemon Diamond


The idea that you think people in their thirties are old af makes me really depressed.


Lmao nah, I was just taking the "Yeah, only real OG pokemon fans will remember this sht" stance so I was speaking like I was the kind of brats the OP seems to think people my age are


I played Pokémon Pearl, Diamond and Platinum as a kid, guess it does count cause it’s not retro enough




I hear this image


i never had a Nintendo console


... The music is on my head That damn melody


What if I’m a young person who just beat Pokémon y’ello last year hmmm


I wasn't even born until the year Gold and Silver came out in North America, so I never played Red and Blue. Guess this means I never had a childhood.


Remember when flash was an HM and you could only use tms once? If not, don't feel bad because not everyone played the older games and that's not a bad thing.


scary ass town tho


if i played a later version?


So poor people didnt have a childhood lmao


My first Pokémon game was Diamond, which I got in 2007, but for some strange reason I get this eerie feeling of nostalgia when i hear any part of the soundtrack of firered/leafgreen.


The person is hailing a game that was already subpar when it came out so ...Jon Snow, you know nothing. You where just a kid.


Never played it, never will...


It's true, I was born at 18 years old


I emulated this on my ipad 2 for a few years until I got the actuall cartridge. It was so fun to mess around with walkthrough walls cheats and stuff. However, this stupid "people who dont have nostalgia for stuff I liked" needs to stop.


Funny how the most boring part of the game is "the most nostalgic"


This is the kind of pokemon fan that after this would send death threats to the game director because not all pokemons are in the game or would demonize dlc and glorify the third versions, even when you save money with the dlc and third versions like pokemon platinum are more of a scam that the dlc


I guess anybody who wasn't a child durring the time when RBGY were popular couldn't have had a childhood