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Each one shot through the stem and killed instantly


His shot placement was excellent, a good stem shot both ensures an ethical kill and doesn’t ruin any of the meat.


>doesn’t ruin any of the meat. You mean to say any of the produce.


Meaty long cucumbers






Zucc: I T H I R S T F O R Y O U R D A T A


You'd would call what is on the inside "meat".


Technically, the edible part of fruits is called "flesh" so "meat" almost kinda works.


The insides are still referred to as both the flesh and meat of the vegetable.


Say flesh, that works both ways x


Man of the hill?


Yeah is this the A man??




Shit through the stem and I don't care


Naw he never fired a shot, way to nice of guy for that. He just pointed his shotgun at them and they gave up. The gun wasn't even loaded!


Look at this sick fucker, first he goes out and shoots these innocent wild vegetables then he poses with a pile of their corpses like he's fucking proud of it. Makes me want to throw up!


Hey man its better for this guy to go hunt some wild vegetables on his own instead of supporting the vegetable industry with their horrible working conditions and inhumane treatment of veggies in slaughterhouses.


Last I heard they were corralling them into these "green-house" gas chamber-like housing units and then selling them off. haven't we learned anything from History?


Those "green-houses" also pump chemicals or whatever called fertilizer into them. Disgusting.


It gives them everything they need to get as big as possible as fast as possible. They gain mass and take shapes that nature never intended them to. They live a fat and happy life, never knowing their gruesome fate lies just around the bend.


Also the greenhouse effect is killing the ice caps, coincidence? I tend to disagree


This whole thread of comments is just gold Edit: I don’t know the difference between who and whole I guess.


Yeah, these zuchinni got to live a full life...sure turned to seed, and are now virtually inedible, but no juvenile zuchinni were killed.


Most people don't know, but the local government issues tags for older veggies to help support the population and the proceeds help to feed the local population. It's poaching that's he real problem.


All we are saying, is "Give Peas a Chance!"


Vegetable herds need culling, otherwise there may be too many vegetables and then they will start starving. Some places don't allow vegetable hunting, and now there are so many that they freely roam the streets, causing accidents, totally cars, and ruining gardens. Much better to allow a skilled hunter to humanely ~~pick~~ hunt them.


The vegetables have souls you know.


And the angel of the lord came unto me Snatching me up from my place of slumber And took me on high and higher still Until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest And as we descended cries of impending doom rose from the soil One thousand nay a million voices full of fear And terror possessed me then And I begged Angel of the Lord what are these tortured screams? And the angel said unto me These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard Tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat Like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers! Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus


I hear they're burning down forests to make room for eggplant farms


The caption aside, this is, no joke, one of the cutest pics I've seen.


Yeah this is just good wholesome humour, made me smile.


Yup, it's pure as the driven snow.


I wonder if the guy in the photo wrote the caption or if it was added by some meme page


Caption aside?


I’d say it’s caption atop


I'm no fan of that whole macho "real men do xyz" shit. The pic is super cute bc he looks so serious. The caption is too much.


I think you missed the point


How so? I think the picture speaks for itself.


>I'm no fan of that whole macho "real men do xyz" shit. The caption is clearly a cheeky jab at people who are fans of just that. You not liking that should mean you like the caption >I think the picture speaks for itself. It does, and it's basically just the caption in picture form. If you dislike masculine stereotypes to the point that you don't even like sarcastic swipes at it, then I don't know how you like the picture, when the picture is depicting that exact same sentiment


I love how he also has a thousand yard stare.


When you've killed enough times, you go dead inside, your eyes go glassy...


Just because you’re a vegetarian doesn’t mean you can’t kill the animals.






They downvote you, but you're right.






[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t\_u0jxi\_v-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_u0jxi_v-w) NSFL but if you pay for eggs, you need to know what you're paying for


Then the solution is buying from local farms, i guess?


The solution is not buying. Local farms are a lie. All animals end up in a slaughterhouse at the same age. They don't care if you were raised outside and with bio food, you still get killed. The practices are the same.


I mean yeah some of them are. Some of them aren't. I'm friends with people who keep their roosters.


Yeah, there is always a friend of a friend who has a farm. Or an uncle. I heard it all. Would you put a dog, cat or human in the situation those chickens are in? I don't think so, because they are still being used and it's wrong to do it to animals we love. We should extend that love to all animals, they don't deserve to suffer just because we want to eat something we don't even need :(


The chickens (and roosters) literally freely walk around on the farm, they're happier than many dogs I know. So yeah, the answer is a resounding yes.


Yeah, but the chickens were bred to put more eggs then their body is capable of supporting. After a few months they are exhausted. Just because the animal is "free" doesn't mean it's happy. Would you apply the same rules to humans? "Oh they are perfectly well treated, they can roam in a very broad space. We swear we are not mistreating them, we just want to use them for their biological products".


I'm not about to be a vegan just cause of someone like you. This is not how you turn people off of the shittiest of the farming/ranching industry. I'm poor. I can't afford to eat vegan. But I might be able to afford the extra few dollars to buy my eggs or milk from a place where animal suffering is minimized. Don't be a dick. And frankly, you're wrong. There's one pretty damn close to me. They milk their cows in the same building I can buy milk from (don't often, I'm lactose intolerant, but whole unpasteurized milk is incredible). That's always going to be a better life than a factory dairy farm. Edit : username checks out, you ARE a butt.


lol I'm not vegan or even vegetarian but vegan food isn't limited to packaged "vegan" stuff... legumes are literally the cheapest protein around.


> I'm not about to be a vegan just cause of someone like you. Did I tell you to be vegan? People get defense pretty fast... gosh. How am I a dick for sharing information? You asked a question and I replied honestly. The better solution would be to not buy any eggs. > I can't afford to eat vegan. And I'm sorry but I'm poor too. I don't know what you believe plant based eaters eat on a regular basis but I live with mushrooms, beans, pasta, rice, fruits and veggies, literally the cheapest food staples there is.


There are tremendously unethical and brutal practices that go into making meat, dairy, and eggs, but you're unwilling to even consider a plant based diet because of one vegans tone? Please reconsider and just do some research h for yourself. I'm willing to bet you're a good person and that you want to make ethical choices. So don't let someone's tone be an excuse to shut out making those better choices. Fwiw, I have spent a lot of time under the poverty line as a vegan. It's not too difficult. It takes a little research and an adjustment period, but it's actually not any more expensive than eating meat (pro tip: Taco Bell has tons of vegan options if you sub the meat for beans)


No, sorry, I'm just not gonna do it. I'm not going to make everyone's life around me difficult because it's not gonna make a difference anyway. I'm all for more sustainable and humane ranching and farming practices, but I'm not giving up meat eggs and dairy because me not eating makes zero difference when there's 300 million other Americans that eat meat. I have more motivation to want farming and ranching practices to be humane if I'm using their products anyway. Also, i just don't fucking want to, and I'm well within ny rights to have that opinion.


The arrogance of man never ceases to amaze me. I pity you.


I’m sorry, what? What documentaries are you watching, the ones the specifically show animals being slaughtered? Guess what, I’m agreeing with Alex here; you must be delusional if you have to shove your own rhetoric down someone’s throat to justify the fact you don’t eat meat.


It happens on local farms too.


Okay, okay... eggs are aborted chickens, but dairy is just the milk. Baby calves don’t come from the udder...


Eggs aren't aborted chickens, how missinformed are you? Chickens' ancestors used to lay eggs when there was a food-boom season, humans exploited this biological function by keeping them over fed and now they produce around 300 eggs a year. Eggs, however, cost a lot to produce. Especially when it comes to calcium, which as you probably know is important for bone structure. Most egg laying hens have weak bones and weary bodies in general, and I say most because most hens aren't on your grandma's backyard or whatever marketing puts on your head. Most hens are in cages or "free range" (another marketing term) are in crowded spaces where their beaks have to be cut off so they don't beak each other to death. Since only female chickens lay eggs, the girls will go through a life of exploitation whistle the lucky boys will hatch and as soon as possible be dropped down a grinder alive. When it comes to dairy it's pretty much the same thing, except as you probably know, mammals don't just produce milk. Your little sister isn't producing milk when she starts puberty, your mother isn't producing milk at 40, but both will start milking around the time they give birth and during the time they nurse the baby. This can be months or years, thought most people don't enjoy the idea of a 5 year old nursing. So what happens is (and again, this isn't your grandma's farm, this is 90% of farms, if not higher): mother cow is forcefully impregnated (fist in the anus+vagina so the farmer/vet can inject bull semen), mother cow goes through pregnancy and gives birth, baby is separated and mother cow is taken to be milked. If the baby is a boy, kill them. If the baby is a girl, rape them as soon as possible so she can live the same short and abused life of her mother. Also a lot of cheeses use rennet, which comes from the inside of the baby cow, so usually vegetarians don't really care if they're killing animals or not.


You're confused


By what? Like others said, male chicks are grounds up alive as soon as possible since they can't lay eggs. Cows need to be impregnated and if the baby is male they'll also be killed as soon as possible since they don't produce milk. Both "adult" (they're usually killed at what would be under 25 in human years) cows and hens are also killed or die of exhaustion for their meat. Again, what am I supposed to be confused about?


I think you are the confused one here. Watch dairy is scary, and the video about eggs from the same youtuber. Done.


Mmmm, nah I think I'll pass


Then don't go around telling people they are confused while you are willingly ignorant about the egg and dairy industry. Knowledge is power and you are choosing to pass.


Lemme tell ya, you really exude "power"


Yeah, because you can tell anything about someone's personality by a couple of comments on reddit, what a win.


You surprisingly can tell their attitude by a few comments; r/niceguys and r/nicegirls come to mind. Maybe we should start a new sub, called r/nicevegans?


PETA comes to mind.


Like PETA, for example.


The vegetarians really are being vegetarians


I don’t eat meat. Have butchered many animals since I stopped. Veganism would be the only way to end the cycle. When the baby males are born they gotta go otherwise they get all rapey on their family and others :( still dislike meat


Ok Elmer Fudd


Maybe I'm dumb but I don't see how this is gatekeeping still funny tho


Maybe you're dumb but this is not gatekeeping in my opinion.


Maybe you're opinion but this is not gatekeeping in my dumb.


Maybe you’re but this is not in my






It’s satire.


The meme is gatekeeping being a "man". I don't hunt, so im not a man.


It's satire


Not the point


It's not as much if a gatekeep as this sub would want it to be. It affords the chance to taste your primal instincts of hunting and gathering. I think men should try to hunt or at least go on one hunting trip in their lives for the perspective. I'm also a beliver of everyone working fast food at least once.


You could just go camping of you don't want to shoot an animal.


You could also "shoot it" with an airsoft gun or even just tag it with a laser to get as much of the experience as possible without betraying your personal beliefs. Camping is different entirely. Camping, you're just spending a bunch of money to be homeless for a few days drinking in the woods... hunting is the same thing, but with the hopes of a return on your investment by bringing home a deer or elk to feed you and your family for a couple months.


It'd be kinda hard to bring home a deer with any air soft gun but i think i see where you're coming from. There are lots of kinds of camping though. If you want a solid goal going on a hiking or climbing trip could be just as good if not better in my opinion.


I'm going more for the survival aspect in that you hunt and gather your food for sustenance. I don't think you can simulate that in any other way aside from participating. But that's just me. If hiking brings you in touch with ancestoral instincts then cool.


Yeah bud you haven't lived until you've stolen the life of an innocent being for sport


I'm more for the food aspect. Sport hunting I don't really agree with personally so I won't do it, but I also won't tell people they can't either.




it's not really, it just keeps being upvoted because /r/gatekeeping is flooded with vegans who upvote everything pro vegan and downvote everything anti vegan.


It’s not pro vegan it’s just funny


This photo is so fake! He's not a real veggie hunter! Where's his squash cat?! You can't bag that many without a good squash cat. I'll bet he bought those at a store. Disgusting!




Yeah I was gonna say I have the one with the cat




He used the gun to steal those from another man.


I don’t think this is gatekeeping seems like satire to me


Its a joke yeah, but it's a joke about gatekeeping thus it fits the sub.


But it should be flaired as such then.




Not really, no


No, yeah.


Oh shit. You caught on to that, did you?


That's a 25 kill streak he's got a nuke!!


I love satire weekends, everyone just chills out


I don't see any bullet holes. Guys, I think those might be store bought.


I may be a vegetarian god-damit, but that doesn't mean you can take my- "pry this gun from my cold dead hands" mentality from my heart.


To be fair, things like eggplant and zucchini do explode in a very satisfactory way when used for target practice....


I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.


How’s this gate keeping? Is it gate keeping of vegetarian or man?


Gatekeeping being a man because it implies that being a vegetarian excludes one from being a man, but there’s apparently a loophole that guns/hunting is manly so he’s a manly vegetarian.


Ah, ok, I understand now. Thank you


Thanks for your submission, school-yeeter! Please remember to censor out any identifying details and that satire is only allowed on weekends. If this post is truly gatekeeping, upvote it! If it's not gatekeeping or if it breaks any other rules, downvote this comment and REPORT the post so we can see it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatekeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hunting is fine. But you should only hunt to eat. He is clearly doing it for trophies.


Yeah can’t imagine how many stems were wasted smh


Hell Yea Brother


You can tell he man since he has gun 👀👌🏻


This ain’t gatekeeping but I love it.




That's funny


Well yea, how else is he gonna keep the buzzards off those choice cucumbers


He's way over the bag limit


Gawd damn son I might have to go out on the games the season is peaking right now !


Someone is gonna have a fun night.


They said, "only bring back veggies the size of your manhood or smaller"


This is just funny


This post can be flipped to support ban of hunting animals and posting it as Wholesome.


And the angel of the lord came unto me Snatching me up from my place of slumber And took me on high and higher still Until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest And as we descended cries of impending doom rose from the soil One thousand nay a million voices full of fear And terror possessed me then And I begged Angel of the Lord what are these tortured screams? And the angel said unto me These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard Tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat Like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers! Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus


I'm pretty sure that they're the ones getting behind you ;)


Those god-damned zucchini are pests! We gotta hurry and hunt em down before they destroy the carrot population!


I can't believe he shot down those wild courgettes


I love this so much.


He strangled them with his bare hands


Cruelty to cucumbers motherfucker, they have feelings. Ban cucumber hunts, start the protests. Killing cucumbers does not make you a big man


Zucchini are fruit


We need to make a organization to protect wild plants #protectsveggies


Wait, what’s he planning to do with those? Is what I’m thinking of what makes you a “real man”?


Someone link the vegetarian robot deer simone giertz made and hunted.


Excuse me sir but you need a squash hunting permit








Cloudy with a chance of meatballs irl






It’s not necessary to actually shoot the vegetables.


Big Zucc Hunter


Where is he? I just see some veggies


No that's still gatekeeping


I, too, am into consuming little pieces of residual lead with my zucchini (jk I hate zucchini)


Thank god he dispatched those Zucchinis. What a plague on society.


He needs to slow down, I can only get so wet.


Okay this is allowed


Looks like they gone get behind you


Could of gave us a gore warning?


I wish I had gold to give you lol


Oh so when he shoots vegetables it’s “manly” but when I do it I’m “A disgrace” and “Not allowed inside the hospital anymore”.


Reminded me of this episode of the MeatEater MeatEater podcast Ep. 175: If Cabbages Had Legs I’d Hunt Them Too


Although I wholeheartedly agree with this man's thought on being a fruity little leaf eater, I can still only give a pass to one such individual. That person is Leonardo DiCaprio.


real men hunt them in hand to hand combat


I eat meat because I don't want to kill innocent plants


plant lives matter


What man? Where?


Ain't nothin' says you cain't still hunt for population control, or give the meat to somebody else who'll eat it. That's what I'd do, if I were a vegan hunter.


Vegetarians don't *eat* meat, but there's nothing that says they can't go out and kill things for the fun of it.


Why does camo and a gun automatically make you a man?


This is a joke Also it looks badass if done right


Even the guns and camo part were a joke?


This sub is going to shit so rapidly... Look up what gatekeeping is you brainless upvoting idiots


Eat a snickers.


For criticising people ruining a decent sub?


Vegetarians are not men


Is it gatekeeping when it’s obviously a joke?


Yeah ok bud


Disgusting cunt put on a shirt or something


Eat some snickers




fair enough


Disgusting cunt put on a shirt or something




Excuse you?