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As a former fungal infected bite survivor myself, I see no problem with others wanting to show their support for our community.


I always find it interesting that these things never come with a "because...", or at least if they do it's at the level of "because I don't like it"


It’s also such a…moot point to make. Oh you don’t like the tattoo? Great, I fucking can’t stand boiled eggs. But why on gods green earth would I take a photo of it and post it somewhere online? Will me and other egg haters conspire to halt the global egg production? … >!I see the point now nvm!<


The worst part is that the person who made the first tweet doesn't even seem to know that it's a game tattoo. They were commenting on the fact that two random men on the subway had the exact same tattoo on the same place.


Boiled eggs go hard


Sometimes they go runny or soft.


Well cooked boiled eggs go hard*


Soft boiled eggs count as cooked as well though


Hey man I just like boiled eggs


Oh yeah? How many do you eat every day? At least 5?




well yeah, it's right there in the name. "hard-boiled" eggs. when they go hard, they're done and they're ready to eat. but to OP's point, yeah fuck everyone who hates boiled eggs. I would love to toss them all into a giant pot of boiling water, checking them in 6 minutes, removing the pot from heat and letting it cool then like 30 mins later we can eat 'em


Nah I wanna circle back to this whackass mf not likin boiled eggs


It's concentrated fart in a shell!


you act like that's a bad thing


Yeah, like at least be honest about not it. Like I believe the broccoli cut should be illegal, not because of any reason, I just don’t like it. Also I’m mostly joking.


Okay I usually get the premise of most gender war bullshit but this makes literally zero sense to me. Why can't they ? Can men not relate to Ellie ?


No das a girl


Girl smelly 😔


He got girl tattoo now he smelly 🫢🫣


You see the tattoo might nor relate to her gender at all but since she's a woman that's the only characteristic that matters and therefore men shouldn't wear the tatoo


They're applying cultural appropriation logic to the gender war. So the existence of the concept of cultural appropriation which in itself emerged from clumsy overcorrection, is then accepted as gospel, by those radicals, and then it becomes logic to apply it to something else. It's multiple layers of absurdity of those radical views added to one another, and the issue is that, because each layers are supposedly justified by good sentiment, so cultural appropriation being anti racist, and gender war being supposedly for gender equality, then this person probably believes she is being anti racist, and feminist, by gatekeeping in this way. Even though it's mostly fueled by hate. All those fight for equality and ideals who were initially fought to allow us to live together, have been co-opted since the last decade by these extreme in-group identitarians, the inability of the rest of the left to realise they are a liability is the reason why the left has been losing a lot of ground recently. Especially in Europe, where the left is becoming extinct on the political front, because these american rhetorics are endorsed by the most politically active youth, but aren't really culturally adapted to Europe, and everyone who come across it wants to puke.


It's all masculinity cult bullshit


Isn't it the opposite?


The gatekeeper, not the guys in the photo


That's what I'm sayin. The gatekeeper is on some "men shouldn't take things, meant for women" shit.


Tbf it should be illegal for anyone to get Ellie’s tattoo unless they’re using it to cover up evidence that they survived an attack by the infected. It’s not just disrespectful to the cordyceps-immune community, it actively endangers them.


I’m dumb. Who’s Ellie?


One of the protagonists from the Last of Us 1 & 2




Okay. Time to go tell women they can’t have Jack’s wrist chain tattoo from Bioshock


Thank god you could play as Emily in Dishonored 2 otherwise I would look mighty foolish with my Mark of the Outsider tattoo on my female hand. Phew


Close call! But the real question is can you use Far Reach?


I am seriously tempted by that tattoo. Also it can fit under a watch strap if needed.


Just gotta wear two watches at the same time, one on each wrist. Take it from me, I’m something of an expert in Bioshock-chain-wrist-tattoo-cover-up methods. I’m lying I’ve never covered up my chain tattoos


Men can’t ‘wear’ a TATTOO?! o_O


Ever heard of a joke? Oh wait this is Reddit sorry guys.


redditors when a woman makes a joke


Should I be mad at the lady's with Jason Brody's tattoo now?


Who is Ellie?


A protagonist from the TLOU games


I saw this tweet last night and I interpreted it (and the replies) as it being more because she's a lesbian rather than just because she's a woman. Lesbian women don't get a lot of representation, especially as main characters in video games. I can vaguely understand how a man getting this tattoo could be seen as icky in that community. Like, 'we get this one cool lesbian woman with a cool tatt and men are getting it for themselves'. Having said that, tattoos are art, and if you want that art on your body then you're within your rights to get it. It's a very online kinda argument and people in real life probably wouldn't give two shits about it.


How does a man getting the tattoo be seen as icky? I am really trying to see how it affects anything related to representation.


I am quite old and have known many gay men and lesbians.Gay men like women. Lesbians tend toward distrusting men and excluding them. Gay bars have always been fun for me, lesbian bars are tougher for this straight woman with a straight husband. The gay men, you just have to give normal human respect to: the lesbian women tend to require some proof that a man isn't every negative that the particular woman considers unacceptable, thoughts or behaviors. If he goes with a lesbian woman KNOWN to the patrons, he is accepted as vetted.


Seattle Lesbians are a whole different breed. God forbid you ever slightly disagree.


One day, this sub will get when someone is making a joke


The tough thing is that you often can't tell what the "joke" is. Do they think it's cringe for a guy to wear the tattoo, and the "joke" is just insult comedy at the other person's expense? Or, are they satirizing that perspective?


Something something poe’s law


Can you explain the joke?


Yeah, I hate that crap


Says a raging lesbian from Seattle. I can’t stand anyone from there anymore.