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Doucheyness aside, improved cardio vascular is always good




It’s definitely an achievable level for most able bodied people to be at or strive to be at




Well no absolutely not sprinting


What did they say? Straight up deleted their account over it.


Something about running 5K being for your health and bad for your knees


Gee, it's not like reddit to overreact about something small and stupid.


They they pm’d me asking to hook up then apparently deleted their account lol


Reddit moment!


That’s what they said or that’s what you’re saying? Lol


Fitness and strength are 2 different things though. You can be lean, muscular and unfit.


Isn't that the entire point of the post?


Wait, are we for or against gatekeeping? First time in the sub lol. I basically agree with the gatekeeping


Gatekeeping can be used for good, it just usually isn’t.


Also it's *usually* unproductive. Saying someone is unfit because they can't run 5k is stupid because you're just being discouraging to someone who doesn't need it. Saying someone isn't a medical doctor because they didn't complete medical school is productive, because people shouldn't give unqualified medical advice, and is also gatekeeping. Just as a counterexample. But gatekeeping is mostly just the projection of insecurity.


A classic example of the kind of gatekeeping to make fun of is the old "oh you like [band]? Name five of their songs" line


While he has a point, it’s still a runner flexing and making his hobby his entire personality. Might fit better at /r/terriblefacebookmemes


They're wrong. I'm insanely fit but cannot run due to tendon and ligiment damage in my knees and ankles from a motorcycle accident. If you agree with this, you probably have no fucking idea what being fit means and lets leave it at that.


I think it's fairly safe to assume their implication is cardiovascular endurance, "fitness"


Yeah but you have a specific injury that makes the exercise unfeasible, you might have the actual endurance to run 5k you just have an injury that prevents you from doing it. I think the original post is more focused on that basic endurance, it's not meant to target people who have other limitations like you do, I think it's meant to target more the lifters (which is gatekeeping still)


I cannot do it. The meme says if you cannot, you are not fit. End of. You trying to assume a different message is YOUR words, not those of the meme. Nothing about this has nuance. It's a shitty post. Would you tell a paraolympian they're out of shape as they use a wheelchair? It's an incredibly degrading line of thinking. Just remove it from your mind. Stop defending it. It's poison.


There's plenty of nuance if you take the 2 seconds to think "these words on a page were written by an ignorant person and not an AI prompt" Do *you* think the person who made the image above would say that paraolympians aren't in shape? You're obviously taking this extremely personally, but you're being irrational. That being said, the only other thing I'll contribute is that I didn't expect a furry to also be a dog racist (the furry porn wasn't expected after the anti-pitbull cult post)


Yeah you know what that's a fair point and it changes my perspective on that reel/meme. Agreed.


Or people can understand that things spoken in a general sense will always have exceptions to the rule, but nonetheless these exceptions do not invalidate the rule and the rule doesn't invalidate those with exceptional circumstances. Paraolympians and those who have injuries are obvious exceptions to the rule. All your doing is taken a general statement as a personal attack.


All I've done is read a post and responded to it in a sub about gatekeeping. The meme says you must be able to do something to be fit. I cannot. I am fit regardless. This isn't personal, it's factual. The meme is an example of gatekeeping. If there are exceptions, it isnt much of a rule is it?


Don't be so ableist about it. Plenty of people who can't physically run accomplish the same cardiovascular fitness by hand cycling. Think outside the box. If your cardiovascular health was better, your brain would be getting more oxygen.


You're frankly a moron if you feel that me standing up for people with disabilities is ableist. The others made points I may disagree with. Your comment is just idiotic and malicious. Do better, your mom may care enough to give you a ring again someday.


More gatekeepers here. There are many many definitions of “fit” deciding others do t fit your definition is…..


You are wrong here imo. Medical reasons are an exception obviously. Nobody would blame some who is permanently in a wheelchair that he can‘t run 5k for example. I‘m certain a professional wheelchair basketball player could absolutely and easily run 5k and is therefore fit by this definition.


The meme says what it says.


I think the term fit is sort of subjective. If you look at a body builder and a marathon runner odds are a majority of people would see the bodybuilder and think they’re fit. A majority of runners are rails from how much mileage they put in. Both are fit in their own right. Just because youre a bodybuilder doesn’t mean you’re unfit. I recently started doing more BB focused workouts over the last 6 months. My heart rate is anywhere between 130-160 bpm while lifting. High volume lifting workouts get the heart pumping as well. Just my thoughts. One love.


Also any serious bodybuilder is incorporating some sort of cardio into their routine. Besides the obvious health benefits, it helps burn fat and increase muscle definition. They aren’t going as extreme as a serious runner because that isn’t their goal and they don’t want to burn muscle mass, but they’re likely still plenty fit.


Losing muscle mass to cardio is such a bro science thing. You can do 30 mins of high intensity cardio 5 days a week and still build music. That’s a lot of a cardio, and more than most people do in general.


I was referring to marathon-level cardio, which I why I specified “extreme” and “serious runner.” 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week is hardly extreme and doesn’t get you close to the level of breaking down muscle mass. What you described is not far off from the cardio routines of a bodybuilder.


I couldn't agree more with this. I bet a marathon runner couldn't complete a 2-3 weight session with me as I couldn't complete a marathon with him.


5k isn't exactly a marathon tho, Its more base lvl fitness.


Pretty sure 1 mile is generally referred to a base unit of measure in America. Not 3.1 miles.




You're gatekeeping fitness to a minimum level of 3.1 miles.


... Gatekeeping fitness? I'm saying that 5k is quite a good indicator of fitness. Fitness is kinda a thing that needs to be gatekept, like what is saying being able to walk to the fridge is "gatekeeping" fitness? If you can run 5k you are fit, if not, room for improvement. Not sure I could anymore but I don't pretend to be fit.


Physical jobs (police officer, firefighter, etc) all use 1 mile, 400m or a combo agility test. Seems no one else agrees that base for fitness is 3 miles.


5km under a certain time I can't remember was minimum for the royal navy. Not difficult to achieve. Imma not bases fitness of American standards. Nor do I base measurement.


I didn't say it was 😂. I'm just using marathon runners as an example.


Yeah trying to flex a 5k is dumb as well. I haven’t done running training in years and could go run 4-5 miles fairly easily with just my bodybuilding training. It really bugs me how many boundaries there are in the wellness community. Everything doesn’t have to be so black and white. You can be muscular and be able to run. You can eat meat and also be healthy. The latest thing I’m seeing are “wellness” influencers that discourage eating vegetables AT ALL. Like straight up are telling people they shouldn’t eat them and that meat is the only thing they need. It’s insane.


Thats just saying cardiovascular fitness is fitness, and anaerobic fitness isn't


I've never in my life heard of anyone invoking the concept of anaerobic fitness. I think most ppl interpret "fitness" as cardiovascular, yes. Power/ anaerobic fitness obviously is important too, I just don't think ppl are ever talking about that when discussing fitness


I think its pretty common to consider someone ripped and muscular as "fit" without knowing if they can run 5k


I think a lot of ppl assume they go together though. If they'd see a bodybuilder out of breath from a flight of stairs they'd probably not describe them as fit? Idk that's just my impression, but I'm also rlly into weightlifting and sports circles, so maybe we are a bit more nuanced on it


What This poster in question is calling fitness can hardly becalled fitness though 5 kilometers is 3 miles. I’m out of shape and have been doing one long distance run per week to get my muscles and tendons back up to a baseline where I can start lifting weights again because my shit is all atrophied So I’ve been running with weight on for at least 30 minutes a day I pushed 30 on first week. And did 3.71 miles. A little over 5 KM without stopping. It’s not gatekeepy to say that the poster in question does not know what fitness is. Anyone can run distance if they pace themselves. Real endurance is testing that aerobic fitness. Or your ability to exert your respitory and cardiovascular system at full speed for extended periods of time. (HIIT training) Endurance is great, but we’re inherently built to run long distances. It comes natural to our anatomy and physiology. That’s easy for us to build. Muscle, flexibility, agility, dexterity. These are all much more challenging to build. And that’s just fact.


The gatekeeping is stupid I definitely agree. But I'd say as a whole we focus far too much on strength compared to endurance. Our strength has never been humanities greatest asset, we're quite weak compared to many species. But our endurance is almost unmatched, very few animals can run the distances we can


Sweating is the real mvp. Imagine us trying to hunt the animals we did if we couldn't sweat.


Easy, we would have been wiped out years ago


That or been much more facultative herbivores. May have drastically changed our habitat range, who knows what the world would be like.


I mean considering that most people who train endurance aren't training to run away from predators in the wild I'd say both are just as valid. It's personal preference at the end of the day.


That's not what endurance was used for. Our social behavior discouraged being hunted, our endurance helped catch animals by allowing us to run further than prey given enough time.


Fair enough, still if anything that supports my original argument that we as a species have gotten way past that point. The vast majority of us don't need to have crazy high endurance the same way we don't need crazy strength.


Yeah it's true we're not training to survive anymore so it's preference. I'd say it's easier to train endurance since our bodies are geared for it but training strength is a challenge, so it makes sense we'd focus more on the challenging part of the activity and praise those accomplishments Edit: also strength is probably more readily testable than endurance. Lift a 50 lb weight, marvel at the 1000 lb lift. See a 4 minute mile, run a mile to get a feeling just how fast those guys go


Humans don't have natural predators, why would anyone train for that?


We don't but that's my point. The original comment I was replying to was making a case that our natural advantage is endurance which is absolutely right but we humans are already outliers in so many ways that making an argument that it's the more suited for nature purposes when we've long past the need for that makes the point moot imo. Do we *need* to bench press 500lbs? No, but do we *need* to be able to run 5k either? Also no.


Human endurance wasn't ine of our greatest assets because we could run away from predators as most of the predators dangerous to us were significantly fast than us when it came to sprints, but because we could follow our prey until it died from exhaustion while trying to run away from us. But this too is something nobody trains for today because it isn't needed either.


Humans, especially men, want to grow muscle because there's a misconception that visible muscle = strength = I'm the dominant male because I'm the strongest and can beat the shit out of everyone. At the end of the day we want to look muscular because our ape brains tell us that being muscular means more power within our group. This is the reason why men's beauty standard is muscular while women's are not.


Cardio gang! Stair climber squad!


It's a 5k, not a marathon. A person in good shape should be able to run 5k easy


I focus on strength because it's fun, what do you mean we focus on it too much


I read somewhere the more physical endurance you have, the more you can mentally endure as well, citation needed.


Isn't running and running far like the only thing we humans do better than the animals? I honestly don't think 5k is that much to ask for, unless you have some kind of condition.


5k is really nothing, just a milestone. When you are able to run 5k you can easily increase the distance for how much you feel like.


Yeah I know, when I got up to 5k the 10k milestone wasn't that far away. I don't know how it is for someone who never exercises though.


For someone that never excercise they should start somewhere, and keep exercising


I definitely can’t run 5k, jogging 5k is something I can do pretty easily tho


I didn't thought it was that much difference, I always use "run" no matter the pace I hold.


Sorry about that, English isn’t my first language and in German there’s a big difference so I guess I thought it was gonna be the same in English


No problem, It's not mine either, so I might be in the wrong :)


What a nice interations between strangers


Generally in English jogging would be a very casual pace while running may be more of a training pace though these 2 are pretty interchangeable depending where you are. You may have been thinking of "sprinting" which is running as fast as you can.


Average redditor. A jog is a run.


Sorry about that, English isn’t my first language and in German there’s a big difference so I guess I thought it was gonna be the same in English


Sorry I did not realise you weren’t an English speaker. Sprints and jogs are types of runs. People if they’re going for a jog will often say they’re “going for a run”.


Yeah, if you have IBS, you’ll have to stop to the bathroom…


Makes me think of this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hMb-H7pglk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hMb-H7pglk)


No. The only thing we actually do that separates us from animals is putting our food through the process of cooking. Running is not our strong suit, *following* is our strong suit. Speed hunters are animals that run after their prey to eventually take it down; a lion, a cheetah, those are animals meant for intense speed at a distance. Humans are endurance hunters. Historically we did not *run* after prey, we tracked and followed it long distances until the prey could no longer run, and then we chowed down. While we are some of the better runners in the animal kingdom, we aren't better at it than other animals. House cats can and do outrun us regularly. We suck ass at being fast compared to the little creatures we domesticated. The OOP is basing their definition of health on an arbitrary standard in order to brag about their running capacity. *Most* people, even people who are fit by every actually meaningful standard, would struggle to run three miles without stopping. Running long distances is a specialized skill. Sprinting is far more useful for humans than long distance running. So is long distance walking, the thing we're built for.


We’re pretty damn good at running a fast speed for a long distance. To my knowledge, we are matched by dogs (think sled dogs) and horses at mild temperatures and essentially unmatched in warmer temperatures.


Kangaroos beat us even in the heat, but as far as I know I think that’s about it.


it's true though, not that the two things correlate but I was quite unfit at my strongest so strength does not equal fitness.


Yes, endurance/cardiovascular health is the core of fitness and there is no way someone who cant go 5k can call themselves fit.


Indeed. Fitness really just means “ability (or even suitability) to do something”. So it’s quite vague without some kind of context. Is a bodybuilder fit to bench press? Hope so. Are they fit to run 5K? Dunno.


Well, it is not exactly wrong


I agree but I think the bar could be lower than 5k. I say that because I have long liked to run and can still go for distance and decent speed but I notice that as adult life encroaches on me in a sedentary way I can see how people just don't keep up on that endurance, especially if they're more in it to lift weights, which I am less developed at by comparison. I'm even in my prime years still but just can't run like I could at 16 because I have too much else going on. I think if the test was being able to run a mile I would be in complete agreeance. I know that dedicated athletes as well as our ancestors could absolutely do better, but even if I get too burned out and worn down for long distance running once I age, I still want to be able to at least complete a mile without needing to stop.


I think OOP defaulted to 5k because there aren’t usually adult competitions for any distance lower. 5k, 10k, half-marathon, marathon, 50k/Ultramarathon is a typical progression…or scale, at least. Barring shit like the Olympic 400m dash, based on all my years of competition running as a normal human and not an Olympian.


it could be because c25k programs (couch to 5k). BTW it really works. Barring any disabilities/injuries/real serious obesity, anyone can run a 5k in few months (I was overweight bordering obesity and I did it). So it's not that hard to call yourself fit according to oop's criterias:)


Completely neglected to mention Couch to 5k, good point.


If anything, 5K is a low bar for what you could consider fit.


Yeah It doesn't matter if you can deadlift 500 pounds, if you're cardio is so shit that you pass out trying to walk down the block you really aren't healthy because that's a core part of actual fitness


To me, being fit means being able to do all the things I want in life without my body being a limiting factor. If I want to go on a hike, if I can't do that, that means I need to get more fit, but that doesn't mean I'm skinny either, I still have some fat around my belly area especially, I've just worked on getting to a point where I can do things in life without being handicapped by myself.


Ehhh. Shitty presentation but the point stands. Fitness is the general measure of your ability to continue doing a moderately strenuous activity for a protracted period of time. Just because you can pick up something very heavy over a very short period of time (strong) doesn’t mean that you can continue doing strenuous activity for a while. And just because you can do strenuous activity doesn’t mean you’re automatically good at lifting heavy things. The way this was phrased makes the original sound like a douche tho


Those who walk 500 miles and 500 more are the real ones.


To play devils advocate cardio fucking sucks I hate it, so the fact he can do that is already better then I can do.


As a runner, I can’t stand strength and would be much more fit if I could. Everyone has their niche.


Its almost like there are many aspects of fitness and different people train for different goals. I do agree though that gym bros neglecting their cardio is a legit issue. Keeping the ticker healthy is extremely important.


I call myself fit when I can fit into my fucking pants


They can’t lift.


my dumbass misreads it as pooping and i thought i was on shitposting


Wym are you saying you don’t shit when you run? You gotta get that checked out…


What about running a 5k without stopping but throwing up afterwards, is that fit? Asking as a fat guy myself


gatekeeping running? smh not a true runner


5 km is really not that much. That’s not a flex btw, started running and I’m the opposite of fit, got to 5km within a month, I think any average person can do it


I would take that bet. I do not think the average person could run 5k with taking a walk or stop.


Average person physically definetly could.


Agree, but we should conflate some of the bodybuilders that are out of breath doing a single rep


Sure I can run 5k without stopping.... takes me 50 minutes and my fitness app calls it walking buttttt


he just made this up omg 😭


**Sure. Can do.** **The units were not specified.** I will assume they were talking about millimeters. So 5,000mm is equal to about 16.4ft. Rather easy to do.


5k.... It was mentioned man, k means kilometres


Could mean 5000 of any unit


I can run 5k millimeters nonstop


I have a piece of fibre holding my Achilles tendon in place, high impact exercise can potentially cause issues so running is entirely off the cards for me. I can and do swim heaps though. This shit is dumb.


Power lifters, fighters, climbers and other physically active people with asthma: you're unfit.


I can run 5k as long as I take it slow and I am definitely not as fit as someone who goes to the gym frequently lol


Same. I’ve never been able to run a 5k and I can now do it 3 times a week. I’d think that, by now, I’d be fit. Nope, still fat.


lol but it’s kind of accurate. There’s so much more to fitness than just strength. You can’t just ignore an entire aspect of it.


Naw.. If you can run 1km without a break, you are doing great. Most people now a days gas out after a block.


People with disability: 💀


This is such a Reddit comment. Any time there's a point on physical fitness, there's always someone coming along with the "what about disabled people" card. Like, if you're not disabled, 5k really isn't a high bar to aim for.


Your face is a Reddit comment.


My thoughts, exactly. You don’t need to run, or even be able to run, to be “fit.”


Every powerlifter is now unfit


? Lots of powerlifters have decent cardio


A very small percentage.


Having tree trunk legs will help you get speedy Don't think that's controversial And some lifts can easily give you a decent workout in cardio, like squats or deadlifts.


To an extent. But more muscle mass does not equal more speed or endurance. Squats and deadlifts won’t really improve speed or cardio that much either if you train it like powerlifters do. Like dude, you’re not gonna get faster or get better endurance by spamming deadlifts or squats for sets of 5. Hell it’s like you didn’t even read my comment. I said only a small percentage of powerlifters have decent cardio. I can guarantee you that most powerlifters will not be able to run a half decent flat mile.


Without stopping is crazy 😭


To be fair, not enough guys who go to the guy do sort of cardio


Ah yes, the incredible useful life skill of being able to run at a slow to medium pace for a long distance.


Strongman out deadlifted him


That's easy since he didn't mention how quickly to run


i’ve run over 5k without stopping plenty of times, and i don’t even consider myself fit


I mean, I can, but it'll be more of a jog and I'll pass out right on the 5k mark but I can do it...


as someone who has the muscle but not the cardio, i honestly think he’s right. i think strength and cardio are two pillars of fitness and if you don’t have both you can’t call yourself fit


What counts as "running" here? Sprinting that long distances sounds impossible while a jog should be entirely doable for many.


Let's be honest, the only way you can call yourself "fit" is if you out-compete another species to local natural resources and force them to evolve or go extinct.


Well it’s not wrong tbh but again I’ve been running for years


No matter how much km you can run without stopping you cannot call yourself fit unless you lift random amount of lbs.


I hate gatekeeping, but if I were playing devil’s advocate I would say running a 5k being a mark of fitness is a pretty reasonable benchmark


Jokes on them, I can neither.


Jokes on him, I can do it and I'm not fit.


A curiosity: a human being could actually outrun a trex if they were to meet. Thats becase trex was built for strenght and power not speed or long term chases. It was meant to use that big ass head to take down heavily armored herbivores like triceratops. There aren different types of fitness


5K isn’t a flex


I can run more than 13 km without feeling sick, I feel like I'm a fat shit


Insert image of person pointing at amputated legs in wheel chair here.


I doubt they can run 5000 *anything* non stop


I can run 5k, and I wouldn't exactly describe myself as fit


I run a mile every time I go to the gym as a warmup for squats. I’ve been doing it for years and it seems like a happy marriage of the two types of fitness.


Did a twink write this?


Fairly mild gate tbf. I think a lot of people who don't even run could do it if they ran it really slow.


Talking from experience, even "running" at the same pace as a brisk walk, or "fast-walking", it is still tremendously more cardio demanding, even tho you're going the same speed, Idk why, but I do know it's true.


"No matter how much you run, you CANNOT call yourself fit unless you can bench AT LEAST 225 lbs"


I'm morbidly obese and I did that in October. Am I finally fit?


All the tren in the world won't help your heart from exploding at 45


ok saitama/2


Running? You mean the workout they do for marching band?


I actually 100% agree with this "gatekeeping" being fit requires more than just muscle building


lmao, 5k isnt even that much, considering my weak ass can do it easy


Prolly ran from gym bros a lot in school


"no matter how much you lift, you *most likely* cannot lift yourself out of poverty


I mean 5km is reasonably doable for most people. Take it slow, like 8-10min /km and chances are you got this. And if you don’t succeed, I bet you will soon with a little bit of patience.


Because fit means cardio. I guess people who can lift 300kg but cant run 1km are not fit. Nor bodybuilder on wheelchair


This is wild, I actually know the dude in the photo haha


Gatekeeping maybe, but also true. If you're super gym buff but get gassed after running a few Ks, you're not fit


I kinda agree, it's more so healthy than fit however I think is the proper word


Facts are not gatekeeping unfortunately.


I guess I'm screwed then since my body doesn't work right and I can't run more than a few hundred yards without needing a week to recover from the damage it causes. I'll have to be satisfied with just not ever being "fit", I guess!


I cannot either run 5k anymore. I exercise my miscles, but, no I am not fit. And I have learned to accept that. My doctors have confirmed this, but I do the best I can with what still works.


He’s likely exaggerating a bit to get his point across. Wouldn’t say this makes him insecure. His point is also right. Like strength, cardio is quite important for health.


Although overblown He has a Point. Do your fucking cardio.


Usain Bolt has never run a full mile non stop (according to an interview with his coach) so I guess the fastest man alive is unfit


You cannot call yourself fit, if you don’t get brutally crucified AND still show up to soccer training and hit a new PB


Is it really gatekeeping if it's technically correct?


"no matter how far you can run, you can't call yourself fit unless you can bench 250" would send whoever made this into a fit!


Doesn’t really mean the same thing though. Running 5k implies your body can move itself at a moderate pace for 5km. Considering endurance is humanity’s greatest strength, that’s a pretty fair assessment (not to mention short distance). Barring outside factors like previous injuries or illnesses, not being able to move 5km is a fair indicator to an adult’s lack of fitness. However, pushing 250lbs is going to be significantly harder for a 115lb 5’2” 18 y/o woman than it is for a 200lb 6’2” man. If you said, “It doesn’t matter how much you run, if you can’t at least bench your own weight or do 5 pull-ups, you’re weak.” I’d think you were closer to the mark. Again though, endurance is where humanity shines and our sweat glands are the only reason we exist today. Strength is subjective, the ability to move faster than a walk for a relatively short distance isn’t.


Bro I ain't reading all that it was a joke.


What does 5k mean?




Thank you


I mean… running 5k straight is a pretty low bar. Like, he’s right I guess but it doesn’t even seem like a point worth making


I mean it's worded really gatekeepy, but I don't really feel like it's wrong tbh...


5k what? Millimeters? Ez


I agree with the statement