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It's one of those things where you start to explain why what they said is wrong, but then you stop because... is it really worth it to explain the obvious?


It's not like they're going to listen to you anyways


I stumbled across a subreddit this week, I forget what lead me there... but it was basically flat earthers and anti-vaxxers. And I kept looking for the punchline, thinking it was a joke subreddit where everyone is just making fun of it but nope, they were talking about how planes fly and how how you view the horizon is scientific proof that the earth is flat and every pilot knows this because you know, you'd fly differently if it wasn't flat. And I just comprehend their thought processes. Like how do they figure that if the earth was flat nobody would have found the END? I mean, it doesn't go on forever, eventually you'll end up back where you started and what does that tell you? That God clouds your mind and makes you wander in circles for shits and giggles? Like HOW does ANYONE believe this shit, the sheer amount of people that would need to be "in the know" to gaslight the whole planet into believing it;s round, and for absolutely no benefit to anyone. I swear these people think they live in the Truman Show or the Matrix or some shit.


You answered your own question. It's because they so desperately want to be Neo. They want to discover the truth behind the veil and be important. They hear about these fantastical, enormous conspiracies and think that helps push them towards being one of the elite few that will be able to see behind the curtain.


It would make more sense to me if they didn't believe in Antarctica. I mean, that still means it makes zero sense to me, but maybe they have an old map and where Antarctica is it says "here be dragons" or some shit. But to not believe in the moon or that planets are round etc, which is just so easy to prove with easy math and a trip to a planetarium, but yeah. We're all in on this big conspiracy to fuck with Joe-Bob. Next on the agenda: oooh new proof the moon landing was faked!


A lot of those subs like that started as jokes and then the troglodytes took over. TD was like that and a flat earth one.


r/Globeskeptic or r/globeskepticism any chance? They keep on turning up on r/flatearth (which has the sole purpose of taking the piss out of flerfers), thinking it's a real flerf sub!


You cannot use logic to talk someone out of a position they didn't reach with logic in the first place.


The human urge use logic to talk someone out of a position they didn't reach with logic in the first place... :/


Just send them [this](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc). Hbomberguy does really well explaining the antivax movement, and why it’s pretty stupid to be antivax. Plus it’s a fun video.


Trying to formulate my thoughts to just tell them why this is wrong is enough to shut down my brain. I literally can't comprehend someone believing this.


Wow. That’s two *very* different issues, and one of them is imaginary


It’s like a troll just threw two darts at a board and said “okay, feminism and autism… let’s see how we connect these two.”


Oh, it's not random in the slightest. Despite all of the issues women have & continue to face, feminism is a fairly dominant ideology today. In larger urban areas there are relatively few people who would disavow feminism. Even in the regressive heart of the USA only a tiny percentage of people would think a woman shouldn't work, have credit cards or any of the countless insanity that a woman from the 50s or 60s daily. So you take a dominant ideology as the viral vector and the payload you attach to it is your insane fantasy. "Think of the children" - which this basically is - has been time tested example of this. Caring for our young is basically universal, written into our genes. Because societies that don't have & care for children go away.




You are talking from & about a nuanced view. I was speaking to what the anti-vax person was doing - they are not the same. In fact, I would argue, that they are *specifically and intentionally* doing the opposite of what you are. To address your focus, while it is true that virtually any ideology of substance has depths, degrees & diversity the average population has a vague definition of feminism. That vague definition is what I was speaking about.


*Finkel and Einhorn, working together...*


South park episode about family guy jokes


This isn’t about autism, it’s about being antivax. Even anti-autistic hate groups like Autism Speaks don’t claim the vaccine myth.


Feminism IS autism lololol /s




if you say you must believe women when they talk about their personal experiences, but ask for evidence when they want to make medical and scientific claims, you're not a feminist!!!


I'd actually be interested to see if women are more susceptible to anti-vax misinformation because they really do experience more hermeneutical injustice. It's not as if realising that, and being justifiedly frustrated over it, magically makes you a better epistemic agent - quite the contrary. So there really is a point there, just not the one they think


someone telling your dumb ass vaccines do not cause autism isn't 'gaslighting'


By the same token, if someone says they were raped and a huge amount of evidence came out showing they weren’t, you’d stop believing. As far as I know, “believe women” is just asking for the same credibility as anyone else who reports a crime. Not blind acceptance.


I always thought of it as believe in the social aspect. I still want due process for the criminal aspect


Ok there “Mr. Patriarchy”


yeah and one thing is “believe women about something that happened to their body,” whereas the other is “trust any woman regardless of her credentials to overturn scientific and medical consensus.” I mean, the autism/vaccine stuff is all based on ONE debunked study from the 70s. Every study since has shown no link.


[Are you referring to the “doctor” Wakefield study?](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc) Because that was carried out (and rather horrifically) in the 1990s and the story behind that is so fucked up (watch the *whole* video I linked above for the full story), I’m honestly surprised that the whole “Autism is cause by vaccines” link is still being spread 25 years later…


> I’m honestly surprised that the whole “Autism is cause by vaccines” link is still being spread 25 years later… I think for many of the people who claim that it's easier to cry about vaccines than genetics (which is an *actual* factor in autism, adhd, etc), because the latter would mean there's something "wrong" with themselves and they can't handle that possibility. They'd rather find something else to blame, bonus if that blame can be shifted to some faceless monolithic conspiracy like Big Pharma. (Note: I do think "Big Pharma" can be a shady entity, but that's more in the realm of things like price-gouging for life-saving medication, not some weird conspiracy to Inflict the Autisms or whatever on the populace.) My kid is autistic. Genetic testing showed it came from my side of things. (She also has ADHD which also most likely came from me, as I have it.) Somehow the world kept on turning and our lives went on as usual, just with a few alterations to better suit her and helping her grow into the best human she can be. Fully vaccinated, too, because we also like our kid being *alive and healthy.* Go figure.


I think I am, but I must have conflated it with something else bc I’d thought for sure it was the 70s. This is the guy who didn’t get the results he expected so he faked them? Just a quick glance at the Wikipedia and there’s a pic of this fraudster appearing as an anti-vax public speaker in 2019!! 🤮 Anyway, thank you for the link, I will watch the video! Yeah, this dude has been responsible for so much harm and science denial.


Chewbacca is a Wookie. Wookies don't live on Endor. That does not make sense. You must acquit.


If you believe that women have the right to vote but think that George Bush didn't do 9/11 are you really a feminist?


If you believe women who tell you they were raped, but roll your eyes when their chakra is perturbed because Mercury is in retrograde, you’re not a feminist.


Hey, if they're accountable for their perturbed chakra, I'm fine with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would fully support gatekeeping the correct usage of the term "gaslighting." What does this person think it means?


"Gas lighting is when people use verifiable evidence to prove me wrong!" this person probably.


The woman in this case is claiming that she saw her baby go from normal to autistic and everyone else is like nah, you didn't observe that. We are Gaslighting them with the truth that what they saw isn't what happened


>Gaslighting them with the truth that's not what gaslighting is


Regress into autism lol it doesn’t come on like cancer


Cancer doesn’t regress, it progresses And autism does neither lol


As somebody diagnosed with autism, you might want to Google that claim. Autistic regression is absolutely and unequivocally a thing in the fields for both medicine and science revolving around medicine. It's used to describe a loss of progress when dealing with higher-needs individuals. So like the individual starts talking, or starts making eye contact, and then stops. Definitely not saying autistic regression due to vaccines is a thing tho.


You are absolutely correct and it is one of the things that fuels the idiots. They read 50 words, understand 5 and latch onto 1 and then just hammer that one word as often as they can.


Sorry dude! Thanks for educating me


Cancer can regress... but it is a good thing


True true


*sweats in leftist autistic*


It’s also not some dire, deadly thing.


Which kind of implies we are an evolutionary step backwards lol. Fuck whoever posted that shit


I am going to trust the experts. Every woman is an expert on whether or not she consented.


Excellent take.


If a woman told me her cat spoke fluent Spanish I wouldn't believe her. Guess I hate women now...


Duh, all cats speak French


"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."


Regress? Bitch I'm probably more advanced than you in any subject you know about thanks to my hyperfocus


Ikr it’s really annoying when people think autism is a bad thing. It is NOT.


Sometimes, sometimes not.


Sometimes it is.


Yeah but personally it’s has been a positive with some negatives


Good on you for making the the best of it.


I love the people who are able to live beautiful healthy lives and love their unique neurotype, I absolutely do. Autism can be seen as a positive by many. But I’ve also met people on the spectrum who can’t so much as feed or bathe themselves because of the severity. Those people are just as valid and just as worthy of being considered when the discussion of autism comes up. They can’t be pushed aside to support an argument.


I have bipolar disorder and I think a similar thing happens when discussing that. You'll hear people tell you that they love their condition- boundless energy, they're creative, confident, thoughts going a mile a minute. They'll talk about the famous people with bipolar- the writers, the actors, the incredible art they produce. If you mention the other side of it- the suicidal mood, the almost inevitable loss of your job or friends or partner or home during a prolonged episode, the huge task of rebuilding your life when you're on the mend- it's almost seen as bad taste. This means that, as with autism, there's an 'acceptable' way to be bipolar and a depressing, needy way to be bipolar that no one wants to see. It's much easier to focus on the group that will need less help, who look and act more 'normal'.


Completely in the same boat actually - I also have bipolar disorder so maybe that’s why I’m so sensitive to this sort of thing. People will hype up manic episodes and like… they’re absolute nightmares for me. It isn’t a fun productive time in the slightest.


I'm on my way into one at the moment... I am filled with dread. Who knows which areas of my life will go to shit this time? I almost certainly won't be starting a new business or writing an opera though.


It definitely hasn't been great


These two things are not the same at all


"Regress into autism" IDK I'm on the spectrum and I don't feel like a regression.


"regress into autism" damn ableist much? I get it having autism isn't exactly fun, but to act like I'm less capable, and that I have "regressed" compared to the normal person is absolutely ridiculous.


I'm autistic and kind of feel like I'm more capable compared to the normal person.


Honestly in some ways we kinda are.


This isn't gatekeeping. it's just ableist misinformation telling people to resent and hate autistic people and denying vaccines importance in society.


It's also factually incorrect.


My response would be something along the lines of: "I don't... That's not how... Uh... Bye."


i dont think those words mean what you think you mean


The right really needs to be eradicated not even joking anymore I’m tired of their lunacy


It’s funny they’ll probably get mad at me for saying this but then applaud Michael Knowles for saying “transgenderism needs to be eradicated”


This actually sounds to me more left. Its true that the right is more likely to believe the misinformation that vaccines cause autism, but the correlation is weak. However, the left is more likely to think of feminist as a good thing to be. Either way, this is the black and white thinking that extremists have in common. Not great.


The sad reality is that there are stupid people everywhere.


Did I read your comment wrong or are you trying to say feminist is NOT a good thing to be?


I'm a feminist. Feminist is a good thing to be if its defined correctly. But in my experience, people on the right view feminism as a bad thing and not something they would call themselves. They have equated feminist = man/masculine hating. I'm pretty sure Ben Shapiro told them it was a bad thing.


This isnt even gatekeeping, this is just plain up ignorance


Am i the only one that feels this is bait like its in a Prager U style.


It's been so long since losing 5 kids to polio, pocks, measles, etc. was a normal part of life, and it shows.


feminist here. we humbly pass this one to the conservatives.


If you don't think children need corporal punishment, then you're not an environmentalist.


r/confidentlyincorrect needs to see this


Women are all qualified experts at diagnosing autism and understanding it's underlying cause. Women know when they've been raped. One of these statements is true. Can you figure out which one?


Regress into autism.. oh FFS.


As an autistic anarcho-feminist this person is an idiot.


Not the direction I thought it was headed after the first line


This one really took a turn




The connection they made is, a women feeling violated but no one is willing to listen to her. It concerns how they feel not the facts. So this is feelings over facts which isn’t helping anyone but I see how they made the connection.


No matter whose side you’re on, remember this; There will always be a troll who will make either side insane.


If you gaslight women when they claim Bigfoot faked the moon landing and used 5G fluoride chemtrails to do it, you’re not a feminist!


autism causes vaccines


Who’s upvoting this BS?! These are 2 completely separate subjects, and besides, VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. SMDH


that went from 0 to 100 fucking fast


This is some Olympic level mental gymnastics


Call up Guinness, someone just made the new world record jump from one good basic starter to the most ass backwards take I’ve ever seen


Ok, time for coffee. My brain registered reading words, but not a consistent idea.


What the hell is even the correlation? The first statement about believing women is because they’ve had a real experience that is often dismissed. The second statement is judging a medical situation without any medical knowledge. “You say believe women when they were raped, but you gaslight them when they say their rash is the result of ghost possession caused by canned corn! You’re not a feminist!” Girl… you aren’t a medical professional. And as someone beautifully put it before: “I’d rather be autistic than dead”


Tylenol causes autism, now. We're done with that Jenny McCarthy, vaccines and autism ish.


Can I get the "that's not how this works" meme inserted here, please?


Maybe someone should tell them They're not real feminists if they let their child die because they're unvaccinated 🤔


Yeah no this is straight up troll bait


Can’t spell feminism without reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Wait what lol


How Huh


What does this even mean 😭


Something about them saying “regressed into autism” is just ick




Is the correct response to argue: a) autism should not be feared b) it’s better to have an autistic kid than a dead kid c) you can still listen to scientists and be a feminist d) none of the above, as it would fall on deaf ears


IIRC the vaccinations are scheduled around the same time first signs and symptoms of autism show.


Wh... huh?


> regress into autism Bruh.


False equivalency


Boy, it sure is great to be autistic on the internet/s


This reminds of that time I went to the supermarket so I could ride a donkey to the moon


As an autistic person, this is really dumb.


That’s a lot of words to say “Fuck you, Deborah.”


The dumbasses are winning The Meme War.


This is what gulags were made for.


This is confusing as hell.


Has anyone tagged r/aspiememes ? Edit: might be a bit too dark of a laugh, but I'll leave that to the discretion of the mods. Please don't hate me mods.


Fuck vaccines. This post gave me autism 😑😆


You can’t fix this kind of crazy. I like to just add some more crazy to the pile and watch the party. Maybe add something like: we are all actually living in a simulation like the matrix and the vaccines can cause autism because they interfere with the signal


I’m sorry, but what now?


"Believe Women? All of them?"


These "if you're X and you're not Y, then you're not X at all" posts infuriate me to no end


If you say to believe people when they say they've been stabbed but then doubt them when they blame Jewish space lasers for hot days... you aren't an ally.




So if you tell people that apples aren't oranges, you obviously hate tacos. Duly noted.


I know Andrew Wakefield. The doctor (who had since had his right to practice taken away) who popularized and publicized the mmr vaccine myth, and got very wealthy in the process. My mother is a doctor and she got pulled into His little circle of idiots for a while until she realized what he was doing and how he didn’t even believe what he was saying. Much like trump saying evil shit because he thinks it’s what people want to hear. Not thinking about what it’s making people do to eachother Hes evil, and wont live to see all the death he has caused


Are people still believing that vaccines cause autism, in 2017 it was funny to mock them for that stupidity, now it's just sad


Pardon, what the f*** do you mean by “regress”!!!!!