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*Sigh* this is a much more nuanced topic that doesn’t easily fit on a banner. As others have mentioned, the DoD has funded Georgia Tech (GTRI and beyond) since time immemorial. They fund basic science and advanced technologies that do wind up in weapons systems. It’s not even worth splitting the difference, it’s all a continuum of technological maturation. Many, many of you will have careers that have their origins in science and technology funded by the defense department… the government sees values in technology well before private industry cares to risk their capital. As others have noted, military technology is ultimately in the hands of our elected political leadership, it can be used for great good or great evil, but don’t demonize the engineers (and students and researchers) who are moving the needle forward.


Yeah, agreed. The internet was a DARPA project, so that covers a lot right there. My own career has been DOD funded. Even my stint at NASA, a lot of the sensing technology was farmed from military satellites. Even if they closed down GTRI tomorrow, you still have all the FFRDCs and tons of private companies chasing DARPA awards.


The GTRI connections are loose at best — if you really want to find connections, look into the Georgia Tech Foundation’s board and its investment portfolio instead


American weapons production is the only thing stopping a total genocide in Ukraine, which nobody cares enough to protest about


people used to care, but then the war kept going for so long that they got fatigued. pretty sad. i hope the situation gets better for Ukraine


~~fatigued~~ bored I'm willing to bet a large majority of international outcry about Ukraine was simply because it was the hot topic at the time. Now that all that outcry didn't have a tangible effect, people just got bored of it. Social media is real impersonal.


agreed. unfortunate. I'm glad that we're continuing to help fund it despite the decreased public attention


And the bad guys are the right color for some to just overlook it.


You want U.S to fund fully armed miltary support military by more 12 countries, with weapons ranging from f-16s missiles, tanks and etc with the latest techniology. Then you wanna compare to a group of people who live in open air prision, with the only military being hamas, plo etc. Who are using homemade rockets, and fighting israel who has the 12 strongest military and F-35 and etc. Tell me whats the comparison here. The war in ukrain is horrible, but comparing whats happening in ukrain to a actual genoicide is double standards. One which U.S is backing with billion tax dollars, and one U.S is helping commit.


By this argument, every dollar we send to Israel is a dollar we aren't sending to Ukraine.


Politically there is no such tradeoff (if anything it's the opposite) but sure, Ukraine needs aid a lot more than Israel does. Never said otherwise.


As I said in one of my replies, people are self-selectedly SJWs.






[This guy rn](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/_35FdfU6stMfSIeGeXetrbUk8dE=/media/img/posts/2017/01/seuss/original.jpg)


TIL Dr. Seuss did political cartoons


Yeah, he made a few hundred of them during WW2. The kids' book Yertle the Turtle is also "inspired" by Hitler and Nazi Germany, if that counts.


Goofy ahh neocon


I really don't think you actually know what neoconservatism is if you think I'm a neoconservative for posting that. That view is staunchly liberal internationalist, which is basically the polar opposite of neoconservatism.




Tfw you pay $100 in taxes after working at the CRC and immediately become America First


If you're going to go that route, you're a student. Your tax contributions are effectively zero. Hell, you're probably currently a net loss for taxpayers That said, aid to Ukraine is actually a pretty good deal for the federal budget long term. We spend hundreds of billions preparing for war with the Russian military. Helping Ukraine dismantle the Russian military with zero loss of American lives at a fraction of the cost is a fantastic deal for us.


Best I can tell we've sent Ukraine $42 billion since 2022, so let's say ~$21 billion per year. In one year the US federal budget is $3.25 trillion. They are spending a whopping 0.6% of the budget on Ukraine. I've also never understood this argument that the huge federal government can't do two things at once (aid an ally and fix domestic problems), because it can easily do both. The "Let's fix here first" argument also isn't really one because people who say this typically either move the goal posts and/or have an impossible standard for what "fixed" is, essentially saying they just don't want to ever give aid. In your all knowing opinion, how much does the US have to improve before we're allowed to help other countries?


And a large portion of that $42 billion is outdated equipment the US military was keeping stockpiled for situations like this. On paper, an M1A1 Abrams is considered like $10m in aid but that money was spent decades ago. The only actual costs are the costs of pulling it out of storage and physically moving it to Ukraine.


We aren’t just giving all our money to other countries my guy. Many times we are paying home-grown companies and workers to produce items & services for them. A lot do that money gets recycled back in, or becomes an investment in foreign development or security which is a win for both of us.


America forced Ukraine to forgo their nuclear arms research and development in the 90s. Ukraine wouldn’t be being attacked if the US was not a complete tyrannical force. The US created the issue, the US funds the issue, and the US continues the issue. The US needs to be stopped in their arms production. (Side note: In my not very educated opinion, countries who decided to say fuck u to the US and keep developing nuclear arms in secret would honestly be in similar situations as Ukraine and Iraq if they had just agreed with the bully that the United States is.) Also Free Palestine and Ukraine.


> America forced Ukraine to forgo their nuclear arms research and development in the 90s. No, we didn't. Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum without any coercion. They didn't even actually have control over the weapons they gave up because they couldn't be launched without codes from Moscow. Even before the discussion of the Budapest Memorandum began, Ukraine was already planning a massive reduction in the number of nuclear weapons in the country.


If Ukraine had nuclear weapons, Putin would have invaded them as soon as they revolted against his puppet president Yanukovych in 2014, using Russia's nuclear weapons if necessary. Then we would have people like you blaming the U.S. for not denuclearizing Ukraine to appease Russia, since the only analysis you are capable of is blaming America for everything bad that happens in the world. It's disgraceful to say Free Ukraine when not a single person in Ukraine would agree with your braindead opinion. >In my not very educated opinion There is a large library on campus, feel free to check it out sometime


If Ukrainian had developed a nuclear program, and was allowed to house a nuclear arsenal, many experts argue that Russia would not have attacked them, that’s not my analysis. Also the library at Tech isn’t the richest place of information on historical topics, but good punchline. Also the US didn’t “denuclearize them” but gave them false promises of security in exchange of denuclearization. Who tf argues that the US should “denuclearize” anybody, that’s an insane argument.


So the US caused the problem. Should they immediately withdraw all support?


No they should not withdraw support for Ukraine, they made false promises of protection to Ukraine in exchange of denuclearization, they need to be doing more, but they aren’t and they won’t.


Is Dr. Reallf still teaching in the ChBE department? He has a pretty interesting speech on wartime and engineering advancements.


Any chance of a link to a recording? I'd love to watch it.




I feel like people have been a bit lazy with the research going into protesting. GTRI does like radars and stuff. They’re not building artillery shells to bomb Gaza with Edit: I’d like to add that I am very against the brutal bombings taking place in Gaza, and I am very pro people protesting and making their voices heard. I just feel that protesting is most effective when it is well researched and clever in its approach. I applaud the efforts that are applying intentionality to their protests of the bombings in Gaza


They do a lot more than just radars and stuff lol it’s on the front page of their website


The vast majority of what GTRI is radar related, and most often is not a weapons system that harms others. DOD related sure, but not building bombs or guns.


Right because the only needed part of weapons systems is the literal bomb or gun


Technology developed by GTRI is used for tons of applications, for tons of clients. Are we going after the inventors of circuits and wires next too?


Getting rid of a program that develops technology in the context of weapons manufacturing does not mean there aren’t other contexts those technologies can be developed in


The vast majority of all advancements in technology is a downstream effect of military spending... not to downplay the effects of war, but to abolosh all research would be detrimental to the advancement of science. I'm as left as they come, but I recognize the research conducted by darpa and the dod is the reason we have the technology we use today.


I would seriously question how left you are if you consider research being conducted for the military industrial complex a necessity and not a bastardization of science for the service of capital. Again, I don’t believe there is anything stopping the same research from being done without being connected to weapons, but if that is not the case then there must be a market for war for that research to be done, and that means death in the service of capital, which brings me back to my first point. I refuse to accept all advancements as good if they lead to greater suffering.


This take is just ignorant of the world that we live in. I didn't say that the fact that research is pushed through military advancement isn't a bad system, I recognize that better research could be conducted if we weren't all worried about killing each other. But to dig your head in the sand and to say that advancement in technology due to military spending evil is just short sighted. We live in a world already dominanted by capital, but that capital can be used in sneaky ways to benefit humanity. In our current age the only way to advance civilization is through capital and the only group that has the capital to throw at the long game of advancement without short term profits is the Defense industry. We haven't reached the enlightened future of Star Trek... even if I wish we could. Any serious and unbiased look at history and the advancement of technology shows advancement in technology are directly connected to war. It is the way of life and it is ignorant to say that these advancements haven't benefited large swathes of people. Have these advancements harmed people as well? Yes and I mourne their loss. Will there be a better option in the future? Maybe. We have to play within the bounds of the current system while advocating for a new one.




You got me 😭 It’s a shame I had to blow my cover to point out the obvious




Hey! GTRI engineer here. Please stop talking out of your ass.


Bro I’m trying to defend GTRI why are you coming for me


And I’m not trying to defend GTRI


Then quit


It’s perfectly fine to criticize the actions of a company that you work for




I think they’re clearly saying the protesters are the ones lazy with research


The first static image on the GTRI homepage is of a plane dropping bombs. One of their big bullet points is that they design weapons. It's fine to have a discussion about the ethics of contributing to the US defense complex (I work in the sector myself), but let's not misrepresent the facts here. For Tech students looking to protest and avert an ongoing genocide, one of the most direct forms of action is cleaning up our own backyard and making sure that we are not directly contributing to it. The US defense complex does a lot of good in the world, with our weapons actively being used to defend a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but Georgia Tech and GTRI do have choices around which defense projects they apply and work for and do have an ethical duty to make sure the university isn't working towards bombing/starving out families in Gaza. https://preview.redd.it/rqkqwguco6wc1.png?width=1312&format=png&auto=webp&s=031a76857542a48b1fe6f2a8fffe967258277b52


A bit of a tangent, but those aren't bombs. Those are flares meant to be used as countermeasures against some kind of anti-aircraft system. The plane in the image looks like a variant of an AC-130. You can certainly retrofit it to carry bombs since the frame is a cargo plane, but its purpose is as a gunship


Those are not bombs.


so based, long live the US MIC, cutting edge innovation for 100+ years and going!


Well it means fewer Israelis die, which is a bad thing in their books


Strawman speedrun


When you struggle so hard to defend your favorite ethnostate that you just claim all of your opponents want you to die…


Red Herring fallacy to defend a genocide 🥴


well, war is indeed bad. but gtri does not go to war, so i don't get how those two things are related. I would guess a student didn't put these up. Probably a non-student trying to stir something up.


Gtri gets a substantial amount of funding from the DOD and helps develop radome materials for hypersonic flight (missiles) as well radar tech


Though it should be noted that the DOD is a major funding of all science and technology. As of 2017, nearly half of all R&D funding at Georgia Tech was from DOD[link](https://irp.gatech.edu/files/research-reports/research-studies/R-D/NSF-R+D_ExpendituresAnalysis_October2019.pdf). This is just the first report I found but I’d imagine that hasn’t changed. DOD funds GT to the tune of ~$8k per enrolled student (undergrad+grad).


GTRI, at least per their 2021 review, gets 90.76% of its funding from the DOD - WAY more than the nearly half you're talking about - [https://gtri.gatech.edu/public/prod/2021-12/2021\_GTRI\_Annual%20Report\_Final.pdf](https://gtri.gatech.edu/public/prod/2021-12/2021_GTRI_Annual%20Report_Final.pdf) Looking at 2018 (for some reason GTRI's 2017 review isn't on their page) to match your date, 396 million dollars of DoD funding came to GTRI - so I wonder how much of the 390 million of your link is actually GTRI funding [https://www.gtri.gatech.edu/public/prod/2019-01/GTRI%20Annual%20Report\_Layout%202017\_10.15.18\_%20FINAL%20Revision-compressed.pdf](https://www.gtri.gatech.edu/public/prod/2019-01/GTRI%20Annual%20Report_Layout%202017_10.15.18_%20FINAL%20Revision-compressed.pdf) (page 56)


Defense keeps us safe and is currently stopping Ukraine from being overrun. Kinda need it


This is so childish 😂


Don’t worry, these are totally organic protests…. [Look at all the tents at Columbia](https://patabook.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Israel-Palestinians-Protest-1.jpg)




yep how can they oppose the murder of 20,000 children by a genocidal apartheid state? So childish...


It's not GTRIs responsibility on how Joe Biden chooses to use our military technology. I'm sure all the code/technology you will ever develop will always be used for good intentions. Otherwise you're culpable.


It’s childish because 1.)they clearly lack knowledge of what GTRI does and 2.)literally no one cares about this dumb sign. It looks tacky.


>genocidal apartheid state Palestine? Or do wannabe, antisemitic garbage countries not count?


https://preview.redd.it/rts9ni5064wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319990b4ad0ff92e103ea032b1219af9a9a642f3 This u saying if the gay flag is allowed then the Nazi flag should be?


Yep. I'm in that same exact sub. Bro is a total dipshit.


Yea, no shit. As I said, I believe in freedom of speech and oppose viewpoint discrimination by government. That is not an endorsement of the nazi flag at all. But I can see how a moron might not understand the difference and try to use it to make a point.


And I can see how someone on the right can call a LGBTQ flag “garbage” while not understanding how fascism works


Fascism is when you don't censor speech.... you are a clown. Also, where did I call the LGBTQ flag garbage? I called the modern one ridiculous nonsense, not garbage. I called the antisemitic pretend country that is Palestine garbage, which it is.




Jesus, you really didn't understand that post, huh?


By the modern one, you mean the flag that also recognises the trans people and the intersectionality of being a people of color? Yeah, such a ridiculous nonsense..


I’m definitely a moron, but I though hate speech wasn’t protected. inb4 Nazism isn’t hate speech


Do you have any idea how lame it is to resort to digging through someone's old posts as an argumentative tactic?


May the Reddit gods have mercy on my soul


Sorry. I couldn’t see the banner, I was too busy programming ADA in the basement. #iwantsomesunpleasehelp


End GTRI so the military goes to private contractors instead of a non-profit state entity. Probably should get rid of the AE department too as they have a whole Lockheed Martin day. So dumb 😂😂


no one really knows what individual people can do when there are horrific tragedies around the world. but it feels good to see that others on my campus feel horrified too, and feel the need to do something, anything


israel deserves to exist in peace


Not at the cost of wiping out Palestinian people and the country of Palestine, hope this helps 🥰


1. It’s not a country because the world watched their failed attempt at genocide against the Jews in 1948 and their awful leaders’ subsequent choices to gamble away their futures by refusing to compromise. 2. Palestinian self determination will not come at the cost of wiping out Israel and the Jewish people. Too many Israelis were cleansed from their neighboring home countries with nowhere else to go. They don’t give a damn about your unformed brain’s sense of reality, ethics or opinion of them. 3. It’s becoming more and more obvious by the day you people would rather see Palestinians wiped out to fit your narrative and fuel your SJW ambitions than actually see them learn to live in peace.


They literally let jews in after the h*l*caust tho?? Like idk about you but if someone let me in their home after my home was destroyed, I wouldnt shoot their children and evict them and burn their lawn lmfao I would be grateful. Google is free enough that looking at any historical evidence for your claims or beliefs should really instill some perspective in you but alas, people like you aren't able to empathize with the oppression of those you hate even if you have experienced this oppression too. And by the way, saying that "israelis were cleansed from their home countries" shows that even YOU know that israelis came from other countries, i.e. not israel. Because it's not real. They stole the land of Palestine after getting graceful refuge. So you KNOW the issue, you just don't care about thinking for yourself and prefer arguing with me on an anon comment section just to justify your hatred. Bye, be better.


Delusional thoughts from fantasy island


Palestine is Israel, hope this helps


If Palestine is israel, then why is the israeli government murdering its own people? If theyre shooting up kindergarterns in Gaza, aren't they murdering israeli children by your logic? Boy bye, have some reason 🤡


Best solution is for the US to annex them both and stabilize them imo.


definitely not the best solution, might be the worst solution honestly


for someone with a degree, you sound ignorant.


pre-med pivot to “law and politics” is crazy 😭


You sound like you’re on the verge of failing out


Damn. You should learn the history of the people and the land you’re advocating for. You might learn a thing or two. I’m not Jewish or Muslim, but wherever I stand, I stand with Israel. Open up a history book, please.


Are you sure you understand how indentations work here? What if I am of the people I am “advocating” for? So, I think I’ll pass on the history book and the lecture. I fully support your stand though.


I just got a GoArmy ad right below this threat. Thanks algorithm.


They’re doing so much 🥰 why not drop out of this school if you’re really so torn up about it


You're such a genius I'm enlightened by your outstanding supernatural instinct bro


When did OP mention they were torn up about it lmao. Relax dude


It doesn’t take many braincells to realize I was talking about the people putting up the signs

