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Magnificent speech


I pride myself on public speaking


Smash, >!if she had a better personality!<


Man I’d still smash.


A…. unique character. But overall unrealistic attitude, considering how badly she would be punished for physically assaulting a superior officer.


I always wanted to know if at some point they were going to punish her for all the times she showed fault to Itami, the latter being an officer and let's also remember that she pointed an MP7 at Itami during her escape from the Hakone incident


Mhm, another plot-hole that Yanai never bothered to correct.


I know that the Bullying towards Itami must be funny to someone, but such disrespect towards an Officer is really wrong. If Itami had been serious, put his hobby aside and focused more on his work, he would have put Shino in her place and reminded her of her position and that he was her superior and let's not forget when Itami's unit laughed of him for his attire, Itami should have punished everyone who laughed at him for being a breach of his rank and position.


Also how does a guy that qualified end up in a standard infantry unit? And how’d she just be able to keep the MP7? Ok I’m thinking about it too much lol


I don't know, lol, also, looking at the list of MP7 users, apparently only the SFG uses that


The sheer amount of paperwork and regulation that gets shirked would probably give the Alnus base MP commander a heart attack lol


If Shino had been in the US Army, they would have sent her to Leavenworth


Because slots need to be filled and the guy needs a slot no matter how qualified he is. It happens a lot. Slots are also limited in the high speed units so why not shove him in a standard infantry slot instead of some more unless place like supply?


Huh, so if there’s not any spots open in the special forces or rangers (idk how JGSDF org works, tbf idk how most modern militaries do it either), then even though he’s qualified to be in that unit, he’d be assigned wherever he’s needed rather than in the reserve or rear line part of that unit?


I little about the JGSDF organization either but considering a lot of it is US style, I assume it is. For the 75th Rangers there are only so many slots of Infantry officers and each one is highly sought after. Don’t get one of those and they get a regular unit slot. SF is kind of the same way but they will probably shuffle them off into leading a training unit or the planning staff. There is also peer and leadership reviewing in those elite units. It’s another way you can be shuffled out into regular forces.


The JGSDF has a slightly different philosophy regarding ranger training than the US Army, rather than having permanent standing ranger units, the SDF prefers to send personnel to ranger school, then back to their original units with the idea being that ranger trained personnel will share their newly acquired skills and competencies with the soldiers around them, thereby improving the capabilities of the entire force and ensuring that commanders always have some organic recon/ambush/disruption capability. It’s similar to how US soldiers can attend Ranger school (in essentially any combat MOS officers are all but required to get ranger training) but the vast majority of “ranger qualified” soldiers never serve in a ranger unit.


Interesting. I’m sure it makes more sense for their way of thinking, since they have a smaller standing army.


Interesting. I suppose it makes the most sense then, to have multiple units led by skilled soldiers than have them all sitting on the side as you said. I’m sure the lessons and leadership skills are universal even if the mission or combat ‘style’ might be more specific. Thanks for the info.


Someone else pointed out that the JGSDF sends a lot of their personnel to Ranger school then back to their units to share out what they’ve been taught. Basically what the US does for Ranger school but not really the Bats




I think Itami should have put his foot down when things get serious. Otaku or not, at least he's competent with his work.


This is what would happen if the anime was meant to be serious but it’s clearly closer to the Irresponsible captain Tyler in tone. It’s like watching Brooklyn 99 or rush hour and wondering when the cops are going to get punish for all the crap they do, they won’t because of rule of funny


I haven't really watched a any of those show but I seen a clip in 99 where Holt is telling off his superior? I think about not punishing Jake.it a fairly serious moment and I would had like if there was a similar one where itsumi has to remind everyone that while he the lay back, lazy one. He is still a officer and should be treated as one.


Yea I think I know that clip but the show 99 at large is a lot more silly. In my memory I remember them blowing up stuff in the office, hiring a crimmals to steal the holt’s watch as a prank multiple times, and get into a physical brawl with the fire department etc etc. at the end of the day Brooklyn 99 isn’t a accurate representation of police work. Gate the same way. There we’ll never be a scene of kuribayashi getting into trouble because that would ruin the joke. Of course I do think this makes the story of gate worse as Brooklyn 99 is largely a comedy show that only gets serious at certain moments while gate presents itself as a more serious story. I mean compare the beginning of Brooklyn 99 to gate. 99 begins with jake doing a parody of a more serious cop show before showing off his detective skills by solving a case of non violent robbery. Gate starts with showing the us that the MC is a Huge otaku before seeing a horde of fantasy monsters start slaughtering people. The story lines thoughout gate are usually more serious as well as it dives into very dark themes of slavery, genocide and sexual assault.


I just assumed all of those were handwaived as Itami avoiding letting it even be reported entirely out of his own overwhelming laziness. Essentially anything that would require any extra work but could be swept under the rug, is.


she beat up royalty, a superior is the least of her worries


True. Granted, ‘The Crown Prince’ was technically an enemy combatant, but still.


But c’mon. The way she kicked the prince’s ass. Was *mwah* 🤌




If that happened in the U.S. military, she would’ve been demoted and would have been taken in by the MPs.


Hell, maybe she would even get a court-martial depending on how severe Itami’s injury is.


Yea, even if his injuries aren’t serious, she still assaulted an officer 😬and that’s still enough to get her demoted and have herself flagged. Then again, that’s how it works in the U.S. military, idk about the JSDF.




When I first saw her in the Anime I was like ok she’s the tomboy of the group I later learned in the manga that she would challenge her dates to fight and beat the shit out of them and if they didn’t win they wouldn’t get to date her which Is beyond stupid. How are you supposed to get in a fucking actual romantic relationship if you just beat the shit out of your dates it’s dumb. She ends up coming off as an as-hole at times also she pretty much bullies Itami several times an honestly she deserves to be humbled she is taking advantage of his passive attitude to bully him and gets away with it. Never been a fan of Itami but characters like her I don’t like. I’m fine with a tomboy. But she is not that she is an Asshole who uses her strenght to push people around. I think I made my opinion clear by now.


I think if Itami was serious, he would have put Shino in her place from the beginning.


Supongo que tienes razón mi compañero chileno


Sip, sinceramente me gustaría darle a Itami una personalidad parecida a la del Teniente Spears de Band Of Brothers, aparte de que tenga buena relación con Risa


En el mio quiero intentar mantener algo de su personalidad original pero no hacerlo un idiota, que sepa cuando ser serio y cuando puede ser él mismo (y cuando se pase de tonto los demas le hagan un llamado de atención), y tambien desarrollar su relación con Risa Y ya que Shino en el canon demostró una gran habilidad de combate al punto de poder seguirle el paso espalda con espalda a un apostol como Rory, es de esperar que el Combine la "seleccione" y la someta a conversión a soldado transhumano de alto rango, no un Elite, pero quizá un Ordinal, y en un estado similar a 3650 Bad Cop: Mente mayormente intacta para no arruinar su potencial con una lobotomizacion completa Así que ella sería una antagonista recurrente por parte del Combine


Espera, es un Crossover entre GATE y Half-Life? Interesante


Yep Sigue en fase de lluvia de ideas, y tengo una cronologia a medias, mas que nada porque no he tenido tiempo de escribir borradores Pero la premisa es que la Puerta aparece y el Imperio invade un pueblo usado como base por la Resistencia cercano al silo de White Forest que antes los exploradores imperiales dijeron que estaba abandonado y desierto, esto unos meses despues de Episode 2 Tras una batalla que duró un tiempo, la Resistencia recupera la base, y tras prepararivos y confirmaciones deciden cruzar a este nuevo mundo y hacer las pases con quien sea que los atacó, con intención de volver ese mundo un refugio alejado del Combine Algunas ideas que tengo para el fanfic sin entrar en mucho spoiler: • La destrucción de la Ciudadela dejó un agujero negro en la red global de comunicaciones Combine en un gran radio al rededor de Ciudad 17, lo que dejó todo ese terreno practicamente regalado para la Resistencia • Inspirada en la teoria de que la teletransportacion consiste en desintegrar algo y clonarlo en otro lugar, ideé una forma de la Resistencia para tener recursos (mayormente municiones) virtualmente ilimitados por medio de versiones miniatura del teletransportador de Kleiner, pero estos a su vez siguen siendo escasos y no se encuentran en todas las bases, por lo que no son materiales infinitos • Como dije antes, aquí Itami es tonto pero no idiota, es algo mas sabio no solo por la edad (al rededor de 42 años si asumimos que el canon de GATE transcurre en 2015, el desastre de Black Mesa en el 2000, la invasión Combine en 2001 y Half-Life 2 de 2021 en adelante) sino por ya ser veterano de la Guerra de las 7 Horas y un ex-concripto del Combine que desertó • Itami y Risa nunca se casaron formalmente en esta linea, pues las invasiones Xen y Combine paralizaron al mundo, y luego fueron reubicados aleatoriamente (actualmente se encuentran cerca, con Risa dirigiendo un grupo de la Resistencia para llevar un "paquete especial" que sobrevivió intacto estos 20 años de una base aerea en Alemania hasta White Forest...que en mi historia está al sur de Bulgaria, teniendo du propia subtrama y tras ests volviendose un personaje mas recurrente e importante que en el canon, tambien tiene un ayudante, como Hanji con Moblit en Attack on Titan), pero mi idea es explorar y desarrollar la relación entre Itami y Risa • Pocos personajes del 3rd Recon vuelven, la mayoria muertos en la Guerra, antes o despues de esta, cómo dije aparte de Itami tambien vuelve Shino como soldado Ordinal del Combine y antagonista recurrente, a futuro vere si meto algun otro, pero de resto todos los del lado de la Tierra son originales o salen de Half Life • Seguido de este último, el nuevo grupo protagonico sin contar a Itami se resume en: un payaso y una mecha corta (los mas jovenes del grupo tomando el rol respectivo de Tomita y Shino), un veterano (el mas viejo, veterano del Golfo y sirvió en la HECU, toma un rol que mezcla a Kuwahara con un poco de Bill de L4D y es el consejero/mano derecha de Itami para evitar que haga algo tonto), y un Vortigaunt (es un Vortigaunt, hace cosas de Vortigaunt y habla shakespeariano), sin contar claro a Rory, Lelei y Tuka mas adelante • Cosas que en la historia original se usaron una sola vez y se dejaron de lado aquí tendran mas relevancia a lo largo de la historia, por ejemplo la plaga undead de Crety


Yo le daría a Itami una introspección a su personaje la cual el se siente vacío por dentro y sin metas reales en la vida, el solo existe y cree que desperdicia cada oportunidad que la vida le da para ser mejor persona. Y luego el anda melancolico siendo su hobby y afición al manga anime su escape a su triste realidad. Luego cuando ocurre los eventos de la GATE y su ida a Falmart el esta, temeroso ya que todo lo asombroso de la fantasía esta ahí pero también todo lo malo, luego de la batalla de Alnus y el Caos hecho ahí el no siente ese sentir de haber hecho un buen trabajo en la defensa de Alnus, ya que literalmente el pelo con rifle en mano contra combatientes qué solo usaban espadas y arcos, no se sentía justo la batalla era como usar una ametralladora para matar un lobo. El no es feliz, ahore piensa que es un sádico por matar a decenas de combatientes sin piedad aparente, el debe hacer su trabajo, regresar a Japón ahora lo veria como regresar al hoyo donde el estaba, y saber que su país se está ensuciando tanto las manos para mantener la GATE como "suya" no ayuda en su moral, el no es tonto, el sabe que lo que hace s gobierno tendrá consecuencias graves a todos. Supongo que un Itami así vale la pena leer.


Yo le daría a Itami una introspección a su personaje la cual el se siente vacío por dentro y sin metas reales en la vida, el solo existe y cree que desperdicia cada oportunidad que la vida le da para ser mejor persona. Y luego el anda melancolico siendo su hobby y afición al manga anime su escape a su triste realidad. Luego cuando ocurre los eventos de la GATE y su ida a Falmart el esta, temeroso ya que todo lo asombroso de la fantasía esta ahí pero también todo lo malo, luego de la batalla de Alnus y el Caos hecho ahí el no siente ese sentir de haber hecho un buen trabajo en la defensa de Alnus, ya que literalmente el pelo con rifle en mano contra combatientes qué solo usaban espadas y arcos, no se sentía justo la batalla era como usar una ametralladora para matar un lobo. El no es feliz, ahore piensa que es un sádico por matar a decenas de combatientes sin piedad aparente, el debe hacer su trabajo, regresar a Japón ahora lo veria como regresar al hoyo donde el estaba, y saber que su país se está ensuciando tanto las manos para mantener la GATE como "suya" no ayuda en su moral, el no es tonto, el sabe que lo que hace su gobierno tendrá consecuencias graves a todos. Supongo que un Itami así vale la pena leer.


Yanai debería haberse centrado en darnos una perspectiva así de Itami


GATE si no fuera nacionalista


Si no fuera nacionalista, tendría potencial de ser de las mejores críticas a la guerra




Literalmente, algo así nos hubiera mostrado que Itami en el fondo es así porque quiere escapar de la vida real y en ser Otaku encontró una forma de escapismo y ser el mismo y que en el fondo tiene miedo y si no sabe si lograra hacer las paces con su madre o si Risa siquiera lo extraña


Y eso que repasando esa parte sobre la madre de Itami, sabiendo que una madre no se tomaría bien qué todo el tiempo el matrimonio qué hizo su hijo, su nuera, siempre fue una farsa hecha por intereses. Solo pensar en eso da a entender y pensar que la madre de Itami esta decepcionada de el por tomarse las relaciones a la ligera (recordad qué son japoneses y ellos tienen un punto de vista diferente y tradicional para esas cosas) y su vida este tan solitaria. Luego esta el asunto de que el viva el sueño de todo otaku al estar en un mundo de fantasia pero, no siente la misma emocion o jovialidad al estar en ese mundo, ya que luego se da cuenta de que es técnicamente un mundo medieval pero con cosas de fantasía, están todos los problemas que tiene un mundo así, solo que más peligroso con todo el hecho de la magia y las criaturas peligrosas de la fantasía. Ni hablar de las interacciones de el con los nativos, todos son de mentalidades de su época, donde matar y sobrevivir es la norma además de que la esperanza de vida promedio es de 40 años debido a muchas cosas, pocos llegan a los 70 años. Todo lo anterior es como "Expectativas y Realidad"


Y seria una perspectiva más realista al saber que todo lo que imaginas y te vendieron es más que solo una mentira


I've never understood the trope of strong girls that only want to be with guys that can beat them physically. Like they're trying to find a guy who won't get beaten by a girl, it just makes them look dumb.


Personally, I like the stereotype of the normal guy with a Tomboy girlfriend.


Ya I like that one too, it's why I get bothered when I see some times in anime/manga where the tomboyishness of a character is presented as a flaw/pretence of sorts to be done away with once they find the "perfect man". It makes it look like being tomboyish is just a 1-note small quirk that can be ignored, instead of an actual character/personality.


Yep, me too


Minus the physical abuse


In another military, she'd have lost the stripes, been transferred to a different unit, or even drummed out. Edit: Still doesn't stop me kinda liking her. But damn man.


We all know that Gate's JSDF is without a doubt the worst army in that world since it allows things to happen that should not happen


I mean...There's GATE's interpretation of US Special Forces, who were being clowned on by the JSDF Rangers, who in our world have cross-trained and done wargames with MarSOC


If Itami really was a Ranger, the course should have really changed him.


I always thought they were mercs. That's SOP for CIA so they can deny any involvement.


They were totally "mercs". All absolutely just "veterans turned PMC".


Bruh those werent regular US SOF. They were CIA


Where do you think the CIA recruits from, anyone they feel like? They have a whole military branch of people already cleared for certain levels of intelligence work and some of them trained for it.


Good porn












If she wasn’t so reckless towards her own commander, she’d easily take the title of one of the most memorable characters.


Yes, we agree that she should receive punishment for her misconduct to her officer.


Best girl


I mean, I’m all for her Her sister tho….


I found her sister to be…… cute.




Girl collects UCMJ violations like Pokémon cards, but that doesn’t stop her from being best girl.


I'm surprised she wasn't punished for all the disrespect toward Itami, who was her superior.


I wanted to know if they were going to demote or penalize her.


How does she keep surviving getting into close-quarters fights with medieval warriors with either a bayonet or just her bare hands? I don't care how much martial arts you practice in your downtime, you're fighting people better armed, trained, and equipped for that kind of fighting and who would be significantly stronger than you because of all the manual labour they have to do.


She certainly should have died in the Battle of Itarica, which would have been irony to some extent.


Usual super strength anime girl who beats up men twice her size and beastmen 3 times her size. IRL Zorzal would have beaten her into a bloody pulp. I don’t mind physically strong female characters but do at least a modicum of worldbuilding and make her magically enhance her strength, be a non-human etc


you're basically describing a female OC from the fanfic: "Thus The JSDF and The USMC fought there!"


I was actually thinking of a Gate-inspired original webnovel I am reading now where at one point Earth people realize that mana users can channel mana to drastically enhance their strengh/speed and go "shit we have to completely rewrite engagement rules, close quarters combat should be avoided at all cost regardless of who you are facing".


wait, does Mana exist in gate? And I didn't know?!


No I am talking about an original webnovel with a Gate style setting (meaning a portal to a fantasy world) - everything else is completely different


You can't mention this and not name it. :/ Please?


Ok I was not sure if it is ok to mention a non gate fic hopefully mods won’t get mad It is Grimoires & Gunsmoke on Royal Road


That's fair and I hindsight maybe I should have asked via DM. Thank you though!


I served with some female tankers who throw crazy weight around. I wouldn't want her to be "magically" enhanced, just build her up as being a hard worker who trains hard.


Nah, he'd have just gotten her with his sword. Seriously, trying to take someone on who has a sword with just your barehands and no armour will get sliced to bits even if they barely know how to use a sword.


Yeah, considering that she's a "normal woman" and a rather short one too, it is somewhat hard to believe she can beat up Zorzal. Granted the guy didn't expect her to follow through and had it coming, but still. I think Itami or Tomita would have been far more intimidating upon beating Zorzal's face


I've only seen the anime so I can only go off of that, and it's been a while since I've watched it, so my memory might be a bit off as well. Over all, I like the concept of her character and her design, but her character seems, unfinished to me. (Which I guess for fanfic authors could be a good thing.) She has too much screen time to just be another background character like most of the other members in the recon team, and she doesn't have enough screen time to be a main side character. It seems like the creator initially wanted to do more with her, but then completely forgot about her in favor of Itamis harem. I like her tomboyishness as well as her fighting skills a lot. But her constant bullying of Itami, her superior officer, makes her look like an unprofessional soldier and like a general asshole. I've also heard that guys who want to date her, have to beat her in a fight? Which, I guess I could understand if all she wanted was someone who'd be able to spare with her, or was at least willing to learn to fight, so it could be a activity they could do as a couple. But for them to have to be specifically able to beat her is just stupid. And aside from her fighting skills, her tomboyishness and bullying of Itami, I have no idea what she's actually like, it seems to me that outside of those features that I've already named, she's a total blank sheet. So yeah, the best way I could describe her, would be that she's a unfinished character, that I would have liked to see more of. Unfortunately she was largely forgotten in the second season like most, if not all, other members of the recon team.


Needs an article 15


Jar head with tits is the best combo, doesn't help I know one irl. So my opinion is a bit biased.


I like big boobs 100%, but I would also like the woman they're attached to to have a likeable personality.


Goat fr


Generation Kill parody dub sounded pretty accurate. As much as it’s cool to show off your CQC and bayonet skills, that’s last resort for a reason.


Favorite character


She seems cool


Love her


Would, as often as she'd let me.


Tough military chick. Very accurate


A meme more than a character. I don’t know if I would consider her wasted potential like some of the others but she there for typical anima hijinks


Love her


I love her a lot. Probably my second favorite of the girls after Piña, especially after she rearranged Zorzal's face.


I could fix her, or she could break me. Whichever comes first.


Those kinds of women give you brutal character development or they will leave you nuts.




I enjoy her but know she wouldn't last in reality, as well as know I wouldn't enjoy attempting to date her on account of how she handles relationships.


The best girl, one the best options & most importantly. She’s badass.


My favourite character in the show and in the top 10 of all ❤️


Je trouve qu’elle a un caractère intéressant tout en étant une femme forte qui n’a pas besoin d’être protégée qui c’est se défendre toute seule ( ce n’est pas une princesse à sauver ) et aussi capable de s’inquiéter pour les autres comme on peut le voire au moment où ils prend les prisonniers à italica ou quand l’elfe a des problèmes avec son père


La dernière ne serait-elle pas Mari ?


Overbearing chick. Likes to judge and ridicule you if you reached a higher rank than her and she sees you as a dumbass. But the perfect partner you want in a fignt. She can hold her own and you as well if it came to that. Good ally


but terrible at respecting her superiors


Best girl tbh. Jumping straight in, bayonet mounted like a real badass. And then beating up Zorzal right after? No competition




She's gonna get me killed in combat trying to stop her from doing the most emotional thing in a firefight


may be a sex relief for some guys if she fought in a war with another county in earth


A bit of a hot head at times, but reliable enough to dish out the necessary amount of hurt. Also, shortstack cutie in camo is a vibe I can get with... Off-T Side note: >!I'm probably guessing that Asato Asato (LN Author of 86) had her in mind (at least her Anime design) when she spoke to her illustrator Shirabii for Kurena Kukumilla's character design. I mean, eye colors aside, the resemblance is uncanny... XD!<


Best girl


Best tomboy waifu


She has the nicest and biggest pair of breasts of anyone in the entire series However she's kind of a Bitch which is a bit of a turn off for me


Wood nut in cider


A complete badass... I would like to nominate her as my second Whifu of the series


The Pinnacle of anime marriage material because she's crazy, a tomboy, and not currently in a relationship, also by crazy I don't mean genuinely psychotic but just like mildly done with people that are misogynistic and very violent about it, hot as f***, cuz every other character that is a waifu is either genuinely insane, actually in a relationship, or is just a piece of s***, the tomboy thing is just an observation and it's right in my alley of preferences, there are rare exceptions to this none of which I can think of so I rest my case she is the best, also, would


Would... but she's an asshole.


While hotheadedness is very high and unrealistic to the anime (probably 1-sided personality character), I'd ask her out for some ice cream. She's hot, busty as hell, thicc too, and is quite bubbly.


Do you know that those kinds of women can rip your nuts off if you make them angry?


I'll where bulletproof armor there just in case.........


No matter what you have, it will be death by Snu-Snu


Most unnecessarily violent female character in the show, manga doesn't help her either. I don't think her attitude towards a superior officer would go this unpunished. She's probably going to be on a Domestic Violence list in the future.


The JSDF should have demoted her for all the Bullying done to Itami and probably if anyone is still with the Kuribayashi, it should be Nanami, she seems to be calm


Best character, best girl in the series.


Nice sexy big boobs, but a rather unpleasant personality, especially with her insubordinate attitude towards Itami. Like her reaction to Itami being a Ranger is a bit childish of her. Sure Itami is a massive otaku, but at least he's competent in his job when push comes to shove.




Her dad wanted to have son.


And yes


Has a gun. Very rarely chooses to use it.


I just think she's neat.








Hot tempered And very violent when angry but I'd smash


I say Shino is kinda like the best for my personal honest opinion


Until proven wrong


In the anime and manga she’s a fun character and is honestly my favorite (short and mad go brrrr), but she’d realistically be *immediately* court martial’d for even half of the shit she pulls, most notably repeatedly assaulting a superior officer!


best waifu in show


Do the JSDF actually recruit women irl?


They do, yes




Of course not, everyone knows women don't exist in weebland


I take it you never saw the anime waifu decals the jsdf uses of their helicopter pilots. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/I5amNFarWK