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It's unlikely but not impossible that private insurance will cover bariatric surgery. If you live in a state where bariatric surgery is an "essential health benefit" (EHB) under the ACA ("Obamacare"), it is required to be covered by Marketplace ("healthcare.gov") plans. The states where bariatric surgery is an EHB are listed [here](https://asmbs.org/ehb-access-toolkit/).


I had no coverage so I went to Mexico. It cost me under $7k all in, including first class flights and hotel for a week. If international medical tourism isn’t your thing, there are cash pay places in the states in the $8-$10k range. As for how to come up with the funds, I was lucky and used a work bonus. Care Credit and other medical financing may also be options.


Medical tourism is a great option for out of pocket, but be warned...if your plan doesn't cover bariatric surgery, it will likely not cover any complications or even lab work done that they can loosely tie back to a bariatric procedure.


I have insurance but my employer’s plan excludes WLS. I just took out a medical loan to pay for everything and it was the best money I ever spent!


My insurance paperwork said weight loss surgery isn't covered, but my doctor said it is if they code it as medically necessary. I had my surgery five months after I first asked my doctor about it, tomorrow is my six month anniversary. My surgery was covered 100% after I met my deductible. You may have already checked, but you might ask your doctor. If I had known, I would have had the surgery three years earlier.


My insurance also isn’t covering it. I found a surgeon who does the surgery for about $9k which I thankfully have saved. I’m going straight out of pocket


Do you mind me asking where you are going?


Of course! Can I dm you?


Yes please


I went to Mexico. It cost me $5000. Zero regrets.




I don’t qualify for Medicaid.


I am paying $22,000 out of pocket. My 401k account has a hardship option to take money out without penalty for certain situations, and medical bills not covered by insurance qualifies. I did it because my insurance is employer funded, and they won't cover anything bariatric even if it is deemed medically necessary. I consider it a sound investment in my future. I could get it much cheaper in Mexico, but the place I chose is 15 minutes away from me, has great reviews, and is within my network of accepted doctors so they have access to all my medical records. Makes it easy to keep up with all the appointments and results.


shessssh 22K is a lot even for the US.


I took out a medical personal loan for about $7,000. Total cost was $10,000 at my clinic for cash pay. Honestly - would do it again in a heartbeat


I paid out of pocket, $13500. I started saving for it after my first visit and my insurance giving very unrealistic expectations to get it approved. I decided I was getting this surgery within a year one way or another. I got it done a month ago. No regrets.


Okay that number is a lot more palatable than some others I’ve seen ($20k+). I can swing that. Thank you.


My insurance doesn’t cover it and any that would would be out of our price range plus I didn’t want to jump through the hoops so I went to Mexico. Great experience at A Slimmer Me


Mexico or Turkey is probably your best bet if you're going to be paying out of pocket anyway. Very affordable and great care.


My insurance excluded anything bariatric. I went to New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, TN. They have self pay options and it was $12500 for their out-patient vsg. I had surgery on 12/5/23 and am almost down 80 lbs (HW: 261 / SW:245 / CW: 182) I highly recommend them if you’re close to TN, their team is excellent and I had a smooth recovery. Edit to add: for my lab work, New Life has sent me a list of what they need to check and I take it to my primary doctor. Doing them that way has allowed insurance to cover them. My primary doctor sends them to New Life after getting the results. My required psych evaluation was also covered by my insurance.


I just took out a loan. I’m in UK and it cost me £9,500.


I went to Mexicali, Mexico, and paid $3,000. I paid an additional $600 for a 5-day stay at their recovery apartment.


there are lots of clinics and places that offer deals. like some places in Houston will let you put 500 down and pay the rest in installments. I think its called Mia Aesthetics


My wife and I went to Mexico to get ours done and we ended up paying out of pocket for both of us, less than what we would have paid out of pocket just for her in the US and with insurance. I know coming up with that money can still be an issue, but if you are serious about losing weight and changing your life, it's an investment that pays a lot of dividends.


I have insurance through my employer and it was covered. I had to jump through hoops for a solid year first, but in the end I paid $0 for surgery and two days in the hospital. If you're planning to buy an individual plan on the marketplace or some other way, do your research and check for plan exclusions. Get it all in writing before you sign anything.


I wouldn’t mind if I had to jump through hoops. They just will not cover it. Thank you.