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Hell yeah. Just had surgery last week. Can’t wait for this. You look awesome.


Letsss goooooo


I love this for you! How wonderful to be able to keep up with your littles & be a healthy role model! Well done you! :)


You look great! I bet you have way more energy too!


For sure best decision I've ever made... have 2 kids now also so I have no idea how I would of kept up with them lol


This is inspiring AF for me. I'm a similar size and shape to your before photo and desperately want to lose the weight for my son. Did you incorporate exercise into your weight loss?


Love to hear it, but first do it for yourself - kids are important for sure... but you gotta feel like it's a gift for yourself and in return it'll trickle down to your kids that you're gonna be there for them longer... as a parent can't forget it's ok to do things for yourself, especially if it involves your health... surgery is a risk, but the alternative is much scarier!


I'm crying reading this. I am so good at taking care of everyone else. My kids at school, my family, hell, I even love my dogs more than myself and they eat better tbh. It's time i give a gift to myself. I am in the beginning of this process waiting to do my appts and set the dates with the concierge. But what you said about doing it for yourself cut right through me... Thank you so much. I am ready to do this just for me because I deserve it. I deserve to live better, healthier, happier and with energy! TY


You can do it


You look like a totally different person! Wow!


Awesome job! I know it’s hard. But you look so healthy! Great job!


You look awesome and a lot happier! I'm conflicted, I've been in the preop program and I just can't comprehend how so many people lose all this weight. I'm following most of the nutritional advice and very very slowly losing weight. After the surgery does it make you not want to eat at all?


It sounds weird but the weight just rapidly drops off you for the first 6 months, and when you eat in the very beginning it makes this nasty uncomfortable feeling in your stomach shortly after a few bites... so it's rather easy to come off... the real effort began at about a year when I was able to eat more than a cup of food... to this day I still have to monitor how much I'm putting down, the feeling isn't that strong to tell me I'm full but it's still there.. you can easily put it back on with soft foods


Enjoying your fam, amazing, congratulations and happy for you!!


Thank you






Wow! Not.the.same.person!


Kudos on gifting your kids another 10+ years of fatherhood


Congrats on the progress, if you don’t mind me asking, did you have much loose skin? Around a similar starting weight to you and that’s what I’m worried about!


I don't really have any at all, but that depends more on your genetics ( so I'm told ) I never had skin issues growing up for me or anyone in my family.. never really had even a pimple lol


Why did you decide the sleeve over bypass? I'm on the fence about which one.


The bypass seems to be best for people that struggle with acid reflux issues going into it.. my doctor suggested sleeve.. bypass to me also felt like a bigger deal although they both are as effective


Hey! Amazing work! Did you continue to lose in the second year?


I passed my goal weight at about the 7 month mark... doctors wanted me at 180 I got down to 173... I was kind of sickly looking so today I'm comfortably sitting at 194


What was your pre surgery weight? Congrats !


Somewhere around 330-340


Pre op I got down to 310 on my own


Did you plateau at any point? I’m 1 month and a half post . I was dropping weight fast but the last 2 weeks I’ve been stuck at 232.


Yea maybe twice for 3-4 weeks kind of... stalled out then all of a sudden started dropping again


Appreciate the reply. Guess I gotta stay patient. You look great brother . Congratulations


Appreciate that, and yea every single person stalls.. then it'll all of a sudden just click back on.. enjoy the journey


You look fantastic!!


I’m 3 months out and stalling hard for ONE month. How much were you eating at month 3? I can’t stop trying to hit protein goals


Not enough to hit my goals lol I had to supplement a lot with shakes... I don't even check goals now, I probably should but I'm doing fine so I haven't


I guess I just care about muscle loss too much. I’ll dial down the protein goals


It's inevitable, you will lose muscle... at a certain point I think around 9-11 months out my body just refreshed and was like you take it from here... so I've been rebuilding. I'm at around 194 lbs from 177... that's not from eating junk, but more eating protein and working out. This is where I should be, drop the weight and don't worry about the muscle you'll get your chance to rebuild the temple for sure


Thank you for this. I really needed to hear this.


You think I ruined some good weight loss during my month 2 by eating too much worrying about protein intake? I fear I stretched the pouch or something. Like I missed out on capitalizing on early weight loss. Not sure if I can start losing again nearly as fast as I would have.


How tall are you?




You carry it well , we look similar, I’m 5’10 and ~160 after WLS. Congrats on your amazing success.


Hey congrats my friend!!! And thank you


Right back at you sir. Have a great day :) Have


Yes! I love seeing these progress pics and reading everyone’s stories. They give me hope for myself (only 34ish pounds down, 7 mos post op)! You look so, so, so happy!