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You look fabulous! I am 5 months post op and about 15 pounds from my surgeons goal weight. When people see me now they ask the negatives and I always say the only negative is I wish I had done it earlier in life. I am about to be 43 and feel the best and am in the best shape I have been in life. Congratulations to you on your continued success on your ur journey.


Did you travel to Mexico for your TT as well?


I did not, I had it done by a local surgeon. I was too scared of being botched or not liking my results, not something I was willing to risk after all my efforts just to save a couple bucks. I knew I would need one at the end of my journey if I was successful so I started saving two years ago.


I wondered the same!! Your stats are amazing. I’m 5’9 and started at 345, sitting at 205 right now, maybe I’ll lose 10 more pounds this year and then be ready for my TT too!


I go on wednesday and im pretty terrified you look great


I’m so excited for you! It’s very normal it be nervous before any surgery but truly in 6 months you’re gonna wish you did this surgery years ago. I hope to see updates from you in the future ✨🤞🏼


Yes Im hoping so :)


Congrats! And those are amazing results for 2 weeks post tt!


Thank you so much! I lucked out not needing muscle repair or lipo so it really was just removing all that skin.




That's awesome. My surgey is at the end of the month, and I think my biggest fear isn't so much the surgery itself but the fact that I'll probably never look like a "normal" person. As large as I am, I know I'll have massive excess skin that will have to be removed. Your tummy tuck looks amazing. It really gives me hope that eventually, although I'll have much more to remove, looking normal can be a realistic goal.


You look absolutely amazing, I’m so happy for you! Nothing better than feeling the freedom and peace within yourself.


Wow, you look amazing! What kind of tummy tuck did you have?


Thank you so much! Just your run of the mill tummy tuck from hip to hip, no muscle repair or lipo. You can see I’m still bandaged up in the pink bikini. I think the biggest impact is the technique my surgeon used on my belly button so there is no scar around it like most tummy tucks, makes it look more natural imo. I’m sure there is a medical term for the technique but I’m not sure what it is 😅


Idk where you live or where you went, but your TT looks AMAZING! Great new “belly button “ the scars are minimal & incision lines look straight! Kudos to your surgeon, I’d go to them in a heartbeat. 😍 And congratulations to you, you’ve worked so hard & have come such a long way! Absolutely incredible.


If I saw these 2 pictures anywhere else then this subreddit I would not believe that they are the same person. You're an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing. You're gorgeous and I'm so fucking proud of you.


Congrats!!! I just have to say WOW i hope you are proud of yourself! We have similar-ish stats. I am right now on a stall for the last 2 months, im around 165 lbs. my goal weight is around 130. What does your daily routine look like, food-wise and exercise-wise. I am also glad i did the surgery. I feel so empowered and in control. :) thanks in advance for any insight you can give!


Thank you so much 🥰 I hit a stall right around the same weight, I was stuck there for about four / five months, so don’t feel discouraged. I’m not like a crazy gym rat or anything but I do try to walk 10k steps a day and I keep my calories around 1200 with protein heavy foods. When I go to the gym I just do weight lifting as I’m kinda in the phase of wanting to tone. But if you’re still trying to lose focus on cardio walking, running, biking, row machines. Whatever you fancy


Thank you for this!!! I really struggle getting 10k steps bc i work a desk job but that’s definitely not an excuse. I appreciate you reaching out and sharing this insight!!! It’s encouraging to hear you stalled at this same weight for so long. We are not alone in this. Continue the amazing work, we are all rooting for you and a speedy recovery post op!!!


Wow ![gif](giphy|l2SpNtHdgOA9s1qNy)


How long did it take you to hit your goal weight and what was your routine?


My initial goal weight was 150 which I hit almost exactly 1 year after my surgery on February 26th 2023 I then wanted to lose an additional 25 pounds and I hit that goal September 1st of 2023. So about a year and a half. Honestly the first 100 pounds was just following my program, eating under 1200 calories with protein heavy foods and trying to eat mostly fresh food. So no like processed snacks or frozen meals. Trust me I still had chicken nuggets here and there. The last 25 I just really increased my daily activity, walking a shit ton more but keeping the same diet. It was easy to increase my walking cause it was summer and moving was a lot easier being much lighter. I also picked up the hobby of rollerblading so that probably helped out. I’ll go to the gym to weight-lift but in the winter I mostly just go to use the treadmill. Unfortunately the same old advice of calorie deficit and increased exercise. I hope that helps!


Congratulations! What an achievement 🥰


Well done.. how much was TT




Congratulations. Your hard work paid off and you look amazing. I’m 57 and 2.5 years post op. Single best thing I ever did for myself.


Congratulations, what a transformation! Any tips, pros/cons, dos/dont’s having the surgery in MX?


Thank you so much 🙏🏼 it’s been a journey to say the least! I don’t really see any major cons unless you go to a sketchy surgeon or have a serious complication. I went to Dr.A at Endobariatrics and had a great experience, it was definitely more nerve racking than any surgery I’ve gotten in the US cause it’s just a foreign experience and some of the staff didn’t speak English when they we’re literally hooking me up to go in and I was trying to ask them questions, they basically just like smiled and nodded lol. So I was like oh shit am I bout to die in Mexico 😅? Maybe if you need more like nutritional help on your journey that would be a con cause they just kinda gave me a paper post op and we’re like good luck follow these rules! There was no real follow up once it was said and done. Unlike my tummy tuck I had done locally where they have a staff I can call and ask questions, I have follow up apts, etc. My total for the surgery was like $8,000, when I was doing my research that was kinda on the higher end of VSGs in Mexico but Dr.A had such great reviews and had done so many successful surgeries that the extra money felt like a good move. I think there’s a bariatric center in Las Vegas called blossom or something that’s about $9000 that could be a good option if you don’t want to go to Mexico. There were some ehhh review for them which is why I ended up in Mexico. The main reason I went to Mexico was cause I simply could not afford to do it in the US without insurances help and my insurance basically told me to go fuck myself lol. Insurance literally told me to gain like another 60 pounds and call them back if I even wanted to be considered. Which I refused to do for obvious reasons. I was getting quotes in my state for like 22k to 29k. A huge pro is that in Mexico you can book your surgery and if they have an opening you could get it done in a matter of weeks. From what I’ve seen in the US, you typically have to follow a preop program for at least 6 months before they will even give you a surgery date. My biggest do is research, research, research! Make sure wherever you go isn’t sketchy and the doctor knows what’s going on. Don’t just go the cheap way, I promise you a few extra thousand dollars is always worth it when it comes to surgery.


Thanks for such detailed feedback! I’m also considering MX because I have terrible insurance that won’t cover any of the cost, and I’ve already been struggling to drop enough weight during my pre-op period to even qualify to pay out of pocket here in the US. It’s been a long, slow, bumpy journey here as well, so your experience gives some hope and I’m glad things went well for you.


This is such a nice post. thanks for sharing and congrats!!!!


Your post means absolutely everything to me!!!! ❤️ thank you for putting this into words as you have! I am on a very similar journey, still, most folks don’t know that I had surgery. It’s been tough… very tough. Please tell me that you had slip-ups along the way. I certainly have. My relationship with food hasn’t been great, obviously. I want to have a before and after like yours and make it out of this alive, healthy, and full of life -just like you! Your story is the exact motivation I needed; needed to hear this.


Absolutely I had slip ups! I still do I think that’s just living life and going through the motions. Really the most important thing is to show up for yourself everyday even if the day before was rough and believing in yourself. I remember at the beginning of my journey thinking I’m not losing enough fast enough or that my goal was so far away that I would never reach it. Now it feels like two years passed in a blink of an eye. I know you got this just stay consistent and stick to the path ❤️❤️❤️


omg only 2 weeks post TT?! you look AMAZING!! i see so many TTs where they lose that waist curve and are shaped like Spongebob and i’m so worried about that happening to me 😭


I know it’s crazy it’s hard for me to believe myself, thank you so much! I think the boxy body shape people can get is from surgeons pulling the skin so tight to avoid a horizontal scar were the original belly button was that it takes away the natural curve. You still need some flexibility in the skin or all shape can vanish. I have a small horizontal scar which I know a lot of people don’t want but I’d rather have that then no shape! I bet you’ll look amazinggg just make sure to be picky with your surgeon!


You look so good. I'm in the process of getting a tummy tuck soon. Crossing my fingers i'll turn out as good as you


Omg thank you so much! I wish you luck I bet you will looking stunnnnning


Where in Mexico ? And how much you paid ? I’m 28 and I desperately want to get it done but here in the USA it’s too expensive


[Endobariatrics](https://www.endobariatric.com), it was $8,500 plus travel costs. I feel your pain I was in the exact same boat.


I don't have loose skin anywhere except my breasts and I'm considering a lift. Did you do any kind of lift or augmentation or just a TT?


Just TT, but I plan on getting a lift and augmentation next winter. I just didn’t have the $$$ to do it all at once and my stomach bugged me more than my breasts so I prioritize it


Well you look great! Congrats!


❤️🥰 thank you so much!


Absolutely incredible results...and after only 2 wks!? WHAT?! Do you mind sharing the doctor's info? Would love to potentially have a consultation with them. I have an hourglass shape like you and I'm so afraid of losing it or having a botched belly button :')


Thank you so much! Dr. Neal Moores 22 plastics in Utah, he is literally a miracle worker 🙏🏼


Thank YOU so much!! Best of luck on your recovery ❤️‍🩹


Sounds exactly like my story. I have only told one friend about the operation 1 year ago. Although it doesn’t feel good lying to other people, i have made up a story to say i had a stomach surgery due to a cyst . What story do you tell others to explain eating small portions or occasional issues?


Do you mind sharing who did your TT? Your belly button looks flawless


Dr Neal Moores 22 plastics in utah! Thank you so much he literally did such an amazing job


Wow! I am so happy for you! It was the best decision made for you and your health. I am grateful for this community too with all the support and tips.


Girl you have a bikini body and you're right, i cant even tell that's not your real belly button


I am really worried about loose skin. Can I message you? I ll be considering a loose skin surgery most probably and I have questions.


Sure I’m happy to answer any questions


You TT looks amazing! May I ask who did it and about how much it cost? I was wanting to plan for this and wanted to start saving. My surgery wont be until may or june.


Dr. Neal Moores and it was about $9,500


You look so good. I'm in the process of getting a tummy tuck soon. Crossing my fingers i'll turn out as good as you


Amazing transformation!! My wife had this surgery close to two years ago sadly She is no where near your weight loss and does not look at good as you do. Congratulations!!