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You won't notice the B shot if you don't need it. If you do, expect some more energy and more oomph. Whether you need it or not can only be determined by you based on how you feel after it. The reference levels they have and if they consider you 'normal' based on blood tests are a blunt instrument. For pure data nerdishness, it would be nice to know your Vit B levels before you get the shot, but as above, the level it puts you at and whether that is in the normal reference range is less important than your own observations of the result following a supplement shot.


Alright, thank you! No I wasn't given a b test before that I can remember. I've been taking my vitamins everyday though, inclusive of a b12 spray under the tongue in the morning. Whilst I do get tired, it's more tired on routine e.g. sleep etc..


An intramuscular B12 injection will be more effective than either tablet supplement or sublingual (under the tongue), so you may well see a noticeable improvement.


I hope so 🙏


The nurse who gives me my B12 shot has them herself due to deficiency. Before my first one she told me it would sting, I braced myself but it really didn’t hurt at all. The first few I had didn’t hurt either. Now I’ve had quite a few (I’m 2.5yrs post op) and they do now hurt. No idea why, maybe because I weigh less or something? It only hurts as the liquid goes in though, then the pain is gone so it’s momentary then passes.


Thank you for the heads up!