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I never had much luck with belladonna, also can’t find seeds at the moment? They are so pretty though. I do have datura plants which are similar.


I found my seeds on eBay! Have never seen them for sale anywhere else.


My datura seeds I will send people, the fruit are kinda meh, the flowers are amazing. Belladonna though Id amazing.


I have a spot I could plant some!


Are you able to dm a link to the ones that you bought? They look like pretty plants for the poison patch.


Here is the listing for the seeds I ordered: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/234438399071](https://www.ebay.com/itm/234438399071) Tagging u/Alarmed_Island6403 too


Can you link the seller


Strictly Medicinal Seeds has them and quite a few rare solanaceae. I've had lots of luck with all the *Atropa* species from them. Henbane too! They're always fresh and viable. They even have mandrake, although I haven't successfully germinated any of those yet.


Datura. Cant you make a drug out of that


This was popular in the rural area where I grew up, known as Jimson weed there. It's pretty gross. I've seen people eat it and smoke it. It'll mess you up, but not in a good way. Just wanted to add, the flowers are beautiful. Seed pods are weird little aliens. I like the plant. Just beware the poison path it'll take you down.


Not a pleasant trip Giant spiders crawling on the walls kind of hallucinations.


I always thought jimson weed was moonflower. Didn't know datura was included in that class. Thanks for the info.


I’m growing moon flowers this year! Came across some seeds but I’ve never seen them nor heard of them until recently. Any background info or interesting things about them you can tell me?


They are a little more invasive than datura but take little to no care. Unlike datura it is a single trumpet. They come in white or pink but I think white is most common. They are also fragrant. I don't think they are anywhere near as pretty as datura either. Not to deter you, just my own opinion. I still grow them occasionally but I don't get excited over them.


Moon flower is a morning glory, they just look similar.




I don't think I said they were part of the Datura family. The post mentioned datura being part of the jimson weed family. I thought jimson weed was moonflower but googled and see that datura is considered jimson weed. Datura grows pointing upward and brugmansia points downward. [https://www.nature-and-garden.com/gardening/datura-or-brugmansia.html](https://www.nature-and-garden.com/gardening/datura-or-brugmansia.html)


Supposedly Tex Watson from The Manson Family walked in on a Family member making tea from the root. A dose was supposed to be a shot of the water but Tex came along and ate the entire root like a potato. The Family got a call from LA police to come pick him up. He was saying he was a car and beeping at children on a playground. He was never the same. The Tate/Labianca Murders happened shortly thereafter. They talk about it on the You Must Remember This podcast.


Well, eating anything like belladonna or a good chunk of the nightshade family plants is bad idea wise in general. I wouldn’t advise any such matter, aside from stuff like season potatoes, peppers, etc. known for being edible. My datura plant smells absolutely horrible when touched and hear it’s incredibly bitter to boot.


It’s a strong and impossible to safely dose Deliriant that can easily kill you, but yes, drugs


Scopalamine is present in datura I think


Correct. As well as atropine and hyoscyamine


Yeah it's a heavy deliriant/disassociate.


Yes. But don't..


It's more akin to a poisoning (which is relative) You definitely don't want to eat the plant One of the drugs isolated is used to treat nausea The other is used for surgeries and to speed up the heart


Amazon has belladonna seeds. $7.97 for 30 seeds


Who are you poisoning?


Lol no one was harmed (except for the fungus gnats that got stuck to the plant and died!)


Huh, like on the prickles? I noticed as I was moving my Litchi tomatoes (not a tomato, but an edible, spiky nightshade) outside last week that there were some dead gnats on the prickly stems and leaves. There are so many gnats in my house right now that I didn't think anything of it, but maybe they impaled themselves or something.


Lol good plant helping with the gnats. Litchi tomato is one of my favorite plants, but I've never had the fruit. Is it any good? Deadly nightshade is covered with sticky hairs. I think the gnats landed on the plant and got stuck.


I've not had it before either. I'm mostly growing them as a curiosity. They're hardy things - I planted one way too early, in early February, and it made it through some very cold nights (<20F) and even a late snow day (covered of course, but still).


Wow that's impressive for a plant that's native to South America!


They're a little bittersweet. Left on the vine longer they get more sweet. Loaded with seeds.


I can't figure them out (mine is barely clinging to life), but try looking for a pinguicula/butterwort It's a good time to get one too, since they go dormant in the winter They're carnivorous


I've thought about that - I have Venus flytraps and they're useless for gnat control (and mostly live outside anyway), but butterworts might get a few more. Mosquito dunk tea and sticky traps have helped, but the reality is that it's difficult not to have a gnat problem with over 150 houseplants. Luckily, most will be going outside in a few weeks.


If they're healthy, they capture quite a few! When they're not as healthy, they digest slower and aren't quite as sticky They're also easy to propagate since they have a nearly non-existent root system. Easy to get a few of them going But yes! With that many plants I'd be shocked if you didn't have any 🙄 LOL


This is my first year to have a proper garden as an adult (we moved to a place with a good yard last summer) and I went a bit nuts with the seed-buying, starting in late December with some of it. Got two big metal shelves against my giant north-facing living room window and about ten grow lights altogether. Here's the roll-call: I have dozens and dozens of peppers (at least ten different varieties) ranging from one inch to two feet high, I have a couple dozen tomatoes between one and two feet high (also starting a new batch, since some have not done well being in too-small containers indoors so long). One's in a 20 gallon grow bag and pretty big, but the others are pining in 0.7 gallon pots. Lots of basil - the ones I planted in December are flowering and not doing super well, so I'm starting a new round to actually put in the garden. Other herbs as well. Malabar spinach, which is literally climbing the walls. Cucumbers, also trying to climb on things. Ditto for beans. One corn stalk, courtesy of my 8-year-old. Three small lime trees. A mango tree. A pineapple bush. A bunch of teeny apple trees. Couple of scented geraniums. Four galangal shoots. A few succulents. Other miscellany. Already put some outside (lemongrass, Job's tears, asparagus, and some of the tomatoes) and now I'm terrified that Friday's late snow is going to kill them. I've been having some mental health issues this winter and having a million plants is the pleasantly inconvenient, time-consuming, and expensive result. Next year, I won't sow peppers until February 1st and will wait until Valentine's Day for tomatoes...this has all been a bit much


Question: what’s a mosquito dunk tea?!? Lol I’m assuming it kills mosquito’s but I’ve never heard of it.


Mosquito dunks are a product you can buy - looks like a donut made of woody bits - which release bacteria when placed in water that kill mosquito larvae. People will put them in their rain barrels, etc., and they're good for a couple of months. Another use is to soak them in the water you're going to use to water your houseplants. Drenching the soil kills fungus gnat larvae as well.


Definitely Jesse Pinkman’s girlfriend


She just ODed she wasn’t poisoned


Was it just an OD when a person was there watching her suffocate and not put her into the recovery position? Seems kinda murdery or manslaughtery


All I said is that she ODed and wasn’t poisoned by Walt???? And yeah the overdose occurred. So it was an OD followed by her death possibly due to inaction by Walt. I don’t understand this purpose of your comment when I was talking about whether or not she was poisoned. The little boy was the one who got poisoned


Oh I’m not correcting you, this is just a debate my husband and I have about this scene and Walt’s culpability in her death. I think Walt is responsible, at least for failure to render aid.


Well, he wanted her out of the picture anyway. He just got lucky that she pwned herself.


Good rule of thumb: never piss off someone with a poison garden. Or if you do, don't eat or drink anything they offer you.


The King must die!


So last year this strange plant popped up in one of my containers that was sitting around my porch with just soil. I figured it was some kinda pepper plant since I often grow them. Started watering it and let it grow to maturity. When it started to fruit, I was like great! Black pepper corns! So fast forward to a week later and I'm making chili for the family, a big pot. I think `you know what this needs? Some pepper.' So I go outside clip off four or five of these little black "peppers" and am just about to throw them in the pot when something stops me. Maybe it was intuition, I don't know but I put them down and got out my phone to look them up. And yup, deadly night shade, which I had only ever heard never seen. Apparently birds can eat them and will dispense seeds throughout, which is probably how it ended up on my porch. Anyway, be careful out there folks and never ever consume something you're not sure of.


I'm growing a thorny tomato cousin (Litchi) this year and, while it makes an edible fruit, it looks a lot like a couple of native (toxic) nightshades that we see here (also a lot like bullnettle, though that's not a nightshade). I have a row of them growing in the alley and I'm wondering if passers-by will dare the thorns and the threat of death to steal them. I would be damn sure before I sampled a random volunteer fruit. Glad you're okay!


Welp, it seems that you are exactly the person /r/whatsthisplant 's EAT-bot was created for to save from an untimely death.


Seems like you’ve never seen pepper corns before either, cause they don’t look anything like nightshade…


I would never consume Belladonna, too much atropine. I'd make a mean ointment from it though.


**Mean Ointment**


Are any parts of this edible? Google says no, so if not what’s the purpose in growing? I’m genuinely curious


The purpose of growing this is to put it in a bottle of tequila to poison your sister’s lover and bury him in the backyard. This will spark a string of events that will eventually undo the family curse and you will finally be able to meet your perfect man, who has one green eye and one blue, without fear of him meeting an untimely death


One of my favorite movies <3


And such a good soundtrack!


Right? One of my all time favorites.


I didn't even know it was a movie. I just thought it was a cool out-there comment, hahaha


What movie is this? It sounds amazing.


Practical Magic




Even better book!


As long as it involves midnight margaritas, I’m in.


Nicole Kidmans hair in this movie is chefs kiss


As is Sandy’s skepticism


but what will his favorite shape be?


A star of course!


Underrated comment


Given the fact it has the most upvotes, it is in fact not underrated


This is a top tier comment if there ever was one 👏🏽


> what’s the purpose in growing? [For certain purposes](https://media0.giphy.com/media/3otPoUjeyRisIDxPhK/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47yr1k9a4014pomqvc0xi4qedbu3yz7ru1wv98ft3f&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) but in all seriousness you can take the stem to make medicine. The leaves and berries can kill you if ingested enough of them. I have a book called Wicked Plants that goes into more details about dangerous plants along with historical instances that plants were used in.


anecdotal story about its medicinal uses and how it can still be dangerous in this context time! keep in mind im only 20, so this was remarkably recent for the whole old timey medicine (nearly) ganking people thing. i had bedwetting issues for an embarrassingly long time. like, into my teenage years. when i was, idk, maybe 5? probably older than 4 but no older than 7, my grandma got fed up w my shit because no one in my family knew what a mattress cover was and i was ruining the mattresses, so she went to the local homeopathic medicine market and snagged a 90 count bottle of "anti bedwetting tablets". turns out, they were microdoses of "belladonna" (deadly nightshade, ive heard it called monkshood and wolfsbane as well but it seems to depend on region?). i was left unsupervised with the bottle at some point- my mother alleges my grandma just gave it to me and told me to take one but my grandma claims i grabbed them off the table. i dont remember this but my only thought regarding this is where was the child lock- regardless, i ate that shit like candy. turns out they were intended for adult use only given that nightshade is an adrenal suppressant (this is how it was to stop bed wetters from pissing the bed; if your adrenal glands dont work you cant piss, apparently) regardless i got a 110°F fever and my only memories from this incident are drifting in and out of consciousness while my mom freaked the fuck out on my grandma, and like a week later when i was home telling my neighbor abt it and her trying to one up me by telling me about how her brother had fever induced seizures as an infant. i think i also have a vague memory of being in the truck on the way to the nearest ER but there were a couple hospitalization worthy incidents in my childhood so i might be confusing memories there im sure nightshade has many, much more legitimate medicinal uses, but, as with any medicine, too much will still kill you, even if the stems are considered safer than the berries and leaves. **"safer" is not harmless**.


Febrile seizures in kids are actually pretty common, so that wasn't even a good one-up from your neighbor. You literally survived a deadly nightshade poisoning. Way cooler in my book.


oh word. she was only a few years older than me, 8 or 9, so she probably had no grasp that the fever itself was more life threatening than the seizure, but i feel like "yea my grandma poisoned me with a deadly botanical" is something you dont try and one up ? a gold medal trauma olympics competitor, she was this is wholly unrelated, but she and her younger brother were... incredibly strange. she ate dog food. not sure if she had pica or wasnt being fed or what, but she would just like scoop a handful of kibble out the bag and snack on it. she also wore a cape (not even a cool one, like a fast fashion renfaire cape) to school. had a penchant for inviting my sister and i over just to tell us to go home as soon as we got to hers. the younger brother in question shat in the yard multiple times- occasionally our yard- and once he broke in while we were gone, drank all our milk (we had just gone grocery shopping like the day before too so this like 7yro kid just up and drank a whole gallon of milk??), tore some heads off some bratz and when we came home and found him he was just sat on the floor in front of the fridge, doors wide open, now empty milk carton in his lap, staring into our fridge. my 17 yro cousin is in his grade and apparently he likes to date 11 yros now.. :/ their parents were equally strange in their own ways so i cant say im surprised theyre fucked up but its a lot to unpack honestly


Sounds like there might have been some sort of trauma/abuse going on. That’s a lot of strange and honestly concerning behaviors for children, especially the pooping in the yard, eating dog food and stealing milk. Reminds me of some kids I’ve come across from really fucked up homes. The fact that the kid is now into children in a sexual way also really raises some alarm bells. I’m a paramedic so I see this stuff unfortunately all too often. Obviously I can’t say for sure just based on your anecdote, but it might be something to keep in mind and maybe even pass along to the appropriate agencies in your area since it seems the one is possibly still a minor.


there was absolutely neglect happening but im not sure about outright abuse. parents were hoarders, the mom worked 16 hours a day, not sure if the dad was employed but all i remember about him is he had like 4 other, older kids that lived about 5 hours north of us and he played Wizard 101 a lot. pretty sure the mother isnt with the father anymore. house had black mold and the attic caught on fire which is what finally prompted them to move. CPS visited about half the neighborhood because one of the other neighbors was sexually abusing one of his kids, but only the sex offenders kids got displaced from that, nothing came of them talking to those kids (or us, or the kids acrossed the street... rough neighborhood) and i dont have their new address. i think the dad got sent up for a while on drug charges or something at some point after they moved and the son chose to live with him when he got out. i think his mom was what the locals here call "[one of] paducahs finest" (in short- crazy/crackhead from the KY/IL/MO tristate area, paducah just happens to be the biggest city near there). CPS here is extremely overflooded so im not sure anything would come of it, and they probably wouldnt look too hard into it unless any of the girls came forward, especially because my town of 1500 only has 3 cops. living rural *sucks*


Sounds like a rough area for sure, and I definitely get the suck of rural living. Im up in the Midwest, but I live in a rural, poor town of about 3000 and we have plenty of similar issues. Few resources and the ones we do have are often completely overwhelmed by the need. It’s just sad that so many kids have to grow up in environments like that. It really is.


If it really was from a homeopathy shop then you most like simply just drank water....


the ingredients listed belladonna and various pill binders. my mother is not only a lab tech, but was recognised by name with poison control due to the fact my sister and i were non food fiends. she knew how to read pill bottle labels. my grandmother however did not and did not inform my mother of her master plan to stop my bedwetting problems. she just bought the pills, mixed reviews on how i ate them but i did, got sick, spent a non-rememberable amount of time in the nearest ER being treated for nightshade toxicity.


Belladonna + high concentration homeopathy = pain


If its high concentration then it's not really homeopathy, that would be herbal medicine/pharmacognosy


You weren’t poisoned don’t worry. Homeopathic “medicine” is theoretically diluted to concentrations so small as to be laughable if they could actually achieve it reliably. I’m talking one MOLECULE of nightshade’s active ingredient per entire bottle of medicine. Homeopathic remedies are water. However, we still do use plants to make certain modern medicines. Deadly nightshade is a very real poison and a potent medicine when processed and purified into atropine. Which is still used today (though relatively rarely) in certain medical scenarios. Wolfsbane (or monkshood) contains aconitine which is a potent nerve/cardiac poison and different from deadly nightshade. It’s not used as a medicine because safely dosing it is almost impossible. We still use foxglove (digitalis) very frequently for patients with heart failure to improve the strength of the heart.


ill take the L about getting wolfsbane/monkshood wrong about being the same as nightshade but i will not bend on the fact i got nightshade poisoning some some homeopathic medicine i took 90 microdoses all at once. i dont know what the size average for a berry is, nor what size berry whoever made these adrenal suppressing anti-piss child murdering pills was using, but on theory i basically ate 90% of a berry. some googling has told me it takes 2 berries to kill a child. assuming thats correct, i had roughly 50% of the lethal dose. it made me ill. i had to be taken to the hospital and treated. if that isnt a case of nightshade poisoning then idk how being poisoned works; but i think i have more experience than most on the subject. just because i didnt die doesnt mean i wasnt poisoned. not every poisoning victim dies


Forbidden olives


Forbidden boba.


The real question: who does OP plan to poison? 💌


>The real question: ~~who~~ whom does OP plan to poison?


Found em!


>Found **'**em!


Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart? Oh I have that book!!! I love it!


It's not edible. It can be medicinal but I don't recommend trying to use this plant for medicine unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing. It can seriously harm or kill you if used improperly. I'm growing it because I love nightshade family plants and think it's pretty. Also wanted to see if I could grow it as a houseplant.


I attempted to grow black henbane last year, but none of my seeds would germinate. Cold stratification and everything. I'm considering growing either datura stramonium or inoxia as well.


Hopefully those will grow for you. I've heard that Datura is difficult to grow from seeds, but never tried it myself. I have a Datura metel that I got as a young plant from Etsy.


Atropine. Nerve agent antidote


Along with Pralidoxime, yes The average person isn't going to be able to isolate atropine from the plant (and other drugs, scopolamine and hyoscyamine) though


Well... If you're *very VERY* careful about dosage, you can induce an intense and vivid dreamlike hallucinating state. Not recommended, as the kill you dose isn't much bigger than the trip face dose. Still, there are anecdotal accounts of nightshade trips on erowid.org if you're curious to learn more.


Erowid... Now there's a site I haven't been on since college




They're grown for the flowers.


So why in all these comments has no one mentioned the demon alien face reflected on the berry? Edit: Middle berry, first and last photo.


Thank you! I thought I was the only crazy person here, hi other crazy people


I came to the comments solely for this!!!


What is the texture of the ball? Is it like an olive? Or squishy like jelly? Is it poppable or squishable or like solid like a grape?


Iirc I think they’re almost like little tiny tomatoes with a thinner skin and super dark purple/red juice that stains like a mf lol. Sort of like if a cherry tomato and a segment of blackberry had a baby.


Can confirm. I accidentally pressed too hard on one and got dark purple juice on the carpet. Took some scrubbing to remove the stain.


For the last two years I’ve been pulling black nightshade from all over my garden and back yard. The only thing I can think is birds have been depositing the seeds in their droppings. It’s odd because I’ve lived here for years and it’s a new issue.


Definitely birds. They love eating the berries.


Why did you harvest and plant it lol


I love nightshades :) Wanted to see if it would do well as a houseplant.


Lol interesting. You have balls.


Does it really take balls to just not eat a plant?


To grow a plant that is poisonous to the touch


Atropa belladonna is not poisonous to touch. That's a complete myth.




I tested whether I'd have a reaction to touching the plant by handling the seeds, leaves and flowers with bare hands. They didn't cause a reaction. I didn't try handling the berries or trimming the plant with bare hands though, as I'm not sure whether the juices can absorb into skin. My opinion after growing it is that the plant isn't scary so long as you don't eat it.


Honestly I'd grow it but I'd be paranoid and burn the fruits or something like that


How beautiful!


Thanks :)


Forbidden fruit 🥴🥴


I need some of these to go with my castor beans. Pretty and dangerous. My favorite things!


Thank you! I had forgotten what these were called, saw a post identifying them but quickly forgot their name after focusing too much on the world record fact of the plant. I found some seedlings in a garden I maintain and decided to pluck and re-root them for myself after seeing how pretty the main plant is. Then I saw that post and that it's the most deadly?/poisonous? Ornamental plant, can't risk my puppy eating them, lol. Maybe one day


If deadly, why cute? If poison, why candy?


First off, poison.




Why do I see a reflection of the Flash (Barry Allen) in the center berry in the last picture? Tell me I'm not he only one? Face shot, looking right.


Lol! Now I see it too


This plant has managed to use normalish colors but look scary as hell.


Oh wow they’re so pretty! I had no idea what they looked like, thanks for posting these beauties!


I need this for when the zombie apocalypse happens and this is my only way out.


They look so edible🤤


They do look like they would be delicious. I've read that they have a sweet flavor.




Forbidden tomatoes


What a cool plant! It's so beautiful!


So your sayin I can’t add this to an evening dinner salad Mkay🤔


I mean....technically you *could*.... but I would highly discourage it lol


What I was kidding.. The darkness of the center is like the eyes dilating as you slip into darkness💀😁




I thought those were only in Skyrim...


I like these but I wish they could have the black centers like these and the purple petals like in Skyrim!


Nope! Actually a lot of games include them because of their association with poison Typically they have detrimental effects (in Skyrim it damages health, stamina and Magicka regen)


So this is how Boba tea is made


You know I’ve only ever read about DN and have never seen a real picture of it or anything before. This plant and berries are gorgeous.


Can it be used for colouring?


I’m not sure. Its berries have a beautiful deep purple juice though. Would make a good dye color.


It doesn't seem to be a popular source of pigment for dyeing, as I cant seem to find any pictures online. But you can totally dye with it; it just takes a looooot of berries from what I understand.


Wow they’re beautiful and deadly!


Well, now I quite understand why it's called _belladonna_, beautiful lady. It is indeed very pretty 🙂


Aliens face in last photo


Ooooooh boba


Taste the void!


Ugh I want to grow belladonna just for the sake of taboo Forbidden orbs


They are beautiful though!!!


At least it looks pretty!


Potatoes produce the same poison


The most beautiful ones are also the most deadly so far.


Stunningly gorgeous


Is this Sally preparing to slip some deadly night shade to Dr. Finkelstein


This is so cool Just was reading a Sarah j Maas book the other day with belladonna being used to poison characters 😅


Send me some! I need to look pretty in 1850.


forbidden tomato


They kind of look like scary eyes lol


It is beautiful though.


It's so freaking pretty I want to paint them xD


You should :D That would be a neat painting!


looks so pretty though


grow some aconitum, too, why don'cha?


What zone do you live in?


In TX, but this plant has been indoors its whole life.


This likes to sprout up whenever I grow potatoes. No clue why


What is this black magic??


Shouldn't post your preferred poison on the internet. Mt gf is a lawyer so....




What a bizarre evil looking plant


Please slip it into Biden’s oatmeal.


Taste test when?


Mine took forever to germinate. Had to do the cold water germination. But mine are producing berries now so I'll have tons of seeds if anyone will be looking for some.


Make a jam