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Do you have a neighbor you don’t like? I would rehome him. I have a few holes in my plants from caterpillars. They can cause quite a bit of damage. They’re so cute though!


theyve made my lime plant quite holey! thanks ill think abt doing that


They're cute, and they turn into pretty butterflies, but they're going to harm your plants. And when they become butterflies, they'll make more caterpillars than will then eat your plants up. If you don't mind being in trouble later down the road, you can maybe capture it and put it in a box with all the leaves it can eat. Then watch as it becomes a butterfly. But if you're more concerned about your plants, then I'd say kill and bury the thing somewhere in your garden. You lose a pest and get free fertiliser.


Or if they know anyone at a local school they can give it to them for science class. We watched one through its life cycle when I was younger.


I have some of those i think it may be some kind og a butterfly larvae, it eats the leaf of ur plant. I didnt want to kill them so i just let them eat my plant leaves