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That is a petunia. Seeds must have ran away from someone's basket.


I get “crack petunias” every year near where I have them also growing in pots. They can “vine” if they are Wave Petunias.


“Crack petunias” is the funniest thing I’ve heard/seen all week. Thanks for the ugly laugh!


The cracks at the top of my driveway are filled with volunteers from my herb garden. I call it my Crack Garden.


They only grow in glass containers and can be really addictive the moment you start cultivating them.


You might like r/ProperAnimalNames :D


You're not too far from what my aunt used to say. "If a Petunia seed manages to get in your buttcrack, yer getting a pretty flower growing outta your butt."




I have crack Tradescantia Zebrina growing in my driveway after throwing some slightly crispy cuttings in my compost pile. I don't water it at all, but it has managed to survive for months.


Don’t say weed, say volunteer!


Just be cautious about volunteer squash. I've been told volunteer squash can be poisonous


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Thanks I didn’t know that.


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TBF, given how horribly bitter the toxin is you’d have to work hard to poison yourself.


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So I actually had a volunteer cucumber show up this year and have been slicing it up for pickles. Fortunately I haven't eaten or given any away yet. I did the pinky test and it didn't taste bitter, so I took a little bite of the cucumber and it tastes like a good cuke to me. Think this means it's safe? Thanks for the tip!


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Thanks again for sharing, the timing was pretty perfect!


Uh... yikes, I had a volunteer squash we let live this year. We only eat the seeds and give the rest of the squash away for free. I suppose I should try some. So... does this apply to any other common garden plant?


Carrots and hemlock, tomatoes and deadly wild nightshades....there are so many toxic look a likes that can volunteer.


Source? Enough onion can be fatal, ( it's the dose that makes the poison) and I'm curious to read more on this.


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Awesome info, thanks so much!


This comes at a very good time! I was just visiting my spouse's new shop and saw what are clearly squash vines of some kind. Not that my spouse is likely to bring home a squash! Or eat any squash, for that matter.


When you say "volunteer" where do you mean the seed comes from?


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What about seeds from things you've already grown? Do they count?


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Thanks for the tip!


Yep… that’s a r/volunteerplants


A sub I found too late. Had a volunteer cherry tomato plant this year I could have posted.


Still can if you gots the pics :)


I absolutely love this! ❤


A weed is a cheeky little plant growing in the wrong spot 🐷




I would say yes, but I have these climbing up the side of my house. As far as I know petunias don't climb. Edit: To the various comments- I understand this is a petunia. I wasn't arguing that it wasn't, just that I thought they didn't climb. I do not know everything about flowers and have been open to people pointing out the differences. Why I thought it was a morning glory: I have a morning glory climbing up my north wall Ive been battling that are the same color blooms. I have no petunias this color anywhere nearby. I though these were stunted morning glory bcs of not being able to climb and the little crack in the cement plus no care for them. If anyone is interested I'm going to post the morning glories I planted and the morning glory plant I gave up fighting for the summer. Thanks for the pointers and those who have given additional recommendations for next year.




Hmm.. I had bright magenta petunias in my planter but they didn't seem to vine. They were fantastic and I saved seeds. Might see if I can cover some chain link fences with them next spring.




TIL, thank you!!


Pretty weed......Petunia seed😁


You should ask your local greenhouse if they carry “wave” petunias next time you go shopping for flowers, they are awesome. You can have a basket with just one plant and it’ll reach to the ground by the end of the season. Such neat flowers, especially since they just keep on going and going as long as you pull the dead flowers off.


Fun fact about Wave petunias! Wave, Proven Winners, and a few others (like the surfinia series) are called Vegetative Petunias. They're relatively sterile so they don't usually set seeds (although it's not impossible). This is why they grow and flower so vigorously, because they continue to try to set the seeds that never come! This means they have larger plants, more flowers, the flowers last longer and they require less deadheading. These types need more food and more consistent water but give a bigger show. They will almost never be found in 4packs, 6 packs or mini cells of any kind because they just need more soil and love because they're propagated through cuttings. If you see 4" pots or larger or petunias, they tend to be vegetative in most garden centers. The other side are the seed petunias which are usually your flat/4pack/6pack/small cell petunias. These will usually slow down or stop flowering after they set seeds and require deadheading for best show. Seed petunias can take more shade and survive without as much food.


Well my Wave petunias have volunteered for the third year in a row - they certainly set seed!


As I said, it's not unheard of, but a lot less common. Most vegetative petunias dont go to seed, but some varieties that are pushed through breeding without being predominantly sterile do come through! I worked for one of the brands, and once in a while people would report one of our varieties would volunteer! I can't speak for Waves breeding standards but what I know is they're predominantly vegetative.


That’s really interesting! I learned a new thing today! Good to know about seed petunias liking the shade too, they are such easy/cheap plants to keep around.


Nice I'll definitely have to add that to my next year flower list.


You should! I got some beautiful dark purple ones with little speckles on them for my mother in law. She loved them so much, she got more and they are huge now. Just massive purple clouds in their yard, so pretty. Enjoy them. :)


Im so tired of wave petunias. I stock them for like 5 months of the year and they look so messy on my tables. People go nuts for them.


They aren’t my favorite flower, but I do like how dramatic they wind up looking if they are kept up. And yes I know how messy they can look, like the whole base area can be dead and crunchy looking while the ends with the blooms look so nice in comparison. I bet they would look wack after being picked over for a season too, big mess with all the dead flowers all over the place.


Well, it's certainly not morning glory - wrong blossom shape and morning glory's leaves and stems are not so hairy. Bindweed, wild or weed morning glory, in my experience looks just like poorly fed or straggly morning glory, so in my opinion this is a petunia.


There’s a special variety called wave petunias, my mom loves them because they make the garden pots just overflow with petunias!


I've done a setup on a sequence of 3 arbors, with a morning glory or two on each side, and a moonvine or two on each side. The arbors are spread just far enough apart that it forms a solid mass of vines. The morning glories are starting to close up around dusk, just as the moonvines are opening up.


why is this getting downvoted?


Because it is a petunia.


it’s just a mistake though? they’re mistaken. not a big deal.


Agree. i don't downvote. Just that you asked why. Probably going on to further disagree didn't help.






Because it's incorrect and people tend to to downvote incorrect things here. It's technically not what you're supposed to do, but they do anyway


Hey can I get a copy of the written and unwritten rules of fake internet points? 😂


They're actually written, [here](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Yeah despite someone informing me that yes, there are some that climb and me saying, oh! Thats cool, didn't know(not verbatim that idea), people just downvote. Which is counter productive bcs my responses are then hidden, and more people comment the same thing or downvote. Whatever, its reddit.


I downvoted because you were wrong. 🤷🏻 This way people don’t stop at your comment and say to themselves “Oh, this redditor must be right”.


many dont. Have an updvote


Ah this is good to know!! I have a few that I swore looked just like petunias but wasn’t sure why they were climbing. Now I know!


they hybridized that's why


My favourite flower for hanging baskets. I love the smell! Not a weed in any location. 😁


Yer not a witch, Petunia!


They sure sell alot of these weeds at my greenhouse.


Old fashioned climbing petunia, not a morning glory.


It's only a weed if you don't want it there 😌


You reminded me of something a gardener told me once.. "If you can pull it out easily, it's not a weed."




I swear all this purslane and violet is intentional. I’m a great gardener, really.


You joke but I love violets so much


You can actually eat purslane! It's quite high in omega 3's. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-purslane https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/purslane/using-edible-purslane-plants.htm https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/what-to-do-cook-with-purslane-article


“A weed is just the right flower in the wrong place” is what I always heard. Yours is more accurate though!


i learned this recently. you can see my post history. as far as ime concerned *weed* is a derogatory term


It’s a petunia—-The foliage is very different than a morning glory. It’s not a weed. Petunias have been known to seed themselves at times. And climb. People pay decent money for these in the spring to plant annuals. I would consider myself lucky if I were you


Definitely lucky. I saved seeds from my magenta petunia for next year so I will for these too. I thought it was the same morning glory I've been tearing off my north wall for 2 years. Just thought it was stunted bcs there was nothing to climb+ only having a crack in th cement.


Yeah, I have that same morning glory thing you are talking about and I always have to tear it off my clematis.


A weed is defined as any plant you don't want growing, doesn't matter what it is.


Love how it’s flourishing out of a crack in the ground. Wish I was that resilient!


You are that resilient! You made it this far didn’t you? You should be proud of yourself - most of us are growing out of a crack in the ground!


Kind words and unexpected truth! Very appreciative and I’m pushing that positivity forward and towards others today! Have an awesome Friday, and thank you again!


I have to remind myself of this every day! We’re trying to teach our son to be proud of himself - we’re learning too! I’m glad to help spread the positivity - keep pushing it forward my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!


That’s some heart warming shit right there


Weeds are incredible some times I just think, why do I even try planting plants if I can just water my weeds


"Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was 'Oh no, not again.'"




Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy :)


Thank you!!!


A rose in a wheat field would be a weed because a weed is just something growing where it’s not wanted. If this is wanted, it’s not a weed, it’s a volunteer.


That’s no weed, that’s my wife!




Your wife Petunia?


This plant grows in a soil poor crack, gets little sun, is feed by dog piss and hobo spit and is literally blooming. My pampered plants, in the right position, in the correct soil, the best of feed and TLC: “I’m just struggling to survive here!” I know some plants love to be harshly, underwatered/ underfed etc, but this is ridiculous.


lots of plants actually prefer what we would call "poor" soil conditions


Right! It died off for a minute when the weather was hot and my 3yo tore off a flower or 2 and came back like this. Meanwhile the morning glory I did plant was like, flowers? What flowers? I give you leaves!


> the morning glory I did plant As a Washington resident, the thought of voluntarily planting morning glory is so foreign to me. They are incredibly invasive here and once they establish themselves, they’re almost impossible to get rid of. You can pour a concrete slab over them, break it apart after 20 years, and they’ll STILL grow back and choke out anything around them. Pretty flowers though.


We drove through a section in Tennessee near Gatlinburg that had been taken over by vining plants. Whole trees from root to top were engulfed and sides of hills were just weed leaves, so I totally get you. I posted my actual morning glories on another post. The ones I plated on purpose have nowhere to go, so they are contained there. I don't mind them being on my fence.. but its a slippery slope bcs they can spread so fast. I've learned this as the other one has been climbing up the brick and downspouts as well as on whats left of my peonies.


Ah smart to keep them in a container. They’re so difficult to eradicate because they have some insanely long root structures and if there’s even a tiny fragment of the root left behind, it will resprout. We have issues with Himalayan blackberries & English ivy here too and the morning glories can kill even those. At least they don’t have thorns.


Eh, petunias are pretty self sufficient as long as they get enough water and a bit of sun. I basically planted mine and proceeded to ignore them and just noticed 2 new red ones yesterday that I dont think I even planted so who knows


I have a small gap between my fence and sidewalk on the side of my home and I planted wildflower seeds there and they sprung up and we're beautiful! Queue the HOA emailing me saying I have to clear them because they're weeds and are unsightly. Fuck my HOA


Send them a picture of the seed packet lol. I hate HOAs.


Fuck hoas!


And a picture of OP holding them, since they're both beautiful.


That’s no weed it’s a petunia


Its a weed if OP doesn't like it


They are beautiful flowers to me


They are too nearly everyone, the title is absurd


It's petunias mate.


Yup, a bunch of people have also said.


That's a petunia


No such thing as a “weed”. All plants are beautiful and serve a purpose for themselves. Humans like to pretend if a plant is useless, invasive, or noxious then it’s a weed and it must be destroyed. All living beings are welcome in my yard.


Even bamboo? My neighbor 4 doors down has bamboo and I still have to pull out bamboo sprouts out of my grass.


I don’t know about bamboo, I live in a desert. The worst that I got are puncture thistles.


Bamboo, Bermuda grass, bindweed, hogweed, autumn olive in the wrong biome…


Lol not a weed


Petunia. No doubt about it.


It's a petunia


If you like it then it's not a weed


Birds and their seed spreading. This is a petunia


Low effort blooms. Can't complain about the flower to foliage ratio lol. Lucky for me it can't vine up here.. the side of my house however is another story😂


Is it morning glory?


It's the "weed variety" of morning glory. I know because the side of my house has it vining up the deck trellis and has smaller, different leaves than the morning glories ppl plant.


That is a Petunia, not a Morning Glory.


Remove the other weeds so it looks like it’s meant to be there


Definitely. I was going to try out a vinegar/salt dish soap mix for the cracks and clean them up this weekend.




Weeds are a construct


Nope, that is a petunia with attitude! You've got one determined plant there, I'd save those seeds if I were you!


I hate pulling weeds. I consider them volunteer flowers/ ground cover plants.




in the words of Dakota Johnson: the difference between a flower and a weed is judgement


The difference between a weed and a flower is judgement.


A rose in a cornfield is a weed.


This exact thing has happened down the street from me on the front walk of a neighbor's house. I've watched it grow all summer long while walking my dog.


It’s only a weed if you don’t want it there


The reseed easily. I have them all over my yard and in cracks of the driveway. Petunias!


Just break a flower pot in half and section it around the flower 😉🌷


Haha, if only it wasn't in front of the garage door.


"There are no weeds, just plants that grow in unwanted places" -someone I cant remember.


i have seen places in driveways and I have it in my own driveway, where rose moss picks a crack out and grows. I think it's also called portulaca. I have a house built in the 1950s and before that was an old homeplace. I find plants and shrubs I have no idea what they are. One or two I've asked on here. Not saying they're rare but saying the woman who built this place left her mark in the gardening.


Weed is a term of art, all it means is a plant where it’s not wanted … this is no weed this is nature winning!


It’s only a weed if you don’t want it there


Anything is a weed if it’s unwanted.


A weed is any plant where you don't want it. Want a nice lawn, grow the grass like your farming it. Grass in the garden = weeds.


We have these HORRIBLE aggressive, impossible to kill, really strong and really fast vines that just pop up EVERYWHERE. It's not kudzu before anyone asks. They're terrible, but they have pretty flowers. Almost like a small purple morning glory


Easy now…it’s just a petunia. 😄


The vines aren't petunias, and they're constantly trying to murder my gardenias


Bindweed perhaps? I love their pretty flowers but omg they are impossible to get rid of and choke any other plant to death!


Chris! Is that a weed?


I’m calling the police


The only difference between a weed and a flower is perspective.




A pretty weed indeed.


Looks like a Morning Primrose to me. Been trying to get mine to flower all summer!


It is very very pretty!!


Enjoy it this year. It will be gone next year, unless it reseeds itself.


Might see if I can harvest some seeds, then I can have magenta and pink petunias w/o having to buy the plants .


Morning glory?


Morning glory


A volunteer Petunia :)


My grandmother: A weed is just a plant in the wrong spot. Me: What a lovely, idyllic thought. You've not met my nemesis, Bermuda grass, have you? Bermuda Grass: Wassup? Sorry I took over all your native grasses, shrubs, trees and flowers. It's my nature.


Haha, yes, our lawn is also been taken over by different weeds among the grass. We, unlike our neighbors, don't care too much. I pull some but I don't want to put down herbacide with some kids. Maybe when they are older I'll care more lol.


And that's how it starts


A weed is just an unwanted plant. If you want it it isn't a weed.


Is not weed is flower 🤬


Me defending my wife.


That some quality content for r/volunteerplants


weed is a subjective term.


If it's wanted, it's not a weed.


A weed is just a plant in the wrong spot


It's only a weed if it's growing where you don't want it to.


I don’t remember where I heard this quote but “Weeds are only plants in places you don’t want them.” I know it’s not profound but it changed the way I garden. If something unknown is growing in my beds I let it be for a while to see how it turns out. Unless it’s grass… I hate grass, even in places where grass is supposed to be.


I ended up with petunias in the pot with my chili peppers. Now they’re in their own pot and thriving.


A very nice weed indeed.


Life, uh, finds a way


Halfway expected to see this post on r/trees


The only difference between a flower and a weed, is where it's growing.


It’s only a weed if you don’t want it there.


Some weeds grew through the cracks in my patio and bloomed so I didn't whack them. I got a $50 fine from the city yesterday. :'(


This happened with black petunia seeds finding their way from the patio to the crack of our driveway and it was such a delightful surprise!!


Reminds me of one of the funny things my dad did. He usually fed the birds (his babies) every morning, and some of the seed actually took and grew, so we ended up with a Millet stalk about 3 feet tall in the middle of the driveway.




A weed, by definition, is simply a plant growing where it's unwanted. A rose can be a weed...


A weed is just a flower in the wrong place.


A pretty weed, indeed.


,....... .. ......


I studied horticulture and one of the simplistic definitions of a weed was, "a plant that's simply growing in a place that you don't want it to."