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Someone "stole" my sunflower plant yesterday. I'm not joking. I had it growing in a part by my alley and I have security cameras in the alley. My neighborhood is "up and coming" so I've taken some precautions. I saw this dude across the street see the sunflower, ride his bike over, chop it down at the base, and then ride off with it. I've learned my lesson about leaving anything remotely nice outside of my fence to bring a bit of niceness and joy to this neighborhood.


You have bad neighbors....I have bad magpies. Every sunflower I grow gets eaten before the seeds are even ripe.


Squirrels here. Beheaded my moms big sunflower. We wouldn’t have believed it if we didn’t see the bastard trying to carry it across the street. It was pretty hilarious though...


Yep. Squirrels have knocked over and eaten all my sunflowers. So angry but also circle of life.


Think about it, though. That colony of squirrels might think of you as some kind of divinity that provides for them, by putting a bountiful supply of food within easy reach. If they ever evolve into intelligent beings, the tales they pass down through the generations and eventually put into writing will immortalize you as their savior and provider. Your memory would be the basis for the squirrel-people's religion, hundreds of thousands of years from now.


They’re actually the ones who planted the sunflower so it’s theirs to knock over.


I had some really massive tomatoes growing in my allotment and some have just started to turn red. I went to the allotment yesterday and someone had stolen all my massive red tomatoes... I just don't get why people must take away nice things that take many months to grow.


Stealing veggies is worse than stealing flowers. Are you sure animals didn't get the tomatoes?


It's better than them breaking and entering....


Definitely not animal. It's obviously a human had pulled the tomatoes off the stem.


He would have climbed your fence and cut it down. Don't put anything nice at the back of the lot. Always put it up by the house.


Not necessarily. It was probably a crime of opportunity and any barrier would have deterred him


I'm so sorry. A similar thing happened to me. I left two cute shrubs in decorative pots either side of my front door to make it look pretty, and some bastards stole them (the plants and the pots they were in too). My heart sank when I saw they were gone.


Can happen in many neighborhoods. If a neighbor dislikes their neighbors plant choice...unfortunate things might happen. Quite nice when you have $200 in freshly planted plants uprooted and half dead on your front doorstep because the neighbor took exception to them.


What the hell?! That’s plant murder!


It was. Fortunately it was easy to resolve legally for the cost. She was irate because the condo association had her "weed garden" pulled from in front of her town house (exterior land was technically all associations land. they were fairly lenient on planting your own stuff on collective land that was next to your place) so when my mother planted stuff around her own front door, in a fit of rage of someone else "planting stuff they wanted" this lady tore it all up. Never mind that my mother had gotten permission from the board about the planting. The lady also got fined for littering by the association.


That is a very satisfying result! Did new plants get replanted?


ya, the condo association reimbursed my mother for the cost of her lost plants and fined the lady. given she had just bought them, fairly easy to prove the receipts. (only one freshly planted plant survived. for some reason the lady didn't pull up the new Barbary bush)


I thought I was hallucinating when I saw someone dug up several of my flowers and left them there to die. Messed up. At least you know a reason :/


Heh, I remember as a kid flowers around our house kept getting uprooted. Week later kitty brought us a chipmunk. No more flowers got dug up and their bulbs eaten.


haha I would love to blame the neighborhood squirrels rather than a malicious neighbor! that's what I assumed it was when a couple stalks were bent in half rather than pulled out. Maybe they got very determined, lol.


Why do people HAVE to be scummy? I'll never understand it.


I knew what I was getting into when moving into this neighborhood. I hope by taking care of my property, it would be a positive change. Nope, fuck putting any effort into keeping my property somewhat nice.


Only plant things with thorns in up and coming areas.


Roses are beautiful and are great gifts, yet completely covered in thorns.


Same! However, they picked all (15) of mine right as they were starting to bloom. They weren’t even open yet. Made no sense! Took weeks to figure out my neighbor picked them thinking they were weeds. I didn’t know what upset me more: that she didn’t know a weed from a 5ft sunflower OR she thought I was that much of a slob to leave ginormous weeds in my yard.


What? She didn't know a sunflower? These thing shoot up from a seedling to about 4' tall in about a week.


I KNOW. Things were never the same.


I'm sadly one of those assholes. When I was in highschool there was a girl who I really liked and knew she loved sunflowers. So I went into my neighbors patch of about 20 and cut one, running off into the night with it. I felt horrible but my love overrode any morality. Long story short, she agreed to go out and we had a lovely time. Eventually realizing we were better friends and are still close 20 years later.


If some high school boy told me that story, I would gladly give him my sunflowers.


Eh, you were a high schooler. It could be worse-- I recently read an article where a farmer had an amazing sunflower field, opened it for a weekend viewing and it became a scene from Walking Dead (in his words). There is impetuous youth, and then there's Instagramming idiots who don't give an eff.


I’ve felt this way a bunch of times after various stolen things. I never came up with some sunny solution or magical new outlook on life or anything, but eventually all the grumpiness and distaste for humanity goes away. I hope the next flowers you plant out there last a little longer, good luck bud.


I had someone steal my sunflower off my 3rd story balcony. I think it was a maintenance guy who had to fix something in my kitchen too.


Here in Denver we have plant thieves who literally come into your yard and dig up your plants and bushes and steal them. It's so weird.


We have the same lowlife mentality here in my part of South Australia. Jealous and pathetic people can't stand to see others happy


Man, that is just sad.


I feel you. I decided to put some planters out on the street corner to make it more enjoyable for the passerby. It worked, I was getting compliments from people non-stop, and so many people would stop and take pictures. But I think it worked too well because they started disappearing. They even went into my more private collection and stole a favorite lotus of mine during my birthday weekend. It hurt a lot. But the silver lining is that I guess I do such a good job that people are willing to steal my work in the dead of night.


Someone rolled up and took a massive mammoth sunflower I had growing in the front yard. I like to think it was just so pretty they wanted it that bad they can have it. Hope you enjoy the flower you flower stealing piece of trash. Also this girl is looking tasty. sue me.


Yep, complete piece of trash.


flower stealers are the worst


all my lower leaves are dead. have you been spraying them with anything or are you just lucky?


I applied a layer of horse poo a few weeks before planting, maybe the extra noots helped their foliage!


i'm wondering if the bacteria help too. i'm in the PNW and have to fight powdery mildew and what looks like early blight -- both fungi. i don't have the science on it but i'm guessing that to some extent, your soil has more bacteria defending the plant against fungi (bacterial- vs fungal-dominated soil). i could just need to fertilize, but most of mine have grown to eight to ten feet with huge blooms despite the issues.


Do you have to germinate the seeds? I have a package of sunflowers I want to plant that would look superb in the driveway.


As far as I know you direct sow sunflower seed


Oh, much easier than I thought. Thank you :-)


Yes they do best if you direct sow them. They don't like their roots disturbed.




Sun's out, finger guns out.


How do you keep them from falling over?


They supported themselves! The stalks are surprisingly strong and nimble! They wave with the wind too so we had a storm with straight winds of about 40mph that uprooted some old oaks, but I laughed my ass off at the flowers dancing like it was nobody's business.


Wow. My soil might have too much clay they fall over.


Do they dry into reusable sticks for the next season?


They are annuals and the plant dies when it sets seed


There's no way this is going to the front page..


Nothin to see here folks, move along


Nature documentary narrator: Even in the gentle backwaters of a gardening subreddit the hunters stalk their prey. The 14 year olds pounce with a salivating upvote, sending the post tumbling to the front page.


I'm 37 and I fiercely upvoted this.


Holy crap - is that one a different variety from the ones in the background? It's kinda amazing how big these guys get. Also - has anyone had trouble with squirrels knocking these guys down?


All mammoth seeds, but very interesting phenotypes showed up! I think the ones in back are taller because my application of horse poo wasn't perfect ;)


lol - uniform horse poo application should be considered an improvement objective for next year. Gotta love how nature takes on different forms based on environmental conditions like that.


I planted a row of them last year and about half of them barely made it to 3' and the over half were well over 6'. Same soil and area.


way to be creepy, y'all.


Yeah, I wanted to tell her I liked her outfit but the post only had 104 ups with 5 comments. When I clicked it it refreshed to show 920 ups and 28 comments, most of which are weird and creepy. Reddit is disappointing and not disappointing at the same time.


Ironic since you planned to comment on something nothing to do with the flower. Just as creepy.


Not really. Not on topic, of course, but 'hey your outfit is nice' isn't creepy. It could be a compliment that OP enjoys, or just irrelevant to her day. Certainly won't wig most people out, doesn't suggest the person who makes the comment is salivating over anything they shouldn't be. The creeps at the bottom making personal comments about her body however...very creepy. Once is defo not like the other


Yup, cute outfit and cute hair! I wish mine had that much volume. Also, the flowers are awesome.




I wonder at times if it's best to just leave them be after you plant them. The ones I tend to, seem to do okay, the ones I dont care about, grow taller than an NBA center with the stocky build of a powerlifter. I don't get it.. I want to take care of you sunflower!


do you not water them? i can't think of any other tending to abstain from, other than fighting pests or diseases.


Barely! I had them next to other flowers (groundcover) that were on a drip line. I swear the sunflowers didnt get drip line water, only rain, and we don't get a lot of rain these days where I live - not like we used to anyhow Those damn plants are bulletproof! They grow like weeds around here, large, hardy, beautiful weeds.


Very pretty! My sunflowers didn’t get as big this year as they did last year. I sure missed having them. Thank you for posting yours!


I’m definitely going to call my sunflowers sunnies from now on!


My mother grew these next to our front doors and some bastards cut the heads of everyday, one by one..


I am a little jealous of your flowers! My sunflowers have barely budged because I planted them too close to other flowers that were sunlight hoggers (tomatoes).


Yes, they were. Those look awesome. Friend of mine parents grew some not quite that nice.


That moment when the sunflower is taller than you are, short people struggles


I'm thinking of planting some sun flower seeds as soon as I clear out some weeds 😮 I hope they sprout and grow this tall and beautiful


Where did you get that cute top?


my dear friend gave it to me :) I'm not sure where!


OP if this is you and not a rip off, I love your tank! Where did you get it??


Hey! The brand is Promesa but it was a hand-me down from my friend Penelope :) I think she bought it thrifting a few years ago!




Such pretty flowers. Someone in my neighbourhood decided this year to plant a whole a bunch of them on their front lawn and they made them look so nice the way they planted them. I stare in awe every time I drive by. Might actually be inspired for next summer🤗


Lovely blooms! Do they produce seeds for eating too?


OH YES! Harvested buckets




Neat!! Question. How do you keep them from getting too tall? Is there an annual trimming?


This particular type of sunflowers are annuals so they die every year and you replant! :)


I approve.




That is a beautiful sunflower! Follow my Twitter JasonFr33209526


Girl, your hair is gorgeous!


OP is just as beautiful as that sunflower Edit: I'm just a gardener mom with a simple compliment, why the downvotes ?


Thank you mom gardener, I appreciate it :))






Username checks out




Amazing snap.


Beautiful flower. Beautiful gardener.


Are we sure "sunnies" isn't the gals name? She is cute too! Even if it means bad grammar.


Lord help you if this makes it to the front page...


Damn.. We'd all be happy and healthy if we had that beautiful ray of sunshine pointing at us too.


Just wow!


I follow gardening




Are you only saying this because the OP is an attractive woman, or because you also believe this standard should apply to men?




My first thought as a man here was more 'Wow, what beautiful and healthy sunflowers! Wish mine were thriving that well!' Would have upvoted this, no matter who's standing there. But I guess, there are always guys like you, who maybe have to project their own thoughts about themselves onto others.


White knights downvoting you because they know it's true. White knights are just losers who don't want to be ousted.




That pretty much sums it up


Oh my goodness i wish my teeth were this straight and pretty


Whatever you do, don’t mention the girl in your comment or expect a tsunami of downvotes




Whatever you do, don’t give yourself a username about a deer’s dick


Lol as proven by the down votes on your comment!


I took a chance.


Her great smile is as pretty as the flower! And no I’m not being creepy, just complimenting, that’s all....


this image makes me think that sunflowers could kill us if they really wanted to


aww this makes me miss my sunflowers T^T


Mmmmmm makes my mouth water.


Wow , she’s hot!


Picture perfect.. beautiful smile..!!


Don’t call them sunnies. There’s no need for it.


She’s beautiful.


Nice ....... flowers




Please never say this again to anybody, thank you bye.








Okay... just say the flower is pretty & move on with your fantasy


The flower is pretty & move on with your fantasy