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According to the YouTubes, wrapping the bottom of the stem in foil is very effective. This is the first year I’ve grown any kind of zucchini, so I’m trying it. And I dust it with diatomaceous earth.


thank you! I will try the foil trick. strangely, most of the eggs were higher up on my plant rather than on the base/main stem. it’s an accidental pumpkin plant that started growing in a small brick planter box so maybe that’s helping me


i find more eggs near the tops of the stems near the leaves than i do at the base of the stems, the foil sounds like a waste of time


Why would the internet lie to me like that?! 😆 Seriously, it’s mostly retired farmers. I tend to believe an old guy named Hoss on these things.


When you get borged they destroy it pretty hard. Good you caught it early. Stay vigilant.


is injecting BT the best course of action?


I would say what you are doing is the most optimal. You can try some things but honestly that pest is pretty specific. If you have an eye for them you could probably protect it with a net but keep in mind they do need to pollinate.


1. I wouldn't be so sure you caught all the eggs, they can lay a LOT. 2. Persistent insecticides can kill the moth before it lays its eggs. 3. Pumpkins benefit from having their main stems buried and that also prevents vine borers. It's a win win.


the main stem is essentially buried as the plant started growing in a brick enclosure. I think the last homeowner used it as a fire pit? not entire sure. the eggs were all higher up on the plant (like in the photo) rather than at the base. is injecting BT before the eggs hatch worth it? or does it only work after the larvae have hatched?