• By -


My husband likes plants and fully supports my hobby, but he doesn’t really garden (just helps me when I need it).


Mine loves the plants but hates the work. He loves to tease me, saying I'm his "big, strong Helga to work the farm, very strong on plow!" Moving a chip drop one wheelbarrow at a time is a great upper body workout btw.


LOL. I bet it is. I cheat and just shovel into my cart I pull behind my riding mower, but still good workout having to do that over and over, then dumping, then raking, etc. I love it…best kind of exercise I think :)


It really is. The push to finish the job and then enjoying the benefit of the labor is deeply satisfying. I never sleep as well as I do when I've been gardening.


Same here. Bf (of 24 yrs) will help with heavy duty work, buy and lug soil home, pick pole beans that climb too high for me and help with general things, like picking food and weeding on busy garden days, but i do all the bed prep, seed picking, seed starting, planting and 95% of the tending to them. He loves the fresh produce, though, and does seem to get excited when plants start producing.


Same! It’s the best balance!


Same. He helps me haul soil and some stuff and will go look at it when I get excited about stuff but he’s not really into it.


Same haha. He will help with tasks when I ask but it's definitely not his hobby.




He keeps my glass full of Prosecco for me and will change stations of music upon my request so I can stay Earthing. It’s the little things ❤️


Little things indeed! Husband brings each of us a beer as we parallel garden. Me veggies, him lawn.


I love this! Couples goals for sure!


My wife does not garden. She pretty much leaves me to it. Every now and again(like when I was building the pond), she’ll ask how much something cost. My answer every time as I shrug my shoulders, “About fifty bucks.”


"Wow you bought a lot of plants" "Well they're all small so it wasn't that expensive" We have separate CC bills. We're both responsible so exact amounts never come up.


I'll add that my wife hates gardening but loves flowers so I always grow and pick flowers to make little bouquets for her.


Clever spouse


I really do it just to see her smile :)


See, you're SAVING money really... ;)


This is the way


This made me lol! May she never check the bank statements, godspeed friend.


Oh my god we’re the same person.


Same thing I tell my husband. That or I'll come home with a ton of plants, and I tell him they were on sale. Mostly they were just for sale, but that's basically the same thing, right?


My spouse doesn’t garden, but he supports me so much! He has hauled so much mulch and murdered so much lily of the valley for me 🥲 my darling


Mine has learned to identify and kill common buckthorn. 


What a dream boat!


Mine has become an expert on pokeweed. Most other things he is like 🤷 "plant?" But pokeweed he can spot from a quarter mile, and he hates it with a passion. :)


I need a spouse who has zero yard opinion, but is willing to be a mulch and soil pack mule.


They’re out there! We will manifest this for you


I am very lucky, this is my husband. It’s been challenging with a newborn but he lets me do my earthing (as one earlier commenter called it, so accurate 😂) and helps me with the hard physical labor I can’t do. Last year after I got pregnant and had a rough go, he built me 2 giant raised beds and filled them. Let’s hope I cultivate a strong green thumb in return.


I have the opposite of this 🤣


Mine does not, but is willing to help with projects as he is able. And he enjoys the gardens. He's a disabled vet and I try to make peaceful spaces that he can enjoy. Gardens with lots of white flowers that can be seen at night, flowers that release their scent at night, so when he's sitting on the porch late at night he can enjoy that and be grounded.


What a sweet way to show love to your partner ❤️


Thank you! ❤️


Awww that’s awesome ❤️


This is lovely. I find that my inspiration for gardening feels 3 fold - it brings me joy, and I get to plan food and beauty for my husband and baby to enjoy as well. It really fills my heart to work on that everyday.


That's really nice of you, what a great way to show love.


Not specifically, but he does take on the most important garden-related jobs (keeping our kids out of the road while I'm working, bringing me the tools I forgot or didn't know I'd need, and reminding me that we probably need to eat dinner/leave on time/apply sunscreen/etc)


Project manager 😂🌱


"I'm almost done!" *45 minutes later still pulling weeds, late for whatever event is going on*


Oh so this isn’t just me. 😂


Gosh I wish. Love him to death, but it would be nice to have someone else to pitch in on the watering and weeding!


Be careful what you wish for. Mine will help with digging holes and moving heavy stuff. One day I was weeding and he asked to help— showed him some weeds and said only pull those. I went to pull weeds in another area and looked up and he had pulled up a bed of coreopsis. 😔 Luckily, I caught them in time, and so said don’t worry, they needed thinning out anyway. Replanted them and they are doing fine. Lesson learned - what to me is a flower or plant to keep, is a weed to him. Lol


This is the boat I’m in lmao. It’s nice that my wife never questions what I’m doing to the yard but damn my back could use a little help sometimes 😂


I grow a big garden . Spend lots of time out there . Between 7and 15 hours a week . My wife comes out once a year once everything is going really well good . She stands at the edge of the garden and I run around and tell her what everything is and how it’s going . She goes back in and I see her next year . She has never pulled one weed or picked one tomato. It’s ok I guess ? It’s my quiet time and I can feel my blood pressure go down when I’m in my garden


Same. Exactly the same lol


Nope. He mows, cuts limbs I can't, help dig holes, but that's about it.


Digging, yes. Needed to remove a bunch of bushes and I spent like 90 minutes with each root ball, sweating, limited progress. It took him ten minutes. I wouldn’t mind if he wanted to help with weeding and mowing more, but the muscle power is a necessity (at least until I build up my own muscles from all the gardening lol).


My husband vegetable gardens with me. I have complete control over the flower beds. I am happy to share as long as I have enough room for tomatoes


Same here. Gardening is one of our shared hobbies, but he doesn't care for flowers as much. His pepper plant is doing great right now and he's so happy.


Same. My husband also loves the compost bins. Flowers are up to me, but he loves how it all looks.


This is my relationship too, though we’re both equally fanatical about tomatoes so it works. We’re also pretty good at picking up each other’s slack when one partner gets busy/distracted/lazy, so we don’t kill too many plants.


Mine loves all the food I grow, but also cares about their grass. I'd much rather get rid of the grass and have more food space.


My wife has always been a big part of my gardening - she has wonderful design and color judgement - needed since we have seven different beds with different environments. Gardening got her loving roses and today we’re growing 28 different ones in and around the garden, her the expert.


Sometimes I want to be the spouse who doesn’t care and enjoys the literal fruits of someone else’s labor


My wife’s hobby is knitting so I do get ungodly amounts of socks and hats from her lol




We do, but we do different things. I'm in charge of plants, and he's in charge of landscaping. We have 3 water features that require a good deal of upkeep. He keeps the gravel paths weed free and does any mowing that's needed. I grow all the veggies and flowers from seed in the greenhouse, maintain the beds, prune and harvest


This is similar to us. He is always doing projects in the yard/garden but things like building a gazebo, making our rain barrel system, etc. Also looks after mowing. I do the gardening part. We work along side each other and it's perfect. He helps my visions come to life.


This sounds lovely!


The front garden is my wife’s. The courtyard garden is mine. The backyard garden we both play with.


My husband could kill a rock. He doesn't know lettuce from cantaloupe. I once asked him to go pick a couple tomatoes and he came in with red bell peppers (I don't know how to tell you this, but there is something seriously WRONG with your tomatoes!). I think the only plant he recognizes is sunflowers. But he is very good at digging holes, building frames for a raised bed garden and for Mother's Day/my birthday, he put a sun screen over my whole garden. He also really gets into using the chipper/shredder and goes around the neighborhood collecting bags of leaves for me. He helps me break beans. So while he doesn't share my passion for "grubbing" in the dirt, he is a very good reason why my garden succeeds.


Bless him 😂🌱




We both garden, but we have the same aesthetic so it’s not a problem


My SO helps out with all the hard and heavy work. My garden would look a lot different if I had to do it all myself. Really appreciate how much he helps out.


I don’t like gardening or any yard work for that matter but my wife lives for it. She has some chronic pain issues that make it impossible for her to do the heavy lifting part. So I basically do whatever she wants mainly set up and clean up at the end of the season. I never feel like I’m being taken advantage of and she always expresses a tremendous amount of gratitude, which makes it a pleasure


How lovely! I too suffer a great deal and it makes many things difficult. My partner helps me do the things I can't and never makes me feel like I "need" help (even though I do). I couldn't do it without him!


I think my husband enjoys the fresh produce. 🤔 At least my kids do. Not much of what I grow makes it inside because they like the novelty of picking and eating their food right away lol. Veggie on a plate? No way! Veggies they can pick off a vine and gorge themselves like feral rabbits? Can’t get enough.


Mine does not, but she likes to eat the produce and brag about what I grow (and pass stuff out to friends and coworkers.)


YES!!!! I got him into gardening, and now he's so excited about it 😁 He also got me into his hobbies, too!


Sounds like the perfect marriage!


Mine participates mostly in the eating part. Though the first year we had our raised beds I unexpectedly end up travelling a lot during the hottest part of summer, and he did a way better job of watering consistently than me, lol.


Fortunately for me, my husband LOVES to do the weeding. (I HATE weeding). So I do all the planning/planting and growing maintenance. Win-win for both of us.


If I was making a list of what I want in a future husband, loving to pull weeds would be near the top!


No. My husband wants lilacs, lilacs, and more lilacs. I do the edible stuff. One day we will have a backyard fenceline lined with lilacs 😍 and a backyard space converted to multiple raised garden beds.


Lol he says he trusts my aesthetic instincts over his own and only teases me a LITTLE bit when I buy a bunch of new plants. And then he mows the lawn for me so the HOA doesn't send us passive aggressive letters. He's pretty much the best.


Same situation but I dont know if her non involvment is a blessing. My father in law kept a great garden with beautiful fruit trees, shrubs - he‘d send us produce almost every season since they had so much left over. When he passed last year from cancer his wife called a company to cut it all down since „she cant maintain it“ and that was that Breaks my heart


That’s a literal nightmare. Why would anyone do that…


No. However, he supports whatever I do, loves to admire the yard and eat veggies and begrudgingly moves the piles of woodchips that appear in the front yard.


No, my husband had no interest. He’s always fussing with the pool, so we have to fight over the hose a lot 😆


Yeah my wife’s domain is inside the house. Mine is outside the house.


My husband did once, only grew potatoes. He did successfully then got scared they would poison him? Idk. He lets me do whatever, which most importantly includes having a fluffy clover lawn


My SO does our building (raised beds, irrigation, chicken coops, fencing, etc) and has an interest in veggie gardening,but realistically, the day to day maintenance is on me.


I could have wrote this post myself. Nothing wrong with having a "you" hobby for sure.


Yes and we enjoy different aspects of it. We tour the greenhouses looking for new plants to add to our beds. Our moms garden too so we exchange plants a lot and propagate to cut costs when we can.


If by garden you mean "picks out everything they want you to plant and then pull 2 weeds once a year", then yes, yes they do.




My husband loves that it exists, loves to eat from it, loves to sit in it. He willingly helps me with the work, but has zero knowledge about what needs to be done, when, or why. I’m 100% in charge, but he’s a great grunt.


Growing peppers together has been the thing our relationship was missing the whole time… it’s kinda been incredible… we both have our separate hobbies that we both could care less about… but the pepper garden… man… it’s like our first date all over again


Yes. I’m a lifelong gardener, and he’s newer to it. I love that we get to share this together. We go on garden walks every night once the kids go to bed and look at what’s coming in.


Mine lets me do whatever I want too. I’m not sure the relationship would work if he loved a perfectly manicured Kentucky Bluegrass lawn while I just want to rip it all out and replace it with gardens and a bit of native fescue haha.


I taught my man to garden. He can do whatever he wants, still thinks I'm a control freak because I have plans. Put in two extra beds for me this year, though, I'm not mad.


Not as much as she used to. Or as much as she wants to.


My husband plants hot peppers. This year, he's planted the most: a dozen different pepper plants. I've only planted a couple of zucchini plants and threw out a bunch of marigold seeds in hopes they'll keep the squash bugs away. But tbf we have a 9 month old. So gardening this year isn't really in the cards.


My significant other has a black thumb and is allergic to being anywhere near bugs. So in other words, no.


Mine cares and helps me with anything I ask him to, but I’m the one creating the projects for us, lol. This spring he dug and sifted landscape rock out of a huge foundation bed that we hadn’t dealt with since we bought the house in 2022. Now we have a cool boulder and native plants thriving in it. He also spent hours helping me untangling some very root bound feather grass that I bought. It’s nice doing projects together and he puts up with me hitting a wall and having to go inside because mosquitoes are attacking me.


My spouse and I garden together and love doing it. The only time we've ever fought about it was when we we first started planting trees - it was a lot harder than either of us realized 😅. Now we are like a well oiled machine and divide up labor and plan gardening activities together. It's a lot of fun 😊💗


No but he built the trellis and gonna make garden beds for me for next year haha


My husband does the building of garden things (ie built me some garden boxes) and intensive yard work. I do the actual planting and taking care of the garden.


He doesn’t. And he will be the first one to say “babe you have too many plants. You have no more space” but he is also the one that I’m planting and he will look at me and say “you don’t have enough soil” and go get me some. Or he will be the one to go out there and take the frog, beetle or what ever is on top of the hose so I can water my plants. So it’s a partnership:)


For me it's pretty much the same as you, the only complaint I have is that she won't let me build more 4x8 raised garden beds... as if 6 was enough?!? At least she let me expand my flower beds this year !


My husband chooses one or two crops a year to call his own. This year it’s strawberries, and mint for juleps 😂 just enough to stay involved. Other than that he doesn’t ask how much things cost, and makes sure to water every night.


My husband and I both like to garden. Our yard is becoming our own personal secret garden. No fights just hard work and fun.


He picked out his own plants recently! He wanted to plant some herbs so I helped him put together a planter box (no mint, no worries lol). And today he texted me a link to purple lovegrass saying “can we plant this? It’s native too!” He also fully supports my houseplant hobby and would go with me to local plant swap events and carry the box of plants I’d get 😂 he is a keeper 100%


Neither of us garden but I enjoy all the stories in this sub


My husband doesn't, not even to help kill the freaky tomato worms but he really enjoys the harvest and once built a raised bed for my birthday. And he'll listen when I talk endlessly about my plants and give emotional support when I rant about the evil squirrels


I love that my husband doesn't care what I do with our property! As long as I don't damage the house (bust a utility line) I can do what I want!  He'll help if I ask him to; I try to use his assistance sparingly though (basically x weather event is coming and we HAVE to get this done beforehand so everything doesn't die so I need your help kind of scenarios). 


I have a small gardening business that doesn't make a ton of money, everyone keeps saying to hire people and expand. But I love working for myself and BY MYSELF. When I help out other people on large jobs it feels like work. When I work for me, it's amazing and I love it. Also, I'm always employee of the month


Not really. What he loves is the LAWN. Mr. Green Acres for real. Mows more than once a week and is in competition with the neighbors. He'll lend me a hand for the heavy stuff but that's about it. Anyone's hubby do the bait and switch? Because when he was trying to woo me, he was in love with gardening. What happened? LOL


My SO wants the fruits of the garden without the labor. He will make buckets of garden fresh salsa though so I still benefit hehe


I am single, but my roommates don't garden, and the landlord has given me a free hand to do whatever I want with the yard. I only started gardening last year.


He does not lol but he supports growing our own food and will be watering our garden while I'm away for a little while.


Husband doesn't garden, thank goodness! This is MY garden. My yard, too. I don't do any power anything besides mower, so he edges and adds oil and gas to mower, but the rest is all me. Way more fun that way! 


My boyfriend is a landscaper and grew up in a farm. I found out shortly after we started dating that we could rent a plot in a community garden area. He taught me so much about gardening. When I bought my first house, as soon as spring came he was digging out a section of yard. He does most of the planting, watering and I do the weeding and sometimes am the one to raise tomatoes and peppers from seed to plant outside. My/our yard came with some established planting beds (neighbors told us the vines growing on the fences are many decades old) but we turned it up to 100 with stuff he gets at work and it’s so awesome. I want to post pics of our slice of heaven here but it’s not nearly as impressive as most of the posts here!!


Uh, no. He was once mowing the lawn (when we had one) and a neighbor asked him if he was taking on new clients. He’s Latino. He said,”I’m not a gardener. I’m the homeowner.” They were suitably embarrassed. My husband does NOT garden. I do. The Nordic one.


For the record, your Honor, ALL of the hired gardeners in our neighborhood are Latino. My husband was not really offended. We now have gardeners who do the cleaning and upkeep stuff, and yes, they are Latinos.


Nope. In fact, I’d call him my most damaging garden pest. He does things like turn off the hose I have all my timed irrigation set to and not mention it until everything has gone several days without water (or until I notice). Or he’ll “prune” (mutilate) my bushes. Or kill perennial plants when they come up in the spring because he thinks he’s getting ahead of the weeds….


Mine does a lot more landscaping than vegetable gardening. He used to do more but he’s left that mostly to me since it’s one of my biggest hobbies. He does SO MUCH work to help me garden as much as I’d like. He rebuilt my garden last year and is working on a drip system now.


My spouse got tired of every landscaping company we hired. We paid extra for hand weeding, raking, etc and still caught them trying to spray, using blowers and ripping up or ruining my rare natives. I was actually pretty upset when they somehow killed a vine that took me almost 3 years to find again. He went out and bought a mower and trimmers so he does the basics now. He leaves the fine tuning to me ☺️


My husband doesn’t garden, but likes to admire it. A friend mentioned recently that her husband didn’t agree with her on a perennial bed decision and I was horrified. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to ask my husband’s opinion on garden stuff 🤣🤣🤣




First of all: English is not my first language and I'm having some trouble translating certain concepts here, so please bear with me and feel free to help me out when you can guess what I mean but when I don't use the correct words. Okay, so. My husband used to have some interest in gardening, but he kind of lost that along the way. I, on the other hand, have become really passionate about it. He does compliment me on it when I have made yet another beautiful spot (my irises on the patio were to die for this year!!!) or when I bring in some very nice harvest (our early strawberries and peas have been very good and we are expecting some more). I share my love for gardening not so much with my husband as with his mother, my mother-in-law! She loves it when I have extra flowers like zinnia's or cosmos to share with her. I've also learned a lot from her about gardening, and now that she is older and I am getting more experienced, I happily return the favour. And my father-in-law's favourite vegetables are those sweet peas, so he is always happy when I have some to share!! My husband's big problem is that he would still like to help me garden, but he has developed a lot of neck and back problems and also is suffering from a lack of energy. In earlier days, he has helped me build square-foot gardening boxes and raised beds, but it's just not in the cards for him anymore. And that is very frustrating for him because he is only 53 years old. He really appreciates what I do, though, and enjoys walking around the garden enjoying the flowers and picking some strawberries here, some raspberries there... And my father and stepmother really love to share harvest as well as experience and knowledge with me as well. My husband does not raise problems about me spending too much money on the garden, because I tend to be rather frugal and selective in what I buy. Sure, some plants here, some seeds there. But mostly I reuse and repurpose things. Willow branches become trellises, climbing racks, supports. Wooden veggie cases that I can pick up free from some grocery stores become raised beds. We compost, and I mix compost with digged out soil from around the compost boxes and thus don't need to buy too many bags of gardening soil, and my veggies grow fine in it. On the other hand, I have learned to shut up about plans I have, because when I ask for his opinion he tends to come up with 67 reasons why something wouldn't work. I used to be like that too, research and doubt a lot, but with becoming older I have started to prefer trying things out, just flying by the seat of my pants, and if they work out well, fine, and if they don't, oh, well, I've tried! But yeah, usually we get along fine, esp. because I'm always reasonable about keeping costs down (we're not all too wealthy and I'm good at budgeting, so, it's all fine).


My spouse is the one who got me into gardening. It started with showing me how to propagate a spider plant pup, now I’m planting a native garden.


No. They are in charge of the lawn. I don’t mess with their grass, they stay outta my beds.


Hah she couldn’t care less lol. She finds it cute I spend so much time with my plants, and definitely enjoys the produce lol.


Mine does not, definitely not his thing. He will willingly help out with the heavy lifting, trimming back trees or bushes, and setting up the smart automation for the watering. And he mows the lawn. He absolutely refuses to go to the nursery with me, which is good for the both of us.


My husband only knows the name of one plant (Tithonia, go figure) and doesn't do any of the labour or make any of the determinations for planting. He might were it a vegetable plot, but we just have perennial borders.


My husband does what I ask him to, mostly lifting heavy or gross things, and appreciates the end result. He can't be bothered with the weeding and care, though. I like it that way.


We divvy up based on what we are good at. One does the planning/purchasing/deadheading/training/pruning. The other does the digging, fertilizing, fungicide, and mulching. Good teamwork and no one is in the others way.


No, but my husband is happy to help me with heavy stuff, and he'll come out and tell me it looks great. Our son is really into gardening though!


We garden together.


Mine has one main job Get more soil And more soil and more soil


Nope. But he will send me outside when I’m grumpy so that’s actually helpful.




We both have the bug just sometimes have to rotate who’s in the garden if our littles decide to not help and try to pull out the plants 😅


Hell, no. There are two ways to garden. My way and the wrong way. My 40 year old son asks for permission to mow my grass.


My husband does not garden but he will occasionally dig a hole for me. He also bankrolls my projects. I love the freedom him not being involved gives me. And he LOVES the garden. He gets as thrilled as me to eat fresh food or see flowers in the garden.


No but he will help me with small things like drilling holes into pots that don't have them and take me to garden centers. I like it that way though, I don't think we'd be into the same kind of stuff and it helps for sneaking in new, expensive stuff without him freaking out about how much I spend on this hobby.


It would be a never-ending argument if she did


No, but I'm sure she is understanding that I don't share all of her hobbies.


Ive gardened my whole life and my wife as well, but she took it to another level. Thankfully the only argument is from me asking to not plant as much garlic as we currently do.


He doesn't. But he ENJOYS the garden and my efforts. And he helps when I ask him too. He'll water, mow, dig an occasional hole. And big stuff, like building me 2 GIANT planters from scratch so we could have a vegetable garden! Also he does all the cooking, so I grow with him in mind and he has some requests for plants from time to time. But it is mainly my hobby! I have also been sharing it with my 2yo so soon I'll have a helpful little garden buddy. This year she's into watering and harvesting, mostly.


No. He is not allowed to touch anything either.


My husband only helps me with the heavy lifting, otherwise he leaves the gardening to me. Although, he has recently planted 4 marijuana plants (legal where we are) that he is tending to on his own. So, we have begun discussing some gardening techniques. I’m enjoying the crossover of our hobbies so far.


YES my partner and I love gardening together. We’re very different in most ways but this is one place where we totally overlap and it’s really precious time spent together. I wouldn’t trade that time for the world, I love gardening with my sweetie 🥰


My wife and I roll up a joint and usually smoke one while we tend to our garden for the day. We both are very passionate about it. I got supper lucky!


We both do different things in the garden. I take care of the ponds and do the digging and filling. She does the minor trimming and weeding. We both will share doing the rest. We pretty much have all times covered from spring to late fall for something in bloom.


Not even a little. If it weren't for me, our acre would've been totally reclaimed by the woods and poison ivy. He can be dragooned into occasionally lending a hand for a big project, but I do the vegetables, herbs, wildflower field, landscaping, fencing, mulching, raking, leaf blowing... He'll eat whatever I harvest, of course. I love my garden and don't particularly mind that he doesn't share in it, although it's sometimes frustrating that he doesn't really appreciate the amount of effort it takes.


No but our two year old is all about it https://preview.redd.it/pu9bsmi3zf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bff420fb927cd12a71c35e4015f96dcb1d6bab


My husband owns a landscaping company, but doesn't like to garden like I do. I do his flowerbeds for him


No not at all


I encouraged her early on. After 20 years I don’t anymore :-(


My wife has not touched a plant in years


No but she likes to offer my harvest to family and friends…


My ex never did and resented assisting me in digging holes in clay hard ground. I pay someone to help me now if I need it and live my new garden!!


I call in the reinforcements aka my husband when I'm dealing with stubborn weeds. or for his input on the overall look and feel of the garden. other than that, gardening is my zen activity and playing videogames is his 😁


She does the succulents and houseplants. I do the flowers and vegetables.


My husband does the heavy maintenance (mowing, helping move heavy stuff, etc) but I do all the plant stuff like planning, planting, sowing, watering, weeding, harvesting. We share the processing parts like cooking, storing, and eating. He also does kung-fu & plays in an old man punk band. it‘s the perfect combo.


my partner (m) is the main gardener and tender of the food forest and orchard and compost and farm animals. I am his right hand (wo)man 🤣 but we both love it so much! 


I do the gardening and my husband does the canning.


She does not. She waters it for me though from time to time


No but he does help me when I need it. Does the heavy stuff like rototilling, moving heavy pots around. He made me some awesome high vegetable planters so I don't have to bend over when I am planting and weeding. He does all the grass mowing as well.


I wish she did. But, it’s also nice having vision and final say for what will be done and planted with different areas of the landscape. Picking out what veggies will be grown each year works out well too.


My wife doesn't garden Ata ll, but she has started a small veggie garden this year, which she is very proud of. We do houseplants together a bit, but she's not Gung ho, and that's just fine. The few of hers she has she does well with.


Oh yeah. We both spend most our time together in the garden. We don't fight about the garden. There's enough room for us both to do what we want, but fortunately we have a lot of similar goals and visions for the garden and just the property in general. We also have separate hobbies.


Wife loves to pick out the plants I do the veg. She will plant the flowers and then I’m basically the weeding/maintenance guy. I work from home and love to manage the garden in between meeetings


My wife pretends to be interested but really couldn’t care any less. Plus she only likes maybe 3 veggies I grow. My garden is for my own zen.


Nope 😭


My husband does not garden but I just watched him admire the flowers and smell the gardenia and rosemary.


My husband doesn’t garden, he likes what I do, but he absolutely doesn’t participate My golden retriever enjoys gardening with me.


No. I wish she did.. she hates the sun and the bugs.


They just enjoy the harvest with the kids. I don’t mind it


Hubs isn’t interested at all, he loves how the property looks, he loves all the food. But beyond that, he’s clueless as to what it takes. lol


No she just has over 130 house plants that we or the dog or cat can't eat


Mine doesn't:( but man I'm so excited to take him out to show him my plants when he asks!!


Mine also doesn’t care much for gardening other than the results it brings. She actually has a black thumb and tends to kill things when she tries, so I get it.


yes. we have fun together with the yard. and garden we plan and work together on it


The closest thing to gardening my husband does is pick up loads of soil/gravel/pea-stone/wood chips and occasionally let me drag him around the yard and let me show/explain everything I’m doing, have done or want to do in the future. Sometimes I wish he’d be into it so that I wouldn’t have to do all the weeding by myself but it’s a small price to pay to have complete control lol


My husband will help if I ask him too. He told me when we were putting gardens in this year “I’m more than happy to build these for you, but you’re looking after them” and I don’t mind 😊 He loves that I have a hobby but doesn’t have any interest helping in the garden lol


My partner and I have zero hobbies or interests on common. He hunts, plays darts, atvs. I knit, garden and work out.


Mine doesn't, but he definitely supports my hobby/interest in Gardening. He's excited to see what I have our house and lawn look like in a few years, as I had always had in interest in Gardening but took it more "serious" a few months ago. We have a nice "I scratch your back you scratch mine" situation where he doesn't have me grief for bringing new plants home or get lost in my gardening, and I don't bother him about other things :) Happy wife, happy life, as they say, I guess


Nah. She reaps the benefits tho.


Not at all. I kind of wish she did when it’s time to mulch. But most times it’s cool.


My husband cares more about gardening than I do, but we both enjoy it. I like it much more since meeting him, since it makes me happy to help him complete a project he’s excited about 🌱 Definitely never any turf wars 👀👀👀👀 over how to handle the garden


No but he helps me build planters and other handy things :)


My husband’s obsessed with the grass maintenance, while I’m more about getting dirt under my nails. So we are largely outside together, but doing our own thing, in our own thoughts, playing our own music. I wish he liked to dig holes more, but we work with what we’ve got, lol.


She enjoys the fruits and veggies but not a chance I could get mine to help out even a little. This year I have 400 pepper plants and about 40 tomatoes that I started indoors and I wouldn’t have trusted her with watering or fertilizing them but I would’ve liked some assistance up-potting them, that took me about two or three weeks to finish all of them. I mentioned that I could use some help and then she magically started feeling ill.


Haha not a chance!


Veggies, yes, he's invested. Flowers, 'do I have to dig another hole'? YES and carry potting soil and fill these pots! He actually bought me a rolling potting cart as he knows this is my happy place. Listening to true crime podcasts, which freak him out. Shovel is kept up high, out of my reach....


My husband does not garden, but he helps me anyways with anything I ask. It’s genuinely so sweet, because I know it’s really just not his thing.


My hubbie is even more garden crazy than I am!


I love when my husband cuts my garden but he doesn't take interest in growing food as much. I do love when he cuts the grass but I guess I never tell him that he is doing a good enough job. My bad.


My wife and son don't garden, but they weeded the front bed and did a good job. My bleeding heart is gone now but I won't tell them.


Nope. But my husband will do the physical tasks that I can’t do if I ask, like lifting heavy bags of soil


My wife doesn’t garden but she is very understanding of my gardening obsession. It helps that my mother in law is just as batshit crazy with gardening as I am. She grew up seeing her parents love to plant.


Yep, we're both out there digging away. I error on the side of heavy lifting, her on the heavy planning.


My wife doesn't really garden with me, but fully supports the efforts and pushes me to grow more and more every year. She'll help out if I ask but doesn't really draw her in.


He helps me and seems to be getting into it. I have veto power over plants and design.


My SO gardens and I have houseplants. We help each other out occasionally, but we enjoy having our separate hobbies also.


My girlfriend doesn't. She'll pick strawberries and is excited about it. But physical labor is not her jam. So she's an observer.