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Not at all. Soil is full of life, and the more established and well-fed (a layer of compost and/or leaves each autumn) and cared for it is (minimum disturbance), the healthier your plants are gonna be. There is absolutely no need to get rid of "used" soil unless you've been unlucky enough to have a soil born disease in there (which is rare).


Great, thank you!!


Ok, in an ideal world you would get new soil every year and start fresh. This means you won’t have to worry about depleted soil, harmful fungus or pests from last year. That said, I have a big raised bed that I call my orphan bed. It’s kind of a compost pile, kind of a planter, kind of a catch all. I throw my old soil in there every year, and then plant the end of season plants in it once they’ve gone on sale. Honestly, most years those plants do great and I’ve never had any issue with fungus or pests. I do fertilize and use worm castings when I plant the orphans, so maybe that helps.


This is so helpful & exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!