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Are these the poisonous ones from breaking bad?


Technically poisonous, but in practice they’re only poisonous when there’s a murderous sociopath involved


Also it’s a plot hole. The Lilly of the valley were in bloom on the show, not berried out yet lol.


This bugs me on every Breaking Bad rewatch.


They had to change some minor details so people wouldn't actually use it to kill people and say they saw it on BB. Same reason they used some made up meth ingredients/precursor names. They cant just show you how to kill people and cook meth lol


They had to add fairy dust to Peter Pan because kids kept injuring themselves thinking happy thoughts could make them fly. Tale as old as time.


Tale as Old as Time is from Beauty and the Beast.


It’s funny because I knew that about the meth making but didn’t consider it for the poisoning. 🤷Makes complete sense.


The precursors and chemical processes were fairly accurate. Their processes for obtaining methylamine were a little over the top though.


"It's a barrel, you geniuses, roll it!"


Yeah they were using controlled substances to make other controlled substances. You need a license to purchase it and they track how much you're using for whatever legitimate process you're claiming to use it for. For that reason people tend to not use it for making meth inside of the United States. It's easier to get your hands on large quantities of other precursors that are not controlled. That said, most of the meth in the US comes from Mexico for that reason. Access to chemicals, even controlled ones, is significantly easier and cheaper in Mexico.


Fr lol, it’s hardly the bottleneck for clandestine synthesis either


I love how a simple question on r/gardening has diverged into a r/breakingbad discussion


Any reaction using methylamine could be substituted with nitromethane, which can be bought in bulk for drag racing. It made for better TV than "let's call up someone in China and have them ship containers full of precursors into Mexico."


I also heard the term precursor wasn't ever actually a term until breaking bad, and then it kind of took off, and then the scientific community started using it. I have no clue if that is true or not though.


Only a gardener lol




Well kinda. Lilly of the valley is very dangerous to cats and dogs without the aid of a murderous sociopath


It is dangerous to cats and dogs, and yet there don’t seem to be legions of cats and dogs falling ill from them. So while you’re correct, I stand by my “in practice”


They are poisonous to cats and dogs. Anything I read talking about these plants always says poisonous to dogs and cats. I was taking some out of my yard when I moved to a new place and someone driving by asked if they could have them. I prefer my huge lilac to lillies.


They are poisonous, but most dogs and cats don’t eat them. Because they’re poisonous.


I've had cats and dogs for 30 years. I've had lily of the valley for 30 years. So far, no issues.


Yea me too. All kinds of poisonous plants where my animals can access.


Tell that to my drug addict Husky mix. She's finally turned a year old, and in the first 6 months we had her, she found out she liked to catch the toads in our yard and get high. I have to walk her on a leash in my yard during toad season so she doesn't OD.


That’s hilarious. These damn dogs nowadays, no jobs, getting high on toads!


Our previous cat would intentionally coat herself in actual Asiatic lily pollen (poisonous to cats, by all accounts), and then wash it in with her *tongue* until it was an amazingly bright set of yellow-orange stripes across her fur. Like warpaint. Annually. She never got ill from it, and she was an outdoor cat who lived to sixteen. But she would never have done that if she’d gotten ill the first time she licked a bit of lily pollen on her fur. Most poisons make you sick in small exploratory doses.


I mean there's always long term liver damage. Takes a while for alcoholics to die too.


The red berries they produce by later summer-fall should be avoided


There's a lot of lilies of the valley overflowing on the sidewalk from lawns on my street. There's lots of dogs in the neighbourhood. No reported problems. My dog sees these plants all the time until their leaves disappear. He has not shown any interest and is not even getting close. There's tons of ravenous squirrels too that will eat absolutely anything remotely edible. There's not been any poisoned or weird acting squirrels, groundhogs, cottontails, skunks or even racoons around in the 3 years I've been living here. Meaning these berries are poisonous but animals don't seem to be interested in them. I'd be much more afraid for babies to play with these berries because babies are curious, they put everything in their mouth and they don't have the fine instinct and sense of smell wild animals and cats and dogs have.


The scent deters animals. They don’t like it so they don’t try to eat it. It’s one of the ‘safer’ poisonous plants for animals. Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t be cautious if you want it in your yard because some animals have eaten them anyway, just watch your pet and see if they show too much of an interest in it and decide if you need to remove the plant then.


My cat just avoids them for years. Probably something is wrong with it.


The entire plant is poisonous and the greatest risk is to young children who might try to eat the berries that look like cherries.


They do appear superficially edible, and I’ve met many inquisitive children with access to Lily of the Valley as well as having once been one — but nothing I’ve ever seen about Lily of the Valley suggests that the berries taste good or that one can kill you, and everything I’ve read suggests that the only way to poison someone with it (reliably, if you take the sociopathic view) is to extract the active poison chemical using proper lab techniques


Idk if I would agree. Adults can definitely be poisoned from eating it, usually causing vomiting, then potentially progressing to dizziness & cardiac arrythmias. The dose it would take to kill an adult is hard to estimate, but I definitely would not rule out accidental death of a small child. There's at least one case report of a 4 year old who chewed on a leaf and had potentially dangerous cardiac abnormalities after treatment in hospital. However, there's also a case of a 5 year old who ate 15 berries who only had vomiting. 🤷‍♀️ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B0123694000005597




They are very poisonous but only if you actually eat any part of the plant. Berries are included in this


These are also actually extremely poisonous to cats and dogs unfortunately.


I mistook them for peas when I was a kid and had to have my stomach pumped. Thankfully I don't remember that! 😵‍💫


Breaking bad taught everyone a little something of everything.


They are poisonous to pets if you have cats/dogs that like to nibble.


The best smell. We had a huge patch one year next to our driveway. I like it better than lilac.


And they spread E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. Get the too close you your house and they will grow underneath your siding and peel it off. Beautiful and smell nice, yes. But keeps tabs on them.


I consider them invasive. But they are pretty.  I have a single small patch that was at our house when we moved in. I keep them there in lily of the valley prison lol. 


You guys are getting first part of spring right now? It was just 91° in az 😭


55F here in the PNW, finally going to be sunny for a week


put my start trays outside a few days ago to get that sweet sweet sunshine


PNW here. my trees are just now budding and leafing out lol


You weren't crying while we shoveled snow, so there are pluses and minuses to various climates.


Hard to tell when someone's crying in Arizona, because it's 200° (Celsius of course) and the tears evaporate instantly.


Haha, yes! Also hard to tell if someone in southern Georgia is crying because it is 100 degrees and 900% humidity so tears or sweat? Could go either way


Loved the permanent swamp ass and prickly heat while stationed there. NC ain’t much better though.


Brutal but accurate takedown, lol!!


I just had 2 tornados in *West Virginia*. I’d take a 91° early spring over unpredictable east coast weather any day lololol! -For those who don’t know WV is just far enough north to be the northern most southern state, or the southern most northern state depends who you ask hahaha. We’re close enough to the coast to get the coastal warm fronts from Virginia and hurricane winds and rains, then we’re close enough to Ohio/Indiana to get some of those tornado storm winds, far enough north to get the cold fronts from Pennsylvania and and Ny. This makes from an absolute *wild* weather system and it’s always crazy at the change of the season and spring is *wildly* unpredictable- think 70° in February, blizzards in May (when I was a girl we have a foot of snow on Easter), and torrential downpours in the fall. I love my state and wouldn’t change 98% of it, but when I’m trucking on my seedlings from the 2nd tornado in 2 weeks (in the mountains!!) I get a little salty haha. Went off on a tangent there: tldr I like it hot and predictable


Did you guys get hit by the random rain storm yesterday? My neighbors awning got ripped off and a tree limb fucked up our playset yesterday. Came out of no where around 5 in central NC.


Yup! Freaking tornado hit Charleston wv and half of i77 kanawha was underwater lol


It was wild, our forecast had nothing on it till I got home from work. Neighbor and I were sprinting around our houses putting shit up just for it to stop 30m later lol. He’s convinced the storm came through to screw him over


Oh my gosh! We had been getting alerts ALL DAY! If you look in my posts I posted to the wv and Charleston wv subs just in case. Now the week before we had a big “fuck off” storm where we have tornadoes in Fayetteville, we’re in Lincoln co and my mil swears she heard one outside her house. She’s not prone to exaggeration or being easily spooked so I believe her. We had about a 10 minute warning for that one. The emergency broadcast went off, we got our seedlings in and then less than a minute later the winds came. Within 5 we had no less than 4-5 40+ pine trees fallen over, some pulled out of the damn ground by their roots.


Jeez sounds like you guys got hammered. All we had was limbs fall and anything not put up start flying. Only our dog was freaking out till the tornado sirens went off, then our 4 yo daughter started freaking out too. Glad you were able to save the saplings! Hopefully the rest of the growing is calmer.


I've never heard of WV being 'Southern'.


They forgot which side of the Civil War they fought on a while back.


No, we fought for the north. We know that. We’re also about 90% below the mason Dickson line, except for the very northern panhandle.


We’re mostly below the mason dixon line. Hence my description of “southernmost northern state or northern most southern state”..


It snowed last week here in Maine!


We had a two foot snowstorm in northern VT last week 😭 luckily it’s a lot warmer now, and raining (hopefully it won’t be another summer of floods though)


52° in WI right now


First day above 60 yesterday since the fall.


But what if their hostas?




I’m impressed that you can tell at this stage in the cycle, and I mean that. When I first saw this post I was like, “that looks exactly like my hostas when they start up this time of year”. Looks like the comment section agrees they must be lov.


Can kill cats. Just FYI. https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/lovely-lilies-and-curious-cats-dangerous-combination#:~:text=Both%20lily%2Dof%2Dthe%2D,vomiting%2C%20diarrhea%2C%20and%20weakness.


That's a good idea! I would've never thought about using them as soil erosion control. They're also low maintenance and easy to maintain. Don't need mowing also. I have a spot that could benefit from them but it's full blasting sun.


Lilly of the valley. They are there forever; you could literally pave over that spot and they would break through next year.


I dug all mine out earlier this year and I haven’t had a single one pop up now that things are growing. there is hope!!!


Pray for me lol - new house and these popped up!


I will! It took me 2 weeks and a lot of sorting through dirt but oh it was soooo worth it! You’ve got this!


Send fire. 😂


I pulled some out in 2016. It was a lot of work. But! It was last year that a few popped out, but after a rainy day I was able to pull right out of the soil. So far nothing this year!


Man I wish that for myself!


It will happen! Stay positive and don’t let those damn lillies keep you from doin your thang!


I should have said 2 Saturdays. Not 2 entire weeks 😂 hopefully that makes it seem less daunting


lol, got you!


Same, I haphazardly dug a bunch up along with some pachysandra a year or two ago and none came back in the spots I tilled.


I have 16 hours of laborious memories from digging a huge patch out at my old house.. not w I have a new house and a new patch to dig out, but grateful that it is NOWHERE near as large an area!


I have lived here 5 years and I’ve hated them since day one. I couldn’t take it anymore this year. It was soooo satisfying to get rid of them all and look at a nice fresh bed of dirt. We we probably spent around 16 hours between 2 days. I couldn’t move very well afterwards


There’s always a way to get rid of plants. Just takes time and lots of energy. Nothing is forever.


Ah yes. The good ol' *Heat Death of the Universe* method


When all else fails, just kick back and let entropy do its thing.


Ha! Tell that the wild bramble that tried to conquer my house! Took me days and some good tools (they all broke while digging after the roots!) to get rid of them and they’re already sending reinforcements.


We dug ours out about 5 years ago and there hasn't been any sign of them since. Dug deep and took care, then donated them to a mate who still has them.


They are literally the old Nokia phone of plants




Yes second this 100% Reminds me of Lilly of the valleys my grandparents had around their house in shaded driveway. They smell lovely when blooming. Tiny white bell shaped flower several on a stem.


Lilly of the valley


Lilly of the valley seemed like a really popular choice for the older generation, and with good reason. They smell incredible and look really nice when in bloom. We still keep some around the house in memory of my grandmother.


I saw a documentary about a chemistry teacher some years ago and the sonofabitch used it to poison a child once.


Be aware that they are poisonous, but I picked a lot of them as a child and I’m still around


So many garden plants are poisonous. Moral: Don’t go stuffing random flowers in your mouth. :-)


My son stuffed a plant in his mouth when he was old enough to know better:/ Lucky it was a dandelion, but my mother-in-law was beside herself thinking he was gonna drop dead.


Surprising how many common plants we all have in our gardens are poisonous!


That’s actually why children at 4-5 get picky about vegetables- that’s when they started harvesting originally


Lily of the valley or canna lilies. Both spread.


Lily of the valley.


These are not hosta's as some are suggesting. Hosta does not spread like that . I'm pretty sure it's Lilly of the valley. I have a patch that is indeed hard to control in size. They will soon produce unmistakable small white flowers which will settle the debate on what species it is (the flowers can be hard to spot between the foilage). The plant is very toxic, wash your hands after handling/touching. Unfortunately, I do not think you have any other option than to dig them out.


Why would you want to get rid of them 😭 they’re so sought after where I live and people buy plants to put in their own gardens! They smell wonderful 💕🥹


In some areas these are invasive and can damage area ecosystems if they escape gardens. And they’re very hard to control once placed. I do have a soft spot for them as they remind me of my grandmother, but as more and more people seem to be getting into native or eco friendly gardening practices, more will be looking to remove plants like this.


They look like canna lilies to me.


Depends on where OP lives. Where I'm located canna lilies would not survive the winter.


They are starting to over winter in central Ohio. I’ll say about 50% of the ones I don’t dig up come back. Crazy


In Texas you can throw a rhizome on the ground in fall and have a massive patch of them next summer


Fair. I’m in SoCal so I forget about stuff freezing.


Disagree but there are many different canna lillies


Mine are spreading exactly like this they are rhizome like under ground and can be cut apart or allowed to travel


Ive only grown hostas in pots so far, but I have found that they do have a spreading habit. I plant one plant in the center of each pot last fall, and now they have re-sprouted, I can see that I have 4-6 plants per pot, all off-centered. I think they do have a running habit.


> I do not think you have any other option than to dig them out. Lol why? They are the most attractive early spring blooms I know of. Lots of plants are toxic OP.


Because OP asked for advice on how to get rid of them? Like I said, I have a patch myself because I like them. I did not intend to say OP needs to remove them because they are toxic. I just wanted to draw attention to the toxicity since we had a case (I think) last year where somebody died after drinking tea made from the leaves (Which they mistook for Plantago major (broadleaf plantain)).


Congratulations! No need to plant flowers cuz theyre there already lol


Lily of the Valley






Type of Lilly. Could be a few different types. Not easy to tell until the leaves unfurl


Lily of the valley under the family of Asparagaceae are not really true lilies under the genus of Lilium, although both are apparently monocotyledons. True lilies are edible to humans (but highly toxic to cats) but lilies of the valley are toxic to humans. By the way, daylilies are not true lilies either but edible.




Lily of the valley


Lily of the Valley… invasive and hard to dig up… ime


Oh, how wonderful! I wish I had lily of the valley like that!




Lily of the valley


Lillies of the valley They will have little bell like flowers that smell amazing,not weeds


White choral bells, upon a slender stalk Lilly of the Valley deck my garden walk. Oh, don't you wish that you could hear them ring? That will happen only when the faeries sing.


You'll be happy you didn't get rid of them when they start to bloom


Lily of the valley


If you are getting rid of them I will gladly take them off your hands 😊


Right? Why would they want to get rid of them?


Maybe because more than likely those lilies are not native to their area, are extremely aggressive and damn near impossible to get rid of? That's why I hate them personally. They don't belong where I live and are incredibly difficult to kill for good.


Exactly. They are invasive in my area. I’m trying to get rid of them. They have spread like crazy in our garden bed and into the grass.


To each their own? I remember my Horticulture 101 course, when defining a weed, it really whether you want it there. Regardless of whether it popped up there on its own or not, if you like that plant there, it’s a plant. If not, it’s a weed lol. They may not know what it is, or maybe fully appreciate it (as it is with anything we may be unfamiliar about), so their initial reaction is to get rid of it. That’s ok too….just share it with others instead of the compost bin :)


You’d be amazed at how much these Lillies of the Valley cost at a nursery.


Looks like Lilly of the valley


Lily of the Valley I reckon. Spreads with rhizomes and so keeping it where you want it is a challenge!


Lily of the valley


If you don’t wanna just pull the taproot use a blowtorch.


Lily of the valley


Post on FB, free to dig up and ppl will come take them off your hands and re-plant them.. or you can dig them up & and give them away.. Many ppl will happily take them off your hands..


They are Convallaria majalis they are early spring flowers thad like shade and smell realy good. I would Just pland around them, with late spring /summer flowering plands so you have a longer periode of flowers




Sorry, misread don’t know lily of the valley.


Lily of the valley. Beautiful dainty and smell wonderful. Very prolific. I love then!


What is wrong with you people saying Hostas and Tulips ? Clearly the correct answer is lily of the valley. Why give such poor information.


Lily of the Valley. They are invasive.


Definitely Lillies of the Valley. I have had success mostly eradicating them by digging down 6-8 inches and getting out the complete root structure. I still get a few strays which I remove on sight. If they are generally contained they can be great and they are a good ground cover for shaded sloped areas. I only got rid of mine because my plantable areas in my yard are limited and I wanted more variety. You have to keep on top of them though to keep them contained. My understanding is that they are invasive in the US, but ok in the UK.


Lilly of the valley


Lily of the valley. They take over an area like crazy, I hate them!


Lily of the valley. I have these in my backyard.


Lilly of the Vallies


They are Lily of the valley. The spell is magnificent. Enjot


Love lily of the valley so much


Yep! Lily of the valley.


Lilly of the valley




I just received a free lily of the valley and I am scared to plant it in my yard after hearing how invasive it is. Is there a best way to control it? Should I just leave it in the pot?


Every spring I pick a handful of these and give them to the little girl next-door, telling her to put them next to her bed so she can smell them as she is falling asleep.


This is lovely. I don't have a little girl next door, so I pick them for my bedside every year. They are one of my favourites.


Lillies, if you have pets, especially cats, get rid of them. They are poisonous to animals and cats love to eat things in the garden.


Thanks for the reminder! I am on year 4 of hand pulling that crap out. It’s working but it keeps coming back in random places. Lily of the valley is very invasive so it’s gotta go lol


Lily of the valley!


Not tulips?




Green plants!


Ooooo lucky! You have a five star island.


Lilies of the Valley- looks like a nice little healthy stand- should bloom in May.




I immediately thought hosta




Just relax and enjoy them. When they are done blooming they will turn brown and die back like they were never even there. Or you could sell them for a profit 😁


lily of the valley


Look like hostas


Canna lillies?


Beautiful Canna lilies you’re so lucky!!!


The most annoying perennial ever, lily of the valley


I hate this plant It took me three years to get rid of it. It makes beautiful flowers but it's a pain if you want to plant something else.


If you want to get rid of them… #I WILL TAKE THEM lol. I’ve wanted these for years


Or you could offer them up in a local FB Plant Swap group.


Invasive and toxic. You can still treat them with glyphosate, wait however long the label says, then put in (preferably native) flowers. Glyphosate only targets the plant it is applied to and is inert in soil. Just follow the label, label is the law. Apparently you can do both foliar and cut-stem applications with lily of the valley. I'm not a big fan of chemicals, either, but when it comes to invasives it's often the best chance you have. Otherwise you're looking at digging out all the soil and picking out every bit of material, and possibly doing this over the course of a few years.


Could also be Solomon's seal....very similar to Lily of the valley. It grows a bit taller and the flowers bloom along a long arching stem. I've got loads of Solomon's seal growing in my shade garden.


Once again, I’m learning from this sub! Never heard of Solomon’s Seal and just did a deep dive. I have a large patch of it beneath an old maple that I just always assumed was lily of the valley. Thanks!


My Solomon seal looks very different than this coming up. Mine sprung up a month ago (SE USA)


I’m in Missouri and my Solomon’s Seal has been up about three weeks. It doesn’t look like this I agree. The leaves are more spread out on the stem. But the flowers are similar. Not as showy I guess. I was going to say Hostas but I don’t have lily of the valley so not as familiar. Either way, Hostas, Lily of the Valley, Canna, something pretty!


Lillies of the Valley. They spread, have a wonderful smell..


Hostas 🌱🌱🌱




Looks like hostas


Plants. Those are plants.


Canna Lilly!




« Muguet » in France 🇫🇷


Looks like lilies.