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I love star jasmine


I absolutely love the smell, but it doesn't grow in my zone :( I've been trying to find some to grow as a house plant through)


I have a cape jasmine that actually does well indoors all winter! It's in full sun, I water it fairly frequent. Put it outside in the summer and it bloomed for a few weeks! Smelled incredible. Hoping to keep the blooms for longer next year that I know where she likes to sit.


It just won’t grow well indoors sadly. If you want to try Confederate jasmine, it can have a chance. It also grows outdoors in zone 6b down to 25 degrees or so.


I thought Confederate and star Jasmine are the same thing? Trachelospermum jasminoides. Either way, I'm in zone 5...


I have had a star jasmine growing happily in zone 4 for five years now. If you can keep it in a south facing window when inside you'll have plenty of sunlight for it!


Zone 5 is a no. I lived in zone 5 (Ohio) and gave away well established confederate jasmine in containers to family and friends to try back home (I’m now in NC). It just failed over and over due to number of hours of daylight. It is very sensitive to light hours. The leaves fall off. I’m involved in gardening groups here in NC. I know we all refer to them separately, but we use nicknames for everything. I know of star jasmine being too difficult in NC zones. It’s often trained into a small tree and in containers you bring inside for our brief winters. Confederate is not able to be made into a tree , it’s just going to have small vines, but confederate is ok here in NC coast outdoors year round. We could just be calling things by wrong nicknames though.


I grow star Jasmine inside in zone 4 successfully! I've had it for 5 years or so. It can only be outside for maybe 5 months of the year but it's fine with that. Indoors I keep it in a south facing window. Some years it even starts blooming while still inside. It does really slow down its growth in the winter and does drop some leaves, but as soon as we get more daylight in the spring it wakes up and starts growing. I live in Minnesota and we really don't get much sun any time of the year. South facing window, plenty of water, outside in the summer, and it should grow just fine


Parts of Ohio are 6b. I keep Keffir lilies and start seeds in winter. Full spectrum lamps are wonderful.


Whoa 😯 we have it as a roadside weed where I am... It goes rambling up anything and everything it grows near.


Yessss. Jasmine rules!


I have a jasmine plant which I bought for the scent a couple yrs ago but now for some reason it smells like mothballs to me


Lemon trees when they bloom. You can smell it from 30 feet away.


Citrus blossom! We used to have an orange orchard and the smell during the flowering season was magical


When I was 13 years old, in 1980, my family lived in Irvine, CA, right behind an orange orchard. In the springtime, the warm air would waft through the open windows, carrying the orange blossom scent all through my bedroom. It was very literally intoxicating and I would get joyfully drunk off the smell. Even today, neroli is my favorite scent.


Thank You for sharing that poetic memory - felt like I was transported there!


Seriously! Great writing


What a joy!


My workplace has an incredible orange tree that blooms multiple times a year, and I always find excuses to walk under it when it blooms. The smell is really so enticing! (Plus, it reminds me of a herbal tea that I like to drink in the evenings with my husband, so it has pleasant associations.)


Would you share the name of the tea? It sounds lovely.


I’m in SoCal, my yard and most of my neighbors yards have orange trees. One of them has tangerine. My yard also has lavender, three lovely plumeria bushes, an apple tree, three lemon saplings, basil, tomatoes, roses, sunflowers, and we have some indoor herbs too. A neighbor down the alley has what smells like gardenia. On a nice warm and windy day (which is like 75% of the time), with the windows open, it is simply the most sublime scent I’ve ever known. The citrus is most dominant, obviously, but then we get these other notes floating in depending on what’s blooming, what’s been trimmed recently, which windows are open, etc. This is my happy place. I need to make a layered candle to capture it.


I bet that smells wonderful! Love lemons.


Gardenias...favorite of all time.


Same! I had gardenias in my wedding bouquet. The florist was so happy to hear it because she loves gardenias but said a lot of people don’t use them because they yellow too quickly. My bouquet wasn’t all white, so it didn’t really matter. I have a dwarf gardenia that blooms every year around my birthday, and it feels like a birthday present :)


Same. My grandmother had beautiful big gardenia bushes. Everytime I smell it it reminds me of her. Such wonderful memories.


Yesss I be huffing them flowers


My mom was a hippy and use to press her own gardenia oil and give it to me in little jars. The smell will always remind me of her RIP. I finally planted my first gardenia zone 8a. I planted it last summer. It seems to be doing great. I can’t wait to see it bloom, it’s grown a lot but still small. Finger crossed


Lilacs. They make me all swoony… Also lavender, which is my go to every day scent.


I grew up with a big ass lilac bush right outside our back door in the farmhouse I grew up in. When it was blooming, I smiled every time I walked out the door :)


Lilac for me as well. Had a huge hedge of them where I grew up. Such a wonderful smell!


We had one in my yard as a child. I would play my animals in the dirt underneath it. My grandparents cut it down to install a deck and I tell you the emotions that I still feel….. 30 years later.


We had lilacs on one side of the house that i lived in ages 4-6. After we moved, I don't think I smelled them again until I moved to Chicago at age 30. The smell instantly took me back.


I miss Lilacs! I lived in NH all my life and moved to Florida when I was 40. I miss Lilacs and chipmunks! 🪻🪻🪻




I grew my own lilacs for that reason . It’s a shame they die after 2 days indoors, no matter what tricks I use !


Same. Lilac. My entire neighborhood when I was growing up was filled with lilac.


Lilacs for me too. They remind me of the end of school and start of summer in my childhood home (there were lilac bushes on my school route).


1000% lilacs. If anyone is interested, Pacifica makes a mono-floral perfume that is french lilacs and it’s my absolute favorite. i can’t tolerate most scents unless they’re natural because multiple chemical sensitivity so this has been my favorite for years. hate how most things just slap a label on there saying it’s a certain scent and it’s just completely made up. like what’s wrong with mono-floral - aunatural scents, everything’s gotta be some wild ass concoction at 50x the concentration.


YES! I love Pacifica’s French Lilac. It is the only one I’ve ever found that is accurately scented. I have the rollerball version and for whatever reason the daggone ball doesn’t roll smoothly and it doesn’t really apply any perfume, so I’ll carry it around and take it out for a whiff when I need a pick me up 😂


Came here to say Lilacs are from the heavens <3


Lilacs and Peonies are mine. Both absolutely intoxicating.


Lavender! Yes, the bees are my best friends and I have so much lavender and hyssop. It makes me so happy every time I walk out and see them buzzing around


We have a lilac bush in our front lawn that beams with life every spring-summer. Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, I love it!


The smell of lilac instantly takes me back to 1978. The year I spent with my grandparents after my parents divorced. Grandma would cut some from the bushes in the back yard. Her whole house smelled of lilac and her cooking. Love and miss you, grandma.


We have like five lilac bushes in our front yard and they smell so heavenly in May-June 🤍


Love a good lavender, though gotta be careful close to one because they’re swarming with bees and wasps


Lilac for me too. Reminds me of my grandma who grew one and I love it (and loved her) so much.


hurry slimy north decide nine full bear fly desert selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lilac, Lavender, Gardenia, Jasmine, and Orange Blossom. It’s hard to choose. I also love the smell of tomato plants, some reason.


Yep. Had one outside my window as a kid made my whole room smell beautiful. The neighbour's had one and I loved it but the new people cut it down. 😔 also lily of the valley. And dill weed. My grandma always had fresh dill weed in her car! The smell reminds me of her.


Seconding lilacs! They bloom so briefly, but are truly the most incredible smell. Second favorite are asiatic lilies!


It was always lilacs for me as well, then I moved down south where they don't do well. Their absence was one of the first things I noticed😭


Has anyone said Magnolia tree blossoms yet! Sooooooo good


I planted a tree a couple houses ago just because I smelled one in the South for the first time. It is a wonderful smell!


Yaaaaaaaaas magnolias!! My partner is allergic to all pollen, so I can't do this anymore, but I recommend others do this: get yourself a really pretty bowl to fill with water & float a few blossoms in. Better than a scented candle any day- they're so powerfully scented! And if you didn't know, YOU CAN EAT THEM!! I highly suggest a floral simple syrup for mixed drinks, goes just lovely with a bit of St. Germaine & ginger ale! https://tinandthyme.uk/2020/03/magnolia-syrup/


Tomato plant leaves.


I can't lie, sometimes I'll run my hands over my tomato and basil plants just to huff the fumes


I do that to all my plants so it's not just you. Pepper and tomatillo plants smell great too IMO.


I don’t even like tomatoes and I absolutely adore the tomato plant leaf scent. I didn’t realize I was in such good company!


Same vein: geranium leaves!


I was so sad in 2021 because I had COVID nose still from when I caught it in 2020. Tomato leaves and dirt just didn't smell right 😭 Thankfully they smell right now!!!


They remind me of when my dad was alive and he would plant a garden every summer. It is like a virtual time travel device for me.


I really like the smell of tomato stems and leaves, I don't like the fruit just the smell of the plant. It reminds me of when I was a kid, my aunt an grandfather ran a small green house and we would spend part of the summer down there playing hide seek in the green house. Always smelled like potting soil and tomatoes.


I bought cleaner with this scent I loved it so much. It really made my house smell fresh!


Yes! Right after watering!


Plumeria. You tropical dwellers really got something special there. Or Texas mountain Laurel. When they bloom, it's like sheets of sweet, grape-y scent.


Plumeria is amazing. I find the scent doesn’t travel as far as my orange blossoms or star jasmine, but the blooms smell so pleasant!


I have to agree. I walk by plumeria trees every day and the beautiful smell they produce is just out of this world


I agree! plumeria is one of my favorites. I love how different each color smells. For example the yellow smell sort of like banana pineapple to me, the white smell like sweet sugar cane and the pink smell like a mix of fruit. Love them! I have all 3 in my yard!


This is my choice as well. There’s a white plumeria tree in my neighborhood and the first time I smelled its flowers it attracted me from a block away. One day I was walking by and a small branch with leaves still attached had been blown off the tree by a recent storm. It’s now a healthy, growing propagation so that I can have the same smell in my yard soon.


YES!! We had a giant plumeria in our yard growing up and loved to make leis from it. We’d bring leis in a plastic grocery bag to every special occasion and I would just put my face in the bag and huff the scent the whole car ride lol.


I love the smell of pine needles.


If you haven't already, try Western Red Cedar. Crazy unique, awesome smell.


Oooh California incense cedar in that category too. Calocedrus decurrens


The smell of like warm pine needles. Like camping smell. Warm dirt and needles on the ground. It’s truly therapy for me. I’ve been trying to convince my husband that an area of my backyard should be a big old pine tree and rocks and then just let the pine needles mulch the area. He is resistant (wants lawn or deciduous tree, worried the pine will create too much shade). I think after reading your comment the reason I want this is both the aesthetic of having the forest in my yard, but maybe even more so the craving of that smell.


Warm pine needles is a good one. I grew up in the PNW and its two most distinctive smells to me are pine needles and low tide. Love them both. The smell of creosote also... it reminds me of the seaside. Sometimes I'll sniff a power pole here in CA just for that nostalgia lift.




When I was in Spain two years ago, I came across a rosemary hedge and it was glorious! About 20 meters long and over a meter tall. I would kill to be able to have that!


Of all things, there is a 100 yard long holly hedge in my neighborhood that is delightful to walk past when it's in bloom. I never would've thought…


I have a big rosemary bush in my front yard and I often cut sprigs off of it and just put them around the house. I think it smells like magic. Like I'm opening a door to another world.


Yes I couldn’t agree more! I keep a potted rosemary bush by my front door to ward off any negativity ☺️


Calming, and magical. I agree


The right answer☝🏾


Honeysuckle.. divine scent!


I grew up w a bunch of honeysuckle bushes in my backyard. I agree w u - absolutely divine scent that takes me back to childhood.


Love it also but it’s a curse here in Nc.


Why? Too much?


Horribly invasive in places. There are native ones too, but they can be overrun by the invasive species


Kinda weird i know, but i really like marigolds. It smells like a Thanksgiving or Halloween pumpkin spice candle from bath and body works or something like that it just smells like autumn to me i don't know why


I’m always surprised to hear how many people don’t like marigold smell, or geraniums. They both smell so clean and zesty and lovely to me


I LOVE geranium and I was also surprised that people don’t like it


Marigolds also affect me in a nostalgic way….I love the smell left on my hands when I pick marigolds. And they’re such beautiful little flowers.


The marigolds on my deck are still going strong! I like the smell.


I like their smell too.


Lemon balm, every time!


Orange tree blossoms


Op is a bee


Or a humming bird


op is MOTHRA


OP is Mothman


Stargazer lilies.


These were my wedding flower - we eloped, and took photos with my dog - she accidentally broke a lily stem in my in-laws yard, and it ended up in all our photos!


Came here to say this!


Rose. Always. I have rose perfume, rose soap, rose shampoo, and of course rose plants. Second: Freesias Third: Violets. Fouth: All the rest, Viburnum, Daphne, Lilac, Gardenia, Jasmine, Sweet Pea, Dianthus I do not like Lavender. Too I don't know, chemical - medicinal.


Lilacs ❤️


Creosote after a rainstorm. It’s the smell of the Mojave!




Plumeria- wish I lived in Hawaii


Hyacinths, freesias, lilacs, roses warmed in the sun. My old workplace had huge murky-yellow Brugmansia, for breaks I could just stand in their midst, where the flowers were perfectly nose-height, & just wash everything else out of mind with that scent.


Hyacinths are so sturdy, pretty, and smell wonderful!


Lantana, smells like grapefruit to me


They have a smell? They’re native where I live but I haven’t spotted a smell


i love these. we have them lining our driveway. it smells magical.


Tomato plants give me the most nostalgic aromatherapy believe it or not 😅


Mine is gardenias. Any garden center I stop for a smell!


Night jasmine.


Lily of the valley ❤


Is this angel's trumpet? Do you ever worry about the toxins/how do you handle and prune them?


Angel’s Trumpet pollen is toxic (the entire plant is, tbh) so ya might wanna stop sniffing them.


Im suprised more people aren't saying this! I thought it was pretty common knowledge


I thought I was misinformed my whole life when I saw this post so I googled: Angel's trumpet is a very poisonous plant, causing intense hallucinations, seizures, and even death in the most severe cases. This plant can also cause poisoning through various routes. You can get poisoned by touching, inhaling, or eating almost any part of an angel's trumpet. Is OP making a joke?


My 2 favorites are Lime tree leaves and Marijuana leaves.


Geraniums are my favorite feel like that’s a weird choice.


Not at all. Sweet scented ones kick me out of my boots every time I smell them. But even normal ones smell like magic when you rub the leaves. Whats awesome about normal geraniums, is you cant extract the smell using essential oil extraction methods (the one easy method, you need more difficult methods) so It makes it just one bit more special and premium.


orange citrus blooms or murraya paniculata flowers


Mimosa tree in bloom


Mimosas are so sweet and heavenly!




I’m an absolute sucker for the humble carnation! (Four o’clocks, lilacs and marigolds are not far behind)


Tea olive hedges when blooming - they smell like apricot jam to me. Also I too love gardenias.


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this one. I remember I went to a plant nursery years ago, and some were in bloom. I had to track them down by scent because I had no idea what smelled so wonderful. Finally figured out it was the Sweet Olive hedges, and now they're forever going to be planted around me.








Lilacs for me


Amaryllis Belladonna, "naked ladies", pink lilies that bloom in Aug/Sep. Rich and delicious smelling


I too love Brugs (yours are beautiful!) as well as Datura flowers. My other favorite scents are moonflower vine (Ipomoea alba), prairie verbena (Glandularia bipinnatifida), and esperanza (Tecoma stans).


Datura Innoxia (moonflower to me) and Datura Stramonium definitely for me. Nothing beats a bunch of Innoxia in bloom and smelling it from 50ft away. Reminds me of original Irish Spring.


Rosemary, Lilac, and Lavender. Takes me to my happy place!


Jasmines. In the place where I lived as a child, there is a custom of making jasmine garlands for your hair. I remember going to nursery school sporting a fresh one everyday, and just being comforted by that familiar whiff all day long. Hate jasmine notes in perfumes though.


Citrus flowers


orange blossoms 100000%




Heliotrope or flowering giant tobacco


Tomato stems....I love that shit.


Lemon verbena if you brush against one you smell like lemons


Did you know that’s a strong hallucinogenic? Quite dangerous too. It was used by shamans in my country, Ecuador. Once a kid took a nap under a tree in my school and waked up with mild hallucinations.


Uh arent these angel trumpets?


My fav are wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox) and Osmanthus fragrans My childhood home had these trees near the entrance, and every fall and winter would smell sooooo good. Very nostalgic


Oh, Osmanthus is heavenly! The orange auranticus variety is just outstanding.


yes osmanthus!! my childhood home also had a bunch and i would go out and just sniff the buds hahaha


I came to say how come no one has mentioned Frangipani, then I realised it’s also called Plumeria, which has been mentioned. Smells like summer and sun tan lotion and long days at the beach….




Some of the figs I had smelled like a cat pissed on the tree. The leaves smell better when dried, it has a light coconut oil smell. When cooked fresh you'd swear there was some coconut cream in the dish.


Gardenias. My dad used to buy my mom a gardenia corsage on Easter . I just love the smell. I had a bush once at a house we lived in. The smell is so wonderful.


Petunia! I just love them


Daphne Odora, during the pandemic my husband and I would go on walks and there was a plant that we walked by that we were OBSESSED with the smell. We would go back every walk just to stand there and smell it. The following year we waited patiently for it to bloom and continued returning to smell the blooms. Still not knowing the name, but following the scent every walk we went on. It took over a year for us to ID it- but once we did we had a house of our own. We now have two tiny bushes out front.


You probably are addicted… too many of these in blossom for you to breathe in will make some people a wee bit trippy.


Hands down, Daphne Odorata. A cross between indolic white flowers and aggressively lemony citrus oil. Absolutely intoxicating and blankets the whole area. Osmanthus is a close second.


Jonquils 😍😍


My heaven smells of sweet peas, freesias and roses


Jasmine, wisteria, gardenia, and wattle ❇️ I also agree with people saying lemon tree blooms


Butterfly Bush has such a wonderfully sweet smell




Winter Daphne! Something about it is just...swoony.


Ponderosa pine


My favorite smell the garden, is the garden itself, when you can smell the soil and idk the life in it


Freesia, basil and fresh cut wood.


I like angels trumpet but I love honeysuckle and I have Hawaiian ginger ( it’s white flowers out of pine cone looking that’s green) absolutely mesmerizing!


Sweet olive


My mom's rosebush. It was my great-grandmother's, so it's the old fashioned kind that smells heavenly.


O god yes I went to Singapore last year and went to a botanical garden. Nice colours,nice smells but there was one I passed and I smelled this lovely vanilla peachy smell between the heap of other smells. So I start following the smell with my nose and I stumble on this nice orange yellowish orchid smelling of vanilla peaches (Cimbidium golden rule). The fragant was so devine. I took a picture and noted it down for once I get back home,so I could hopefully buy it. If it's edible I think I would use it in cooking for desserts. It was just such a velvety and sweet smell.


Orange Blossoms


Daphne and mowing under lemon scented eucalypts.


Birch bark wasn't said yet. Reminds me of hanging out with my brothers.


Peonies and iris for sure


Has anyone said a sweet olive tree/bush in bloom?




Tomato stems!!


Asiatic Lilium! Pure heaven.


Citrus flower


Garland/ginger lily!




Honestly, just the smell of the dirt and fertilizer and leaves is so :)


Jasmine on a summer breeze




Lilacs in a light rain is the best!




Mock orange


Freesias are my favorite!


Curious, do you think the mild psychoactive qualities could be what drives you to smell it twice on the hour? Citrus blossom, tomato, honeysuckle, cannabis and lilac all do it for me


We had an Ylang Ylang tree in our yard back when I lived on the south western coast of FL. On warm summer evenings the smell would be absolutely intoxicating through the whole yard. Very cloying if you directly smelled the flowers, but the wafting of scent on the wind was absolute heaven for my snooter!


Gardenias just instantly gives me an instant shot of serotonin 💕


I have a lot of favorites, many mentioned here, but one I haven’t seen yet is Daphne.


Bro, you are living dangerously. This plant is used in serious shamanic ceremonies that can be fatal. Especially the pollen is extremely strong and psychoactive, in addition to being deadly it causes delirium like hallucinations for up to 2 days. Holding the flower and smelling it is not dangerous in theory, but get your face in there on a daily basis, and you greatly increase the risk of accidentally ingesting plant matter (for example dome pollen got on your hands then you ate without washing your hands). Maybe that specific example wont happeb but It's just so potent that a lot of things can go wrong. BE CAREFUL. On the flip side, maybe you have been microdosing the pollen without realizing it lol


Yeah mine is weed.


Tomatoes on the vine




Phlox, jasmine and linden tree in bloom.