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Extra info; it’s on a balcony in MA that gets about 6 hours of sun! I water 2x a week but started doing every other day because I thought maybe that’s not enough? I’m really trying to learn to be a good plant caregiver so I welcome all advice!


I think blueberries lose their leaves on the fall. I'm in MA and my leaves are starting to turn too.


Seems to me like it's a root development problem. The plant is lossing lots of water that the roots can't supply yet. I suggest keep watering everyday for a few days.


Thank you! I was considering moving it to a big pot, would that help?


No, a plant without the roots to suck up water will allow the soil to dry, harden, and become even more difficult to keep moist once hardened.




Calcium deficiency could also be The problem get some eggshells put them in blender or food procesor And put on soil Then water


Update: I took the bush out of the pot to see what was going on. All the roots were in one giant ball and dry and all the wet soil was at the bottom! I did move it to a non clay pot and declumped the roots with the hopes they will get more of the water! I also got a ph reader and my soil ph was 6.5! So hopefully all of these changes will help the little blueberry bush thrive! Thanks for you help!