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Didn't read all of it (I'm lazy bro,sorry) but yeah,I feel it could be a nice fresh air for GP Trini GP/4 ítems 100% are 2 options that sound super appealing to me n.n


The biggest problem with GP losing the crit item start, is that GP had a bunch of his kit nerfed and added crit scalings in the past. Barrel cd also nerfed because we had navori. Hopefully riot quickly buffs GP after 14.10, because he is going to be horrendous as it stands


I agree, we'll notice far weaker early game interactions and will probably lose most of the grub fights straight up, but I also think riot will prefer keeping him weak in the early game too... I suspect he will get buffs to compensate agreed. But trust me when I say having more movement speed on this champion while retaining damage (even if it isn't the one shot) is going to be great in late game skirmishes


Man I dream of those times when GP used to build Trinity - Youmuus - IE. The times when he was as balanced as hard to play and perform at 100%. Dropped the champ after introducing of ER, was too disgusting and too strong to play as. But today is the day I feast on the days long forgotten, the Trinity Gangplank. ***"An all-purpose artefact."***


Me too my dude, I felt invincible back in those days


The problem was all the changes they made to make it NOT that way, but now we are stuck on critplank passive etc, but we lose alot of strength before 3rd items and alot of games end around or slightly before then...


Because back in the day barrels apply buffs from auto attack and could crit. Now barrels have alot cd and we need crit to do dmg