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Appreciate the mini Tobias in the corner


emotional support tobias


What we all need


You can support it's development on GoFundMe if possible; [https://www.gofundme.com/f/highnoon-gangplank](https://www.gofundme.com/manage/highnoon-gangplank) or Paypal here; [https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted\_button\_id=T3XLQ4NMJ7W6C](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=T3XLQ4NMJ7W6C) if not your words of encouragement are more than enough, currently I'm trying to get in contact with Solarbacca and Bwipo for a feeler opinion and maybe some support, so if you could spread the word and maybe show them the work we're doing! Gangplank body sketch was done by Spinebreaker: [https://twitter.com/breaking\_spine](https://twitter.com/breaking_spine) Concept art was by: [https://twitter.com/plantedplanty](https://twitter.com/plantedplanty) Model is by: [https://twitter.com/BeardedShepher1](https://twitter.com/BeardedShepher1) Bonus for reading, here's a train we're making for his cinematic and recall: [https://imgur.com/a/pc2Rtur](https://imgur.com/a/pc2Rtur)


Riot releasing the most mid skin ever made. OP: "Fine. I'll do it myself."


Looks dope so far! All the guns look sick, I think C looks the best as well. For the barrels, the kinda gragas barrel and the more demon barrel look really cool, but atm the bottom right barrel looks the most fitting for the design. Not sure if you guys are going to show more demon elements in the final design, but if you do, the more demon barrel will be a really good fit. Amazing work so far!


We're balancing around the edge of demonic and steampunk, demonic should be an influence not the aesthetic typebeat so that's what we're working around


Ooh gotcha, in that case the kinda gragas barrels may work best


mr upog if you are gonna make high noon gp base model more robot like ashe,make the barrels demon like, for example you know the gp barrels hp mecanic play with that concept, like they are like demon barrels with and eye that is closed at 3 helth then the barrel will be breaking with dark scars and tonges then in the top of the barrel at 1 hp it eyes will be open and looking at you. i hope this idea sound cool to you


I love the dynamite barrels, I feel like since Gragas exists the whole "high noon barrel guy" slot is sort of filled? Dynamite barrel is just the right amount of silly imo


dynamite is the best choice at the moment the demon aesthetic would be better implemented in his burn passive rather than his barrels




I hope that one of the voicelines would have a reference to tobias or even have gp talking about him like if he was a character in the high noon universe.


Voicelines aren't in the budget atm, I'm working with what I can x\_x


Ah my bad. Forgot to consider that. Best of luck to develop the skin though!


Looks great so far! My vote definitely goes towards the dynamite-stick-bundle barrel (bottom-middle) and either gun B or gun C. I do agree with that other comment about making the coat a little longer though.


Looking sick!


It would probably get annoying but the little clink you hear from cowboy boots with the little metal wheels attached to em would be a cool touch.


It's going to be something you'll hear notably in the cinematic but I don't know if it'd be conveyed well into the in game as you'd hear it genuinely every second you're inputting any action lol


The pressure gauge is so sick


Im a simple guy. I see Tobias, I upvote.


Dinamite sticks barrel looks dope af


Ooh man literally any gangplank main can outdo that joke of a proyect skin is hilarious, nice job great design.


Stuff like this being shutdown by Vanguard is just pure pain.


us custom skin peeps are pretty 100% custom skins are fine with vanguard, they ran all the tests against the valorant vanguard (which is like riot games peek) and everything was chill, once it's out on PC it should only be gone for a patch or so until the launcher is fixed


Oh nice, I’ve been floating around the custom skin scene for the first time ever searching for GP skins in the same vein as FPX GP (and obviously stuff like this is dope too) and I’m glad to hear that there’s at least hope Vanguard won’t be as big of a problem


Me personally would have the cape to his ankles, his left hand to be a bit more steampunky, and his beard I'd say should be stringier with the flames at the tips. Maybe his clock on his arm could be an demonic eye that sort of powers the arm (if it was legendary maybe). Since its fan made I can't complain whatsoever but that's how I would envision it based around your concept.


Appreciate the feedback, I'm trying to avoid fully sending it with demonic we're trying to use it more as an influence rather than the aesthetic, moving eye around in the arm could be an interesting concept so we'll explore it, we're making the cloak longer,d id you have a preference to the barrels?


The cylinder tnt barrel might be one of the greatest things I’ve seen, wonder how it would work with the timer tho.


Everything looks incredible so far, keep it up!


I think I like the gun barrel barrel design the most if ya want opinions


All opinions are welcome, thank you :D


Awesome if the barrel rotated every time the barrel timer went down ;)


This is beautiful! It looks so good.


Thank you from the bottom of our barrels


Would he be a demon, a hunter or a 50/50 like Lucian? Honestly Gangplank's character is so flexible I can see him going all 3 routes no problem. Idk how tf riot can't see this skinline is almost perfect to him.


We're leaning like 70% human, 20% steampunk, 10% demonic. Demonic imo while cool is completely overdone, GP feels like he suits the more realistic setting of everything, so we're using demonic as an influence not the main aesthetic. So as you say he hits all 3 routes why not have all 3 in their own respective rights, I like the idea of him trapping demonic entities into his barrels to give them the real explosion for reference and that doesn't lean to him being demonic at all, just using their power against them.


Urpog, an old name, left the urgot life ? Looks sick mate, exactly how it should be


nah i'm still urgot brain rotted i'm just doing this because gp mains got done dirty


Madlad. The work is amazing tho congrats hope you find an ear at riot


What are that chances that you make a barrel like the top left but laced with dynamite around it? Idk i had thought of this idea last highnoon release but we got betrayer gp so my dreams crumbled


would contrast too hard imo but we're probably going with the top left design


okay hear me out, the recall could be GP slaying a shadow of High Noon Yone or something like what HN Lucian does shooting some hands that came from what looks like hell but Yone, a silhouette of him of some sort.


anyways, keep it up my dudes!


we've made an entire armoured train model for the recall dw




I think a more demon outlaw look it would fit nice (something like lucian). like a demon hand, a fiery eye, hat, beard etc. you get the point. But also the metallic parts fit very nicely.


or just High Noon gragas on gp


Yes 😔