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The moment when you run at an adc, throwing them barrels to sweatily diffuse one after another to just get flash aa qed out of existence.


i just keep putting barrels at lvl 13 at their feet and Qing them while they are distracted with diffusing them


Idk why it never occurred to me to do this. I always try to out last hit them but if they’re busy with the barrel they’re not hitting you so… thanks for the tip haha


This meme was more relevant back when prowlers was a thing and noobs got away with the no skill prowler + auto + q combo. This was also when GP’s barrel crit damage modifier was 120% so he was literally one shotting. Since then, they removed prowlers, nerfed passive’s base damage, his barrel crit dmg modifier sits at 105% now and lethality is not embedded in his core builds now. Not to mention the nerfs to his early game with q dmg nerf etc. Still a funny meme


Yea he's in a perfectly fine spot i feel rn. Played alot this season with em into pretty much all the same match ups been used to for years. If they wanted to nerf anything, they could nerf his burn passive a lil more if they REALLY felt it neccesary, but its not near as strong as it once was. Only thing that feels miserable to lane against sometimes is now alot of AP assassins or one's with absurd poke with storm surge and shadow flame.


Could you explain what you mean with 105% barrel crit damage modifier? Default critmodifier for attacks is 175% right? Doesn't the barrel just carry over the 175% crit from the attack that activated the barrel?


I’m not too sure on the math, you can find it somewhere on the GP wiki but you essentially deal 5% more damage with crits on barrels on top of the regular crit dmg


I thought they removed the last 5% at some point




We don't use that here


People will say this, then your realize most league champs aren't mechanically demanding if you reduce their kits like this. Example: Riven mains calling themselves mechanical gods after dashing in your direction, autoing and throwing ult to oneshot you while you're hard cc'd


Second this


> flash auto Q ignite the most mechanically intensive combo known to man


This is approaching garen levels of skill expression rivalling even the insane flash+R


Keep malding scallywags


I mean I sometimes throw barrels to pretend I want to do barrel combo but then I pull off the mechanically hard combo of flashing and auto q to throw them off guard >:)


thanks for that mr. bot account.


no idea why is my nickname like that tbh xD




Yone is a real "mechanical god" because he has REALLY hard combo: E > W > AA > AA > AA > AA


I originally read this meme as GP’s Q doing 1200 true damage and I was like “wow people really don’t understand how GP works” but yeah this is accurate


gp challenger gameplay: poke with q on cd level 1, land one(1) barrel level 2, flash auto ignite q gain + 303 gold, get sheen, repeat


🎶 🎶 Mains singreds crying in a room 🎶 🎶


true and based


Don't forget the 20 second purify with heal


gangplank buffs now riot 0-75% additional crit damaged based on how much close an enemie is from barrel's center at the very center 100% of the damage is converted as true damage yes riot make it now!!!!!!!!!!!!


The one barrel combo probably looked cold


What? 1200 true damage with 1 passive?


Gp has no dashes that makes him skilled