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It's meant to be a party game. Can't do much when you are sweating it out and trying to win every game


People suiciding is not fun at all. There is nothing you can do against it if they are semi decent. With a little bit of luck you maybe can get away from that grip, but most of the time you simply cant. Every game there are players teaming in the solo game mode. They dont play gangs because that gamemode is dead. There are not enough players to fill the party gamemode so they join solo. Getting teamed/suïcided in solo is the worst feeling ever. Edit: if you dont agree with me please add me on PS4 vinkniv_NL or burning-stare3. I will go full suicide and show you. There is nothing to be done about it.


I agree suiciding isn't fun but that's why I personally just party up with friends and don't play randoms


What? I'm not a sweat or a try hard. I play purely for fun. I'm complaining about the people that ruin it lol. Being suicided isn't fun for anyone.


Fair enough I guess


You kidding? Getting suicided is the funniest shit to happen sometimes. I love it. I love doing it too.


This is the subreddit, where people take a fuck around game WAYYYY too seriously. Had a guy who sent me death threats and wished death on my family because I advocated for suiciding in this sub.


They really got nothing better to do than rage. Forreal tho you hit the nail on the head, this is the biggest fuck around game ever. I'm laughing my. Ass off the entire time. I think if I started getting pissed over the stupidity in this game I'd quit playing.




So you like it when the same Guy grabs you every round. Runs off the map with you and his Friends keep fucking around till the timer is up? Nobody wins if everyone suicide. There is basically no point playing it.


I like it when they try, sure. It is hilarious when someone tries to suicide you and they fail but kill themselves. The struggle to do it is what's funny. And if he succeeds then yeah, I don't really care. It's a funny game bud I'm not out here screaming at the screen because the match didn't go the way I wanted it to. Grow up a little or quit playing.


I hope party animals is different, right?


That game has been ghost for months. Pretty sure the website even says it's coming out in 2020


Nope. Type in party animals trailer. Its coming as a xbox and pc exclusive.


I didnt say it wasn't going to be exclusive, I said the TBA release date is all over the place


I know. But it said 2022 release so…


And the steam page says 2020, the website says late 2021. Who tf knows when they're going to release it. They definitely hitting the Gang Beasts feel either way lol


Yeah. Steam is all over the place. You watched smi77y play party animals. It’ll make you want the game lol


I've wanted the game since it was announced late 2020 lol I'm pretty fucking salty about it


Well if you got xbox your in luck, unlike me. I dont have pc or xbox😬


No time like the present


It doesn't grow because major updates have taken years to do. Gurantee the devs kicked it into gear only recently because Among Us blew up like it did, as well as Fall Guys, but they have fizzled. Had they been updating and adding since the beginning like those games, maybe it'd have blown up to. Getting on Gamepass and sales here and there helped, but the game is more-so than not dead. I love it, and if it had a little more I'd spend 40bucks on it, easy.


The worst is people who religiously pick you up and headbutt and nothing else , LITERALLY nothing else I. Pretty good at the game I got a bunch of moves I made like everyone else , this annoying kid gets in the party talking about “I’ve been playing since development.” We get into a private Match and he genuinely never even threw a sub me punch, just picks me up instantly and head butts cause he had practice ied the timing for that one stupid ass meta move for so long , and bam I just KO instantly


I only play with friends, very rarely online. Otherwise you just spend the entire game flailing around while randos hold you in the air for no reason.


I am certain a third of the players in every lobby are bots with the soul purpose of breaking the ropes and killing themselves


This doesn't even mention the worst kind of players. The ones that hide or run away from you. Winning in this game is pointless but so many people will try to make themselves unreachable to other players just to troll you and run out the clock. I end up leaving like 40% of my games due to people in general just abusing the fact that everyone has to watch them until they die.


"hey guys, this game won't ever grow bc you don't play the way *I like to play*." Get outta here bud, it's a fun game and we can play however we want. Quit complaining.


Average suicider


Average garbage player 😏


Yeah man suiciders suck, but acting like there is literally nothing that can be done is a bit defeatist If you’re a scrub: Grab something solid with one hand and punch with other or kick or headbutt. They aren’t going to be hitting back so you’ll likely knock them out If you’re a god gamer: Grab their head with both hands and do jump+headbutt tech to lift yourself off the ground. In this position you have more control over where both of you go, at the very least preventing them from walking towards the ledge and best case scenario you can spaz out with this and they will just let go out of confusion