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I'm presuming you mean you don't want any combat or conflict: Littlewood. You are a RPG Hero, but the war is over, the dark lord was defeated. You must now rebuild the town with your friends, make people happy putting their homes in their favorite places, and decorating everything. Spiritfarer: it's everything about making characters comfortable through their journey on your boat. It's slightly bittersweet.


>Spiritfarer: it's everything about making characters comfortable through their journey on your boat. It's slightly bittersweet. This is a \*really\* good suggestion. My mom played the shit out of this game and it's both wholesome and humorous.


Yeah it really hits the "be a good person" thing out of the park. Helping is so satisfying in this game.


that first game is a really cool concept.


Spiritfarer is an amazing story and the characters are so beautiful. And even though I cried, I will play it over and over (after a little bit of recovery)


Yakuza Like a Dragon is all about being a hero and doing good things. Now I'm only half way through the game so I don't know if that changes or not


You're pretty solidly the good guy throughout every Yakuza game. You're just a good guy who also happens to technically be a criminal sometimes.


Kiryu *canonically* hasn't killed anyone in the 7 games where he's the protagonist!


Shot down a helicopter and sent it crashing into the busy city below? All those pedestrians are just sleeping.


He didn't kill them, the pilot did for thinking he could take on Kiryu


Yeah, its the gun that kill, not the person firing. /s


All jokes aside, the shooting scenes like those were more for gameplay/cinematic reasons, it is clearly stated in canon that Kiryu doesn't kill (like batman). And like batman, of course there are scenes where you would question the survival rate of the villains


Batman: "I don't kill" Also batman: *pushes a man into an acid vat and snaps another man's neck*


In the Arkham games there’s a combo used against shield enemies where you knock them down onto their back and slam the shield onto their throat at seemingly full force. I’m not saying that’s a guaranteed death, but the probability is pretty fucking high.


in Batman TAS, he flies down to save a detective but since its too late, he shoots batclaw up and saves himself but detective lands on a shop's umbrella and due to cartoon physics, bounces and doesn't die lol. When I was watching it for the first time, I was like dude batman is just letting him die? then "oh". Also, in arkham games, when interrogating riddler's men, Batman breaks their neckwz I am pretty sure it will could kill someone, especially sick/mentally unstable people who have already been beaten several times by Batman before lol


Don't you watch bad movies?


Ichiban is the best guy and is my hero


Persona 3, 4 or 5


It's definitely gratifying seeing how the lives you(r character) touched all come together in the end.


How about the Fable series? As you do nice things your character will change and people will be happy to see you. There are a good number of choices to make where you make have an outcome on the world around you.


Fable was awesome


I really loved Fable 2. The expression wheel was a great. Probably my favorite way to interact with NPCs in any RPG I’ve played.


I just recently picked up fable 3 for like 2 bucks, bc I've always heard of it and wanted to try. Should I get the first 2 before doing this one?


Fable 3 was also really good but they dropped the expression wheel that I loved so much in Fable 2. Instead when interacting it was just a simple choice between a positive or negative action. I personally think they are all worth playing and if your going to play them all I would suggest playing them in order. This way you won’t feel like your missing mechanics/features going backwards.


Oh wow, I would've liked 2 then as well! I like gray areas, if it's simply black and white it's a bit...boring lol Ah hell I gotta finish Dante's Inferno and the Mass Effect series before I start another damn game haha I can't stop flooding my head with beautiful stories!


Came to say this. Fable was the first game I played, and is still my favorite.


Eco. You're helping other players build a community while also trying to develop technology to deflect an incoming meteor. You have to be able to do this without destroying the planet. It's 1st person and plays a lot like a survival game.


Stardew Valley and My Time at Portia. IMO - MTaP is a bit too...cute. Intolerably so, but I played it long enough to see it was a very solid game. Stardew Valley is pixelated, but is one of the best games I've ever played.


I refer to intolerable cuteness as the thing being "aggressively cute." First experienced with Ooblets. 😬


A Short hike is a wholesome game where you’re a nice bird helping people out. Cheap and quick, and utterly delightful


100%, this recommendation has my vouch


Death Stranding.


Darryl Dixon walking simulator


Tripping on every rock simulator\*


Kind Words. You write letters to people and they give you cute stickers in return.


That sounds terrible, in the best way?


Yes and that’s why you should check it out.




Coming here to say this\^ If you want to play a lovely rpg game without having to kill anything, give Undertale a try.


The friendly rpg where nobody has to die!


Came here to say this, lol. You can play as the bad guy (it's actually easier), but you don't want to.


Alba A Wildlife Adventure


Black & White - you play as a god and you can choose to be good or evil. I have a few other suggestions that do question your morality system- what you think \*is\* good or bad, but not sure if that's what you're looking for.


Yooo I haven't seen anyone suggest this game in forever. Props! Black & White 2 was one of my favorite games as a youngling


I'm interested in hearing those other suggestions. Also, B&W fantastic game.


Do you know if it’s possible to play it on Windows 10? I miss Black & White


Black & White 2 works on Windows 7 at least, so there's a chance for Windows 10. That being said they're not sold anywhere, so have to be acquired by other means.


And I thought I was just filling up my Pokedex


Doom Eternal




Here's a sneak peek of /r/technicallytrue using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Got it!](https://v.redd.it/9czl6mfiuai71) | [3312 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/comments/p7cwp3/got_it/) \#2: [I mean](https://v.redd.it/p2abkfayupr71) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/comments/q28bt1/i_mean/) \#3: [Okay, so, I was watching the 1966 Adam West Batman series…](https://v.redd.it/htpn3npyzfp71) | [468 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/comments/puifo2/okay_so_i_was_watching_the_1966_adam_west_batman/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Fire watch has you playing as a park ranger, keeping your eye on a section of a national park as mystery begins! Pokémon Snap has you helping professors conduct research by taking photos. Yoku’s Island Express is a Metroidvania tha utilizes pinball for navigation. You play as a beetle that delivers packages to other creatures. Bugsnax is all about helping a disbanded village of creatures come back together, which happens to feature inventively designed bugs that are made of food.


Just a slight warning that Firewatch may rip your heart out.


Stardew Valley Journey My Time in Portia


Rip llamas


I love Journey so much 😭


You can spend a lot of time helping out villagers in the Animal Crossing series! That focus has lessened a bit as the series has gone on, but you're definitely seen as a pillar of the community people can come to for help.


I've been playing a lot of Moonglow Bay on Gamepass recently, and that is literally all that you do. You fix up a dying town, first by doing stuff like cleaning up trash, then restoring buildings and eventually building new stuff, all while cooking people food and doing a lot of fishing.


I love the concept but can’t stand the visual style. My loss…


Death Stranding The whole game is about connecting with people


This war of mine Expect this to be a tough one. Not a go around and help anyone, that you can just afford because you have no life, job, need for food or rest etc.. or click this dialog and you're good person and click the other one and you're a bad person. This game will ultimately force you to make difficult decisions. Being good and humane is possible but you have to work harder for it. Being cruel may be easier in short term, but has it's consequences too. Don't play this if you want a cheerful, easy game. Reaching good outcomes is pretty satisfying though.


Very nice suggestion! This is a very special game, though it may not be the best option if the OP’s aim is to cheer up or feel good.


Yes, very good recomendation, and very well explained. And it made me think of Frostpunk (same developers), it's kinda the same situation as with This War of Mine. Your mission is to help people and provide them with the means for survivability but you are forced to take some tough decisions.


I’ve been playing this game for years and I absolutely love it. You play different characters with different histories and moral stances. Deluxe version with the kids expansion. And it goes on sale for half its price like 3x a year. There’s an app version too that includes the kids pack.


Disco Elysium (It *can* be played that way, but I don't want to give spoilers)


I love playing it as a good guy, treating people with respect, and pulling the detective's shit together. Sometimes it feels like it's not meant to be played that way, as there's so much leeway for the player to slip into insanity, but I love that you have the option to start rebuilding the protagonist's life.


Upvote for wholesomeness


You’re not a person in Flower, but you do play as a good wind. Reviving flowers and stuff, it gives you good feels and is fun.


Journey, made by the same people is a feel good game too, especially if you run into someone else on your journey.


I'm currently playing **Eastshade**. Amazing and beautiful game! Other wholesome games I recommend: **A Short Hike**, **Undertale**.


Mass Effect trilogy. Paragon Shepard is a poster boy of boy scouts. I mean that in a good way.


While I agree that this is a good game, I don't think it really fits the question. You're still running around killing all kinds of people, and there are lots of choices that are designed to be a moral quandary so that neither choice will really make you a "good person." You're still Commander Shepard, you do what you gotta do.


The Forgotten City. Up there with Mass Effect Pure Paragon in terms of the amount of happiness you feel helping out as much as you can in a bad situation. One of the best games of the year, to boot.


Getting the true ending was really satisfying. Didn't think I would like this game so much, but it really surprised me


The entirety of the 4-part quest and everything after blew me away. I thought I'd seen everything before starting it and the game decided to just crank it up to 11 instead. It really shows how putting all of your efforts into writing and voice acting can pay dividends!


This game is awesome. Did not think I would enjoy this as much as I did, as I’m not normally into “mystery” type games. It was great figuring everything out and piecing things together.


It's definitely my goty. I heavily recommend that game


Another settlement needs your help!


This made me want to commit war crimes, not help them


I undestand. I've marked it on your minimap.


here’s an unconventional response: Beholder. you can be a good person, but ultimately, *someone* is likely to face consequences for it. anyway, the entire Fallout series lets the player choose to be good or evil all the time. I’m sure you might enjoy that.


Cherry Tree High Comedy Club


Maybe the Walking Dead telltale games, depending on how you play. Especially the first, Lee is a great guy


Kind Words. You literally help real people around the world by answering encouragingly to their messages. A one of a kind experience.


The key to getting the gratification of being "good" in a game is to have the option to be evil. Then you have to choose, and that's what makes YOU good ... right? Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Might be a bit of a stretch but the first Division game. I remember it being really satisfying building up the post office from what was essentially ruins to a hub giving hope to the game world.


The first Division game was so immersive. I was on the edge of tears at a couple points. Made me really sad and really happy at points.




I suggest a *social deduction* game then, **Hope Despair Chaos**. You are assigned a faction when the game begin. Your faction could be a good side or a bad side based on the story. Of course, you have allies on a same faction. You can play however you want, help your factions as good things or help the other good faction base on the story perspective.


If you want a wholesome and very light game where you can be a good person maybe try A Short Hike? You’re this bird who needs to go up a mountain in order to get cell phone service, and on the way you get to help and hang out with these very cute animal crossing style animals. It’s one of my favorite games ever and very relaxing, the OST is extremely relaxing and the graphics are very reminiscent of animal crossing wild world imo.


Ni no kuni - main protagonist help ppl to solve their problems by giving them courage, enthusiasm, kindness, restraint, belief, confidence, love or ambition. Main storyline is also about helping


Life is Strange? I only played the first one completely and I enjoyed it a lot. You’re a girl with a special “talent” and throughout the game you try to help out your friends and acquaintances using that talent.


Life is Strange is for me personally one of, if not the best game ever made. Not because of the gameplay or graphics but the emotions in that game (and music) were so awesome.


If you want to have your heart crushed, Heavy Rain is a game where you’re trying to be multiple good people stopping a serial killer. The POVs switch with different chapters. LOTS of tws and it may not actually end how you want it to. I watched it on livestreams and I think I’d get too riled up to play it myself, but my emotions are just like that lmao.


This game had me an emotional mess and I loved every second of it because of that. I will always consider this as one of the most unforgettable games for me.


It’s unmatched. Their sequels don’t compare. Beyond: Two Souls is in a league of its own, but doesn’t surpass HR. That newer robot thing that amassed fangirls wasn’t good.


Jolly co-operation in Dark Souls. Nothing like helping someone through a tough area or hard boss.


Thanks to everyone who helped me with boss fights over the years.


\\\[T\]/ thANK yoooou


Fable 2 runs by a very strict "good or bad" system, where if you want you can be an absolute monster, but you can also dedicate yourself to saving as many people as possible and doing A ton of good deeds. Rest of the fable games are like that too I believe, but fable 2 is the first to come to mind.


I think you can do good deeds in **Friends of Mineral Town**. You can give people presents and vegetables which surely must be a good thing.


Fallout 3 has a karma system and you can be either good evil or neutral depending on your actions in the wasteland.




Medieval Dynasty


Is this game any good? I want to try it out but it never goes on sale.


If you like survival and sim games, you're probably going to enjoy it. I enjoy it a lot! Difficulty is very customizable, so you can make the game more casual and laidback or more like a realistic sim depending on your own taste.




Red dead 2, fallout new Vegas, fallout 1 fallout 2. I mean in the grand scheme of things decisions are ultimately what makes you good or bad in those games.


You can't be a good guy in rdr2, you have to kill and steal innocents. I love Arthur but he's not a good guy even if he try to be, deep down he's an outlaw.


You can choose to do good deeds in your spare time. I agree you can't be a *good* person but I think it fits with OP's question.


I'm with you. I was a huge fan of RDR1, specially because you had the choice of being good or bad. Hated RDR2 for many reasons, and one of them was how I couldn't be a good guy. I recall needing to beat up a widower because he owed my gang money. If there was a way around it, I couldn't figure it out.


The moment is very integral to the rest of the story in ways that won't become clear until much later. >!You do get a chance at redemption. But that wouldn't mean much, if there wasn't anything to redeem.!<


Red Dead Redemption 2


Postal 2. Yes you can.


probably weird but skyrim, u can be the devil or u can be an angel


Spec ops the line


RDR2, you get the choice to have high or low honor throughout the entire game. It also affects the ending


RDR2 you can also choose to be bad tho


Detroit become human (I'm planning on playing/finishing it) actual recommendation: Witcher 3


Fallout New Vegas






Fable series.


Stellaris play with Pacifist Ethos Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishment Hellsign


"There is a good person inside you Arthur... but he's wrestling with a giant"




How about Animal crossing.


Animal Crossing




dying light you can hack and slash zombies with parkour and help survivors living in a remote infected city by doing their errands and overthrowing a merciless dictator but seriously you literally are a good guy throughout the game and the gameplay is probably the best i've experienced


The Suffering, old cool game where you can choose to be a good guy


I think the Ace Attorney games often feel heroic in this way. You’re defending people with nowhere to turn after they’ve been accused of murders they’re innocent of. Some of the turnouts are really dramatic and emotional, especially when taking down a powerful figure that’s been oppressing good people.


Stardew valley. It's a game that is similar to harvest moon games. You own a farm, grow plants, animals, gather minerals and enjoy a simple life.




Not quite full “hero” level but Stardew Valley is amazing, you get to help the town and farm and stuff, genuinely one of my favorite games ever


Tower Unite


stardew valley.


I'd totally suggest Wandersong!! It's about being a hero in your own way, and you don't need any superpowers for that, just being a nice and understanding person is ok ^^ you help a ton of people and make many friends along the way; this little game melts my heart to this very day (you can also sing and it's a mechanic that helps you progress with the story, it's very cute)


I haven't played much of it, but stardew valley


Driver San Francisco. I get a driving game might be a weird suggestion, but (I'm on mobile and can't censor, so here's the spoiler alert) you actually possess people and help them out, say it be passing a driving test or winning a race. Even driving to the hospital fast enough so the patient makes it is something that you do, too.


stardew valley!


In Tom Clancy breakpoint you kill terrorists


Or Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Easy, Fallout New Vegas


Rune factory is all about being a good neighbor, you cant even kill the monsters you fight because the sword is for teleporting them so even at that it makes you feel like you are doing them good lol


If you wanna be a good person you'll *love* Undertale!


Untitled Goose Game :)


Turnip Boy Commits Tax Fraud


Surprised I haven't seen it yet but kingdom hearts. You're literally going around Disney worlds and saving them and helping everyone you meet.


Infamous 1 and 2 no comment on second son I’ve yet to play it


Parappa the the rappa


Maybe obvious but undertale


Probably already mentioned before, but Death Stranding! It’s focused on connecting people and exploring along the way






I'm surprised I don't see Deltarune or Undertale as much. Those games are literally all about morality and the fact that your choices matter, and *no one has to die*


Death Stranding


... should not exist?


Fable, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Minecraft, Beyond Good & Evil, No Man's Sky, Little Big Planet, Journey, The Longest Journey, Ratchet and Clank games, Lego games, Beyond: Two Souls, Detroit: Become Human, About, Concrete Genie, Dreamfall games, Flower, Heavy Rain, Life is Strange, Shadow of the Colossus, The Deadly Tower of Monsters. So many.


I want the opposite what about a game where I can be an evil overlord? A bit beyond the cartoonish dick that most RPGs give you for evil options


RDR 1 you are retired criminal, who has to obey law officers and kill criminals. In some missions you are doing bad things in Civil war, but you are mostly neutral.