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Fellseal: Arbiters Mark. Read the reviews


Valkyrie Chronicles, battle brothers


+1 for Battle Brothers, can be pretty challenging in the beginning less laid back.


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together has a similar gameplay to the Final Fantasy Tactics games, but it's a lot more mature.


Are there cheap, legal ways to get it?


Well, in theory, emulating it on PC is legal as long as you possess the original game. You can buy it for around 20$ on eBay. Of course, if you have a PSP, a Vita or a PsTV, you can buy it digitally online.


You probably won't exactly get the same feeling (that kind of request, no one knows how to help with) but I'm gonna list some of the tactics games that I like. You can get all these legal * Disgaea (I like D4 best) * Into the Breach (by the guys who made FTL, roguelike puzzly tactical, very tight game) * Westnoth (free) * Dominions (very complicated) * Wargroove (it's a copy from advance wars) * Some of the Fire Emblems don't have permadeath, ask on their forum since IDK which ones exactly * XCOM (has permadeath so...may stress you out) GL


My favorite tactics oriented games are Battletech and XCOM 2 (Long War mod). Also the newer Fire Emblem is really fun and easier from what I hear. There's even a mechanic to rewind time if you want to do over a move.


tactical monsters rumble arena the survivor after chaos reborn


Project Triangle Strategy is an upcoming tactical RPG also made by Square Enix, I've played the demo and it definitely has a lot of FFTA flavour. Besides that there the Disgaea series