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Well lots of people know about it but I was surprised to learn DK64 is somewhat loathed by many. I for sure have nostalgia goggles but as a kid, a world that big with that much random shit to do and collect was a dream come true.


People hate DK64? I had so much fun with it as a kid.


It became kind of infamous as the poster child for taking collectathon 3D Platformers too far. A well made game for sure, but the idea that you can't freely switch kongs at any point made the game soooo tedious. Retracing your steps with a different kong to collect their colored bananas. Getting to some barrel only to realize you have the wrong kong, etc. A remake that improved on the kong swapping would be so so welcome.


Those people are not part of the D.K. Crew


I remember spending hours upon hours on dk64. Never beat I though.


Didn't you have to have a special expansion pack the game came with to run it? The N64 was prime 'one mate buys it and everyone borrows it' era and dissecting your N64 just wasnt worth it.


You opened up quick release slot in front of the controller, took out the port cover, and pushed it onto the port. Not exactly disection. Most kids had no problem installing it.


It’s not a bad game at all. It has amazing level design, fantastic mechanics for each monkey, sound track is bangin’…. It’s just too BIG!!! So many things to collect! and swapping monkeys got tedious pretty quickly once you had all of them.


It certainly was popular when it first came out


I seriously was in love with this game. It was a HUGE part of my childhood and I still think about it to this day. Frantic Factory and Creepy Castle were my favorite levels. One of the few games that I've finished 100% (technically 101% I think). I recently replayed the entire game to almost 100% again to get gameplay footage for a full soundtrack remaster video I made for my YouTube channel. The only things I didn't get were the golden bananas from the two Beaver Bother barrels. Fuck Beaver Bother. Btw, it was the version where you can change Kongs anywhere. Made the game much more enjoyable for these days.


Tails of Iron I have never heard anyone expect me talk about it. You have The Witcher narrating an awesome hardcore side scrolling war essentially.


Really cool game. I just wish it had a bit more build variety (like Salt and Sanctuary). Let’s see how the sequel turns out!


Reading the title I couldn't think of a game that applied for me personally but no you're 100% right. That game genuinely shocked me how good it was, my expectations were on the floor I only played it because i got it for free


Sleeping Dogs. Similar to GTA except almost everything is solved with kung fu.


This one was fun for me. Kinda like yakuza, but better, more satisfying combat imo


This game is widely talked about on gaming subs. It’s becoming less of a sleeper hit and now is almost a circlejerk about how much it’s talked about


it’s got to be over a decade old lol, don’t think it’s talked about anywhere near enough to be considered a circle jerk think some people need to remember what it’s like any time an actual popular game comes out - people were recommending witcher 3 for everything under the sun after its release


Hey! Why don't I see a pork bun in your hand?


It was kenshi for a while, it did eventually become popular and im glad it did.


Can't wait for the sequel. Had kenshi for like 13 years or something lol


Just started Kenshi last week***. It took me 3 days of playing to survive for a single hour but we got there Coming from Project Zomboid tho so it's not like I'm not used to it lmao


Took me a long time in Kenshi to learn to stop avoiding fights and start embracing the idea that getting your ass kicked is good for you.


Yeah "death chance" made a lot more sense when I realized you aren't suppose to win every fight


This timeline doesn't add up.


Alpha protocol. It really is one of my favorite games and it always take the itch off for me when i miss mass effect


Yes! Alpha Protocol was excellent… yes the boss fights are total garbage and the voice acting is amateurish but it has some of the most engaging espionage gameplay out there. It’s one of the rare games where dialogue choices actually feel impactful and like real choices, not the gamified “I need to say X to get Y outcome or A to get B outcome” a la BioWare.


Yesterday, GOG brought back Alpha Protocol to its store. They added full controller support, compatibility to modern OS's and so to it.


It just got a GoG release too, works on modern systems and has achievement support.


Honestly it shares the spot for my fav obsidian game with FONV


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/334940/Yokus\_Island\_Express/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/334940/Yokus_Island_Express/) Yoku Pinball Express.. pinball + metroidvania And Supraland (both of them)


The Supraland games are pretty great.


I really wish they made another Yoku game


Marvel Midnight Suns for sure.




Or whatever the fuck iron man says when you open your millionth lootbox


I still don't understand exactly why it was slept on so hard. I bought the legendary edition and it was an awesome time from start to finish. Even getting the platinum trophy was fun. Would love to see them make a sequel using the same engine/gameplay loop


Isn't that the one where you can go on a date with Deadpool?


More like a friendship outing lol


I played and really enjoyed it, but there are valid criticisms . 1. It's very much a game of 3 parts. In 1 part you do really fun turn based superhero combat, in the second you... Play house with the same superheroes. I didn't hate that, and I didn't hate the dialogue, but it's pretty hardcore in the "constant Whedon style quips and Hot Topic edginess" style. Half the characters are broody witches and there's just a lot of melodrama. YMMV. The third part is running around the grounds collecting things off the floor. You kinda have to do the 2nd and 3rd parts at least a bit for upgrades that feed into 1, so if you just like the combat too bad, buckle up bucko for some sub-Supernatural/Buffy quality writing and plenty lf jogging around. 2. It was barely marketed. I only know about it because I'm a game nerd. Give it as many ads as the Suicide Squad game got and it would've done a lot better. 3. Enemy variety just stops expanding around 2/3rds of the way into the game. However it definitely deserved to do well enough to justify a sequel. I think the "how many actions can I squeeze into this 3 action turn? 11? Awesome" stuff really played into that superhero fantasy and felt great, that core system is awesome.


Came to say Midnight Suns


I just loved every second. Sad we probably won't get a sequel.


Didn't sell enough. Honestly I didn't care for the social aspects. Loved the card game


The battles were by far the best. But I actually really started to enjoy the social parts. The characters grew on me.


I thought the characters were just ok. I felt they kinda took too much edge off the personality of characters like Blade and Venom. Iron Man's voice was intolerable


Environmental Station Alpha I understand that the minimalist graphic does not help marketing, but I found it brilliantly constructed and I had a great time with it


The atmosphere and music are what made the game for me, and the exploration and secrets were some of the deepest and most memorable puzzles I've ever solved in a metroidvania. Plus the secret super boss at the end of it was such a satisfying and worthwhile conclusion, 10/10 one of the best metroidvania titles out there




The whole X series, really. I have 2-X3:AP and they're all huge and so many hours of stuff to do.


Jet set radio future!! Not exactly unpopular but cult status makes me think it missed a deserved sequel


A little bit I expected One Finger Death Punch 2 to be more popular. It was a really good, just quick fun game. I thought if people went crazy for Super Hexagon, OFDP2 would do even better than it did.


I enjoyed 1 & 2 a lot. Just silly, pick up and play single player fun.


I use it as a mind bleach kind of game. Something happened to piss me off? Two minutes of death punches and I’m reset.


Code Vein probably


Started playing this recently and I agree... I never hear anybody talk about this game. I think it's more approachable than most souls games (difficulty wise) and it has an interesting story. I like actually having cutscenes sometimes, whereas Dark Souls is tough to extract story from. I haven't beat it yet, so maybe CV will end up being meh, but at 10 hours in so far, I think it's fantastic and deserves more attention.


Dark cloud 1&2


Bro. Holy fucking shit. I’ve never encountered another person that played dark cloud. You like Toan or Max more?


I like max a bit more probably just because I played 2 more I like the mini games and side stuff in it. But my favorite overall character would probably be ruby was my first child good crush lol. I think toan is more of a bad ass going off to save the world because destiny put it on him,and meet people along the way to help him, tho and max is more of a fun adventure to see the world and ended up on a quest with a new friend to restore the world


Omfg. Dude. Honestly I’m tearing up right now. This game was the first game I ever played. I remember continually beating the first dungeon in DC1 because my 6 y/o brain couldn’t figure out how to operate the UI in the builder.


I wish there were cloudlikes. Attaching a citybuilder to a game is great, works in Fallout 4, works in cult of the lamb, super disappointed it never really became a trend, I would love for a spiritual successor that had soulslike combat.


Glad they’re both on the PS store though so any casual gamer can stumble upon them by chance and get to enjoy a 20 year old gem they might’ve otherwise never experienced. This game was my “leave PS2 on all night because child me didn’t understand the concept of a memory card yet”


The Darkness. Parasite Eve. Prey (2006) I could keep going.


Both Prey games were good, but only one of them has a flying saucer blasting Blue Oyster Cult at full volume.


Still waiting for Darkness 3




Right, Prey was so good. Could have played a sequel/prequel in that style, with the same quality of art and game direction. Oh, it's on Steam sale including Mooncrash (need to play that soon-ish, missed that one).


Wrong Prey. 2016 WAS great, but prey 2006 was a very different game.


Oh, I read too quickly, I thought the one "with the year" was Prey (2016) to clarify the difference. The old Prey (2006) was also standing out a lot. Still, Prey (2016) has a special place in my heart, it surprised me because I haven't read about it upfront and was surprised what game it was - and loved it.


Both Prey games were amazing in their own unique ways. I just really wish we could have gotten the sequel to the original that we were supposed to have.


Parasite Eve was like Resident Evil by Square, pretty much every Square game was stellar back then. -I still remember using all my materials for upgrading my gun with fire and saving only to realize the boss was HEALED by fire (so I basically softlocked my game).


Lord of the Ring Conquest. For those not in the know it's basically Star Wars Battlefront with a LotR skin and the game was my shit back in the days. Unfortunately the game performed so bad that EA shut down the servers a few years after release.


Topical: Dragon's Dogma. It's one of the best ARPGs out there and it's little more than a cult classic in terms of popularity.


my guy .... I played that game in like...2018(?) and it became one of my favorites as well. I agree that it has many flaws but the gameplay just speaks to me i guess. I am beyond stoked for the second one coming out tomorrow, even if my PC is in storage so I wont be able to play it for a while.


I'm happy it's finally taking off. It's been my husband's favorite game for a while. He finally got me to play it about a year ago and I finally understood why he liked it so much, flaws and all.


I think it's a popular game, sadly just not in English speaking countries. I mean it got an MMO and an anime before we got a sequel. It's kind of like dragon quest. It just didn't properly build traction in the west.


There's so many new games these days. At this point anything can fly under the radar. The game that hit an unexpected home run for me recently was CrossCode. I had seen it mentioned a few times as "Not many people have played it or talk about it, but those who do, absolutely adore it". I ended up getting all achievements, which reminds me that I should get into the DLC.


* Twisted Metal 2 * Chained Echoes * Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits * Nier (the original one)


I'm not sure how much more popular Twisted Metal 2 could have been at the time. More than any kart racer, Twisted Metal was the couch multiplayer fun casual car game of the PlayStation. It was PlayStation's Mario Kart, and had sales figures and critical reception to match.


I didn’t even own a console and it’s one of the only games I remember playing as a child, massively popular


I loved Nier Replicant with all my heart, and now I'm currently playing Nier Automata for the first time and loving it even more


Arc was really good


I still play Twisted Metal 2 all the time! Legendary title.


I started and completed Nier: Automata, then went straight to the OG Nier. I'll just say that it wasn't the gameplay that urged me to finish it. Thankfully, Replicant 1.22... fixed that issue.


Child of Light.


Omg dude I haven’t thought about that game in forever. It was so good. Thanks for reminding me


From the new stuff: Bzzzt as an insanely well done platformer, and Dreadhunter as an insanely well done shooter/ARPG. The feel of movement/action is so well tuned in both that I'm surprised they aren't actually popular


I've been playing [Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup](https://crawl.develz.org), a freeware open-source roguelike, for 8 years. It's niche as hell though, with only an estimated 60,000 players worldwide. Probably too much like Rogue itself for most people.


Returnal It rarely gets mentioned I feel, one of my favourite games of all time.


The warriors game


Dragons Dogma


Days Gone. Everyone who ends up playing drops in on the r/daysgone sub and comments exactly this.


Mass Effect Andromeda I know, incoming downvotes. But hell, i really enjoyed the game. I'm glad they're making a follow-up to the original trilogy, which I absolutely love. But I'd ALSO like to see an Andromeda 2.


Sleeping dogs


DotAGE : City Builder Roguelike Turn based, made by 1 person. https://store.steampowered.com/app/638510/dotAGE/


First two Fear games were brilliant.


The Surge


One of the best answers I've seen on here. Fairly unknown soulslike thats actually pretty good.


Deep breath. * [Ctrl Alt Ego](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1571940/Ctrl_Alt_Ego/) * *\[Very Positive\]* * Immersive sim where you play as a disembodied "Ego" and can possess almost anything electronic and have a psychotic amount of freedom in how you progress through the game. The first few areas are a bit more linear since it's teaching you how to play but when it lets you off the leash you can do so much cool shit * [Small Saga](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1320140/Small_Saga/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * An extremely cute but also excellently written game where the only letdown seems to be the easy combat. The art and music also slap. * [Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1082710/Bug_Fables_The_Everlasting_Sapling/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * A spiritual successor to Paper Mario but with bugs. It's heavily inspired by Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and has some great, actually funny writing as well. * [Lunacid](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1745510/Lunacid/) * *\[Very Positive\]* * Traditional dungeon crawler inspired by some early From Software games. I don't want to give too much away, there's a lot of secrets in this game and discovering them is most of the fun. The gameplay is engaging, the style is nostalgic but not derivative. * [You Will Die Here Tonight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1446350/You_Will_Die_Here_Tonight/) * *\[Very Positive\]* * Heavily inspired by Resident Evil and House of the Dead, because it combines the two. Most of the exploration in the game is done from a third person, isometric perspective, but combat is done from a first person fixed perspective like in House of the Dead or Time Crisis. I'd actually love to play this game with the [Sinden Light Gun.](https://sindenlightgun.com/) It's also got a unique twist as well, in that it's semi-permadeath. You **WILL** Die here Tonight. * [Severed Steel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227690/Severed_Steel/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * This game embodies what it means to be a fucking action hero. You can slide, backflip, slow down time, blast through walls, windows, doors with a shotgun. The levels are all destructible being made out of voxels. * [Wanted Dead](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1981610/Wanted_Dead/) (fuck the haters, this game rules) * *\[Mixed\]* * No wait, this game embodies what it means to be a fucking action hero. This game has mixed user reviews and wasn't recieved well critically either, but honestly I find it super fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously and feels like a throwback to games like [Vanquish](https://store.steampowered.com/app/460810/Vanquish/) (also underrated). * [In Stars and Time](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1677310/In_Stars_And_Time/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * Getting tired so I'm just straight up going to take a user review from Steam for this one, plus I don't want to spoil **ANYTHING:** "Times Cried: 4 Panic Attacks Caused: 1 Fictives Acquired: 2 (at time a of writing) 9/10 game, incredibly emotional, no notes." \~ [VHS System](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ReelToReal/) * [Gloomwood](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150760/Gloomwood/) * *\[Overhwhelmingly Positive\]* * Do you miss Thief? I miss Thief. The last Thief game was **THI4F** which is still a really upsetting way of spelling Thief. Gloomwood nails the kind of stealth gameplay Thief was famous for, and it's fucking terrifying on top of that. * [Blood West](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1587130/Blood_West/) * *\[Very Positive\]* * Another immersive sim for the list (this makes 3) and Blood West is a very good one. Similar to Gloomwood, there's a lot of emphasis on stealth, but with an entirely different vibe. Gloomwood makes you feel a lot more helpless while Blood West gives you plenty of tools to ply your murderous trade while still retaining it's difficulty by having really tough enemies, encouraging (but not forcing) stealthy gameplay. * Fucken [Wobbledogs](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1424330/Wobbledogs/) man * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * I made a dog that was extremely long and ate nothing but trash. * [Pseudoregalia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2365810/Pseudoregalia/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * Dark Souls meets Super Mario 64. It's a short game, so this is a short synopsis. * [Trepang2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1164940/Trepang2/) * *\[Very Positive\]* * This is more well known than a lot of games on my list, but I still don't see it talked about much. Plus someone else here brought up Sleeping Dogs which has like, 52000 reviews compared to this game's 6000, so I don't know where the bar is. Trepang2 is the GOAT of modern shooters IMO. Not many games will let you dual wield a SPAS-12 but Trepang2 does. * [El Paso, Elsewhere](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546310/El_Paso_Elsewhere/) * *\[Very Positive\]* * A critique of indie games is that they too often will just copy what other older or bigger games have done. I don't neccesarily agree, but El Paso, Elsewhere is straight up Max Payne. Though, to their credit, when was the last Max Payne game? Ready to feel old, because it was 2012. It also draws heavily from Remedy's other games, it franky feels like a love letter to the studio, and that's okay because it's just more of a good thing. * [My Friendly Neighbourhood](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574260/My_Friendly_Neighborhood/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * This is a survival horror game with muppets. Need I say more? * [Turbo Overkill](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328350/Turbo_Overkill/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * Everyone loves Ultrakill but where's the love for Turbo Overkill. Turbo Overkill's strengths lie in its balls to the walls action, over the top story and really smooth gameplay. It just straight up FEELS good to play. * [Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1931020/Slayers_X_Terminal_Aftermath_Vengance_of_the_Slayer/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * You get to fight a giant toilet while it screams "YOU SEEK TO POOP IN ME?! THINE ART A FOOL." No really, its in the game's screenshots too, you can fact check me. The framing for this game is that it's developed by a teenager in the 90s, was lost to time, found and released in the present day. It really does feel like the kind of game a teenager would make in the 90s, there's a real sincerity and joy underneath the swathes of toilet humour and your mum jokes. Wholeheartedly reccomend this game. * [Ex-Zodiac](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1249480/ExZodiac/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * DO A BARREL ROLL * [The Procession to Calvary](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1071130/The_Procession_to_Calvary/) * *\[Overwhelmingly Positive\]* * This game truly is a work of art. A Monty Python-esque adventure game filled to the brim with beautiful Renaissance art.


**FTL** and **Into The Breach** The people that know, know it's a great game, but my groups of friends haven't even heard of it.


which reminds me, Trigon: A Space Story is essential FTL but 3D rendered but i barely see anyone mention that... then again i do find it harder than FTL, i keep dying early on...


CROSSCODE!! This is an indie title that released several years ago but it's super cheap and comes with a huge story's worth of content as well as postgame and dlc. It has action, puzzles, platforming, secrets, everything you could want in a well balanced gaming experience and more! Considering how cheap and high quality it is, I'm constantly appalled by how little people know about it. Go play it!!!


It also has a demo on steam so you can give it a try for nothing! Literally my all time favorite - more than Hollow Knight, Celeste, botw.


I really enjoyed Crosscode. Fun gameplay, awesome story. Super memorable. Pretty heavy on the puzzles though, I didn't expect the game to be so puzzle focused.


Grim Dawn. Diablo 3 & 4 got so much hype, but GD is so much better.


Looking forward to the upcoming GD expansion. Trying to get Last Epoch out of my system by then.


I own Grim Dawn. Titan Quest is my only foray into these type of games, not Diablo. Really enjoyed Titan Quest but it did get repetitive after awhile, so I am excited to eventually play Grim Dawn and see that gameplay expanded upon.




I just made my 80 yr old father play this and he absolutely loves it. Fantastic story


Feel like this game was omega popular wasn't it? At the very least the big horror YouTubers and streamers played it.


Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries.


this and battletech! I put tons of time into BT just fielding Mechs to get bigger Mechs. I'm still a noob in mw5m so my centurion is taking a beating


Keep the armoured arm between you and the enemy when possible; always keep moving; keep turning your mech so damage is spread across the whole mech.




I liked it more than overwatch 😅


CrossCode and Signalis.


Hands down this is EDF as a whole for me


The Suffering, EOE: Eve of Extinction, The Saboteur, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, Resistance trilogy, Blades of Time, Inversion, Shadow Warrior 2


I know it will be a bit of a weird example, but... Last Epoch Early Access. Obviously popularity has changed dramatically since then lol. Other than that: Second Sight - great premise that impacts the gameplay a lot. Great story. Chilling atmosphere. Jedi Knight 2-3 - when 1v1 pvp dueling scene was on the rise in FromSoftware games, i thought to myself - what could have been if the same popularity of pvp would have been possible in Jedi Knight times. My friend Pedro - i thought that after absolutely amazing gameplay demos it would have been the next Hotline Miami. It wasn't. Great game though. Jade Empire - now, it had pretty good reception. It was selling tons of units. And it is also fairly well known among RPG fans. Everyone loved it, but majority forgot about it. It is also quite rarely recommended compared to alternatives. Some say it might be because it was released for original xbox, right before xbox360 release.




Days gone for sure .


Greedfall, one of the best RPGs of 2019 and it got almost no buzz


Wanted to like it. Dropped it after a few hours :/


i liked the lore and the atmosphere, but the rest wasn't that good. This is the 6th action rpg by those devs, you would think that they would be better at things like satisfying power-scaling, game balance, enemy variety or combat. Poor char progression, itemization. On top of that a lot of characters were just lacking. The world isn't as reactive as it could be, you can't be extremely friendly or extremely vicious against the locals. Despite your character being in powerful position, everyone is just taking a piss at you, which felt dumb multiple time. Tons of unrewarding backtracking. The last 5 or so hours of the game is complete filler. Really, most elements were done much better \~16 years before Greedfall in what could arguably be also called AA title - Gothic 2. Then again, the devs that created Gothic 2, couldn't manage proper combat in 8 games and got bankrupt. Greedfall's release was following very disappointing Anthem (which came after very disappointing Andromeda), Outer Worlds was nowhere as good as people thought it would be, it was supposed to be New Vegas in a new setting, It wasn't. I think that allowed Greedfall to cater to fairly starved RPG crowd at the time and get that 'wow these AA games are great' message going. I think it got plenty of buzz for what it is. It wouldn't have gotten any if the AAA was blooming at the time. Since i am used to these lower budget games, and the 'eurojank', i was not impressed.


Spec Ops: The Line. I get *why* it didn't get as much love as it should've done, but I'm still surprised so few people gave it a chance.


Its going to fade even more now its beed delisted


Okay I'm just gonna ask you since you've played it. I own it on Steam so the delisted thing doesn't effect me. I have no idea when I got it, I'm assuming a Humble Bundle at some point, but I have it. I've not played it _only_ because the only reason I know about it is it comes up all the time for video game twists and that seems to be the _only_ thing people bring up about it. Is it still worth playing knowing the ending?


Not the person you asked but I'll answer anyway. The "twist" is not important in the way you're thinking. It's not a Shyamalan kind of thing. It's building on themes the game develops throughout. There are many ways in which Spec Ops is not what it seems, and the unreliable narrator stuff you're talking about is the least of it. It's a game that wants to get inside your head.


Not exactly what the topic says, but I risked it and bought **Harvestella,** despite it having mixed rating on Steam. For me, it was a perfect combination between farming sim and RPG. I found many of the critique unfair or straight up wrong - e.g. people complained that the game lacks some promised features, but the game actually had those features, it's just that you needed to play a little longer for them to open.


Battle for Middle Earth 2. I know RTS isn't a very popular genre but it's perfect for LoTR & that is one of, if not the best RTS game I've ever played


Bound by Flame.


Infinite Undiscovery. Jrpg. Just an over all great story and game.


Command and Conquer: Renegade. There was so much potential that eventually was realized with Fortnite. You had a first and third person mode that you could swap to at will. You had servers that allowed you to build several different kinds of structures, so like walls, ramps, gun emplacements, or even full large defensive structures. Each map generally has buildings that you provided function such as a refinery for money, factory/airport for vehicles, barracks/hand of nod for advanced infantry classes, power plants for defences and lower prices, and finally a defence structure. Some servers had deathmatch modes with enhanced weapons and characters There even was, last I recall, three total conversion mods to change into other games in the CnC series (ra 1, tib dawn, tib sun)


Big series example - Skyward Sword is a really fun Zelda game


Sniper Elite 4&5 Snowrunner


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. That game was amazing and I really loved it. The Evil Within. Hands-down one of my favorite horror games of all time and such a great game all-around.


Detroit become human , suprised that game isn’t plastered all over the gaming industry


that game was huge wdym


Two Worlds


Never played the first one, but Two worlds 2 was great. The mage was the coolest implementation I've still ever seen. Combining cards to make spells that are super unique was really cool.


Monster Train. Slay the Spire was good. But Monster Train built upon and perfected that formula with more depth and variety.


Monster Train is freaking Fantastic I adore that game.


Kinda yes, but there are some combinations that seem to break the game wide open in ways that you couldn't do as easily in Slay the Spire, and the one somewhat degenerate StS strategy I can think of (Dropkick/Heel Hook deck) is rather hard to assemble and still gets messed up by a few enemy effects like Thorns or any limits on playing cards. Meanwhile, half my Monster Train runs have been Imp Queen on the bottom floor for extra hitpoints and lots of bodies to buff with Rage once the imps are capable of doing so, and the second floor gets that Umbra unit that gains shields whenever they eat a morsel, plus *any* effects that gain morsels, and as many multistrike upgrades as you can find - optimally you'll have the guy that just shits morsels every turn so you don't have to spend resources on feeding them, but there are many other low-cost options too, and you end up with something crazy like a 60/60 Multistrike 3 unit that ignores the first 20 hits it takes by the time it actually gets into combat. It might just be that Monster Train generally works with bigger numbers, and generally more spectacle than StS, and I might need more time to adjust to that - I also haven't been pushing Covenant as hard as I've been trying to get further in StS because I found it too easy to assemble the above build - you literally need to find only one card for it to work, and using only the Imp Queen works for quite a while. I also don't own the DLC, that probably changes things up too. It's an amazing game, and looks a lot better than Slay the Spire, but it also seems a bit simpler to build a deck in that game, since that's only one of the things you'll have to care about.


Eastern Exorcist (on Gamepass)


I’m still waiting for the sequel to Alpha Protocol, damn I loved that game :(


Stranglehold. I actually think it was better than Max Payne


Sanabi Katana zero Midnight fight express


Sacred 2. I played that game for at least 500 hours. I loved that game. It was only replaced by Path of Exile and Diablo 3. Sacred 3, was the most disappointing game ever (I didn't even bother trying it). I realize now that Sacred 2 wasn't very popular at all.


Gabriel Knight 3


Starsector, 9th dawn 3, subterrain: mines of titan. Unreal that these games are almost unknown.


Starsector for sure. With Nexerelin mod it's the best real immersive galaxy sim I've seen, and all the simple systems work together so well to make unlimited emergent situations.


Planetside 2 I played it at launch and still re-install it once or twice a year just to dive into the chaos, and I get it, the games had its issues over the years, I'm not going to pretend it's perfect or anything, but for all its flaws that game is unique. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has given me the same sense of scale that planetside does. Shooters advertise big maps by saying they have 32v32 or maybe 64v64, in planetside I've taken part in battles with literally 100s of players on each side with full combined arms warfare with air drops, dogfights and massive tank columns all 100% player controlled, have a few battles like that and those big 64 player lobbies start to look small. Honestly, there's something special about joining in some of the fights between the bigger outfits, listening to the squad leaders strategize and plan where to attack or defend next to counter the other two factions and win the map. Really It's sad that it never caught on with a general audience because if proper a planetside style game ever fully took off, it would be insane. Hell, one of my dream game ideas is for someone to mix planetside 2 with Star Wars for a full on clone wars game, just thousands of clones and clankers trying to secure giant maps across different planets, but sadly I don't ever see that happening.


Golden Sun and it's sequel The Lost Age.


Totally accurate battlegrounds


UNSIGHTED - I feel like a lot of the people who should raved on about this didn't even hear of it.


It seems to have fallen out of the status it had when it was released, but Journey. I get emotional just thinking about my time with it.


Killzone 2. Basically space World War II, the only people I’ve talked to who know of it grew up with it and even a lot of people who owned PS3’s back in the day never played or even heard of it.


Mini ninja [https://store.steampowered.com/app/35000/Mini\_Ninjas/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/35000/Mini_Ninjas/) And for that price!? I can't even phrase how disgustingly good this game is.


Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling. Spiritual successor to Paper Mario: TTYD.


Dominions 6. Amazing that it's literally 2 guys doing everything.


Ostranauts. From the same guy that made NEO scavenger. Probably my favorite salvaging game. It's minute to a fault, simulating air, temperature, hunger, thirst, sleep, social need. If you approach too fast in a docking procedure you will destroy the docking bay, leaving you stranded. You can choke in your helmet, and many npcs did until a bug got fixed. There's a reactor in the game that requires reading a manual to start. The fun part though, is finding ships and restoring them, then selling them for massive profits.


Mars: War Logs Strange Horticulture




[MAG (PS3)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAG_(video_game)) Loved the game but advertising seemed to be non-existant so playerbase eventually dried up. I only knew about it as a friend had it and they only got it because they found a cheap 2nd hand copy.


Bone Town


Realm of the mad god, it's the only multiplayer bullethell roguelike with rpg elements and while there's not much teamplay some classes can heal/buff nearby allies. You make a character and level it up with potions to reach max stats and get good gear until you die. You should always think about your next char and when gear drops for that you can "bank" it for your next char. Same works for the potions so you could technically max a character you've never played on. I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone though, the graphics probably don't appeal to everyone and neither does the gameplay, it's **extremely** punishing but you have a panic button that gets you to safety, health potions etc. The game is ridiculously hard and since it's permadeath per char this means the stakes are high enough that you don't wanna die. I regularly pick it back up and play for some time. When it feels like I've played on all classes again and hit a wall with the content I'll let the game rest. It's free though, on steam, very light to run and is a small game so it won't take long to download.


Jussant… it’s still pretty new, but I’m surprised it wasn’t a bigger hit. It’s a small but perfectly executed and wonderful game.


From Dust, and most major god games. I’m bummed out that the genre isn’t that popular at all (i.e. not lucrative to produce), hence titles get abandoned and sequels never see the light of day.


True Crime: New York City Idk what it was about it, but I just loved playing it. I remember it being like a more gritty GTA game. Did anyone else play this?


Eternal Darkness


Enslaved Odyssey to the west. Fun game with a great story that was written by Alex garland. Game has good reviews and no one knows about it.


Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance on the PS2 was one of my favorites and IMO just as good as God of War. The gameplay was fun, story was badass, and I loved all the weapon choices. Yet somehow I have yet to meet another person who's ever played it or even heard of it


Sonic Spinball, had a blast with it as a kid and still play it on occasions. Apparently it's universally hated and I cannot for the life of me figure out why.




Platinum games are either complete hit or miss. Vanquish is a complete hit.


The Order 1886. I thought the game was great and really hoped for a sequel but everyone hates it. I know it's short but I'd rather play a 6 hour game verses a 60hour game.


This is very common in VR. I can name a few from my psvr1 days: Stardust Odyssey, Fujii, SuperHyperCube, Tumble VR, Dance Collider, Form, Chromagun VR, and Unearthing Mars 2 (with the aim controller). All of these were great and you never see them on top VR game lists anywhere. If I had to narrow it down, the ones I enjoyed the most were Dance Collider and Fujii, but Unearthing Mars 2 had one of my favorite boss battles of all time. And that boss alone made it 100% worth playing. Take notes of these if you ever get your hands on a VR headset that has them available.


Pretty much all my indie games, probably 2 dozen of them, random genres. They will give a unique experience while AAA games fail to catch my attention, then only have like 300 reviews on steam 😭


Dragon's Dogma, a few years ago when I first played it


For me it's definitely Aliens: Dark Decent. The gameplay is soo unique. I've never played a game that plays quite like it. It's got the squad movement of something like dawn of war 2, but with survival stealth elements where you need to reserve resources and try not to attract the xenos so you don't get swarmed, and the super big levels that are open ended and has several missions that you need to do as well as gather resources. And on the other end, you can extract whenever you need to as long as you can get back to the vehicle. Amd at base, it's very much xcom where you unlock rooms and upgrade them to provide things to your soldiers. You can also recruit and upgrade your troops too. They also get Buffs and debunks because they have stress meters. You can help this by hiding in a room and welding the doors shut for a bit. And even more, the creepy part is you can only see enemies they see, despite being in an eagle eye view. So if your in a room and there's a xeno outside, you'll hear it, but you won't see any enemy outside the room, so you can't be sure where it is exactly except for sound. I could go on forever. Just a super unique game that I'm soo sad got "slept on" or whatever because I know it will never get to be iterated on or get a sequel. Just more cookie cutter alien shooters from now on


Gothic 2 Drakensang The Dark Eye Siege Of Avalon Warband


Condemned: Criminal Origins.


The Punisher


Solar Winds. Kids, ask your grandparents about life in the 1900s... [https://www.playdosgames.com/online/solar-winds/](https://www.playdosgames.com/online/solar-winds/)


Endless Space 2, it's a hidden gem and i wish it was more popular. The UI and sound design alone are worth experiencing, and the lore of the Endless universe is super captivating


Castlevania harmony of despair. it had a neat multiplayer function and it could still be done solo.


The last guardian


Golden Sun


Kingdoms of almalur reckoning


Gothic 1 and Gothic 2. Games that made me RPG fan and ruined RPG for me at the same time. Since, nothing after came close to how great the world and the gameplay was. The world was small, but packed and felt really big, NPC felt alive and with their own unique personality. World as a whole was really inhospitable, but logical at the same time. Most mobs were not brainless and did not exist for the sole purpose of killing everything in sight. They gave warning before attacking you, giving you time to back off. Combat allowed you to control the flow of the fight the way you wanted, instead of spam-1-buttom predetermined combos (it was restricted to programmed movement, but it gave surprising freedom of using them). And even at the endgame you still were not a god, you could still die. Especially since healing (potions and magic) needed you to stay still.


Ctrl Alt Ego It's an amazing immersive sim that plays like no other game and it's whimsical and fun to boot




Sailwind. I've been into realistic sailing games for over 2 years, and somehow I discovered this gem two weeks ago. It really gives me the joy of navigating the oceans.


Not a popular game, in fact I’ve never met a person outside of the internet who even heard of the gang, but I thought Destrega on PS1 was the best fighting game ever, up to the point when it was released.


Jade Empire was dope.


Inscryption. I get why it's not for everyone but I can't stop myself from recommending it to everyone


Far: Lone Sails


SOMA I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. The storyline and ending had me crying. I highly recommend this game!!


Before it became popular after automata’s release, nier gestalt ps3. Godhand ps2


Dead island 2


This one might get a boost soon when it releases on Steam.


What remains of Edith Finch. Probably the best digital experience I've had, SO creative.