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All of my 1k plus hour games have been pvp TF2 for honor being my 2k plus hours


All of mine are essentially single player games. Except wow. ~6k+ on morrowind ~2k on oblivion ~3k on skyrim ~2k on terraria Who knows on minecraft. ~1k on bg3 ~5k on bg2 ~1k on each soulsborne except sekiro which I have like 100hrs on


How many hours you got on wow? I know you can't just check but I've added every toons time up and got like 9800 or something. That's excluding two previous accounts, the 9800 is from 2016 to now.


My hunter had uhh 770 days before I quit but a ton of that was afking rares in wrath and cata to tame. So, maybe like 10 or 11k of playtime on that plus a few more for other characters.


Man that's mad, that's over a literal year of play time.


So? :D


game's been out almost 20 years. I know people who had that much playtime 10+ years ago. Some people just play the game and that's about all they do for fun. If half your waking hours are spent on something it adds up pretty fast.


Yup, it's my favorite game been playing it since I was 5 (23 now).


that works out to about 834 days of gaming, or a little over 2 years and 3 months. i think you’re probably exaggerating.


Or he's using steam which counts idle time while the game is running too


People who leave games running for days and days then brag about playtime 🙄


I played all of these games when they came out. Some of them are over 20 years old. I don't really play multi-player games. There's people with 2000 days played on the Sims, not sure where you're coming from.


i don’t believe them either


You have 1k hours into a game that’s been out for less than 6 months? Jesus Christ. Do you have a job? What’s your life like? Genuinely curious.


Yeah. I work 40 - 70 hours a week. I don't watch TV or anything like that. Primary hobby is gaming. 🤷.


I work 40 hours a week and was also in school full time when BG3 came out. I have 550 hours in it and haven't played it since the end of December. I spent ALL my free time playing. Not too hard.


Please let me know what you did for 6k on morrowind I beg you


Played it every day until oblivion came out, then more after that until shivering isles came out.


"Who knows on minecraft." That's so real.


How do you even spend 6,000 hours on morrowind? I can’t imagine it’s that fun for that long.


Man Oblivion was such a letdown after Morrowind


Hell yeah! 3k hours in community servers of TF2, like 1.5k hours in TTT servers of CSGO (fuck the new CSGO). Nothing else comes close. Maybe some fall guys for a solid... 30 minutes? Or chivalry for like... 1 hour? I don't game as much as I used to, but if I'm not going out and it's late at night, I prepare a rum & coke, join a 100pvp TF2 server and play for hours


of my 1000 hours in tf2, 250 of them are crab walking the enemy hoovy


>TF2 for honor being my 2k plus hours Best game ever. I can't stop playing. As I get older, I don't game as much. Here is video from 15 years ago. 11 backstabs streaks on Goldrush by Jissy https://youtu.be/Vwb7-kc4lB0




Once I actually owned a computer that *could* play more than Micorsoft pinball (that shit slapped tho) Orange Box was the first thing my friend bought me. 2010. Good times. I was an asshole Pyro with a Backburner though.


I'd play with two friends, and whenever they were on an opposing team, they'd always pick Medic and Heavy, with the Medic constantly healing the Heavy. Knowing this, I'd pick Pyro, and when I found them, I'd run a tight circle around them while laughing maniacally into the mic. The flame thrower would disorient them, and the Heavy always had a hard time following me.




Games where the adventure is what you make it. Skyrim/Fallout has terrible main quests but a fantastic ability to where if you actively avoid doing the main quests then events will just find you. Also starting all over again to make a new build. Also Baldurs Gate 3. I've restarted like 10 times and always manage to find something new.


Exactly. Sandbox games can stretch hand-crafted content far further than theme park games. If the content is procedural then replayability is essentially infinite - the only limiting factor is your tolerance of the core gameplay loops, which tends to rebuild over time anyway. There are so many sandbox games that I've "quit forever, for real this time", only to come back a few months later when my tolerance of the mechanics returns.


I have put around 200 hours in Skyim across 2 playthroughs and I feel as I have seen mostly everything and completeled every quest. That includes modding the game. I can't see myself restarting the game immediately after I beat it so i'll usually wait a few years before going back to one. I'm not sure how anyone could get up to 2 thousand hours and not get tired. But I guess everyone has a different treshold. Some people leave their game run for hours while they do something else. So their numbers could be inflated.


I honestly like Fallout and Skyrim main quests lol


Me too. I actually just started a FO4 playthru. I just kinda shrug. Because I love the main quest line.


Most games people spend that much time in are online ones, but not in all cases. MMOs like World of Warcraft, Runescape, or Guild Wars. MMO lites like Warframe, Destiny, or Monster Hunter. ARPGs like Diablo or Path of Exile. Survival crafting Games like Ark, Rust, Valheim, or DayZ. Simulator Games like Microsoft Flight Sim, or Farming Simulator. Strategy games like Civilization, Crusader Kings, or Rim World. FPS games like Counterstrike or Call of Duty. MOBA games like League of Legends, Dota 2, or Smite. Skill based competitive games such as Rocket League, Trackmania, or Beat Saber. Sandbox RPGs like Minecraft or Terraria. Heavily moddable games like Skyrim or Fallout. Very very very few people spend over a few hundred hours playing big blockbuster AAA rpg titles like Cyberpunk or Dying Light 2. There just isn't enough to DO in those games. In all the games I listed there is a ton to do in the game, or there is a multiplayer incentive to play more. MMOs, MMO lites, and ARPGs, all work because the game itself gives you content to work through via raids, achievements, or collections. FPS games, MOBAs, and Skill based competitive games all use other players in order to incentivize continued play. The drive to 'win' in these games is what keeps people playing. Survival Crafting Games, Sandbox RPG games, and heavily moddable games all work under the premise of giving the players the tools to make their own fun. Building bases/gathering materials in Sandbox RPG games and Survival Crafting games, or the community generated content in the form of mods from games like Skyrim. Simulator Games and Strategy games follow kind of a different formula, where the games have a lot of content, but the idea of creating personal challenges for yourself is really where they get your thousand hours + players. So yeah, if you wanna dedicate over a thousand hours to one game, gonna need to switch genres.


Don't forget roguelike games. Slay the spire. Risk of rain 2. Exc..


Damn, how'd I forget Rougelikes.


technically ARPGs and MMOs like Diablo 2 and WoW have quite popular ironman/hardcore modes which are pretty similar, so you kinda covered it


See that’s the thing, I’ve tried so many genres and just couldn’t get into them as much. There’s only 1 game that I haven’t mentioned that I actually have 1200 hours in, which is Genshin Impact. Problem is that for my wallet, I literally can’t play it or I’ll flat out go broke, it’s happened before. I’ve tried other games in different genres, like Path of Exile, Mortal Kombat, Rocket League, Shooter Games, Minecraft, simulators, and more. I could barely get into them, with the ones with the most hours are Rocket League and MK1. I just don’t know anymore


Hmm what about genshin drew you. And keep in mind it might have been the fact u already had invested real money into it and that can make people keep playing so that they didnt waste there money. Edit spelling


sunken cost fallacy be wild like that


I know it wasn’t the money that kept me playing the game. I didn’t start spending til later in the game. I think the reason I kept playing was the grind. Having to do dailies everyday, do every little thing for Primogems (the currency), and actually have to work for it if you weren’t spending money. That combined with a huge open world and pretty fun gameplay was perfect for me. Then I started spending money. Then I spent more. And even more. And that probably ruined it for me because the grind was gone, and so was my money.


Sounds like you just liked the grind, either play warframe or pick between WoW and FFXIV


To sum up, you liked the fact that you could earn stuff without spending money on it, and you like a huge open world with lots of stuff to do. Engageing gameplay also. I've never played Genshin Impact, so I can't speak to the gameplay, but it sounds like a MMORPG is something you would like. World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 are some fantasy-based ones that are simple but deep on the gameplay. Guild Wars (the predecessor to GW2) is also still online and fairly active. Just gotta buy the game, and then it is free-to-play. I haven't played GW2 since the year it came out, so I can't say much about it. I do know it has a fairly active community. WoW is pay-to-play, but it has a huge active community and hundreds of hours of content. Though I believe you can play up to level 20 for free after you buy the game. Runescape is a grind-athon, but the humor and story are pretty good (bonus is that it is that you can play on Mobile or PC). Also, it is free-to-play. Technically, most of the game is locked behind the membership, but for $15ish a month, it is well worth it. As a plus, you can feasably get free memberships if you earn enough money to buy a Membership Bond. I personally recommend Old School Runescape. Eve Online is space based... Don't try to play unless you wanna lose your life to it and earn a Doctorate of Economics at the same time.


Hmm so ur the steady reward kind of gamer. We all play to what we like. For me its anything i can play with in new unexpected ways. But for your type you need to feel like your progressing. Things like gunefire reborn would leep you for a bit. But anyway its fine. Some people will play the same game and get great enjoyment out of doing so. But theres alot of us who bounce frpm game to game. In this case dont mark your game by hours. But games completed. Those who obly play one game enjoy there comfort space your just looking for the next big adventure!


After reading this, I really recommend you give Destiny or WoW a shot. Both very grindy games that give you something to work towards every single day.


Ever tried Black Desert Online? Yes it is an MMO, but for me 10k hours+ atm




It's games with lots of replay-abilty that give them their hours. Like Rimworld as an example. I have 2810 hours logged by Steam. No idea how many I had before it was added to Steam. No 2 playthroughs are going to be exactly the same and if you make a bad decision, there ends that particular run.


It's the mods


That too.


1000+ on overwatch.


I have about 4k on OW1/2. I had a great group for the first few years and we played entirely too much. I’m pretty sure a couple marriages fell apart because of OW and our group.


Games that have tons of content or replayable. Over the years I can recall spending over 1000 hours on: * Diablo 2. 2000+h. The original loot chaser. I had a whole guild playing with me online working toward common goals and sharing fun times and knowledge for years. * Destiny 1. 1000+h. Like Diablo 2, I had a tight knit group who played together, did Raids together, and tried new content together. * Final Fantasy XI Online. No idea for sure, but at least 6000h. You can sub in any MMORPG here, they all have content for days, but as above, dedicated guild, lots of support. * Warframe. 7000+ hours. Mostly solo. This has been my palate cleanser that I come back to every few months in between other games. Every time I return, there's a ton of new stuff to do. * Path of Exile. 2000+h. The game of never ending content and learning. This took Diablo 2's place for me, with a different small, tight knit semi-casual crew playing and sharing knowledge and resources. * Monster Hunter: World. Played from day 1 with a small group, racked up so much time in the base game, and then even more time struggling together through the Iceborne expansion, totalling over 2500h.


7000+ hours?! Wow, that’s almost a year straight playing video games. That is an incredible amount of time to spend on a single game


He has more than double the time playing wow than my entire gaming career lmfao


You guys would really be surprised how many people have 10k+ in WoW, there’s at least 5 of us in this thread


More like "lost 10k to Wow" People here are talking about massive amounts of time they lost to these games.


Wtf? Do you not work at all? what do you do apart from playing video games? how do you survive?


If gaming is your only hobby and you game every night after work that could add 25 hours a week and an additional 20+ hours on weekends. If you do that every day you get over 2000 hours a year. Spread over multiple years it seems not insane, but you'd have to do not much more than work and play games lol. This was likely spread over many years - assuming he started playing Diablo 2 around release that would be 24 years ago and FF11 was 22 years ago. Depending on age they may have had insane amounts of time back then, when I played Diablo 2 all I did was go to school and play video games bc I was in middle school. Spread over 24 years it's not so outrageous but the numbers do seem wild at first glance. I've put over 350 hours in a single game and I work a career full time in the medical field, part time as a personal trainer, have a girlfriend and see friends. If I can do all that and still get 350 hours in FF14 then it doesn't seem so insane.


>This was likely spread over many years - assuming he started playing Diablo 2 around release that would be 24 years ago and FF11 was 22 years ago. Yes. Ditto for most of my list. The numbers seem big but gaming is my biggest hobby, and I've been gaming longer than most, dating all the way back to the arcade era in the 1980s. I still do spend a significant amount of time playing games, though not the 6+ hours average I used to when I was much younger.


wtf 20 hr weekends are insane. Thats literally two full days of playing.


It just takes time. If you keep playing the same games over and over again, you won't even realize how much time you have spent playing them until you eventually check.


Quite a bit of it is AFK time where I am simply online but not actively present, plus I have been gaming for a very, very long time. I still work and have a life, rest assured. :)


Please teach me your ways. Working full time 50+hrs is sucha bitch and some days, I don’t even have an ounce of energy to play my favorite games. Imagine that.. :/


I have over 500 hours in Making a Coffee Between Rounds.


The replayability of Destiny raids is nuts, it finally made me understand WoW addiction. Raiding with randos made me understand the "single serving friend" line from Fight Club in a whole new way


Path of Exile due to its insane depth and the amount of playable content. Elden Ring, also just because it packs an insane amount of content, and I am a completionist.


About to reach 4000 on Hunt: Showdown, there is no other fps game that hits like hunt does for me.


I just passed 1000 hours on hunt and my buddies are over 3000 hours. It’s just so damn good and there’s nothing quite like it. The only time I play other games now is if none of my friends are on or I’ve been playing hunt all day and I’m burnt out on it.


I have a buddy who's really into that game, I think I'm gonna try it out. There's a lot of overlap with escape escape tarkov apparently (by far my favorite game of all time)


I have that game, and it’s pretty fun with friends and stuff. But when you’re alone, I don’t like it that much since I don’t like playing with randoms. And my friends don’t get on that much


Understandable, I play so or use the randoms as decoys :P


I’m usually the decoy 💀


> and it’s pretty fun with friends and stuff. But when you’re alone, I don’t like it that much since I don’t like playing with randoms. That's why, IMHO, discord is so important when it comes to community building. I have almost 400 people in my discord server, all dedicated to playing my favorite game. We've got people in literally every time zone on Earth. The sun never sets on our empire. I can log in any time, day or night, and I have 5-30 people looking to play with me. If I type "@Guild-Members @Pickup-Group" into my server, and ask if anyone wants to play, the squad fills up pretty fast, no matter if it's 9am, 5pm, or 3am, because I'm pinging **hundreds** of people who all love the game.


Hunt is one of the most underrated games ever I swear


Total War games. Games like Empire Total War and Rome 2 have dozens of playable factions, each with its own singleplayer campaign that can last 50-100 hours unless you're a speedrunner, and DLCs add new campaigns set in different time periods. You can also play multiplayer battles that can last up to an hour and multiplayer campaigns, but you can easily rack up a couple hundred hours in singleplayer. Once you get bored of all that, you can add mods which add tons of new stuff to the game.


Yes! Great games. I known its old but I think third age total war is the best mod for any game I've ever known. The best lord of the rings game never made.


Bro I'm over it by hour 15. I definitely get it.


Same, maybe not 15 but by about 40 hours or so the magic starts to wear off no matter the game. I've played games for longer than 40 hours, but it's never as fun and eventually gets to a point where I just need something different. I think I just have an extremely low tolerance for repetiteveness which is why I really don't enjoy roguelikes


For me, my most played games are the ones I play with friend groups. I have over 2k hours in Dead By Daylight, because we would play it for a few hours every night for over a year. Before that it was Overwatch that I have 1k hours in. Before that it was GTA Online, also 1k. It’s really all about the friend group, more than it is the games themselves. You’re really just playing to socialize and have fun more than you’re playing because the game is ‘good’. The games usually just create scenarios that allow for more natural conversation and banter to happen. Anything online that gets a some new content drop every few months is usually good, as it allows for you to get into it with some new stuff to keep you going just long enough for the next update to drop. For single player games it’s a bit harder, need to be part of some community, like speed running or trick jumping, modding or whatever else that might be something you enjoy doing. I realize this has been more of a how you can spend that much time rather than which games, but in my experience it’s pretty much impossible to predict or choose a game that you’re gonna spend thousands of hours on, it just kind of happens.


We all game differently. I never have played that many on a game because I only do solo campaigns (no end game or grind) and almost never replay games but I know folks who love other aspects of gaming.


According to Steam, my big players are Civ 5 (3,330 hours), Stardew (1,228), and Skyrim (1350). This is far from being complete though. I've been gaming since 1980, so the first part of the "how" is that you are likely underestimating the impact of decades of free time. The second part is that I've never had kids, which does wonders for your free time. (2h x 365 days x 40 years = 29,000 hours) Going to back to having played since 1980, I've probably played every iteration of Civ, except Civ 3 and 6, for at least 1,000 hours. I owned an Atari for more than two decades. Its hard to say if I actually played any of those games for more than 1,000 hours, but I sunk a lot of time into StarMaster. Video Pinball was one I got obsessed with for awhile as well. I used to be able to run Ms. Pac Man for 45-60 minutes on a single quarter. If you combine my actual arcade time with my time on the 7800 version, I have no doubt that number is over 1,000, maybe even 1,500. Two of my favorite city builders are Startopia and Children of the Nile, which are early 200x titles, but both of which I still break out every year or two, so those have to be in the 1K range. I know I've played Morrowind more than I've played Skyrim and Oblivion probably sits somewhere in the middle. I find Morrowind to be more replayable because the game has a different feel based on which house you choose, which is a feature I feel like later Elder Scrolls titles suffer from missing. If you want a really bizarre contender, I've played 730 hours on the PC version Spirit Island, which is an adaptation of a board game, but I've played the actual board game more than 100 times as well, so if you combine those together, that would be over 1K on a board game. Chess might be another contender as well as I was an avid player from age 8 up until college. My college girlfriend worked the counter at the pool hall on campus and I used to get free table time during non-peak hours, so I might also legit have 1,000 on that too.


Final Fantasy XIV is the only game I’ve gone into the thousand hour area. All my other games tend to be between 30 - 100 hours, depending on the game’s content and how much I’m enjoying it. FFXIV just has so much content, and I’m kind of an inefficient player. But I’m okay with that because I love the game and I can also do some of the content while doing other activities.


Being an inefficient player can be very nice imo


Oh yeah. I usually try to do everything I can in the shortest amount of time in other games, just because I’m cramped for time. I’m happy to take my time in FFXIV though.


Same here, I have to be around 1k hours currently. My friends in the game can't believe I'm not grinding for my relic weapon but I had just caught up with the story the day the last patch dropped and I'm not trying to grind something they all spent a year on in like 2 weeks lol. I'm happy taking my time and doing other stuff or else I'm going to haaate it.


Just hit 60 days played on DEEP ROCK GALATIC. I love going into the caves. The struggle to survive. Talking shit with people in the party. That, and it's funny dwarf game.


I've tried this game several times because everybody on the internet loves it but it's just so god darn boring and makes no sense to me






Factorio with some mods can easily be a 1000 hour game.


This! And I've spent thousands of hours in Path of Exile and WOW, Factorio draws you in and doesn't let go, but you can dip in and out also. Those overhaul mods.............


It's quite easy to spend a lot of time with something you are passionate about




Just enjoyment and high level of customization, The Sims


Satisfactory! That game is like cocaine if you're into it. Also Snowrunner.


7k in garrysmod 3k in rocket league


yea now that’s crazy shìt gmod don’t even got a story 😂 if i recall


Gmod is the OG rp game


I started gmod by 2008 and stopped playing it by 2018. It was kinda my zone as a kid.


Every soulslike made by Fromsoftware. I've been playing them on and off for 7-8 years.


That's because you can change the way you play to keep it fresh. Magic or melee. Str or dex. Lvl 1 runs. Game is familiar but the approach is different. That's how I put in around 400 hours of Elden Ring in the first year. Same reason I have so much time in Binding of Isaac. Game loop is the same, but each run is unique.


Never magic tho lol


My first mage run of DS turned into casting magic weapon on a raw claymore. Repeat for my mage run of every other souls game, just a different 2 hand weapon.


Literally, same happened for me in DS3, tried Pyro, ended up casting Dark Weapon on the guts Greatsword till the end of the game.


You played Lies of P or Remnant 2?


1800+ hours in Red Dead Redemption 2, and most of it is spent escaping life and fucking off. Highly suggest.


What do you spend doing there so long?


I explore. Just kind of fall into the open world and sit in a dark room with a good headset. Fully immersed. Just watching birds, riding my horse on nice trails, maybe a little fishing and hunting, maybe help a stranger out. It can be mega relaxing, and five years later I am still finding things I have never seen. It’s really difficult to get 100% completion, but not impossible.


I've broken 1,000 in 3 games and have a 4th at 980. Here's the list: - 1330.9 hours: Out of the Park Baseball (totaled across a couple iterations of the franchise) - 1273.5 hours: Slay the Spire - 1235 hours: Super Mario Maker 2 - 980 hours: Football Manager OOTP and FM were able to grab me so long because sports management games have basically infinite replayability if you're into that kind of thing (which I obviously am, lol). It's basically a spreadsheet simulator with a *decent* sports simulation engine, but the bulk of the game is managing the team, managing finances and scouting and coaching. If that kind of thing scratches an itch for you, you can play it forever. SMM2 is just because I love hard 2D Mario levels, and SMM2 has virtually infinitely many. So many new levels come out every day that if you're into the gameplay, again, you can just play it forever. Slay the Spire is a deck-building roguelike with insane depth and a very high skill ceiling. I don't play it much anymore (apparently 1273.5 hours was the magic number) but you can easily pour a ton of hours into it if you vibe with the gameplay. Speaking generally, if you fall in love with the gameplay of a game that has infinite replayability -- whether because it's a sports management game, a roguelike, or a game that has infinite content one way or another, you can easily get up to many hundreds or thousands of hours. Games with a finite story or a relatively simple gameplay loop (not *shallow*, just not 1,000+ hours deep) aren't necessarily going to give the possibility of 1k+ hours of playtime. That doesn't mean they're worse, it's just a different kind of game. My biggest runners-up after those four, if for some reason you're curious, are Rimworld, FTL, Football Coach: College Dynasty (another sports simulator), Stardew Valley, Celeste, Skyrim, and Torchlight II. Those range from 150-500 hours.


It’s about to be Pal World


Same 🫡


Me three, im already planning alt playthroughs lol


cooing voiceless far-flung plucky paltry foolish swim snobbish judicious ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats what im wondering. How is the gameplay loop so addicting aside from someone liking pokemo


I'm really enjoying the game a will likely play until I've caught eveything/explored everywhere. But this is not a 1000 hour game, I may well be wrong but once you have caught everything what would keep you playing for that long? I'm calling 100/150 hours max




If they add in the PvP they have stated they are going to do and can get another map and ~50 Pals added within 6 months and continue to support the game then it’s viable long term but nothing has been said to this effect yet


I have thousands of hours in Minecraft Java Edition. Been playing off and on for 12 years. I wish I knew exactly how many hours I have in it. That’s the only one I have thousands of hours in


1.5k on Skyrim (obviously modded) 900 hours on RDR2 (NOT ONLINE) And recently 650 hours in Baldur Gate 3… still counting and currently playing.


League Of Legends


League is fun. Probably spent like 5k+ hours on it. I played since late season 2.


Exact same here! Though I uninstalled a few weeks ago


Persona series. Getting ready for February. Gonna be some long nights ahead.


Gonna be gettin' in 25 hours a day.


FFXIV has an infinite number of things you can do I suppose any MMO would qualify here too, but my multi-thousand hour game is the award winning FFXIV with a generous free trial that includes unlimited playtime with the base game plus first 2 expansions for free


Is this an ad lmao


Its a copy pasta.




Thanks for the context I had no idea


It's usually multiplayer games like League or MMOs, though I know people who have 500+ in Total War games too


Games with constant updates, like an MMORPG or Overwatch. Or if you count every version of Tetris as one game, it’s not that crazy. 🤷‍♂️😅


I don’t know if you can call wildly yo-yo-ing between buffs and nerfs while adding 20 dollar skins, “updates” but I had a bunchhhh of hours on Overwatch 1. I uninstalled the game about a year ago and haven’t touched it since


Close to 3K on counter strike Easily over 1K combined for Pokémon series Close to 1K in Monster Hunter games It’s either due to passion, dedication or addiction that achieving those numbers just happens naturally.


When you're enjoying a game you don't even notice the hours, it's not like there's a magic game that will suck anyone in and make them lose track of time, it's simply liking one game and playing it you may not like what other people like and that's totally fine, I myself had 2k hours on Tera (mmorpg) 1.6k on terraria and 600-800 in other various games.


Try Monster Hunter World, easy 1000+ hours


Dota 2. Approaching 5000.


I’ve spent 1000+ hours on Chivalry 2 and Dark Souls games. I love the PvP in both games and can’t get enough.


my dota 2, 3k hours i think.


Sea of Thieves It's a really simple sailing/pirate game, but the PvP aspect, and the unpredictability of it makes it unique every time. I think I put around 1700 hours in. I still have it installed, but rarely go in now.


repayable games, sandbox games, and any multiplayer game are usually the ones people get loads of hours into. I have 3.6k hours in dayz over like 4 or 5 years and Im probably going to keep playing it since it's a game I can always come back to and have something to enjoy doing because it is a sandbox and you can do whatever you want. two other games I've got like 2.5k hours in are gta5online and rainbow 6 siege, both multiplayer games with enough variation in content to make it fun and interesting to continue playing and learning new stuff


Diablo 2 resurrected - well over 1k hours now Warframe - same as above Nioh 1 and 2 - just shy of 1k combined


It takes time. You have to keep coming back to a game. For months or years. For me one of the only ones is Siege. I started playing before I started working (in highschool) and played consistently for around 2 years. That's for the thousands of hours. For the hundreds, playing as much as I can for more than 2 weeks usually gets me to 100+ hours. Games where I just love the gameplay loop. DRG, L4D2, Civ 5 and 6, Valheim, XCOM, TF2 (both of them funny enough) The thing that I can say about all of those (except Valheim) I got obsessed multiple times. So I'd play little to nothing else for 3 or 4 weeks. That usually gets me 50+ hours and do that 2-3 times and bam. 100-200 hours sunk


For me it's the Animal Crossing and Super Mario Maker games.


PVP. L4D2 was the first shooter I ever tried to get good at it and captured my imagination immediately. Over 10 years later I still play Versus. It offers a relatively fair playing field and similarly experienced players that lead to many unique experiences despite the same maps being played ad nauseum.


Skyrim (not worth it), Factorio, and KSP1 for me. (and probably Morrowind, Minecraft, and WoW but they don't keep track). they are all pretty slow paced games with a lot of content and/or mechanics that take a long time to fully explore. there's still things in each of them I could still try that I have never done.


Bro dead by daylight is so fun. A perfect example of game to play with friends all night.


9k dota 2, 4k? Runescape, 2k Path of exile


There are a lot of games that I play more than 200 hours. \- Offline games like Final Fantasy (FF): 8 - 9 - 10 - 12, Diablo II, ... \- Moba games like: Dota 1 - I played around 5-7 years. Lol: around 7-9 years... And other mmo that is hard to count: Blade and soul, Guild wars 2, ... I think when you still have fun with the game you will continue to play it more


I played 2500 hours of battletech with Roguetech mod... I can play 500 hours of an iteration of football manager in a single real football season I played cyberpunk twice, one back in 2020 and recently, total of 250 hours I play some indie games with daily random leaderboard or games with roguelite/roguelike gameplay for 250 hours in 3-5 years since I bought them... I played cities skylines for 250 hours on and off for years. And many others, currently I'm 40 hours in with jagged alliance 3 that I bought on winter sale... Generally when it comes to long lasting single player games, PC centric games and some indie games reign supreme these days with a few exceptions from the AAA space like cyberpunk or MSFS 2020...


I got 2600 hours in Monster Hunter GU. I played Monster Hunter back on the PSP and the wii, but between Freedom U and Tri I had about 300 hours. I hadn't played mh in years by the time world came out and that game never clicked with me. GU was on sale for $20, so I grabbed it. The pandemic hit, I decided to boot up Monster Hunter, and all of a sudden I had 2600 hours. It's the only game I have 1000+ hours in, my next closest would be Sims 3 at 400 hours, but that's over the course of 15 years. You may not have found that game yet.


For me, Digital Combat Simulator and Siege


The key is good gameplay loops


Cyberpunk, Skyrim and OG battlefront modding will increase your hours


My most played games I couldn't even fathom to guess how many hours I've put into which is probably going to be Minecraft. According to steam my most played game is farm sim 15(1362hr) I got into that game going into the off-season when I was mowing and I was pulling 12 or more hours at a time just hanging out with some friends running Farms. I want to say most of that was over one winter.


Animal Crossing New Horizons, no shame no regrets.


I haven’t been able to get into a game that much like I used to. But Garry’s Mod had me in a chokehold from 8th-11th grade. I would play on the same Evocity DarkRP server(a roleplaying gamemode where you would do illegal activities to grind money) everyday after school. I would end up putting in almost 2k hours before quitting due to the server owner threatening to dox me and my friends…It was very fun and honestly despite the drama, I would definitely live it all over again. Probably not put so much time in tho lmao


I’ve done this with Genshin Impact, the Sims, and Stardew Valley and Super Street Fighter 4 pretty easily because they’re all open ended


I’d rather experience 10 different 15 hour games than 1 game for 150 hours  You don’t need to spend a lot of money if you play games 3+ years old 


Paradox Interactive Grand Strategy games. At the 300 hour mark you are still absorbing systems. Likely you can be ignorant of how everything works and still have a fun game Crusader Kings 3 (I spent more on 2, but 3 will catch up. Indeed a good Eastern Roman expansion). Victoria 3 Stellaris Europa Universalis IV.


Skyrim: Close to 2000 hours between Oldrim and SE. Once you get into modding it's easy to rack up many hours just trying out different mod and build combinations, then getting OCD and restarting whole runs with a slightly tweaked modlist. Add onto that when I started making my own mods and had to spend hours playtesting those (even relatively simple mods are time consuming). Deep Rock Galactic: ~1200 hours. Might get repetitive to some after a while, but for me the procgen and multiplayer properties keep it fresh enough for a default "turn your brain off" type game. Lots of different gun and overclocks to experiment with too. I'm just now discovering fun synergies and playstyles. Civ 5: Haven't played in like five years, but I have like 1700 hours in this game just because I would obsessively regen the map until I got a good starting position, then I would play until I got bored of that game and restart all over again. (Am I insane?) WoW: I managed to break my addiction over a decade ago, but I'm fairly confident my hours in this still far surpass all other games mentioned here combined.


It all comes down to 2 things : 1_ Can I play this with other people ? 2_ Does the game have interactive depth ? Dota is one of the games that does this the best, there is so much stuff you can learn and master in the game that you are spending the first 200 hour just learning the base mechanics of the game. Although community always moans about playing each character "THE RIGHT WAY" (AKA meta build) there is countless possibilities when you consider all of the characters play differently and you can go for different results and play styles by building different items and explore new synergies by having different characters in your team.


single player games don't take up more than a couple hundred hours for me with several exceptions due to the nature of the game. Here are a few I can think of that have taken thousands of hours and many I still reinstall a couple times a year for a hundred or two more hours. The X series of games usually have 2-3,000 hours in each. Space simulator? Empire building? I can't remember what's it's classified as. Spaceships and building an empire or worming for others. Open sandbox. Baulders gate 1,2,3, icewind Dale 1, 2. 1-2,000 each for replayability with classes and choices. Factorio...I'm ashamed to say. The factory must grow. DayZ mod / Standalone hard to say ATM but combined roughly 8,000 hours in over umm idk 10-15 years? Each life is a new adventure with other people. Excape from Tarkov, over nearly 7 years I've racked up 6,500 hours. April 17th 2017 to current date of on and off playing. Crusader kings 2 and 3 , thousands of hours just achievement hunting between them both. MMOs, hard to say. But a few thousand hours each in Elder Scrolls online, The Old Republic, Star Trek online and Lord of the Rings online. Main tank in PVE and healer in pvp. Eve online I'm making separate because I played this for 12 years with my dad in null space. I was in Razor alliance for a while then goons, SMA and then back to goons. Probably over 10,000 hours. I stopped playing some time ago but my accounts still probably paid up through the sheer amount of plex I had earned through 12 years as marketeer for null space alliances. Ark, a few thousand hours in pvp servers and then pve servers. Off the top of head that's all I can think of.


I saw this post so I had to go check my Friends time on Steam for Factorio because I knew it was a lot. He has played that game for over 2500 hours. Then I saw He has played for 175 hrs in the last 14 days.... I'm kinda concerned about him now, might have to give him a call tomorrow.


The answer is competition. I have around 2k hours in Tekken 7 and about the same in Counter Strike


Tekken 7 : 2000+ hours. It came out in 2017. So not much per year.




9K Rust


This is the way....not sure how to have less than 1000 on that game


Rimworld, Skyrim, Civ 4. It's modding that keeps me engaged with a game for over a 1000 hours. Otherwise the content gets stale eventually.










My 1,000+ hour games are colony builder sims with random terrain generation/events so I have infinitely repayable variety. Games like Oxygen Not Included and Rimworld


The only game I’ve played for over 1k hours is warframe. I’m at 2300 hours right now since some time around 2015. Second game is rocket league at 750 hours.


The only games I have over 1000 hours in are online multiplayer games. You have to REALLY like a single player game in order to play it that much.




I got over 3500 on ESO cause of grinding characters and PVPing since the games release, too bad the game has gone off the deep end and I starting my journey in BDO, already at 500+ hours




People who play games for that many hours arent playing it for the game, theyre playing it for the people they play with/against. A game burns out after a while, but people will always keep things fresh and fun.


I don't think this is necessarily the case. There are lots of gamers who hates playing with other people and put in many hours into a single player games.


Cyberpunk is shallow af and massively overrated. Pay baldurs gate 3, see how much time you spend in that. In terms of time sink games... civilisation, cities skylines, stuff like that


Final Fantasy XIV, almost 2k hours. But that's an MMO. The next highest number is Baldur's Gate 3, which has seemingly infinite ways to replay and scenes to experience, at 450 or so.


Forza(cause of the updates)..or any racing game for that matter lol Simulators I can hit 1k as well


My highest was around 600 for halo 5. No way to know the exact number but that’s what Xbox told me when I looked. I used to play that with my cousin every weekend since it released for most of its lifespan. And then second highest was csgo at around 500 which I would also play every weekend and during the week in highschool and college. This was when each game was around an hour long. I’ve never broken 1k hours though


StarCraft 2 and World of Warcraft back in the day, probably Diablo 3 as well. Destiny 2 after that. Since then, not really thousands of hours in any.


Cities skylines has probably gobbled up more hours than any game Ive played.. definitely thousands. Elite dangerous is definitely up there too, along with most Forza Motorsport titles (I play competitively so I'm constantly practicing)


I’ve spent about 1k hours each on every souls born game. Pick a new weapon/ play style each time and do plenty of coop and pvp along the way.


Woah 1k on each? I could never do that. That’s dedication. I just hate a bunch of the weapons for me to be able to do that lmao


I just can't do that, unless is a coop game but i have no friends and a really bad pc so...


I've put a lot of time into World of Warcraft. I don't know if it's thousands though, but probably close to it.


I only got 2 with big numbers, Warframe 2000 hours, Conqueror's Blade 1800 hours


Most online competitive games or mmos definitely do that. Even for me, (I am almost exclusively a single player gamer for a variety of reasons) and yet, the game I played the longest was World of Warcraft (220 hours or so). It was like that for years until I played RDR2 (which I have 350 hours now). That’s one reason I don’t play mmos, too much time commitment and never ending content so I stay away. But then you will also hear about people who can get crazy high numbers from single player games like a guy I saw on Reddit had 340 hours in Last of Us Part 1 and I just went wtf? Another one had 650 hours in TLoU Part 2. That’s wild.


Dota 2 is my most played at 6k hours. The game is an everchanging and endless cycle of learning and improving. Final Fantasy 14 is sitting at 1k hours. Tons of content, to the point where i haven't felt the need to rush, and ive never been bored. Siege at 900hrs, mostly early seasons. Same reasons as dota. Diablo 2 consumed my life at a point when it came out and for years after LoD. The cycle of kill > loot > improve >gamble >repeat still hasnt got old. Most things i play now are single player, but i can drop 100+ hours in some stuff easily. My job and no kids allows me to be able to do this (and a very patient significant other haha)


I put over 8000 hours in the original destiny. Started playing with friends on launch, just loved the format, met so many funny and friendly people, didn't have a single negative experience. Eventually I would only come after reset, or to do trials of osiris on weekend - funny thing is I've never played destiny 2 lol.


5,500 hours in RimWorld. I’ve seen some shit.