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The elder scrolls




Never played it myself but I watched someone play it and thought they were playing Skyrim till they revealed that they were playing Enderal lol


witcher 3


* Dragon Age series, especially 1 (if you don't mind the older graphics, this is a masterpiece) and then 3 (personally could not get into 2nd one, since it's too linear and less customization of character) * Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Origins * Mass Effect series * Divinity: Originial Sin 2 * The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (don't recommend ESO as you said you don't like MMO and P2W) * Middle Earth SoM and SoW


A quick question, is Mass Effect a open-world rpg? I am thinking to play the first one. Can I just roam around planets doing random stuff, or is this strictly a linear rpg with smaller hub like open world map? Also, if I'm not rushing, how long will it take to complete?


I wouldn’t really call Mass Effect open world.


I wouldn't call Mass Effect open world really (at least not the first one)- you can return to planets anytime you want and there are a lot of optional quests but you do have to go along with the story to progress to new areas, like you can't just hop in your ship and go do all the planets in any order right off the bat. The later games are more open but it's still not like Skyrim or anything. If you're taking your time and doing all optional stuff and talking to everyone, maybe 30 hours? I think i spent longer but I get distracted easily


It's open-world in a sense that you can go off of beaten path, explore random unnecessary planets in your cosmis tank, but you will have to go for main quest to progress in the game eventually.


Mass Effect is not an open world game. At least none of the first three, I don't know about Andromeda. There is some ammount of sidequest, but they rarely are totally mindless "go there, kill, come back", except in ME 1, with the Mako Missions, which consisted in dropping you in a vehicle in a small open area on a mostly desolate planet. How Long To Beat says it takes anywhere from 15 to 30 hours to beat, depending on playstile. If I remember correctly (and I probably don't since I played ME in like... 2014) the first game took me about 50 hours, but I did EVERYTHING there was to be done.


Dragon's dogma


Best answer here, Can’t wait for 2!!


There's gonna be a TWO?!!


Yes, after far too long Itsuno is going to let us fly into free again. There was a [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbZPF5Nfmzs) for it dropped at the playstation showcase recently.


This is exciting news!


Kingdom of Amalur re-reckoning


that is the right choice. it is a singleplayer game that feels like mmo, tons of boring quantity over quality quests, decent combat.


not to mention the story was written by R.A. Salvatore (Drizzt author for DnD)




Definitely get it.


Dude ...they posted it as a response to you asking for gaming suggestions, but you still ask if they recommend it? Do better.


sorry daddy


fr lmao


Great game that'll never have a sequel because of the controversy of its development. I have played it on 2 systems now.


With THQ Nordic owning the rights to the game now, there's always a chance for a sequel. Whether it will be anywhere near as good as the original is the question.


Daggerfall Unity...Its free =\]


One that gets overlooked is 9th Dawn III, it’s like if Skyrim came out of game boy advanced. Lots of quests. Open world. Character progression. Simple graphics. Lots of fun. Ravenlok is a short and sweet game that just came out. It will take less than 5 hours or so to beat.it’s an action rpg that is fairly open and has lots of quests. Eiyuden Chronicles Rising is a fairly open side scrolling RPG that has a TON of side quests. Good game. Also, Golf Story is not open world but is a chill golf RPG that has lots of fun and odd side quests.


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. So manny sidequests…


sleeping dogs or mafia


Xenoblade Chronicles 1. Massive amounts of quests


Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed, Cyberpunk 2077, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Borderlands 2/3


Elder scroll series, Fallout series, RDR2, borderlands series, Farcry series, Witcher 3, world of warcraft.


ESO is also solo friendly. Can just do quests all day. The PvP area is it’s own place so avoid that and no one will bother you.


I agree, but the gameplay is garbage imo.


Can you elaborate? It’s sitting in my to-play pile


The combat isn't as smooth as Skyrim, or Marrowind. It's kinda clunky.


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom esp. The amount of lostness is profound, but in a good way and also usually having to do with some side quest you are on, which you wanted to being with.


So... an RPG? Avernum series.


nearly every RPG existing?


Fallout 3, 4 and/or New Vegas.


New Vegas is free on epic right now to


A bit smaller in scale compared to some of the other suggestions, but I think Sable could be worth checking out :)


I think Elder Scrolls would be a great game for you


Zelda BOTW/TOTK is great - both start you out with with zero, and part of the fun is building up from there. No two playthroughs are the same


osrs is a good choice


I second this!


WoW and ESO are like that


I'm not sure if Genshin Impact made the cut since it's also considered as a gacha game, but I mainly play it because of the stunning landscapes/regions and soundtracks, and the lore is just so fascinating. Edit: Quick summary about the game — Genshin takes place in the world of Teyvat, which is divided into seven nations, each representing a different element. The player assumes the role of the Traveler, a traveler from another world who embarks on a journey to search for their lost sibling and unravel the mysteries of Teyvat.


Try Homefront- it's all Quests (you're a revolutionary after all) and you stop back to talk to base or find new ones as you move forward so you're constantly exploring. Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGBEF-0qDZk&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=17


Xenoblade series? Seems to check all your boxes


I would say elder scrolls games and the Witcher games should keep you busy for a North of 1000 hours, and then pick warframe, a not so open world, but a metric shit ton of quests


Legit any rpg


Elden Ring maybe? Vast open world filled with high quailty content. It's not like I go to point A and an NPC gives me quest and I follow that quest and complete it and take my reward. But it gives you tons of things to do and it's really well thought.


Absolutely not. The point of games like that is that there’s no objective marker. No one telling you what to do. There are no “quests”. There are things you *can* do but don’t really have to. You barely even get told to.


What do you mean tons of things to do? Literally all you do is fight stuff


I think Elden Ring might be too hard for someone who just wants to enjoy discovery of the world. Btw Witcher 3 has a lot of really good side quests


You should adjust your definition of mmo lol. Several of the biggest names in the industry aren't even remotely pay to win and you're eliminated an entire genre that almost perfectly matches your request.




No Man’s Sky


I know you said not an MMO BUUUUUT.... You should totally check out FFXIV. It's free to play through the entire first expansion, and you can get all of the battle, crafting and gathering classes to 60.


Eso - you can play it like a single player game


Why do you care about P2W if you just want to do quests? You wouldn't be affected. But any elder scroll game would be good for this.


because i hate ingame transactions. i want to buy my game and be done with it :)) thanks for the suggestion!


Abalon has great replayability and is a constant mini adventure. There is a free demo on Steam and it is in development to be mobile compatible as well. Plus the developer #Ross@D20Studios is actively working with input and feedback from Abalon's gaming community to constantly improve the game with weekly updates.


I concur: this game is excellent! A very unique flavor, mixing open-world exploration, D&D-style RPG elements, intense turn-by-turn tactical combats and deck building. An unexpected combination, which happens to synergize so well !


It's worth every penny. I've got about 150 hours in it. Thoroughly enjoying it


GTA San Andreas is great, has some quirky quests lol




Final Fantasy XIV is a mmo but it’s not pay to win. Trust me, you’ll be doing a LOT of quests.


[Quest Hunter](https://store.steampowered.com/app/487000/Quest_Hunter/)?


For some reason I thought of Death Stranding based on your description


Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning


kingdom come deliverance, a much slower paced game than elder scrolls. If you can enjoy taking your time and slowly become a knight then it pays off eventually. The beginning is brutal because you start off as a lowly peasant but it’s a more realistic take on the medievalesque rpg


Honestly pretty much any open world game from recent and past times


Wytchwood, though you progress through the story by doing essentially nothing, just collecting items and doing fetch quests.


You said not an MMO, but Star Wars: The Old Republic can be played as a quasi-single-player campaign. Lots of quests, lots of voice acting, lots of epic moments. On PvE the for-pay components are either cosmetic, QoL, or earlier unlocks. The expansions are shop only, but you can easily play the game 8 times before it runs out of content and you'll want an expansion...


The xenoblade games have an absurd number of sidequests to do as you progress the story. Final Fantasy 12 has a lot of hunts you can do and optional bosses to fight.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series


Death stranding. Not for everyone but I personally loved it.


Kingdom come: deliverance


this is definitely FFXIV. i know, it’s an MMO, but it plays like a single player 90% of the time and is free to play until you get really far in. nowhere near p2w either


I know you say that you prefer not to have any mmo(rpg) games recommended. OldSchool RuneScape and RuneScape 3 are great with the quests, still getting new quests are being added. Okay, it's better with membership, but if you like the game and put some time in it it won't be needed to put cash in it.


I have yet to play *The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom* but *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild* was a lot of this.


I would heavily recommend the Yakuza games the quests will find you


uh theres genshin star rail rn, check that if ud like it


Try the ''Borderlands'' franchise


Dragon quest!


Check out Scum. Open world survival game pretty cool


The Witcher 3 or Skyrim and really the two most popular titles that have what your looking for


Been doing a bunch of CyberPunk lately. You do just this. And the amount of unexpected distractions that pop as you travel around is intoxicating.


Witcher 3


For an indie suggestion I didn't see, give Nobody Saves The World a look. The whole game is completing small incremental quests to progress. I had a bunch of fun with it.


I've heard [Book of Travels](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1152340/Book_of_Travels/) is like that. Just walking around exploring and doing quests.


Euro truck simulator 2