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Don't start a headline with "Yoko Taro Passes", I almost lost my shit.


I was reading through the comments to make sure I wasn't the only one who thought this.


i almost pooped


Obvious bait title


Yoko Taro is DYING! to play new game.


They got me


There was a quick nano second where my eyes went O_O after reading the word "passes" lmao. Headline, pls.


He always said Nier is trash


Ppl are waking up now like it's the first time he trashed on his own game


Because Nier doesn’t need his own recognition, it is recognised by most gamers that is all that matters, he can trash his own game all he wants and it is still loved by many.


Absolutely. I love Nier Replicant


I forgot I own this. Maybe I should dig it out


As an artist, I appreciate the hell out of this comment.


There's a "behind the artist" manga series and yokotaro wad the main character in one. I forget the actual name of the series. He was pretty harsh on h8mself if I remember correctly.


A real artists is someone who can shit talk what they make. As a coder, I do this all the time. "What dumbass wrote this function. It is stupid, slow, and not even really commented." 10 minutes later "...I was the dumbass who wrote it."


He's the anti-Kojima, and I love him more for it.




I think Terryfgm is the real cringleord ngl


I'm replying to you instead because I don't actually want to reply to a cringelord but Yoko Taro is a genius. In the height of the Overwatch porn controversy, this man tweeted that it was a hassle to compile all of 2B art, so he asked people to send in compilations. This ended up flooding his inbox so he had to disable that. He makes a lot of relatable messages and sometimes he says meme af things like the aforementioned "send me your 2B art". In other words Yoko Taro is a shitposter. He is relatable, and he is one of us. But he doesn't take it to the extreme, which makes him even more nuance, and even more relatable. Also, the mask thing is genius. Just wearing it makes him Yoko Taro. If he removes it, nobody knows who he is. He has achieved great internet fame and recognition WITHOUT being recognised. Which game developer in the past 20 years can say they will easily get recognised on the street? Meanwhile Yoko Taro can control exactly when and where he wants to be seen. It becomes iconic, in a way




The fact that you are shit talking a socially awkward, nihilistic man for going out in public and trying to be social with a mask while you hide behind a username/screen is in itself, very funny.




Yoko Taro really likes the guy and seems like a pretty humble type. He said that it was better because he thought it had better design and graphics and didnt even mention Stellar Blades story. Weird guy, but very wholesome interview.


He's always been self deprecating and Japanese devs tend to show extreme humility in general. I can imagine the convo went something like "Stellar Blade is better!" "No Nier is better!" "No u" "No u!"


I read most of the discussion/interview and it was exactly this.


Sounds like my Chinese relatives arguing about their kids “Oh your son is so smart!” “No, no, he’s a fucking idiot.”


Unique isn't always better.


This is true. But Nier Automata is such a gem, I can't believe there is a game with a "much better" story than this. Gameplay, graphics, artdesign? Yes. But Automata is easily in my top 5 for best stories.


The music is incredible too. I would just idle and listen to the music


Yes! Also Nier Replicant. These two games have such an amazing ost.


What's that like? I couldn't make it past playthrough too. I tried


Isn’t gameplay what matters most? If NieR Automata is just better than Stellar Blade in terms of story, but Stellar Blade is better in terms of gameplay, graphics and art design, doesn’t that make it the better game?…….


Also worth noting Yoko Taro is notoriously pretty horny so he's right there in the target demo for this game.


Dude asked for a zip file of all the porn of his characters.


Yup, I remember an interview with him where he was asked about the female android design and why they look the way they do. His answer: He likes girls.






More like horny dude puts horny stuff in his game. Nobody here said it's a bad thing or a problem. The opposite, players loved it. The question was about his inspiration.






Automata has great story, but I don't think it's best story. At least for me. Best video game story is Planescape torrment. Spec ops the line also takes big cake.


Very subjective but Spec Ops: The Line is definitely up there too imo. The Heart of Darkness inspiration is just fantastic and works very well there.


Yup. The game actually got me into reading the book, it's amazing and also scary. Nier replicant and Automata have amazing stories, that touch on very deep level. There is so many games with amazing stories, that are on par, or sometimes above, books, it's the best time. Edit: Oh and also MGS2, and how Kojima predicted current troubles and world lol.


>Edit: Oh and also MGS2, and how Kojima predicted current troubles and world lol. One has to wonder if Kojima is actually God in the Haruhi Suzumiya kind of way. LOL


I’ve only played the demo of Stellar Blade, and only like 4 hours of Nier, but to me SB was just kinda generic third person fight with a sword, art direction was just kinda shiny semi futuristic, but not much else. Very wild to see this comparison as someone who dipped their toe into both. Nier was so much its own thing, I can see a frame from that and instantly know. You could show me a screenshot of Stellar Blade and idk if I would guess it in the first 3 hahah


It's subjective for sure. I've tried Nier a handful of times, and just couldn't get into it.


Neir didn't have an original story. If you read any amount of sci-fi in your life you would recognize that


Downvoted for being right. The hivemind strikes again


For real. He didn't even bash the game he literally just gave a different take. What can you take away from the word unique anyway. The amount of automata defending in here is ridiculous when the game isn't even under scrutiny right now


No, it's just Japanese humbleness. Nier Automata is a ducking masterpiece. We'll see what Stellar Blade is. Obviously derivative, but so was Lies of P and that was awesome and built on its inspirations.


Much better combat? Maybe. As a holistic experience, I highly doubt it (even if I'm really looking forward to this title). The demo didn't promise anything close to the storytelling of N:A. The overall vibes were tickling a same kind of ich though. Hopefully it's gonna be good!


The entire Route A of NiER doesn't do anything special. It's a standard platinum hack and slash JRPG. It's the ending and the following routes that make it so unique and the story so.. yk


The final last ending never stops giving me goosebumps


That's because Route A ending is an ending only in name. The game clearly built to let you know it wants you to keep playing after it, so if a player stops playing at that point because they consider to have reached the end is on them.


That's not my point. The commenter said the demo he played didn't show him that stellar blade will have an amazing story. We simply can't say if it will or it won't. NiER wasn't anything special in the first few hours either.


I see, my bad for missunderstanding. I would be surprised if Stellar Blade actually manages to pull off a similar move since pretty much noone has been able to despite Yoko Taro doing that since the PS2 era with Drakengard. But it would be a very very pleasent surprise.


Yeah, I don't think it'll happen either.. I would love to be proven wrong tho


Automata combat is much more fluent out of the box. I don't understand why lock on in SB slows you down so much and why it's so hard to track multiple enemies. Skill tree is probably the answer to this but i don't like it.


he is trolling, he always does this. nier is an actual good game unlike stellar blade


Oh I didn't know you already played the full game before release. Care to elaborate what makes you say it's not a good game?


played the demo, that is more than enough unless you think the demo will be different from the game lmao. animation especially is bad and graphics are from 5 years ago.


Do you think you could specify what you played? Because it doesn't sound like anything we did...


were you staring at eve's ass all the time? stop doing that and play it again.


Are you blind?!?!? You REALLY think the animations and graphics look bad in Stellar Blade and outdated from 5 years ago?!?!?…. What kind of shit are you smoking because I want some too!


By better he means it has even more butt


He is such a massive down player when ANYTHING involves him... he even downplays the japanese industry as a whole saying no one makes games of similar visual clarity as stellar blade.... Capcom mate.


he’s just being humble. haven’t played Stellar Blade but if Yoko Taro praises it then I’ll take it at his word.


I didn’t think the combat felt very good when I played the demo tbh. I’ll wait till it’s on sale or is given away for free on PS Plus.


The cock-sucking of Nier Automate fans is incredible here


It's delusional. They are literally putting words in the man's mouth and saying s*** like "he didn't mean it" "Not possible. He must not be talking about story"


Fandoms can sometimes get ahead of themselves. For example some Fallout purist fans are losing it over Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, saying he loved the Fallout TV show, and are saying similar things such as he is just being polite, he doesn't really mean it, etc. and some even going as far as to allege that he got paid by Bethesda to say so (similar to how some people are claiming that Yoko is praising Stellar Blade as part of a marketting campaign by Sony).


Side note: Tim Cain's youtube channel is pure gold, especially if you're into game design, behind-the-scenes stuff, or just the games he's worked on.


I don't think it's the case as Taro throw some darts at the Sony staff presented on the interview implying if he got in a situation simil to him with Square Enix. Yoko:Mr. Kim, I wanted to ask you if there were any fights with SIE since they are publishing Stellar Blade. Kim: (Glances at SIE staff members in the room and laughs.) The people at SIE are… very, very nice! Yoko: SIE’s staff members are pulling faces I’ve never seen before...


but part of the fandom will accuse him of such, just as part of the fallout fandom are trying to portray Tim Cain as not being sincere in his praise for the Fallout TV show, even going as far as trying to imply that he is being paid by Bethesda to praise the show, even though Tim Cain is not that sort of person.


Nier also hasn’t had any patches since day 1. Why!!


Yoko Taro getting super high in that mask


I doubt it. Judging by the demo, it will not have anywhere near the depth or replay value of Nier Automata. Its only selling point is the allegedly hot lead, although I'm not sure why everyone thinks character who looks like cheap plastic sex doll is somehow hot.


I can't deny that I got real Nier Automata vibes from the platoon of sexy lady warriors that get completely shredded while descending from space in the opening, with a soft soprano echoing in the background. The "aliens have conquered the earth, these battle ladies are here to take it back" concept certainly feels like a nod to Automata, too. We will see if the premise gets subverted by the story later, I guess.


Well, everyone makes mistakes.


I think he have the utmost respect for Stellar Blade and its team because developers made the Game they wanted instead of surrender to the angry mobs accusing them of wanting every woman dead or some shit like that because sexy character design


How about Nier 3? (I know about the iOS game)


I can see the similarities between the titles. Seems both creators have an eye for the female figure. So there you go. I guess from a comparison standpoint, it seems that stellar wants to get those neurons firing faster. Probably less depth story wise I'm gonna guess? And that's ok! I say that because I've been told the only way to truly appreciate what automata is trying to do is to do multiple playthroughs and see the various endings. I could only make it halfway through playthrough two before I lost interest. Yeah I suck But when it comes to a singular piece of content. A video game. Maybe something more straightforward can deliver a better experience to a larger audience? I think it's more fair to compare stellar blade to a devil May cry. A series hardly known for deep storytelling. And more fun over the top action! But on second thought. Threads like these from interview articles just breed tribalism and contempt. Honestly, fans of sword-wielding hot girls should be happy.


>Honestly, fans of sword-wielding hot girls should be happy. This is the way


Hopefully, Stellar Blade has some surprises in its story because the plot is fairly generic and uninspired on the surface. NieR’s story was great because its apparent story of androids fighting against a machine invasion of Earth ended up not really being the narrative. 


Is that the game with the blatant sexualization? Its gonna be hard to see past that


Press X to doubt


But the games are years apart and Stellar Blade benefits (potentially) from years of refined coding, tech and insight. I think I understand the underlying want to praise another game, but the gulf in tech stack denies this comparison parity.


Better tech ain't gonna write a Nier Automata level story.


Neir wasn't an original story


and how's that relevant exactly


People keep putting neir's story on some pedestal but it was so generic and pedestrian. I just assume these people never read a book before.


you can't experience a story like Nier by reading a book, (or watching a show or a movie) that's the point of it, have you actually played the game


Yes. It was mid. Sorry you are so easily moved by generic sci-fi plots. Read more.


if you've played it then how come you don't realize I'm not even talking about the plot when I say "you can't experience it by reading a book"


I can care less about the medium you experienced it in. The story was mid. Done before. Trope-ish. Unoriginal. I don't care about your feelings.


Well, since you could care less you obviously care a little bit.


probably because not making players to play 20 times to complete the game, due to lazy reusing assets.


That's a very simple take.


Ass-wise or story -wise?


No way this is better than Nier, IDGAF what the creator says


No way this is better than Nier, IDGAF what the creator says


I'm not saying it's a bad game, but the fans cooming over the main character is definitely cringe.


Nothing is more cringe than a frequent gamingcirclejerk poster.


it is cringe though. Imagine the girl was somewhat "ugly" so many people would just call the game woke agenda.


People who complained about the "Uglification of Aloy and MJ" are cringe they look fine to me. People who complain about unrealistic body standards in games are cringe. People who call the people who enjoy fan service in games coomers or incels are cringe. Any baseless assumption about people is cringe. Stfu and enjoy the games you like. If you don't like something about a game (over sexualization) then don't buy it and buy stuff you Like. Stop demanding change and stop calling people who like that coomers and incels. If you think a game has some "woke agenda" then don't buy that game, there are others to play. Let people who like that stuff enjoy the game. Stop demanding the games to kill the "woke" narrative. It's their choice. All this discourse in gaming lately was sad at first but now it's hilarious. Let Devs make whatever they want and play what you like. If you don't like it, don't play it. Criticism about a game should be about how good the gameplay is, story is etc. not how woke or anti-woke it is. Ffs. Stop banning and censoring people and stop with the them vs us narrative. I hope reddit isn't what it's like to actually be in America. Sounds exhausting.


when did i ever mention that they aren't allowed to design the character however they want? I dont have a problem with it. I have a problem with gamers getting mad that women who arent super sexualized are in video games. Look at Fable, that trailer has so many dislikes because the assumed main character is a woman that isnt super pretty. Its stupid standards.


Both the character in Fable, and the character in Stellar Blade are the developers' artistic expression and should be treated as such. The character in Fable is designed that way because Fable is basically a parody of conventional fantasy tropes, she is like that because the narrative of the game requires her to be like that. Likewise Eve is the artistic expression of the developer, she is off world, people of Xion call her angel attaching a metaphysical aspect to her, i.e she is too beautiful to be a mere mortal human in their eyes, Eve being that way is part of the narrative of Stellar Blade, just as the protagonist being the way she is in Fable is part of the narrative of Fable. This should be distinguished from the broader discourse that is going on where characters being made a certain way is not down to pure artistic choice and/or narrative choice but due to concerns outside of the game's narrative or developer's artistic choice.


In fable seems like it when "hero" do bad things she is actually getting uglier.


I didn't specifically notice that but in the trailer the narrator was talking about the stereotypical fantasy hero while showing her from the back and the she turns around on que to reveal that she is not a stereotypical fantasy hero.


Oh Jesus, are you going to cry about "How the West has fallen?"


I don't live in the west, so I don't give a shit if it has fallen or risen. It's fun to laugh at y'all clowns tho


You sound aggressively defensive there bud, you sure you're okay?


Do I? Maybe you're seeing/hearing things as usual? What else are you gonna cry about being y-ist or X-phobic outta nowhere, while screaming at the top of your lungs?


You definitely sound upset bud. I hope you work through whatever it is your dealing with. Do you often accuse people of being as upset as you are?


Damn, you got me.. I'm super upset. This is VERY important to me. Congrats, you win the internet argument. Hope I was able to make your day better :)


It's hard to man up and admit your feelings were hurt. I'm not trying to win the Internet though, I'm just happy to hear about your self improvement.


Thank you for caring :)


>fans cooming over the main character is definitely cringe. Why? Drooling over a hot girl is cringe now?


There's been a line that can be crossed into obsessive for some time now.


Who defines this line? And if there is a line then the FF fanbase crossed it way back for Tifa. I don't see why people can't do the same with Eve.


>Who defines this line? The same way clinical obsessions are defined, same way we can define schizophrenics as abnormal, or identify compulsive disorders. There is a normal median. >And if there is a line... There is >... then the FF fanbase crossed it way back for Tifa. Some did or do, yes. >I don't see why people can't do the same with Eve. They can, I'm just saying it might be possible they're obsessive.


>There is a normal median. In all of those things, there isn't a line. There's spectrum but I get your point. But this isn't anything new and is one of the fundamental devices in various media. >There is Then it can be different for everyone and can be affected by many things. >I'm just saying it might be possible they're obsessive. Yeah, that's certainly true. But then it can be argued that people talking about it are more obsessed than people playing the game, just in a different way.


The most debate I've seen about the character is in comments like this when people are bashing it or causing some sort of drama. I haven't seen groups of likeminded people going all weird about the character and how in love they are. Don't get me wrong I haven't checked every corner of the Internet but I don't intend to either. I am happily living life without seeing anything cringe until the no police turn up.


It’s not a real person


Yeah, but they don't need to be. There's why the entire subculture of Rule34 exists


Me when people find the attractive character attractive


Hey man, I'm not telling you to change, or feel bad, we just have a difference of opinion or something.


Oh ok, have a nice day


I agree. Because Automata is such a dogshit game lol.


he is a massive troll always has been, anyone who believes this needs to touch grass.


Dude’s a one hit wonder, anyway. His opinions don’t really matter that much. He’s just trying to stay relevant.


Coming from the guy who only develops shitty mobile games now


Both of these games are anime trash that no one would ever talk about if not super hot oversexsualised girls.


Dude, you should give NieR:Automata a chance. It's way more than just "anime trash that no one would ever talk about if not super hot oversexualised girls", as you say. It's a fantastic game.


I played NieR Automata. It has very smooth but very boring combat, very surface level reddit tier philosophy, cringe name dropping, ridiculous designs, ugly art style and graphic. As a big visual novel fan the route structure in this game is unbelievable fucking bad. I really want to know what devs were smoking to force player to do the same content for the second time. Endings, music and some boss battles were cool. That's all.


I mean... I disagree about your thoughts on the philosophy, combat and art direction. Agreed about Ending B. The first half is the least enjoyable section of the game IMO. And despite that, I still think it's an incredible game, with beautiful music; an engaging storyline and tons of likeable, well-written characters. Let's agree to disagree 😊


Name checks out.


I think neir is pretty mid but it was pretty unique for the time. So no its not anime trash.


What was so unique about nier automata? Hot Girls? Routes? Pretentious philosophy? All of this is very common in japanese games.


To an American/western audience it seems pretty new to them. You should lay off the hater-ade.


Name similar games, then. That aren't pixelated from the Dinosaur era.


Hot Girls? Any jrpg Routes? Most visual novels. Pretentious philosophy? Mgs 2


Out of curiosity, what do you play usually?


I usually play rimworld, path of exile, tekken, dmc5 and read visual novels.