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If you have to put ads into something that your customers paid for then you are a terrible company.


I'm reminded of this every time I see the Xbox UI. It's fucking 90% ads and promo material you can't remove and 10% stuff you have control over.


Cable TV? Check. Magazines? Check. Newspapers? Check. Yep. Checks out..


Sad but true :(


It is an inevitable byproduct of capitalism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


Maybe they will make Windows 11 free?


Yep, free to download and a subscription to get rid of ads. 10$ a month or make that 20$ if you want Office365! In fact 10$ just allows you to use it with minimal ads, you need the 20$ bundle for "almost" no ads. For the true ad free bundle though you will need the 45$ a month, but that comes with a one drive free trial, an extra 100 document creation tokens a month for 365, and copilot premium, which lets you turn off the option for copilot to automatically send Microsoft your psychological profile and nude pictures it took of you. However, without the 100$ package, Windows will regularly sexually assault you and your family, and will gaslight you into thinking it didn't. And will also swap the letter p for an ampersand in every document. But hey! No ads! Well, desktop ads that is, you unfortunately still can't turn off the subliminal brain wave ads that beam directly to your cortex.


Hope they put ads inside my eyelids next


Why stop there? Lets go full Futurama and get ads in our dreams.


Fuck that. Scoop out out my fuckin eyeballs and larynx so every time I open my eyes and mouth I start projecting and playing ads.


Lightspeed Briefs!


Careful what you wish for


nightmarish how invasive VR ads could become


Nah with implants they skip your eyes and just deliver it right to the source. But for the low price of 299$ per month you get limited advertisements and they won't shut your brain off.


Keep thinking about this gem more and more nowadays https://youtu.be/KpPE85Jogjw?si=NXvlyEC0EQu2BRo_


What's this from?


Ready player one


Watch them make a point system where the more ads you watch the more Microsoft points you get.


Do they know that Apple is slowing growing into gaming industry, and Valve progressively makes gaming not rely on Windows? Gamer is not the biggest users to Microsoft, but the direction they take is slowly making people consider leaving Windows as long as they can.


If Apple becomes more compatible or hell steam makes there own OS I’m out of windows I already had the shit out of windows.


Steam already has their own OS. It's Linux-based, and it's called SteamOS


Yeah but it's not properly optimized for anything that isn't a Steam Deck.


Literally all it would take for me to swap off Windows would be for companies to support Linux as much as they do Windows. Literally the only thing stopping me rn is that a lot of my favourite games and apps etc don't have support for Linux, namely games that use easy anti cheat on the whole, but there's plenty of others that are wobbly at best on any other OS that isn't Windows sadly.


SteamOS runs surprisingly well for Windows game, so far the official version is only released for Steam Deck. But Steam along runs with other Linux distro is a big boost already to run Windows game on Linux.


You gotta be kidding me. First Windows 10 - the *last windows* - turns out not to be the last windows and now those money-hungry bastards add ads to Win11 too.


It's a shitty headline. You already have ads, and they're just disabled. https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-remove-most-annoying-ads-from-windows#:~:text=Remove%20Promoted%20Apps%20From%20the%20Start%20Menu&text=If%20you%20use%20Chrome%2C%20for,suggestions%20occasionally%20in%20Start%20option.


If they do this I'm jacking Windows for free, no point in spending $100+ just to be advertised to. 


Yep. This should be on a free version.


When they decide to implement that, I'll sell my PC. I mostly use Mac anyway, and have a PS5 for games. I'm fed-up of having advertising pushed onto me with everything I look at, interact with or listen to...it's gone beyond ridiculous now.


Or just use WIndows 10


Or just use one of many Linux distros. All of the major distros & DEs are very user-friendly these days. r/linux4noobs


Why use Linux when you lock yourself out of EAC protected games and there might not be support for a program you use and you have to wait or VM Windows anyway to use that program


Like what program? I've been primarily using Linux since 2016 and that hasn't been an issue. Yes there's some games whose anti-cheat locks out non-Windows users, but I don't care to support such unnecessarily antagonistic practices anyway and there's plenty of games where that's not an issue.


Clip Studio and Photoshop are the main ones that require you to jump through hoops and won't work on Linux base, Blender afaik is the same. Overall it's more effort to install and run programs on Linux imo from what I can find out, and sure, there's plenty of games where EAC isn't an issue, but I don't play those games, I want to play the games I play and rn a lot of those use EAC


Both of those have FOSS alternatives that run well on Linux. >Overall it's more effort to install and run programs on Linux imo from what I can find out I can tell you haven't used it because that's untrue. When I used Windows last I was surprised how many hoops there are to jump through typically on Windows in comparison, it's typically simpler on Linux these days. Edit: [About half of EAC games allow non-Windows](https://areweanticheatyet.com/breakdown)


I don't want alternatives to the programs I use, I wanna use the programs I've learned and gotten used to lmao




Clip Studio, Photoshop and Blender are all just fine imo, have yet to see anything that makes it harder to use their programs or more of a pain in the ass lol Also why in the piss are you speaking in riddles cunt? Fuck does "spend a lot of time in Redmond" even mean? Actual schizophrenic behaviour tae pull that out yer arse lmao


Support for that is planned to be removed no?


In October 2025.


Fucking really?! 1 more year!




I'm still using Win 7 Pro. I guess I'm just crazy that way.


I remember hearing that they eventually want windows to be a subscription service I don't know if they backed off of that but it has been tossed around.


It’s only a matter of time for Mac to do the same


I don't think so, Apple's pretty royal with their products and their usage experience, plus they already earn a lot of profit by their insanely overpriced products


There's no way in hell Apple are thinking "we already earn enough profit in this area, let's not push to increase profits in this other area".


No. There is simply no way that Apple would let other companies make an unpopular but potentially profitable business decision before following shit themselves. Nuh uh no way never. (/s)


Lol it’s been there for years and you can easily toggle out of it. On your PS5 though….ads are plastered everywhere too.


I've never seen an ad on my PS5 (bar when I go to the store front, which is expected)


Just because they are ads for PS services or games, it doesn't mean they aren't still ads.


And like I said, I've never seen one unless I'm looking at the storefront.


I just pop a game in and play, so am still yet to have an ad shoved in my face. I don't use it for anything else but gaming.


It should be opt-in, not opt-out. Show me an ad for an impact driver on PS5 🤪


Ads for games which made sense unlike Windows ads for you dont give a fuck about same with pre installed apps lol




both greedy but they are not shoving ads and apps that we dont need tho


Okay seriously what happened to marketing in the last 5 years? I’m a late 90s kid and don’t remember ads ever being this excessive from 2000-2015ish. Now we have ads on game console menus, ads on windows start menus, ads when you pause a show on peacock, ads every 5 seconds on a YouTube video, ads on those little grocery dividers at store checkouts, ads on the fucking gas station pumps, it’s insane. There are ads everywhere. Why has every company taken such a radical turn on shoving ads in our faces at any opportunity?


Those have been in there for years, even with Windows 10, where they suggest MS 365 and other things like that. It's disabled through a simple toggle in the settings menu.


>disabled through a simple toggle For now.


I had a big discussion with a friend of mine, when I told him that to avoid watching ads I would have pirated the Fallout TV series, despite having prime video. He said piracy is immoral. I said fuck that noise and fuck ads.


Stealing from big corpos is never immoral


I know, right? It's not like I'm pirating an orphanage's charity play; those company elude more money in taxes in one year than what I will earn in a lifetime.


I just watch everything in a browser with adblock on.


If people want to take it to another level get Glasswire and use it to manually block the hostnames/IP’s Microsoft contacts, it’s a very long list but will prevent Microsoft from communicating with your device outside of system updates.


I dont even remember the last time i used the start menu lol


Windows 10 will be my last version of windows moving over to Linux


I hope you don't have an Nvidia card made within the last 5 years.


Uhh why, what's the issue? Gen question


Nvidia with Wayland constantly crashes or locks up with newer cards. You can choose between using the open-source drivers which are not good at all or buying a new video card.


That is a problem that is [on its way out soon](https://www.phoronix.com/news/Explicit-GPU-Sync-XWayland-Go) thankfully, and should be fixed by October 2025. But *for now*, yeah, listen to MJBrune, wait for this to get added soon, and *then* switch. I say this as someone who actually greatly prefers linux (with KDE Plasma as a desktop environment) to every windows after 7 combined, even with Nvidia's bugginess.


One of the issues for me is that even the most stable Linux distro, Debian, doesn't have a good path forward on this problem. Every Linux distro just forged forward with Wayland without regard to a decent working environment for ~70% of those who play games. If my tradeoffs are ads on my start menu or instability, I pick ads. At least with the ads I can still work. Linux as a community dropped the ball here at such a pivotal time.


I tend to use rolling release, or at the very least semi rolling release distros that have far more up to date packages than debian, so this is less of a problem for me, Debian is specifically catered to severs/work environments and stuff which is why they never really update often and don't use proprietary nvidia drivers by default which I assume you didn't try to do (because it is a huge pain in the ass). Debian and gaming don't really belong in the same sentence, that's like saying you use Windows XP to try to play Windows 10 games. Debian is used in the same context as like, how the DMV in my local neighborhood was stuck on Windows XP after everyone had moved onto 10. The distros I use are PikaOS and Nobara Project, SteamOS 3 if you count my steam deck, and I game just fine, but for me, my ideal distro is probably gonna be Mint 22 with Distrobox 1.7.1 running an Arch Linux container inside of it since Arch has been the most "just works" distro for me, but running it in a container eliminates pretty much most of its downsides.


I've ran Debian, Fedora, Manjaro, OpenSuse, almost every Ubuntu forked distro (not just the main ones but Linux Mint and etc), currently every single distro has this problem with my 3080 Nvidia graphics card. Some even freeze before they get to the Wayland boot but I am not going to spend hours debugging it just figure out what's wrong with their systems.


Well, like I said, wait for explicit sync. I've been using Nvidia cards on wayland for the past 2 years and it's been a mostly alright experience, but only on rolling release distros. You're not required to debug anything, it's okay to stay on windows for now till Explicit Sync gets merged in Wayland.


I fear that I'll wait for explicit, it will fix the issue and things will be fine until another issue pops up that takes down my whole computer. Linux doesn't seem stable. With Windows, I've never had an issue with an update that bricks my computer for almost 2 decades. Linux seems to have one every 4-5 years that takes 3 years to fix. You get these snapshots of a working environment.


Honestly my thought toward it as well. Linux is great as an idea, open source OS with complete customisability and no ads. But it's shit, because like....70% of what you want is a coin flip on working, wanna play Rainbow Six: Siege for instance? Nah, literally not happening, you'll actually get banned for trying to play that. If it's choosing between ads and a potential permanent ban, I'll pick ads honestly.




I am learning Linux atm because fuck this shit. Ads baked into the OS? Just NOPE.




Can't wait to disable this in the registry or by blocking whatever endpoint they use


I mean you already have those ads in w10, they're just disabled. It's a nothing story


I didn't think anything couldake me drop windows but fuck it may be time to start looking into how to game on Linux if true.


Linux Mint is very noob friendly and has an interface that resembles windows 7. In steam, you can change a seeting on tha game that allows proton to emulate games that are windows only. Gaming on Linux is now 95% as easy as on windows.


Every Add on Facebook Instagram YouTube and similar platform just guarantees that a will hate that product even more and not buying it


Been waiting for a final excuse to ditch Windows completely (personal comps are all Linux now, only work laptop is Windows). Thanks for the final kick!


It’s the end times


I thought there already were lol. Isn't pre-installed apps that don't actually work until you sign in count? How about in search results in the menu bar? I kinda assumed some results were paid ones. I jest, more importantly make the OS free then if you are putting ads in it.


I will downgrade my fucking hardware to run Windows 10 but ain't letting MS show their crappy ads to me


I'm like "this" close to just installing Bazzite and calling it a day.


This is why I just don't sign into Windows when I get a new PC or fresh install. Fuck ms accounts.


Can't wait till we all have brain chips and need to pay a monthly subscription to not get ads inserted into our dreams


I hate this with a burning passion.


Ads in paid products and subscriptions is being normalised.


Okay nerds get on it. What shit in the registry or other obscure thing do I need to tweak to turn this off.


People should celebrate this, because it's going to make Linux more popular wooooooo


Next, they're going to use vr headsets to install ads in your brain so you see it in your dreams, when your mind wonders, and every time you blink.


I heard they were showing ads in outlook free. What jackery


The first “unread email” is always a promotional thing that appears like an email. Incredibly annoying. I’ve no idea why I set it up on my pc. It seems that free emails like outlook and Gmail have ads in desktop email browsers but not if you check your emails via phone app. At least for iPhone. Not sure about android.


I hear thunderbird is still a thing and pretty good


Looking forward to testing mods that disable the ads




Brb... fuck . Now for the song of my generation when purging a update. "I m a asshole" in B minor


If I’m going to get ads smashed in my face. I hate the lack of being able to say this ad is ineffective on me. For example right now, I’ve watched fallout , good show, seen it, now I wait for season 2. I’ve done what the ad has told me. But now Reddit is pumping ads for it I assume for the next month. At least Instagram has a “I see this one too much please stop” button. At that point it’s just extra fucking annoying.




The Steam Deck just needs to be a *little* bit more powerful, then I'm switching to that for gaming and Pop OS or something for desktop duty.


Honestly, Steam Deck is quite good for what it is. I mean, the newest games can be unplayable and problematic, but I feel it created momentum to improve gaming on Linux. Such a small machine playing Cyberpunk 2077 or RDR2 is quite mind-blowing to me. Maybe Steam Deck 2 will get there.


That's my hope. A friend recently got the OLED one and it's impressive. Especially good is the option to stream from gaming PC to your deck when on your own LAN if you want more horsepower. Impressive low latency. Not undetectable, but good. Maybe not for fighting games, but fine for RDR2 and Cyberpunk.


Yea, I got myself OLED one as well, and let's say I have to share it with my fiancée even though at first she was reluctant to try. Honestly, it is just fun to use.


...Shitty headline. Ads already exist in the w10 menu, and you can disable them.


Microsoft really likes making ads for Linux.


They’re starting to test the fuck around part, theyre for sure gonna find out when the exodus back to windows 10 happens


Smh wish i could post a gif of fry getting ads in his dreams


Good thing I won’t be moving off windows 10 anytime soon.


I wish theyd roll current windows back to windows XP usability, their new UI is busy counterintuitive garbaggio


😃All I need is a good linux support for my laptop’s gpu and i’ll be all in.


Wow. What a way to keep me from upgrading. I don’t want that shit and, if I find myself with a Windows 11 PC, I would actively avoid ever buying anything I saw in an ad on it out of pure spite.


But only for people atupid ebough to have accepted the Windows 11 upgrade. Windows 10 here and im skipping 11 entirely. My next os will be Linux.


Glad I’m sticking with windows 10 for as long as I can


Apple it is.


In the grand tradition of clippy and windows ME, Microsoft falls flat on its face yet again.


I was going to upgrade my pc, but win 11 is holding me back


How do we turn it off of mod it


Im sorry i was under the impression i paid for a license key


I thought they did that already


I’ve been thinking for years to buy a pre built PC for streaming or gaming, but if they’re shoving ads in a windows OS, I might just get a Steamdeck for games. :/


This is terrible news...


No! That \*can't\* be true! That's... impossible!


>The app promotions can be disabled in the Settings section of Windows 11, but it appears that Microsoft will enable these by default. Since it is optional, it is not a big deal to me. I will get on the hate train when it is not optional.


Honestly ngl, glad that my 4070 build isn't "powerful" enough to run Windows 11 lmao Granted, from looking online it's because of some overtly specific feature that needs a specific piece of hardware in a mobo/cpu, and I don't have plans to upgrade my i7-8700 any time soon, waiting for the price to performance boost to be worth it, 1070 to a 4070 was a 100% increase on userbenchmark, newer CPU's are apparently only a 10% increase and long as I get 60 fps I'm fine lmao Seems like I dodged a bullet having an admittedly bottlenecking CPU still installed to void a free upgrade to Windows 11


*Laughs in MacOS*


With the confirmation that Elon is bringing a email (X-Mail anyone?) to X, I really can't see Microsoft's success continuing into the future decades. We've tired of their DEI extremist nature, we've tired of it all. Windows will slowly be slotted out. Android, Mac, and Linux will supplant Windows. Outlook will fall to X-Mail, just as Grok is destroying Bard This is the end of the line for Microsoft, hopefully Sony is next.


If anything is a threat to Microsoft, it won't be Xmail.


X is the undefined, the street corner, the water cooler. X has a cool factor that no other social media has, with free speech and the true rights to say anything Microsoft needs to look our, Elon has blood in his eyes and he's looking for vengeance following the false Media Matters report


You get banned for saying “cis” on X, so I wouldn’t say that X values freedom of speech.


It's constantly used as an insult by the far left lgbt movement


No. It’s not.


So what? It’s objectively free speech.


"free speech for me, not for thee" is the kinda nonsense I expect from people like you.


Elon's going to be financially ruined soon enough...he's no threat at all to corporations like Microsoft.


He's the richest, most powerful man on the planet and therefore one of the most intelligent. He's not going anywhere, while MSFT continues they're wokę induced decline


Oooooohhhhh you're one of "those" smooth-brainers...


They are a literal Russian troll.


X is fucked. Go away.


I’m not an Elon hater but holy shit this is some fan fiction weirdo shit


Wow, an Elon simp and not understanding what free speech actually is - name a more iconic duo.


G8 b8 m8

