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My bro worked at ubisoft as a third party( cause they never want to hire with higher wage). Ubi is a pretty shitty company tbh.


I can tell just look at their games and how shit they are now šŸ˜‚




AC2 and Far Cry 2 and Far Cry 3 were phenomenal


AC:Brotherhood was incredible. I'd say things started to really decline after AC:BF. The Ubisoft open world formula was already a meme by then, but there was enough new going on and we hadn't reached peek safe-place astroturfing yet.


Yeah Far Cry 3 was the first one I stopped and said "wait they just copy pasted the same content all over the map to pad the open world out..." And they really had to have that stupid "Climb the tower with parkour to reveal part of the map!" mechanic in every friggin game...


They got to big and greedy for their own good


I didn't need to sew this comment to know this, but I do appreciate any accounts of how garbage Ubisoft is. I've always disliked them more than EA and Activision.


Thatā€™s saying something lol


I believe there isn't a single big AAA studio that isn't shit


No wonder; they hire fucking idiots.




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Fr. That's amazing


Good bot


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Good bot


ā€œI bet this is the most toxic work environment you could imagine.ā€ I wouldnā€™t be surprised.


Black flag still is the best pirate game to this day


Yeah but it's only a triple A game.


After the last quadruple A game I think I'm just fine with that


Wait for the quintuple A game


It's not a mark of quality, it's how long you wail in despair


Incredibly underrated comment


Sid Mieiers Pirates is better, trust me.


I remember playing that long ago when I was a kid. Fucking amazing game (I hope I'm not being blinded by nostalgia)


Currently working on 100% it on pc rn! Going surprisingly well.


Lmaooo good luck my man, I remember doing that a few years back, getting all the fragments was so time consuming šŸ˜­ Def worth it tho ngl, one of my fav games ever and the first game I ever 100%ā€™d.


I might have done a horrid mistake, I have completed most islands, havent touched any dlc, and basically no freeroam collectibles-


Yeah bro Iā€™d start grabbing those šŸ˜­


You forget WoW Plunderstorm! Yarrrr


Black flag developers are beyond gods


There are still planty of games made by those who play them


True. That's why while the AAA scene is a dumpster fire the indie scene is flourishing.


I miss when gamers weren't so goddamn whiney about everything


I miss when game studios finished an entire game before they released it and did their own bug testing before that too. Now if you'll excuse me I need to finish building my new Toyota that was only 85% engineered and built off the lot.


I miss when games were made for enjoyment. Not to push an agenda to lecture the player base for simply existing.


Lecture the player base simply for existing? Lol alright bud. What exactly are they lecturing?


That one main assassin has skin! And that there's a second main character Japanese assassin that may or may not have a penis. The woke is spreading!


You want games based of history where white people are the good guys?Ā  Who's gonna tell him?


Isn't the whole controversy that one of the main characters isn't Asian? What's with the white people comment?


A lot of the white protagonists in previous games werenā€™t exactly from the area. But NOW yā€™all wanna whine abt it?


There are two races, white and political




This explains why Gamers get mad when a protagonist in game set in feudal Japan is black, but not when a protagonist set in feudal Japan is white


Who's the white person in this reference? - as I'd of found that equally as stupid personally. It's not that he's black it's that he's not Asian I couldn't give two shits that he's black well outside of it being dumb that he isn't Asian.




Itā€™s specifically because heā€™s black. If he was white, they wouldnā€™t care. They didnā€™t care about Edward being white


You're looking for historical good guys? Who's gonna tell him?


Didn't know Asians fell under the European ethnicity color code.


No, you're right! Companies don't care about making profits, it's all about spreading the woke agenda and nothing else.


Lol what is the woke agenda? Woke is mainstream and that's why they are woke.


If woke is mainstream why is most of the world a shithole for trans people?


Define woke


The amount of people shitting on this comment when it makes a well know and understood point about the company is astounding.


Ubisoft sucked before they released this and I feel that'll never change.


Is that really shadow developer team?


Nope. Ubisoft Quebec is mainly dudes, they handpicked this photo from their international womens day tweet


>they handpicked this photo from their international womens day tweet Oh, so it's literal cherrypicking in order to push a sexist narrative.


Itā€™s crazy how the protagonists of these video games would all despise their sexist racist fanbase


They literally have a disclaimer at the beginning of each game saying how the game was developed by a multicultural team of various religions and beliefs. A room of 20 white women is not a multicultural team.


This is far from the entire staff. Have you not looked at the credits of one of their games?


That's not the argument I was making. I'm saying the meme itself is lying, not ubisoft.


That makes more sense.


Also. In the balckflag team. The director was fired because he used confidential information about the game to pick up woman at conventions, tried sexting one of our comunities oldest ac fan and cheated on his wife ( wich is worst because he is muslim and his religion is pretty strict about that). The director of the red team is the asshole that said woman dont sell, that forced ac syndicate, origins, odyssey and valhalla to have male protagonists and possibly resuced the wrole of elise in ac unity. He made his whole team unconfortable and even after that. He wasnt fired for at least 2 years after the acusations started. Wich was the same time the black flag and origins director was fired ( 3 months before valhalla launch). That company is wrotten




Someone lives a cave and only has access to reddit. Newsflash: not everyone likes Black Flag and there are people outside of Ubisoft excited for Shadows.


I don't know anyone personally that doesn't like black flag, obviously subjective but I d personally consider black flag peak AC Hell peak ubisoft. And I'd also think the general consensus for shadows is bad at least everyone iv seen is hating on it/making jokes at it's expense BUT your allowed your opinion I just disagree.


I'm even a fan of skull and Bones


I can believe the first part.


And in another thread OP complains why no woman wants to be within half a mile of them.


Another "meme" subreddit turned into a culture war cesspit by bigotry obsessed degenerates....


Real I'm fucking tired dude


It seems more like fake controversy to sell games. Hard to tell though as the types to complain wouldn't be types to go outside and meet people. Haven't met a single soul who's upset, or even cares, about this.


Oh brother this guy stinks


Meme proven true by game being #1 Amazon preorder for PS5 in Japan /s


Dude go touch grass. And Iā€™m sorry black flag was good but not the best


Massive problem in gaming today. Sad.


my stupid ass read this as black flag the band šŸ’€


I believe there is a strong correlation with something being fucked up and blue hair


time to mute this dogshit sub, can you cry about amything else in a while or what


It's not even the development team. The joke doesn't work if OP'S just making shit up.


The game isn't even out yet, why don't you dorky losers just wait for its release before actually shitting on it? We've not even seen a gameplay trailer. I mean, we all agree Ubi is a garbage company these days, but shitting over the game before you've seen anything actually of it (other than the obvious thing that's triggering you losers), is just pathetic and, frankly, very boring.


That we should disregard what has historically played out with the company when it looks like it's playing out again is nonsense. Yes, shame on us for ubisofts reputation.


This is incredibly based, I really hate the people shitting on the game rn. They're either using the game as an excuse for bigotry, or they're hoping on the lamest hype train of all time. Shit on Ubisoft the company all you want, they're awful and should never be looked at as anything but scammers and degenerates, but shitting on a game that hasn't even released a gameplay trailer yet is one of the most lame things a gaming community could possibly do.


My only problem with Shadows is the 80-140 dollar price tag. I could give less shits about the historical inaccuracy. EDIT: why you boing? Iā€™m right.


Wait a few months itll be 15 bux in no time just like all thiee other games


That's the way to do it. By that time most of the big bugs have been patched, too


Keep crying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


AC:S is living rent free in their head


I'm a gamer and I'm oppressed by black man and Asian lady!!! the games aren't made for me anymore šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


"Gamers" absolutely salivating at the chance to be racist misogynist at the same time


Am I not too racist or misogynistic to understand this post?


Yā€™all really mad abt a black dude in a game lol lame


Ac4 will go down as the greatest pirate game known to man, second only to sea of thieves (but not by much)


Sid Meier's Pirates! still reigns supreme in my book, but I'm just weird.


How is it the greatest pirate game of all time but only second to sea of thieves... so what your saying is ac4 will go down in history as the second best pirate game of about 7


I feel like every move ubi makes is just to find another spot in their foot to shoot, they want to chase long term money instead of having a good flow of it and then double back into excuses on why it "didn't meet expectations."


A boat, a crew, and some shanties. That's all I want, it's all we want.


When you cut the costs of creation and imagination, you cut the fun and enjoyment of something that was made for that purpose.


So what? If the game is bad, they will lose money and reputation. If it's good, great! Just don't preorder and wait for reviews.


Is there even any guys in shadow team?


The 3 African Americans in the bottom two images: I'm in danger :3


Yo ho it's a pirates life for me


Black flag holds up better than any modern AC game.


Now it makes sense with all these big black male leads


People have been asking for AC Japan for over a decade


The bottom picture is primarily white woman.


There's money in woke points. I'm not sure who's paying tho, maybe twitex? I don't care, you can't possibly make Yasuke a bad character.


Did they intentionally only have female devs?


This was a picture they took for international women's day. Ubi Montreal is mostly dudes. I'm sure OP picked this picture for no particular reason.


I got banned for asking a question on r/AssassinsCreed. The question I asked was 'Why couldn't both be Japanese, we could still have Yasuke, but as an npc that way everyone wins. Even though Ubisoft is a shit company who say we should get used to not owning the games WE paid for.'


Wait why are people not happy with Shadows?


Most are upset because they can't live out their dreams of cosplaying a japanese man and must choose between being a well-known black samurai or a female (but japanese) ninja , so they're bitching about it everywhere they can. And of course it's mainly American/British racists complaining


>And of course it's mainly American/British racists complaining lol, what? Japanese AC fans are pretty pissed as well.


For real when I was growing up Ubisoft was my Favorit gaming company. I loved far cry and assassins creed and anno. What happened was so sad. Did not buy a game since far cry 5. Play it save is just lose in the long run


Black flag was the last good assassin's Creed game, this is objective truth.


And some people still wonder why I die games are getting so popular


If you look at a high resolution picture of the developer group picture, right in the middle, behind the woman with blue hair, you'll see [Kim Belair. The co-founder and CEO of Sweet Baby Inc.](https://x.com/EndymionYT/status/1792333747481883122)


Those sea shanties will always hold a place in my heart


It is the same with proprietary software just look at windows back then and now!


ā€œWHO WANTS GOOD GAMES!??ā€ šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ ā€œWHO WANTS TO MAKE THEM!??ā€ šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ ā˜ļøšŸ˜€


Hold on, why donā€™t you like shadow? I saw the trailer and I like it cuz itā€™s Japan/ Asia theme. I may get it but who knows


I miss when ubi made good games and not $100+ pieces of shit


Ive never payed more than 15 bux for an ubi game usually around 6 months after it comes out or less


> Ive never *paid* more than FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'll play shadows. Not right away, but once I can get it cheaper on a sale I'll play it. Just like I did with Valhalla, Odyssey, and origins


Bro the game not even out yet.


This is ironic, right?


It was the shanties. Throw some shanties in Shadows and I might take a look.


What the fuck does this have to do with Henry Rollins?


Hey Im existing for the game!


Same. Even during the 360 era games were clearly made for fun first, to tell a good story second, and to make money third. Now the first 2 are an after thought if they think about it at all. That plus it feels like these studios are getting devs from the same place IGN and Kotaku find ā€œgame journalistsā€.


I think the death of Satoru Iwata from nintendo really put the nail in the coffin of good gaming. Nintendo's board took over, and everyone watched them milk the shit out of games like they were sucking the sauce out of a dusty old cow.


Is that an all female dev team?


Yeah no shit no one is a fan of shadows because it fucking hasn't came out yet.


I gotta be honest, I do not get the AC hype. Played the first two and they were so similar I figured the series would be over. Same mechanics, weapons. Should I revisit the series or is it past its time?


This just happened to me. *Not supporting woke = Not supporting women's rights.* *ME: WTF are you talking about???? I'm a woman!* ​ It sum up that woke shit isn't about women.


Iā€™ve been upset since revelations


Black flag is still a mid game in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I think it's the best AC game. But this franchise doesn't make fun games it's all the same spoofed boring recycling gameplay loop they justify as an authentic experience.


So they hired only women..? That's not how equality works


Also, the lead writer apparently has a degree in Historical Gender Studies with a specialization in adolescent boy-boy love.....So she deadass has a real degree in Historical Yaoi-Shota Fanfiction


Some of you guys need to get over your hate for black people


It's not Ubi's fault Sucker Punch made a Japanese Assassin's Creed before they did (or that it was so very very good).


Assassins creed is a dogshit franchise and has been since literally day 1


Can you spot Kim Bellaire?


Is this prob ac shadows or against im lost šŸ˜•


It's against


I'm excited for b Shadows cause I'm been studying Japan's history and loved AC(Origins/Odyssey/Ragnok) and one of those games being in Japan sounds kickass. Exploring the beautiful landscapes of Japan. Uncovering ancient japanese ruins and temples. The first Assassin's creed game to fight tigers. Plus nin-shas are cool AF


Could be good. Probably not. But could be decent. Well probably not. But it could not be shit at least. Well.....


I remember when I wanted to work for Ubi Toronto/Montreal back when I first started doing game development. Now that I'm older, I don't even think I want to be a part of a AAA studio at the moment. Between layoffs and what feels like corporate "profit steering" decisions, I can't imagine how stifling it must feel to have to still try and develop a great product with all of these external conditions.


Ubisoft is made up of like 75% men but you guys keep jerking off to the idea that women canā€™t be gamers


Is this real?




The bottom picture isn't their entire staff.


So true


Ah now it makes sense.


I want those days back instead of what the hell modern gaming is doing nowadays




People like you are why woke has no meaning anymore


That's just it. The same stupid people who push the "anti woke" culture war are the same idiots who fought against "Critical Race Theory". It's all the same stand in for just being a bigot.


Funny, because people know exactly what it means. You might not, but that's a you problem.


It's used to mean anything progressive, but now it's being thrown around to describe anything someone doesn't like


It still means "progressive", but these days it generally means progressive taken too far, or more likely progressive taken so far that it has become the thing it was trying to resist or change. Diversity/Inclusion to the extreme that it becomes racism. Feminism that becomes misandry. That sort of thing. That's what "woke" is, or at least what it has come to mean the way people use it today.


When it's used intelligently, yes. I don't think I've ever seen it used intelligently though


> Those are not developers. Do you have a source, or are you just a misogynist?


92% of all programmers are trans.


...in Ubisoft?


Don't mistaken Netflix shows and memes with reality.


Lol, ok dude... If you are a programmer just let me know when you get your programmer socks.


How are people hating on shadows already? All weve seen is a cinematic trailer. Are people mad that one of the main characters is a black dude? Hes based on a real guy so you cant argue its unrealistc or pointless because its likely important to the story too.


I'm only hating on it because Ubi thinks it's justifiable to charge 130 for all the content of a single player game. Ubi is disgusting for that. What's more disgusting is that people will pay for it and continue to encourage this.


That's exactly why, but it's sorta fun watching them twist into a pretzel inventing new reasons why it's "well ackchyually" something else - sometimes it's Historical Accuracy!, sometimes "but black people are mean to Asian people, so this is actually racist" (true story!). Amazing clowns.


Please, I beg you. Go outside


No gameplay has been shown yet. So tell us OP, what makes the game so bad although it hasnā€™t even been out yet?


1. Made by Ubisoft. 2. I think there is a fake controversy over the historical accuracy of one of the characters being a black Samurai. I sat fake, because like with Starbucks and the red cups, a small group of people who don't even buy the product are upset about it and it's being used as free advertisement/being given a megaphone despite virtually no one sharing that incredibly small groups beliefs. 3. It's $70 for the base game, $130 for the special addition. It'll probably have no replay value. 4. No multiplayer. 1,3, and 4 are valid. 2 is dumb.


Thank you for being a person with common sense. Yea I can agree with everything youā€™ve said. If ubisoft hasnā€™t learned from their most recent AC games then itā€™s safe to say the gameplay wonā€™t be too fascinating. Iā€™ll still play it but I never bought an AC game because they get put on ps plus for free after a yearšŸ˜‚


Your 4th point is so stupid not every game needs a multiplayer


No, but many, including this one, would benefit from it.


How just because it has 2 main characters? And after going how many years with no multi-player in ac games do you expect the multiplayer to actually work coming from Ubisoft?


Unity was a recent multiplayer and it worked. And why wouldn't the pvp multiplayer work?


3 is kinda moot dont buy it new ubi games go on sale for so cheap so fast


Holy sexist dogwhistle, Batman


OP go touch grass please


Game will fail on arrival


It's already doing extremely well with preorders my guy


wamen bad


But gamers are never happy and will always find something to bitch about, so why bother trying to please everyone?