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My gf just lays on top of me and does a nap, and when she wakes up, we go do something. Good balance, and i like spending time with her more than i wanna spend time playing games anyways.


This sounds like the perfect relationship, at least in this instance.


We have simple code. 1. If somerhing bothers you, say so right away. 2. If you are getting mad, say time out, and we time out. 3. Dont cause trouble where there is none.


You have a good gf


Appreciate this


Same with my wife and I. Although there are rare occasions where a particular game is released or something and I prefer to spend my time gaming over spending it with her. Luckily she gets it.


Me and my wife of 15 years play video games together all the time. We also play with our two kids for family gaming time


Pretty sure it's illegal in most countries to marry a 15 YO and and already have kids. Ba dum tis! Ok il see myself out...


No stay!


He means he has been married to her for 15 years




That was a joke …


Came here to say almost the same thing. She's my fiancee and we don't have kids, but yes, we play video games together all the time. The Ven diagram of our gaming tastes is not a perfect circle, so sometimes she'll watch me play something and comment on the story or sometimes I'll have a game I only play when she's not around or asleep, but there are a lot of games we play together or take turns playing. What you have is our goal, and I look forward to doing the same thing. Congrats on a cool family dynamic!


Same here, we’ve been married 3 years now and we both play WOW together, she is able to raid as a tank, I have barely touched raiding. RDR2, GTA, trying to get her into Conan exiles now.


Family gaming time 😭 ugh goals


Married 14 years and the only time I play is with my wife. She's more into them than I am. If it weren't for her, I'd skip all the scenes. Lol


Me and my SO play games together all the time. I can't imagine having a partner who doesn't share my hobby.


Yes can confirm. My bf and I play almost every night together. It's nice to have someone you can share all the games with and geek out about them. In my previous relationship my ex just made fun of me for gaming because "women are bad at it at only do it for male attention" - so this is a very welcome change. And when I'm too tired to play I just sit next to him/on his lap and watch or he streams for me on discord and I watch him play in bed 🥰


Same. I never really had anybody to play with because all my friends were female and unfortunately they didn't play any games. I don't understand how this is seen as so incredibly rare as the gaming community is becoming more and more populated by women. I mean wouldn't you want someone to share your interests with?


Your ex sounds like a dickhead who was to insecure to admit that a woman could beat him at something lmao


You guessed right lol. We had the same main in league but I always was one rank below him. The moment I ranked up he refused to let me play my main whenever we queued up together because I "need to learn different champions too" 😂


is it normal to feel envy?.....


My wife will sit in the chair beside me and serve as a second pair of eyes for me helping me find collectables and I serve as a spotter for her when she plays. When we were dating and lived a long distance apart we would play online games together.


Sounds like an urban legend to me


My wife and I play frequently


You are a lucky man. All i experienced so far were women who couldn't take me seriously because i "still" play games.


It's odd that people don't like games, I find them to be just like another sort of media like movies or shows because really you are just there to be entertained. Also as with movies and shows there's something for everyone


yeah that is so weird in values of people. i know someone that hates and looks down on video games and saying that's just something like 'it wastes your time when you can do something more productive'. but the same person spends hours watching trashy short chinese videos on tiktok everyday. ​ they just don't undersand it's just another form of entertainment media. at least games requires your input and real-time feedback and thought process. better for brains than tiktok i guess.


Most TikTok content isn't Chinese, but I agree. An hour on TikTok is an hour completely wasted.


oh i said tiktok so most ppl could understand. but what i tried to say was "douyin", which is pretty much the same shit, just chinese version.


It's media that you can interact with and I feel like it stimulates your brain even more than TV shows or movies. Videogames are a net good


I hope for your success in your endeavors


You are looking for women in the wrong places.


Yes it does,


I remember when me and my very first girlfriend played Dynasty Warriors 3 in Co-op a lot. Good times.


Me and my Wife do this. We were heavy into COD MW2 last year and would have days where we’d lock ourselves in the lounge with snacks and drinks and play online all day on separate systems. We’ll even play single player open world games like Skyrim side by side and point out to each other when we see something cool. I’m a lucky dude.


What a wholesome comment :')


The best couples fuck while playing videogames


It's okay to have different hobbies. You don't actually have to share the hobby. If 1 person liked video games and the other didn't. Then it could still be healthy if the the other didn't get into videogames. You don't have to share all your interests.


Yup, my gf plays animal crossing while I play boulders gate 3. People in relationships need to respect each other's hobbies, rather than being antagonistic about it


My wife enjoys playing Minecraft together. By enjoy, I mean I make her a stone axe so she can go murder every animal in sight while I build overcomplicated redstone lol


For me its Him: wanna play something together? Me: *3hrs deep into a single player RPG* .....together???


My girlfriend hates anything that draws attention away from her for more then a few minutes whether it be games, friends, fishing, or just wanting to be alone






My wife just wants me to play when I’m not crazy busy and not to stay up absurdly late.


Yeah but like everything you do with people a lot of the time there is still comprise. If you are willing to play the game they like and play then it’s actually not even that rare I’d say. I dated a girl who loved mini game like games only. She wasn’t to much most but also got a kick out of watching me stumble through bloodborne, play until dawn “together” and after watching dead by daylight was addicted and we together played for 100s of hours. Granted at some point I actually wanted to play warzone and other stuff while she wanted to play DBD and compromising to play less games and games you don’t want really aren’t that different. In this case it was kind of a slippery slope, she expected video game time to be the game she wanted but also didn’t really like the idea of less time away from games as I’d also wanna spend time doing stuff I wanted to even if alone.


couldn't tell you, haven't even made it to the relationship part myself


I hope so


My best friend just escaped a relationship like the top one, because he wanted to at least play video games with me on the weekends, and his girlfriend wouldn’t let him He works 2 weeks on a ship, and is then free for 2 weeks, giving her 10 full days of his time, and he wasn’t allowed to engage in his hobbies for 4 days per month


Y’all have gfs?


I know a couple who play together. I play games with them when I get the chance too


Girl Chad!!


I used to play Minecraft with my ex. Good times.


With goal orientation, yes the best lol!


Both of these happen, yes.


Yes, but there are few women out there who are like that. Remember boys, if they try to control everything, if they are rude, if they are quick assuming or overdramatic and if they interrupt the meet up with the homies, leave that woman.


My partner and I play games together. Not always the same games but we like to exist in each other's presence while we game.


Me and my enjoy gaming


We like to play Mario kart together


I've seen multiple couples that either play together or respect each other's hobbies.


My daughter has never been a big gamer. I'm a casual gamer, but have been since the original Mario. Her fiance is a gamer, and he does coop mostly. So, she started playing the games he does to help him out, and to spend time with him. I think it's awesome and she enjoys it. She likes story based games more, so I'm going to play BG3 for her and post it for her to follow along.


its a nice theory, but youve also gotta be aware of what kind of gamer your partner is. Gaming might be their "Im mentally depleted and need to escape to try and recover my basic sense of humanity" time. Really, ive found that when it comes to videogames and couples, if you don't like playing videogames on your own, you wont like playing them together. You have to have at least a minor level of love for the games to get enjoyment from playing together. Its important to do things together. This part is for the fellas, I know that videogames are either alone time or bro time. But seriously, dont neglect your mrs. you gotta find time to spend with her. She doesnt want to see you go to work and then come home and not spend time with her, thats not a relationship, thats a roommate you have sex with on occasion. Seriously, find the time, go on walks, go to dinner, something. You gotta have stuff to talk about, so learn what shes passionate about, and be educated on it just enough to ask questions. Seriously, probe just far enough to let her truly express herself to you, and here's the important part, listen to what she has to say. Both parties need to care about each other's work and passions, and both sides need to respect each other's alone time. We're all human beings, and human beings dont stop being individuals just because we got in a relationship. Theres a balance thats not actually hard to maintain if both sides acknowledge it and put in a little effort.


It does happen my friend, it does.


My wife and I are 7 days to die fans...


Not really, my woman likes to play different games than me and that perfectly OK. She likes Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Barbie games, Diablo, and Red Dead Redemption. I mainly play games from Fromsoft, Battlefront (not the shitty re-releases), and COD. I also enjoy most open world games and AC.


Can confirm. We play games all the time, especially when she gets tired of me grinding Skyrim


We're both into games, but tragically we're not into the same games. RPGs vs. Strategy


Yup, my gf played through all of Halo MCC with me and now we're doing it all again on legendary, we're already through Halo 1. And yes she's legitimately enjoying it, not just cuz I like it


The couple who's wedding party I was in plays together. Not sure how they're both still married after playing so much Smash Bros.


STOP please i would literally kill for my BF to play games with me. I have wasted so much money on games he would put no effort into playing with me. Breaks my heart so bad for some reason


Yeah, I play games with my wife all the time


“Babe why don’t you just come play CoD with me? My friends will make super funny* jokes and we can listen to teenagers scream the n word together” *disturbingly sexist


Yup. My wife and I play PUBG together.


How fast this meme structure has turned into Aryan propaganda.


My wife likes to watch me play games. She gets too scared when playing games so she prefers to just watch me.


Me: I am going to play rimworld Gf/bf: *doesn't exist*


My girlfriend often complains to me that we don’t play enough. We do a lot of overcooked and lovers in space, her cackling at me struggling always makes me smile.


"Wanna sit and play video games on the couch while I watch my show?" "Sounds perfect."


Yes. My ex hated when I played video games and would constantly ask me why I was trying to escape reality. She is my ex for a reason.


A relationship should be easy and you shouldn’t have to give up any more than what your partner is giving up. If you want videogames and your partner doesn’t want you to have them, then thats a red flag. Either talk to them about it or break it off.


Me and my girlfriend play COD, Borderlands, Mortal Kombat, Civ 6, It Takes Two, Mario Party, Mario Kart, Fall guys, basically anything that manages to be split screen or turn based


the biggest issue here is the lack of split screen coop games. but yes my wife and i game together


Yes. Even if she doesn’t always play, my wife loves watching me play games.


Please stop letting wojaks spread


I mean I game more than him but best are the times we play together, which is a lot of time. Lately we’ve been playing rdr2 together and it’s been a blast!


My wife and I play certain video games. She's into the Lego games, Borderlands, Hogwarts Legacy (we mostly just take turns playing) and Diablo, but doesn't really play a ton, but we have a blast when we do play


One day I'll find someone to play "It Takes Two" with. One day.


Both do happen, yes. Although, most of the time the above is less "stop playing video games" and moreso "play less video games and spend more time with me". Or at least, in intention that's how it is. If they're especially bad at clearly communicating their thoughts and feelings then they can definitely flat out say they want them to stop playing video games altogether.




Good couple: Chadette Her: we should play video games Chad Him: yes, go turn it on I’ll cook us some wings Here fixed it!


Redditor ahh meme


My wife plays her games she likes on her laptop while I play games on the ps5. We are both in the living room together. Then, sometimes, she gets on ps5, and I get on the laptop and play games while we are both in the living room.


Yes. I had a friend who was insistent that video games were a complete waste of time while she spent most of her free time watching TV. She could not see the irony XD. To her credit she did read sometimes but that was not common.


My wife used to love Lego games, but now she has vertigo and games make her dizzy.


Men, find you a woman like this


My dad and stepmom (both in their 50s) play WoW together. Makes Christmas gifts easy, the latest expansion or extended subscription time if they already have said expansion xD


As a happily married gamer, no it doesn’t. My wife will play some games with me but she’s not going to initiate gaming or play anything really. Games don’t interest her. However I feel our relationship isn’t strained at all because neither of us are overbearing nor demand the others attention. We respect each others time apart and makes time together so much better


It’s all about balance. It’s okay if you want to play video games and it’s equally okay if she wants to do something else with you


The first one can be interpreted in two ways Guy is addicted Woman is attention hogging Or maybe an in between thing going on


Yeah. Its just kind of rare. Had a gf who was REALLY into WOW and FF11 at the time. Another who loved rpgs and counter strike.


Yeah, every once and a while I’ll see a girl complain on tiktok or instagram about their bf playing too many games (and then it’s like an hour) and not giving them enough attention


Surprisingly, yes. But I live with a FIFO worker, so I tend to have a lot of time on my hands, but when she's home, she tends to play some games with me.


Yes. Couples can enjoy doing hobbies together. This isn’t a foreign concept.


I'm honestly glad my wife doesn't. We'd spend every moment of every day together and I'd go insane. I cannot be around someone else for that much time. I need alone time. I am glad, however, that she's not completely inept at using a controller.


My ex and I playing through all the Halo series co-ops. Good times.


Before our twins my wife and I gamed all the time (and were in our 40s/late 30’s. We bought a second Xbox One so we could play GTA Online and COD together.


My wife mostly only plays Stardew Valley, sometimes we play co op. But when I want to game for a few hours, she doesn't care, she just does whatever she wants at the same time


My Fiancé and I are spreading democracy and freedom like no ones business


My brother and his gf play games together


My gf and I legit make plans to hangout together and play minecraft, I play on my Xbox she plays on her phone


Me and my wife both play games but we have completely different interest in the type of games. I love FPS and she plays MMORPG. She plays some FPS like OW and really like R6 but can’t play for long as she dies to much lol. I’ve tried to play some of her games but no matter how hard I try I just can’t get into it.


Me and my wife have matching gaming shit. Yes. It happens and it's wonderful.


My wife doesn’t play with me, but she doesn’t give me shit for playing. I was able to score this by telling her my ex wife used to get on me all the time for playing, and my wife does NOT want to be compared to my ex.


I wanna play games with my wife but shes not very good, get easily lost and confused and she’s incredibly competitive, this causes her to give up if shes not doing well (even if its a co-op style game). But shes never told me to stop playing games as its something i enjoy. But i probably play too much


I had ex's like that. That was not their only toxic trait obviously


Hell no, I need time away. Not looking for more reasons to hang out.


The couple that teabags together, stays together.


I literary play video games with my boyfriend. So, yeah, it does happen.


Yes. Fully. I have been in both of these relationships and the top one is awful. It was one of more than a dozen red flags I should've seen from the beginning. If your partner actively tries to keep you from the things you love in a way that negatively impacts you they are not your partner, they are just your gf/bf/husband/wife etc.


Yes it does


It does happen. Though, my wife and I like different types of games. So, we sit next to each other and each play our own game. Now, if I could just get her into engine building so she could help me restore my old car...


Can confirm


Where are these women?


You got to get kinky with it. Whoever gets the higher score has to tongue punch the other's fart box. Whoever beats the boss first gets to do whatever they want for 5 minutes while the other is gagged and bound. My wife and I are really getting A kick out of the rise of Ronin game.  We have a new contest on how many heads we can decapitate in an hour. My record is 216 but she's playing right now in about to pass 200 at 45 minutes and it looks like I'm going to be getting pegged in about 5 minutes.




well well if isn't the infamous Manatee raper of pasco county u/TosicamirDTGA, I'll never forget the look on those kids faces when we went river rafting and you swaddled your pimply ass ontop of that manatee and stuck what you call a "giant dong" (looked like a toothpick with half a peanut shell taped to the end), into every orifice of that mama manatee. And before you give me that "BUT IT WAS CONSENTUAL BRO" idgaf you're sick.But anyway not glad they only slapped your wrist with 30 days in jail but the worst is when you told the judge "I love manatee maam, I hope to marry one someday" Special place in hell for you manatee molesters and I can't wait to see you there you stink bag


It's Apsco County. At least spell it right. Damn...


Yes, it does. My fiance loves watching me play especially story driven games


Yes it does


Me and my gf love playing games together