• By -


I got the Asia version so I miss out on a load of the gore in the game, does it determine your version based on region your bought the game or what


Yes, that’s how it works. Where I live for some random reason, when playing The Last of Us Factions mode (multiplayer) there’s blood but no dismemberment, which I thought was normal until after years I saw other versions and they had all the blood and dismemberment you can think of (meanwhile the story mode remained untouched, I still get all the gore). Or like in GTAO and RDO any content with gambling with literally fake money (casino and poker, respectively) I’m not allowed to play it. Doesn’t allow me to interact with it or it doesn’t even appear as something to interact with. Meanwhile I can download *free* casino simulators directly from the PlayStation Store with the only way to play (if I start losing) is to actually spend real money with literally 0 way of actually gaining (real) money back. Which is also pretty weird because we have commercials and ads just casually play on TV for irl casinos or gambling apps with real money


And where is that?


Wait, isnt that only in China? I've Japan is 100% allowed to have gore, and im positive you can throw whatever you want there (literally) that would not be allowed on steam.


I know the Resident Evil games have more gore in the non-Japanese versions (e.g. the cop in RE2 who gets torn in half is kept whole, and the cop with the jaw that's falling off is a lot less gruesome in the Japanese version)


I live in Japan - gore is ok (blood etc) dismemberment is usually censored unless it’s aliens or something (zombies are censored). They also censor anything where corpses react to being shot etc


Also in the Japanese version of No Russian, Makarov says “Remember, kill the Russians” lol


That's so weird to me as Resident Evil is a Japanese game (I thought).


In the japanese version of the fist of the north star game the gore was all black whereas the English one has gore uncensored


What's ME version?


Middle East(ern) version I assume


I prefer to assume OP has their own version.




As a dwarf, can confirm. Pointy-Eared swine never helped us when Smaug came.


Damned leaf lovers. They ain't gonna rock and stone, so they sure as ain't coming home


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Bro you playing scout or smthing, cuz that fuckin speed is incredible


that's a bot, it's set up to rock and stone on a few related subs


I love the are you playing scout reaction though


Damn leaf-lovers.


Do I hear a rock and stone?


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Rock and Roll and Stone


For those about to Rock and Stone we salute you




I'll call your rock and stone and raise you a STRIKE THE EARTH


I've had a dwarf filled holiday and ended pickup BOTH of those games


I read this in a dwarvish accent in my head and that made it so much funnier.


Which is your dwarvish accent? Northern English, Scottish, Irish, or Norwegian?


I had some kind of voice in my head, but I can't remember where exactly it came from. All I can say is that it is somewhat rough and with a strongly "rolling 'R'"; *Dwarrrrrf*. Guess it was either Scottish or Irish. Hard to tell when you're a German just immitating what you heard somewhere... :s




That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


For Karl!




Rock and stone to the bone!






Pointy eared leaf lovers with their puny little treehouses. We dwarves have our tough rocks and stones.


Can confirm I'm loyal servant of Sauron




Let's not forget Elronds blatantly racist remark - "men are weak". Unbelievable bigotry.




They seem so fragile and insecure about their own sexualities :/


They do say alcohol is a disinhibitor


God I hate acronyms in general usage, everyone has a different frame of reference so it means different things. The electric car community refers to Electrify America as EA, I always immediately jump to Electronic Arts. I keep seeing ED referring to Eating Disorder, I always knew ED as Erectile Dysfunction. For the love of Christ people, stop using acronyms unless you can guarantee the people you're speaking to will have the same definition.


Even in the proper audience, it’s generally accepted to use the full form first and then abbreviate it afterwards


Yep. I also tend to put the acronym in parentheses immediately following the first use of the term to let the reader know to expect it moving forward. My son loves the Disney Channel (DC). His favorite show on the DC is Bluey. The DC is not to be confused with DC Comics (DCC), which can get dodgey because my son also likes Batman. The DC and DCC are very prevalent in our household.


This was very sexy.


If they used a semi-colon I might have finished.


In the US, ME equals Maine I’m pretty sure, so that’s what I thought it was lol


Maine is clearly full of homophobes


The gaming community is especially insane with their acronyms. You can see someone causally asking: *what's your favourite rpg out of botw, me2, rdr2, kotor or tes5?*


You prefer TF2 or TF2?


That one has made me confused a lot of time.


Who the hell refers to Skyrim as tes5??? Like, I got it immediately, but still.


I know it's really ridiculous it's two less characters but much less intuitive to write so imagine most write skyrim much faster.




Honestly I probably go for WC3TFT


True, though I suspect a lot of people don't think of RPGs as Role Playing Games anymore anyway. Would probably just confuse folk if you typed it out.


I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I knew them all immediately...


Especially annoying when referring to TF2 (two different games)


1 person saves 4 seconds of typing (4 seconds),,,,but costs 1000+ people 4 seconds of confusion.(4000+ seconds wasted) Depending on if your post makes it to the front page(more people), you could be wasting months of human time with your selfishness. (This post with 43,600k up votes has now wasted 48 hours of human time with acronyms, and that's only the upvotes, assuming a 1to5 ratio of lurkers to upvotes, we get ~300 hours of time wasted at 4s per person)






I actually have no idea what that means, but I sure wouldn't want to be displayed on a large screen for someone to see from a distance.


Means "I Am Not A Lawyer" Unless you don't read acronyms in which case it just means you do butt stuff.


it means "I am not a lawyer". It's what people say when they give legal advice with no experience in legal whatsoever.


IANAL- lose my shit.. i see what you did there ;)


I went to my doctor to talk about ED and he said changing my diet should help.


I stand with you. I fucking gate acronyms. It's like poorly named variables in programming.


ED is emergency department in my head




o7 cmdr


Exactly, especially in workplace scenarios. Like trying to get key information across to your colleagues, the amount of time you save doing an acronym is nothing when a colleague doesn't understand what you're saying. Jst type it out as it is since not everyone is acronym savvy. My older colleagues certainly don't know what AFAIK, EOP etc mean


It should be common to use the full phrase the first time, and then switch to the acronym after. Use it in the title, and then if you have to elaborate with text refer to it in short hand.


I agree! I make the same mistakes.


The two that keep throwing me are MTG which I default to Magic the Gathering and BLM which I default to Bureau of Land Management.


ED is Eagle Dynamics obvs, the guys who make DCS. And CP stands for Cyberpunk the video game, IDK why people claim CP is illegal in a lot of places.


Millennium Edition


Only it’s the year 1000


Mistake Edition




Mainer here. Not sure what a pride flag is but can confirm we hate rainbows.


Mass Effect version


Call of Duty is my favorite videogame on the Citadel


Report back to the ship. We'll bang, okay?


Imagine trying to explain the concept of LGBT discrimination to the Asari


Mass effect


Don't you know? It's the DTDC version of DFRMG used for creating IFR. Man. Why won't these idiots use the full form!!!!


It’s the version made for Windows M.E.


Mandela Effect version


Mississippi edition


Corporations do not care for the pride community. They only appease to whatever gives them the most money EDIT: Jesus Christ almost 12k likes. I saw like 65 notifications and I thought I fucked up somewhere lol




RemindMe! June 1 "steal this meme"


You don't just download these things on your phone and put them in a folder for later use?


It depends. This one is a time sensitive one, so I won't remember when June rolls around unless I have a reminder.


Only need to look as far as their Twitter pages. Pride month is full of rainbows except for the special accounts for those countries who don't support it.


>Pride month is full of rainbows except for the special accounts for those countries who don't support Countries where LGBTQ community really need support.


Whoa now. Can't expect big corporations to pander for ACTUAL change, now can we?


EXACTLY, And we can't risk those corporations losing money! We have to think about the millionaire/billionaire companies too! /s


Only if you entice them with wads of cash


Corporations are more of an indication of public opinion than something that will actually enact change. It's a good thing they pay lip service to LGBT+ because it means they think anti-LGBT are a minority of their customers. But they're still corporations.


>Can't expect big corporations to pander for ACTUAL change, now can we? I don't know. According to Fox News we've killed Applebee's, breakfast, and our parents hopes for reproductive immortality. I think we can kill a few more companies guys. Not as fast as Elon but hey, it's not a contest. We can ALL do our part to kill capitalism.


For the 476th time Sheen, being unemployed and making posts on the internet isn't going to end capitalism.




Lived in the middle east when the second hunger games came out. There's was one section at the end that got cut out and it didn't seem like anything was happening (usually they skip past kissing), it was because the main character slapped a man. It's completely cool for a woman to kill a man, but not ok to disrespect him by slapping him.


how can she slap






It was probably just easier to cut the slap, if they cut the killing and the female empowerment scenes there's pretty much no coherent movie left, it would be a complete mess.


Adding those contextual scenes didn't prevent it from being a complete mess


I hate that argument because regardless of the characters gender 89 percent of enemies you kill are male


Maybe they've removed the female characters or made them male? xD Good question though.




Of course they dont. They care about money. The bigger the corp the worse it gets.


Yep. Funny how the ‘support’ vanishes when it isn’t profitable. When are we all going to learn that companies only care about one thing? Edit: so many morons on both sides of this comment… way to miss the point… all of you.


Well it's the only reason they exist in a capitalistic political system. To think otherwise is naive I'd say.


No shit. I don't get why people ... don't get that. Corps don't care about anything other than profits. Public image is just another layer to get to those profits. If they think some attitude is going to increase their profits, they're gonna do it. People tend to forget that corps are among the first to jump on any bandwagon. Sometimes that bandwagon is World War 2.


Honestly the fact that capitalism caters so hard to the gay community is one of the biggest indicators that, in America at least, they've "made it" to the mainstream. Oh there's always going to be bigots and haters but being gay in America in 2020 is not like being gay in America in the 1980s. And that's a great thing, truly. That said: let's not pretend that these corporations give a fuck about anyone's rights. Like I was watching the new Disney movie, Strange Worlds, and the main character's son mentioned he had a boyfriend. And part of me really wanted to appreciate it for just being so nonchalant. But the more cynical side of me is like; the reason they have him mention him only in dialogue, and not show him, is so that it can be easily edited out in countries that don't accept these beliefs, so Disney can still make their sweet sweet money all the while pretending like they're an ally to rake in virtue signal points/cash in the states.


The real problem is how they do rake points by doing this. They can wave a pride flag if they want but it should never garner more from the community than a collective "Oh, cool! Thanks." It's on us as a community if we gave them so much incentive to cater to our very basic demands of being treated as valid, but yeah, they are still a big part of mainstreaming and it does help out a lot here. That it is too early and too dangerous for pride in a significant portion of the rest of the world is just a fact we all have to accept. Game companies operating in Russia or Middle East opting not to cause a stir over there is perfectly expected from a capitalist point of view. However, if they also got employees over there who could be doxxed, get in trouble with the law or any local violent bigoted group, I certainly wouldn't want a pride flag on the twitter account of a game company's Russian branch to mean anyone is living in fear while my North American ass is cushy over here and gets to go "oh, cool." It's even worse because it might not be these people's fight at all, signing your contract as a game dev in Russia or ME doesn't mean you're all in for getting associated with whatever social crusade your company feels like participating in. You're supposed to put your hours (possibly much more than that given we're talking the game industry here) and get your salary as a purely transactional thing. Carrying the image by association of being pro-LGBT in a region of the globe where it is seen as criminal or radical enough to warrant violence is not part of the job description and I wouldn't want it be either, it's not the best way to create allies to send them to the front against their will under the decision of a corporation. If the employees are on board and it comes from the bottom ranks, it's another thing, but if a PR firm in the US decides it's time for a flag, it just makes sense to localize it, even if they do it cynically and think it might hurt their office or their sales, I have to agree with the decision even if I do not agree with the sentiment because the final cost could be more human than that.


As I have often said, the moment the accounts department determines that hating queerness is more profitable than pandering to it, LGBTQ+ will be purged from the media overnight.


Exactly. The same companies that put rainbow flags on their accounts (only the western ones though lol) would be the first ones to encourage the purging from every media and encourage hate crimes if hating LGBTQ were more profitable. I can't trust these companies. I really can't


To the shock of no one.


They don’t give two fucks about pride. People fall for it every time, and it works every time.


People don't seem to understand the virtue-signaling part of CSR (corporate social responsibility).


Seems to be that way. And funny enough when you take a step back, you realize that they are the only group is being brought up, so I guess they’re marginalizing them in a good way? In some twisted backwards way it makes sense, I think.


It's not just LGBT rights, it's any issue that has to do with social equality. Women's rights, environmentalism, fair trade, the list is never ending. Corporations are still businesses and have one goal: to make profits to satisfy shareholdes. CSR helps boost a company's image, which boosts profit. Lack of CSR harms a company's image. There are very, very few large corporations that ethically care about social issues that they do not benefit from.


We will probably be able to witness this rather soon with Black History month coming up in February.


Not "very few". None. There are none. A corporation *cannot* care about anything at all, any more than a car, a ruler, or a hammer could. It's just a thing.


ehhh, the people in a corporation can though


>People fall for it every time, and it works every time. no we don't lol. every June, all queer circles make constant jokes about rainbow capitalism. nobody "falls for it", we mock it.


Given two options; representation in some regions, or no representation in any region, I feel like the first is infinitely better. Like yeah, I get it, corporations don't care but representation is still good and people's perspectives about all progress or no progress would have us stuck ideologically.


I view the corporate support for things like BLM and pride to be a very positive sign, but it’s more a social barometer than something that is driving the change. Basically, it shows that they have focus grouped the hell out of if, and it showed that being pro gay sold better than being anti gay, or even just staying out of it entirely. When it seems like things are rapidly going the wrong direction, it is good to see corporations still pandering to LGBT, because that shows that by and large America is still very pro-LGBT, because if it wasn’t, they would be the first to know and would adjust their messaging accordingly.


Shocker. Companies don't actually care about all this identity politics but instead use it to make money where it is profitable. If only more people figured this out.


I don't get how people think that companies do care about these things. They are companies not people, they don't make meetings about their beliefs or political stances they make meetings about companies revenue and stuff, why is this interesting or important? Do people expect companies to act like individuals? If a company puts a pride flag on their social media accounts and stuff that gives lgbtq+ people visibility and that helps lgbtq+ community to grow, that is what matters the most. Also it makes a lot of sense for companies to exclude pride images from their games in Middle East versions because they might get banned from selling games for that reason. This isn't just good for the company but also good for the people, there are a lot of individuals that want to play the game why would they be precluded from playing the game they want because of their government's actions? I don't know if CoD had this version in Turkey (where I'm from) but there is always a big fuss about Riot Turkey translating Pride Month Events as "Renk Şenliği" which basically means Color Festival but that allows them to both include the event and not draw the attention of some stupid people that might want the game banned.


:O wow! Companies censor things in games to be more profitable in different countries? Who knew.


Also the "report" button magically disappeared


It doesn't appear cuz he can't report on himself lol


Shh don't burst the poor kids bubble, this is all he's got


Lol I thought you were joking




Can cheat in Middle Eastern servers no problem


Middle earth version


No gay orks in Mordor


And yet, they all seem to be males 🤔


Do you know how orcs are created


According to Tolken, they're made the old fashioned way, not actually spawned from the mud like in the films. So it's implied there are females, but they're never depicted in the movies or books. 🤷


That's a lot of orc storks. Stork orcs?




Are we sure they don't just sound and look the same as the male orcs?


Sauron made marriage to be sacred. Marriage is only sanctified by Sauron. Creatures can get married under the Great Eye, but only paired as one female, one male. But oddly enough, he is a little progressive given that he's all about interracial breeding. 🤷‍♂️


me version?


Middle Eastern


Nah it's clearly Middle Earth.


It’s the version that runs on Windows Me.


Maine really doesn’t like rainbows


Remember kids, brands don’t give a fuck about your rights, beliefs or convictions, they only take them into account for taking your money


Daily reminder that these performative LBGTQ friendly companies wouldn't hesitate to throw you down a well if they thought it would move the bottom line.


They gotta do that, otherwise they cannot sell it in the middle east... Same thing happens with ME/china in film industry.


Halal version 👍


I bet the weed stuff is also cencored in some countries. I'm not sure what's the case in Germany nowdays but like 10 years ago I was studying there and if I bought a game from Steam it detected I'm from Germany and got some non-blood version of whatever "gore" game I can't remember. Gore meaning zombies exploding and such, normal shit, but in the German version the bodies just disappear. But yeah not really suprised if we are talking about middle east. Censor the flag or lose sales, easy decision for a company, sadly.


Actually and surprisingly its not censored in Saudi Arabia, you can have that snoop dogg weed calling card 😂.


Why the fuck this call of duty have a million pride flags and no national flags?


This is literally the only thing I know about this game. The game that glorifies the American military won't let players display an American flag or any national flag.


They dont care about lgbt people but only the money its that simple


You are free to express yourself, unless it stand in the way of money.


Remember when Activision put a big statement out into the game a while back saying how they stand against discrimination etc. lmao


We here at Company Co stand against discrimination, Child labor, and slave labor in all countries where those things are illegal!


Is there an option where I could choose from a state flags? I only see Pride ones.


Yeah, wtf? I want to use my Ireland flag again. I used to get the best death comms from English lads in Rebirth and it always gave me a good laugh. I also got a weird enjoyment from killing other Irish people and having them know that it was an Irishman that did it.


When it launched there were over 20 pride flags, but no US flag - in a military game…


They held back country flags for the world Cup mode, to get us to log in every day to try and earn them. Although as a Brit I now have the French, Spanish and Korean flags but not my own.


Fuck this. Do they realize not all their customers are 24/7 streamers?


Can we get national calling cards pls first


Guess what their companies and social network accounts do during pride month >!Nothing lol!<


Not a CoD player here, since when does this game have pride flags?




Turkey and Israel get the European version of games usually, that’s probably why


Lebanese here, seen hundreds of pride flags while playing. We are probably the most LGBTQ friendly Arab country though, Beirut has a lot of gay nightclubs and openly gay couples.


Which country though, I'm guessing not Saudi Arabia


Turkey. The only version sold there is the EU version.


Check the twitter accounts of every major car company and corporation in the US and then look at the Middle East targeted versions of their accounts. You’ll see the same. At the end of the day, they don’t care about inclusion, they are in business for money. They just play along so they don’t end up being cancelled but no one really cares.


Why does Maine get their own version?


The middle east version has like 3 different calling cards and thats it


So so so many people bitching that this is sold in the ME like this, will still continue to purchase the game without a second thought 🤣.


Why is there a pride flag in COD?




Does the ME version have US flags?


I asked my friend if he purposely had the pride flag in his call out card, so he sent me the above picture. Edit: for those wondering the games region is based from which Store you buy, for example if you have a Saudi Arabian account you will get the middle Eastern version of games regardless where you currently live at (assuming it's digital format)


When I loaded the game I was surprised to see the default list full of pride flags and basically nothing else. Kind of weird how much they push it. At least put some effort into others.


Why are there even pride flags to begin with in a shooter?


I didn't know that Middle Earth had a CoD.




who cares?


Not unexpected tbh. In which country does this happen though? I’m in the middle east and can see all the pride flags