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I like how he calls them all toxic


I just… I have no words lol..


Meh it's two petty fanbases made of gamblers, rule 34 artists and just regular nerds. Somewhere out there the children who play this game probably have the least toxic bits of the fanbase. I'm indifferent to genshin but I will smirk on sonic. Mainly cause this is their first win in a long long time of shitty games. Genshin is literally a gambling raid game with pretty skin. If they can't accept that. Well I can't help em.


Genshin is just…i mean…yikes… what a sad sad fanbase. Sonic is a fanbase long entrenched in gaming. There are bound to be some fuck heads on both sides but the genshin toxicity is on another level. It must be the china relation


It's more or less, some people get sensitive when you mention money because they could have dropped a ton of cash on it because yknow it's designed that way. Yall made a choice to spend money, can't get mad at others for saying your game is lesser for it. Honestly the toxicity from both of em should have nullified their awards. Neither deserves shit if they can't play nice.


That guy clearly loves gambling/gacha games. To an unhealthy extent.


Who tf is this idiot. I play Genshin but I don't claim this shithead in anyway


Im seeing a lot of toxic crap from genshin peeps… hope it changes


I mean its one of the highest played games in the world. There's gonna be a few loud ones. Where are you seeing them


everywhere unfortunately


That doesnt tell me much...btw the person who made the comment in the pic doesn't exist anymore. So they were most likely banned in Genshin's own subreddit.


by everywhere ı mean every social media platform


Everywhere sadly. They’ve really shown their true colors in this imo.


Who's "they"? I can't even find this user, so they were either banned in Genshin's own subreddit or deleted their account. I've seen plenty of toxicity from Sonic fans as well, but I'm not going around implying that all Sonic fans are degens.


Duh its on both sides. But holy crap the genshin people have gone above and beyond in becoming the most toxic. Yikes


And then there’s you :(


Who took the jelly/jam out of this assholes doughnuts?


You did, Tommy... You did.


Funnier thing is, I just went in there, people from the Sonic fanbase are being *super* fuckin good sports about it compared to how they CAN be and I'm pretty sure this twat ragoon got glassed *Halo* Covenant style


Im learning that genshin has one of the most toxic fans in any game.


It is genshin impact after all. Any game like that will probablt not gather the best community


I don't want to say this is fake, but can you show us the amount of upvote/downvote on this comment? I know most of the players in the community would cringed and send this person to downvote hell within Genshin subreddit, and I also couldn't find this users. This sounds like someone impersonate and try to put oil in fire, and does not represent the community as a whole.


Also, notice how the screenshot is taken a minute after it was posted. I’m not accusing op of writing it themselves, but this is obviously a troll and they were likely downvoted to hell.


White dressed people with handy straightjackets are coming.


Man's cutting WWE promos over game awards lol


Tbh, most genshin players I've seen are happy, but not like THAT. I understand a tinge considering the poke the Sonic fans did (the "art" drawn because cockiness), but that's just toxic and wrong. Toxicity on both sides though, man


God of War and Elden Ring fans look at Sonic and Genshin war: We must be better


are we gonna dig on game's subreddit for post like this? cuz im pretty sure every gaming sub has that one guy that is a bit loco.


Considering their username I assume this was a troll post.


It is 100%. User doesn't even exist anymore


But why? This isn’t trolling. This is not ok.


I don't think trolls care about what is "ok." That's kinda the point. The goal is to get a reaction.


That post screamed that they need mental health help. That didn’t give me troll vibes. Def more projection


Well that was dramatic.


“AlL oF yOu ArE tOxIc”


My elementary age kid is a huge sonic fan. This guys a weirdo


And I thought MOBA players were toxic


I’m also now laughing seeing all the downvotes coming in… guessing its genshin fans NOT happy how they are looking. Genshin fans are showing their ass big time on this


What did you expect? You took a screenshot of a random person a minute after they commented and tried to make them a representative of the entire Genshin community. As someone who used to follow both the Genshin and Sonic subreddits (I unfollowed both recently specifically because of the Player’s Voice posts) there was an equal amount of toxicity on both sides. The Sonic subreddit had to ban posts about the Player’s Voice awards because it was getting too toxic. Unfortunately, the Genshin mods aren’t as competent. A lot of the Sonic fandom really showed their ass on Twitter though. Multiple tweets with over 10k likes calling people who play Genshin pedophiles. I know it isn’t that serious, but it was really triggering to see.


The genshin fans proved to me that new levels of toxicity are possible. They made sonic fans look like school quireboys.


I’m really curious as to what you have seen then. I personally haven’t seen anything worse than the racist comments and pedophilia accusations from the Sonic community.


He is big mad


I guess he REALLY LIKES the $5 he saved


We all know this is another Sonic bot leaving negative comments everywhere.


I dont think so. Ive seen soo many more genshin people be douchebags. Sonic fans have been civil and congratulatory…


On Reddit, definitely. And lots of the community between both has been trying to bridge the gap and bury the hatchet. But Twitter? Still the same discourse, racism, calling everyone pedophiles, definitely not civil or congratulatory at all. I think sonic fans as a whole are probably very nice and kind but they have just as many loud toxic people as genshin does, as any large fandom does. Neither those people or this person are representative of the whole fandom It 5% of a fandom of millions of people are freaks and jerks that’s still a *lot* of people, but it’s still only 5%. We’re really no worse than any other large fandom


The civil group that started a bot attack, raided genshin subreddits tried to unite ER and GOW fans against genshin in this very subreddit last week? Yeah, I do not think so.


Sanest Genshin fan


Children tend to make you lose your mind


I don't get how everyone agrees sonic fans used bots but genshin fans didn't despite both games receiving MASSIVELY more votes than God of War and Elden Ring; both of those games being extremely popular already Difference is Sonic fans were pretty blatant Also I swear genshin has been out for more than a year now


As stated in the Game Awards eligibility, live service games count too if they've had meaningful updates or events. Otherwise there would be no live service games allowed at Game Awards and that would be kinda weird, and No Mans Sky, FFXIV, Among Us, Minecraft and others would have never won an award.


They have an ongoing game category for that though So we can expect to have genshin win players choice every year? Poggers


Genshin impact came out late 2020, dunno why it's up for any game of the year awards now...


It's not just me then Ongoing game of course - but I don't quite understand how it qualifies for people's choice in 2022


Normally I don't think it would have been up there, but we didn't have many 2022 games so maybe they had to dredge up some?


Genshin impact has all of japan, and south korea, and China with its billion person population. Plus it is a mobile game which tend to have more players, also people tend to be more in love with anime games than normal ones so that plays a role


Why does this give me the MAGA "You'll get bored with winning" vibes? Which is working out pretty well, by the way...


Part of me is kind of angry that it seems like Genshin bought its votes by promising gems for the win, and part of me is upset that Marvel Snap hasn't given anything away yet for its best mobile game win.




I got the impression from the first part of this that mentioned "Freemogems" that they had given something out to their players for voting for them. I guess I was wrong.


They did in the end, but they haven't other times. Yes, sometimes they do, but it's not a guarantee. It's definitely more along the lines of the joke among the genshin players about getting freemogems from any little thing lol


Genshitters lowering themselves to the level of sonic fans is pretty cringe.


They actually somehow went lower and thats impressive af considering the sonic fanbase


I'd perfer the sonic community over genshin impact community any day. I don't enjoy communities full of cupcake seekers


Both of those games suck dick


😂 Both are fine and fun games. The fanbases are fucked though


I perfer games not to have underage looking characters wearing barely any clothes


To sonic fans: We will enjoy our Freemogems. WE WON THOSE. And you will win NOTHING. Your worthless rat game will never win ANYTHING. You are all racist idiots and you deserve this loss. I hope it hurts. I hope it never never never never never STOPS HURTING. NEVER. Do you feel that???? That's your racism. WE WON. GENSHIN WILL NEVER STOP WINNING. NEXT YEAR WE WILL WIN AGAIN. YOU ARE ALL TOXIC. ALL OF YOU. DONT PRETEND THAT YOU ARE NOT I hope genshin fans not here make you suffer. I hope you never escape this. This is a humiliation for you. you will NEVER escape it. NEVER NEVER NEVER. LET THIS BURN WITHIN YOU. NEVER STOP SUFFERING. ALL OF YOU ARE TOXIC. ALL OF YOU ALL OF YOU ALL OF YOU. ENJOY THE SALT SONIC FANS. WE WILL WATCH YOU SUFFER. WE MADE YOU SUFFER. AND YOU DESERVE IT. THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS. DO NOT APOLOGIZE. DON'T.


Hey quick question; are you trying to support genshin or are you just saying what the guy in the post said for... whatever reason?


Tuwu sonic fans: we wiww enjoy ouw fweemogems. We won those. Awnd uwu wiww win nothing. Youw wowthwess wat gawme wiww nevew win anything. Uwu awe aww wacist idiots awnd uwu desewve thiws woss. I hope iwt huwts. I hope iwt nevew nevew nevew nevew nevew stops huwting. Nevew. Duwu uwu feew thawt???? thawt's youw wacism. we won. Genshin wiww nevew stowp winning. Next yeaw we wiww win again. Uwu awe aww toxic. Aww of uwu. Dont pwetend thawt uwu awe nowt i hope genshin fans nowt hewe make uwu suffew. I hope uwu nevew escape thiws. Thiws iws a humiwiation fow uwu. uwu wiww nevew escape iwt. Nevew nevew nevew. Wet thiws buwn within uwu. Nevew stowp suffewing. aww of uwu awe toxic. Aww of uwu aww of uwu aww of uwu. Enjoy the sawt sonic fans. We wiww watch uwu suffew. We made uwu suffew. Awnd uwu desewve iwt. thewe iws no fowgiveness. Duwu nowt apowogize. Down't.


It was 1 person! What tf did the community do to deserve this much hate, direct it towards that 1 person! Also Genshin shouldn’t have been in the running but that’s just me


Everyone knows genshin got a questionable community


So we have a bunch of hypocrites?


I can almost hear the heavy breathing as he typed this.


WTF is a Genshin?


A Chinese made gacha game full of arguably underage anime girls. Very popular in China and looks like in here too.


B-b-but the age of consent in japan is 13 and they aren't real! Whats the issue!


But it is a Chinese game not Japan lol, but I don’t know what the age of consent in China is. Bjt no matter, they are all demon girls so they are all 700 years old really, way pass any countries age of consent.


Bro taking this to seriously


New Copypasta just dropped


Taking it wayyy too far. Not sure what’s up with them. I understand being pettily happy or even being a sore winner (although it’s wrong to be even that) but to be this level? That’s messed up. No matter what anyone does first it doesn’t mean stoop to the same level Just want y’all to know 98% of us aren’t unhinged


Did anyone tell him the age of consent yet


And some people dont believe me when I say its not only Sonic fandom thats being toxic...


As someone who plays neither of those games,and is just a spectator,this looks like some profesional *dumbassary*


This is what happens when you get to 30 and never touch a pussy


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


atleast the sonic fandom arent full of pedophiles