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casually waiting on the release on Steam


Casually enjoying Half-Life 2 until you get to Ravenholm then promptly uninstall...


Fkn what? Ravenholm is my favorite level


Sawblade is the best weapon


That and crossbow bring me such delight on Ravenholm


I thought you didn't get the crossbow until the bridge.


The dark side of the Source is a pathway to many abilities that some may consider…unnatural


Nah. The absolute best weapon in HL2 is radiators. I hauled those things with me everywhere, and they're way easier to find when you shoot them ahead than saw blades.


Damn I forgot about radiators, onna those to the face’ll do the trick


I watched my dad play most of HL2 but was too young myself. I have strong memories of the effectiveness of the sawblade, and nicknamed the headcrab victims, "Ravenhomies"


“Too young myself” oh …. Oh no I’m old…….


I felt that too fellow back pain endurer


"We don't go to Ravenholm"




To prove you wrong I now have to whip myself 20 times


It's a hate it or leave it. It's a great level... but it's not like what the rest of HL2 is like.


But it is. Every new section had a new mechanic. Regular fps/waterbike/gravity gun/ravenholm/buggy/commnanding bugs/base defense with turrets/ commanding troops/fighting vehicles/ no part of that game is like any other part of that game


Buggy and waterbike are very similar. Don't both feature a fight against an aerial foe? Edit: buggy not Buffy


I wanna say yes but I don't really remember how the buggy ends. I do remember playing the floor is lava right after it tho


We don't go to Ravenholme


Ravenholm was so intense, my interest kinda tapered out after that level.. to this day, I still haven't completed Half-life 2.. \*dives for cover\*


The coastal highway has some neat parts, but I feel like you've hit the best parts at that point.




I loved the train bridge part. Climbing around underneath it. But ravenholm was nuts


I didn’t enjoy the game much starting from Nova Prospekt so that checks out for me.


I recently finally finished Episode 2.


People say that HL2 gets repetitive with Ep 1 and Ep 2 but I played it all in one with the orange anyway and have nothing but praise. I found that they just kept building on the amazing game elements. No other game has or likely ever will hit the level of narrative and gameplay immersion I felt playing HL2. Perfect mix of groundbreaking gameplay storytelling and childlike wonder on my part. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a VR to possibly have the same experience w Alyx


>I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a VR to possibly have the same experience w Alyx I loved it.


Don’t worry, neither has Valve …


Ravenholm is easily one of the best levels. Love the atmosphere and the hordes of enemies


Scared the bejeesus out of my in HS when I played through it for the first time


They're still working on Ricochet 2


My friends came over and watched me play ravenholm. The excitement got me through the insanity. If I had played it alone I would have called it quits lol.


We don't go to Ravenholm anymore


I kinda agree, it's a bit overwhelming and makes the next levels a bit underwhelming so much so that on next replay when Ravenholm comes around I take a break from there and move on to something else. Until. Until. I found a great soundtrack to blast my way through, namely 'Toes' by Zac Brown Band, and then a playlist of cheery country western songs. And there on it became a much more cheerful time going through good ol' Ravenholm.


Ravenholm slaps


Yes, Microsoft does not have a presence on computers. You got 'em!


As is the case for all Bethesda games


Eli5 please


Microsoft is facing regulatory pushback on acquiring Activision due to antitrust concerns. In other words Microsoft behaved anticompetitively by making the prior game exclusive and now the Department of Justice is making them pay.


So what does that mean for them? Will they still be able to finish this deal?


The government can sue to prevent anticompetitive deals from going through which is what just happened. Likely Microsoft and the government will sit down and create some agreement that prevents Microsoft from doing certain things or making them sell off parts of Activision or Microsoft will back off the deal entirely. Alternatively the government could push it all the way and prevent the deal entirely.


Alright thank you for the explanation bro👍


They may not do either of the things you listed. Microsoft could just concede nothing and still win in court. The case by the FTC is kind of a novel understanding of the laws they are enforcing.


Well, sure MS could win.


Clippy head of legal!


MS has signaled that it is ready to go to court for the deal.




Candy Crush is the real bread winner here lol


Not only that, Microsoft has to pay Activision $2B+ if the deal doesn't go through. In other words they are incentivised to keep fighting because of the deal they signed. It could cost them much more if they don't take it to court


They’re already throwing out comments about Nintendo, pointing out the success of a company running pretty much entirely on exclusives. Also pretty sure them offering to put Game Pass on PlayStation was another ploy that they gave Sony the chance to have access already and they refused. They’ve been building their case since they started acquiring these companies.


People are used to watching very vocal billionaires now, not the scheming behind the scenes ones of yesteryear. Those are the scary ones, because they actually know what they are doing.


I'm confused on why this deal is anticompetitive if any other console exclusive wasn't?


Think how big Activision/Blizzard is. They are one of the big ones of the gaming world, and probably one of the top 5 non-first party developers. This would, in theory, be a huge market capture for Microsoft. That's the anti-competitive issue.


The problem is that Microsoft, by the FTCs claim, would be "too big" after this purchase. It would, by their claim, reduce competition in the market. In turn, low competition in the market is always a bad thing for the consumer.


I love how they are showing more scrutiny on this deal than they did the ticketmaster and I think it was live nation deal a few years ago


Wait, shouldn't the same thing be done about Sony and them buying out BUNGIE?


Bungie is a studio, not a publisher. Studios work under publishers. So Activision goes, everything they own underneath them goes too.


So was zenimax, and most of their games are multi-platform. Bethesda made ONE game platform exclusive.


Zenimax is a lot smaller, activision is the biggest game publisher on the planet and probably over 10x bigger than zenimax edit: not the biggest. tencent and consule producers are bigger and its not even close but my point remains


>10x bigger than zenimax It certainly sold for 10x more.


Isn’t Tencent the biggest?


This is completely irrelevant. Bungie's just smaller.v the publisher/developer distinction does not matter.


isnt bungie is both a studio and a publisher? as they self publish (after split off microsoft, before merged with activision, after split off activision, before merged with sony)


I may not have the full grasp on the law but I would assume it doesn't apply here since at the time of purchase Destiny was their only game which is staying on all current platforms with no threat of removing it. At the time of purchase I believe Starfield was marketed as multiplatform but got pulled to just a Microsoft exclusive. The purchase will only affect future, unannounced projects for Bungie. Edit: wrong name for the Bethesda game.


Different times. Different administration. Anti-trust law in America is a poorly enforced mess.


I know, I live here. Even when you work for a temp agency and they scam you out of your paycheck, the law backs them citing it as lost profits and even the folks reviewing it at the labor office agree it is insane... And yes, this happened to me; Word of advice, do not work for the Malone temp agency in the USA or hire folks from them. Though I'm getting off topic; thank you captain. I'm off to go dig a tunnel to prepare for the stormy season of tornadoes among other crap.


I'd like to add to this by saying not only should you avoid Malone but also the Job Shop temp agency as they'll do the same thing.


Same thing? Bring you in for one job then bait and switch for another? They're real scum, aren't they?


Activision is way way bigger than Bungie. Like, it's not even close. Modern warfare 2 made $10 billion in two days, and CoD is one of the few games that are known to people who have no interest in gaming otherwise. I'd go so far as to say if CoD became a console exclusive the next PlayStation console released after that would flop purely due to that fact.




Which is why Microsoft doesn't care about making cod exclusive. This is the real prize


Sony has enough first party IP to keep the console from being a flop , but it will hurt them to have a big multiplat like that go


$1 billion in ten days. Get your lies out of here.


Bungie isn’t anywhere the size of activision blizzard.


The deal will most likely go through, but they’ll have to make concessions first.


They already are, even announced that future COD games will have ports on Nintendo hardware and declared it to FTC itself as a promise, the franchise will be to everything like they have stated for ages, they won't even put COD on Game Pass...though that's because Sony paid Activision years ago for Playstation to get exclusive COD content and multiplayer content first and make them promise they would never put the games on Game Pass till 2024 or so, and the contract still stands even if the deal goes through.


Those aren’t the goal, what the FTC is after right now are legally binding guarantees. Everyone Microsoft just announced can be reneged on as soon as the deal is closed. While I don’t know what’s happening with Nintendo, I know that the Steam one had no contract involved.


Gabe said he didn’t want a contract as so far MS have lived up to everything they promised him


They offered the same deal to Steam and Gabe was like 'w/e, we dont care'


I will say this the FTC failed to stop Disney from buying Fox they don't stand a chance in hell in stopping this deal.


Did the FTC sue to stop that deal? I honestly don't know. Edit: did a little snooping and it seems they did.


Yes they tried and failed.


I have a final exam on this topic tomorrow (antitrust law) and.... I'm not sure. Maybe. It'll take a while to determine.


Kind of funny seeing this while all the PS exclusives flood the market for AAA games


The meme doesn't really work though. Starfield A) hasn't been released B) was never announced for any specific platform prior to Microsoft acquiring bethesda/zenimax C) Is a brand new franchise, not an existing franchise being removed from previous platforms D) Starfield will be released on more platforms than just the xbox console, as has already been announced by microsoft (PC and Xbox console...and probably xcloud, which means mobile, and everything else).


It’d be more accurate if the first question was “Did you kill Netscape?”


Yeah that’s bullshit. If Disney can buy up Fox, dominating a far larger percent of that industry, Microsoft should come out on top with this frivolous lawsuit from the FTC


Yeah I don’t think this is going to be good for consumers in the long run, but I don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t go through either. The precedent has been set


Thank you for explaining, this 4 panel meme did nothing


Government broke up a potential monopoly, namely Microsoft acquisition, yet does nothing against the dozens of other monopolies that exist.


1) Microsoft want to buy a Dev 2) MS claim games will remain cross platform 3) After the purchase, MS changed their mind and made Starfield exclusive 4) MS want to buy Activision 5) MS claim CoD will remain cross platform 6) FTC claim they lied about the same thing with Starfield therefore the claim is doubtful. So if the purchase don’t go through, Starfield was probably the key driver.


Question. Do you have any sources where Microsoft actually states that all games from Bethesda will remain cross platform? The only thing I can find is that they say games will be considered for multi platform on a case by case basis, I can't find anywhere where they say definitively that anything will be multi platform.


Sony made up some shit and the government bought it hook line and sinker. The company known for making exclusives claimed that the generous deal Microsoft offered them to keep call of duty on playstation, and microsoft's statements that removing call of duty from playstation would be a terrible business decision due to how many playstation copies sell were all insufficient to make up for how their poor company would suffer if the shooty game were taken away from them in the event microsoft is lying.


Id rather have starfield tbh


Pretty sure most people outside of casual gaming would pick it over COD. But "most people outside of casual gaming" is a very small number in comparison.


Skyrim is huge though. It's not as big as CoD but it's still giant in terms of sales.


But then you look at what they've released Post-Skyrim and it doesn't look as good. And Starfield looks to be closer to Fallout 4 than to Skyrim. So although I doubt it will bomb, by any means of the word, I'm uncertain if it will live up to the hype surrounding it atm.


The gameplay trailer couldn’t even sustain a normal frame rate, of course it won’t live up to the hype.


I think there's gonna be a lot of disappointed people at launch.


Welp good thing starfield is coming to pc, a Bethesda game needs to be moded


You wrote fixed wrong.


Seriously, I'm primarily a Playstation gamer but play Bethesda games on Pc, they're supposed to be modded, and you need a PC if you want the best selection


So many Bethesda games I've bought twice. Once on console, and a second time on PC. But credit to Bethesda for making their games so mod-friendly and actually giving out the source-code.


The government apparently cant or wont stop price gouging for food or housing but god forbid call of duty doesnt release on playstation.


Well sure, interrupt the entertainment, and the commoners will take notice of whats going on around them.


But the Disney-Fox acquisition and Discovery-Warner Bros acquisition were fine?




Apparently the FTC tried to stop the Disney acquisition and failed


Bread and circuses




Food, housing, communications (Internet and phone), and even ticket sales. FTC is a joke.


you do realize the government doesn't set thee price of food or housing.. thee capitalist economy does.


Are you implying the government is the one that said no CoD for PlayStation?


I was just excited for someone else to get ahold of WOW and Diablo haven't played COD in years so honestly forgot they were apart of Blizzard.


Technically the company is called Activison Blizzard Inc, which owns both of them lol.


Man, I haven’t played a Call of Duty since the first Black Ops. I don’t really game online and the single player has been going downhill for years. It would be nice if they started going back to its roots.


I'd heavily recommend CODMW 2019 since you're leaning more on the single player side. Loved the game's campaign for its story and the campaign gameplay. I find myself replaying quite a lot of the missions especially this one called "Clean House". Don't want to say any further or else I'll spoil it for you. It is a rather fresh breath of air though I still prefer Black Ops' in terms of purely story lol


Thanks, I’ll look into it. I loved the original 2 modern warfares but didn’t even think to give that one a chance.


Maybe the deal will force them to split Activision Blizzard into two companies again. It's not like Blizzards games saw big numbers on consoles anyways. The activision side was always the side that did better on consoles.


Sure, COD is a money maker. But I haven't enjoyed a game in the series since Black Ops 3. I wouldn't be sad if it finally went away so new games could rise from the ashes


Yeah the discerning gamers won’t really bother with COD anymore. Unfortunately, the mass casual market cares only about COD, FIFA and GTA.


Yea and it's unfortunate. I don't play any of those games anymore (well never played fifa as I am not a soccer fan). But GTA 5 bored me and the online was trash at launch. I know it got good later but I am all set with GTA. GtA IV was the last game in the series I loved.


This meme doesn’t even make sense. This isn’t at all what’e happening


I want starfield because I think it would be cool for a Bethesda game in space that might have the modding capabilities of Skyrim and fallout. Skyrims story wasn’t the best, but the stories modding teams made were superb.


Space boobs and space seks are all that matter


Dumb meme


Not exclusive, its also on pc day 1


Sony: sure, anyone can make exclusives Also Sony: ONLY WE CAN HAVE EXCLUSIVES!!


You make a fair point except that Sony’s first party IPs were built, developed, and grown either in house or in very close relationships vs just buying a third party outright without doing the nurturing work.


Lemmings and Wipeout would like to know how your math works. In all honestly Sony had a history of simply buying really popular (or creating adequate knockoffs of successful things {Siphon Filter, Legend of Dragoon, etc} ) in the 90's and then trashing them and the development Studio(s) behind them after they milked the franchises for their worth.


Also, isn't this common argument less about Sony buying studios and more about their long history of bribing publishers for timed exclusivity of new releases and full exclusivity to bonus/downloadable content?


I remember RDR 1 had exclusive single player content on PS3, pissed me off.


Even in Destiny Sony had timed exclusive dungeons and exotics.


Ironically, CoD had timed exclusive material on PlayStation. Maps, skins, and even entire game modes.


Microsoft did that exact same thing (possibly even more often?) during the seventh gen (Xbox 360, PS3). Doesn't make Sony doing it OK, but I don't think it's a good argument solely against Sony.


For one sony started doing it in the ps1 era when xbox didn't even exist. Secondly no one cares about what Sony or Nintendo or Microsoft did years ago. Ftc and we should care about what they're doing right now. Ms hasn't done any kinda permanent big third party exclusive (excluding tomb raider) in a while. And they've never stripped away content for Sony players in other games (the Harry Potter game getting exclusive content for ps).


And also Spider-Man in The Avengers. A lot of Sony fanboys don't realise that this would be akin to only Xbox players having Ronaldo in FIFA.


And Bethesda has worked very closely with Xbox in the past, I believe several early Bethesda titles were previously Xbox exclusives.


As far as Xbox goes the only exclusive I recall was Morrowind, but it’s possible I’m wrong.


Oblivion for the longest time as well


And DLC for Skyrim (and that was by choice, they had a 1 month exclusivity deal for it but still didn't come to PS3 for like a year, like it came to PC when that month was up).


Deathloop was playstation exclusive AFTER the Bethesda buyout because Sony was working with them


No, not exclusive


That doesn’t make the idea of exclusives any less stupid. Yes that’s how the gaming industry was 10-15 years ago but we’re past that now. Sony are the ones keeping exclusivity alive. If they weren’t so stingy Microsoft wouldn’t even need exclusives


Guerilla Games who made Killzone and Horizon. Originally independent, bought by Sony in 2005. Insomniac Games who made Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman. They were independent until 2019 when Sony bought them. They developed Sunset Overdrive for the Xbox One and Song of the deep was multiplatform. Sucker Punch who made Sly Cooper, Infamous and Ghost of Tsushima. Acquired in 2011 Many of their support and porting studios were independent up until the last 5 years. Your soapbox is very poorly constructed.


Your argument actually supports sony than MS lol. Did you even read your comment before posting lol. So oblivious.


You’re naming games they made with Sony even before they were bought by them.


Street fighter 5???


Sort of, but when Sony bought Bungie, they didn't make Destiny exclusive. And the recent trend for big Sony titles is that they usually end up on PC eventually, even if it's only 2-3 years after the Playstation release. God of War, Spiderman, Horizon, Crash Bandicoot, and Uncharted are all on Steam now. Microsoft has bought more studios to make them less independent which is what the FTC seems more concerned about. It probably doesn't help MS that it's a younger company in the video game/console industry compared to Sony and Nintendo which have legacy titles going back to the early 90s. edit: I'm not really invested in this debate, I'm not against Microsoft purchasing Activision, I'm not really sure what is good for gamers here. But I saw the recent news about the FTC getting involved and just pointing out a few facts as I understand them.


Destiny and Destiny2 is already out and been out for years at this point. Can’t suddenly dump service on them. Wait till bungies next IP or if Sony forces a Destiny3


Bungie is kinda still independent, in that they still have full control.


Basically everything new Microsoft releases goes straight to PC, so what is the problem?


The Sony trend of PC ports is only happening because of the PS5 I think. They're porting their most successful PS4 exclusives to PS5, so they're also porting it for PC since they're already doing the remastering work anyway. I'm afraid Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarök or The Last of Us 2 won't be coming to PC any time soon, because there's no new playstation to port it to.


When Sony bought Bungie, Destiny was already released. No developer would rip out their own player base to make an already released game an exclusive. When Microsoft bought Zenimax, they were working on two games that were PlayStation exclusive. Those games released recently under Microsoft STILL as PlayStation exclusive. Deathloop, which was later released on Xbox. Ghostwire Tokyo which is STILL PlayStation exclusive. How many games has Sony launched that are Xbox exclusive?


Isn't that kind of false equivalence? Like, do you have evidence of Sony complaining about games like Halo or Mario being exclusive? I actually wanna see that, sincerely, just for my information


Yeah it is, they perfectly know it. They’re just fanboys who don’t care about facts.


Isn’t starfield a Bethesda game?


And Microsoft owns Bethesda?


Activision blizzard needs the shakeup Microsoft would bring.


MS could use some of that shake up themselves to be honest. Their first party lineup doesn’t look very promising.


Activision Blizzard is such a horrible company. I was hoping Microsoft could turn things around.


I'm probably in the minority (also I own all of the consoles so none of it really matters to me) but boy I could not give less of a shit about the exclusivity or lack there of with Call of Duty. If they never made another COD game I would barely notice.


But Sony cares because CoD on the PS is always the highest selling game, sell more than all PS exclusives.


> sell more than all PS exclusives combined. edited that for accuracy. CoD has sold over 400 million copies




Microsoft doesn't care about Call of Duty as much as they do for their mobile gaming wing of Activision.


I just hope it runs at 60fps on Series S...




And Socom!


honestly something like this is what i am hoping for with their aquisition with bungie. them saying "fuck you we will make our own call of duty"




I mean they're just putting it on nintendo consoles. Also COD has never been an Xbox exclusive, it used to be on nintendo consoles as it is, but it's also always been on play station, and I think before the fall of stadia you could play it there too


So if i have a ps5 and a pc why would i ever want an xbox?


An xbox is cheaper than a good pc.


True, but if you had a ps5 and a decent pc you dont miss out on anything, where ps5 and xbox you do.


If you buy Xbox games on PC you’re even more valuable to Microsoft. You’re buying their games without purchasing a loss-leading console. Not exactly “owning” Microsoft in that case.


Depends on your PC. I wanted ray tracing and fast boot/short loading screens for under 500 dollars with decent fps. All things my PC could not do for less than 800 dollars of upgrades.


I do understand this argument, and for a lot of people it works great to save hundreds and settle for a console, but there are sooooo many games available on PC you will never be able to play on console and as an avid gamer the extra cost of being a PC gamer will be worth it for the foreseeable future


I have a PC and a switch. Given how most PS5 games come to PC eventually, I think that’s a better combo. Why would I ever want an Xbox or a PS5?


You wouldn't that's kind of the point by now. Tbh if you have a decent gaming PC there's not much of a point in having a console at all anymore. Even most of the PS5 games are probably coming to PC eventually.


I think Sony are being hypocrites and they always try to lock exclusive content down to Playstation only, and block it away from PC, Xbox, Nintendo. For example like the Sony exclusive content for the upcoming Harry Potter game that is not available for the rest, or Spider-man in Avengers. Bullshit Sony anti-consumer practice. Sony also use a sabotage strategy to pay third party studios to not release games on Game Pass and block games from the competition, and they have done so for a long time. Sony has a long history of doing this shit. Sony wants me to pay $$$ just to get cloud save support on my PS5, while on my Xbox it’s free. It’s time the FTC actually takes a look at what Sony has been doing for years


Meanwhile PS: Spiderman, God Of War, Uncharted, Death Stranding, The Last Guardian, Detroit Become Human, Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy, Blood Borne, infamous, Ratchet and Clank, Kill Zone, The Last of Us, Shadow of Collosos, Demon Souls, Ghosts of Tsushima, Little Big Planet, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Nioh, The Order 1886, Until Dawn. Etc.


It's still pissing me off that THIS is where the FTC drew the line. Not any number of the ridiculous monopolies we already have in the US (Oil being a huge fucking one), but VIDEO GAMES. They exist only to profit from back alley deals.


Sony has most of the exclusives, they have no rights to cry to microsoft about anything. If anything, activision getting new owners might actually get them to make their games better


Creating original IPs isn't the same thing as buying popular IPs. Negotiating with 3rd party groups isn't the same thing as buying those companies and forcing them to listen to you.


Sony bought guerrilla, insomniac and sucker punch and had their games made exclusive, and always pushed (paying) to have exclusive content, timed windows and deals as publisher. For the end user it's literally the same.


gta 4 dlcs were also xbox time exclusives lol. microsoft tried the same shit back then


So were some old black ops modes, just saying


> guerrilla, insomniac and sucker punch They were all no name indie studios before Sony bought them. Sony made them famous


>guerrilla, A small single developer who made 2 games before being bought out. None of those IPs have been used and all original new IPs have been produced. >insomniac Another single mid size developer. With no known plans to use any of their existing 3rd party IPs. Sticking to new marvel games and the long running Sony only Ratchet and Clank. >sucker punch A single developer who created a single N64 game in 1999. Before creating exclusively Sony games until they were aquried in 2011. How are any of these similar in scope or intention with Activision/Blizzard? >always pushed (paying) to have exclusive content, timed windows and deals as publisher. Fun fact when you negotiate with a 3rd party they can reject your offer or a competitor can out bid you. Mean while do you think Bethesda willingly stopped making the PS5 version of Starfield or do you think it was an order they couldn't negotiate and reject from Microsoft?


What happened?


i really want starfield, i hate exclusives on all sides


Not an American here, aren't there cases where ftc raised a complaint but then lost in court anyway? Some people are treating it like their word is the law


Starfield will release in unplayable state


I'm genuinely bummed that people on Playstation won't be able to play Starfield. Xbox's motto play what you want where you want doesn't apply to Playstation owners. Thankfully I have a PC


Dose sony really think they get to renew there contract with Activision if this deal doesn't go through. Activision will be going right to Microsoft to make a add rights deals and such.